With Trump, there’s no end to the hypocrisy. Our president is a draft dodger and a racist and this was never more apparent than when he SHOULD have been focused on the disaster in Puerto Rico!

I don’t know where to start.  Really.  I guess the best place to start is to ask, when is the republican Congress going to come to their senses and IMPEACH Trump – before the damage he’s doing is irreparable?  The racism, the misogyny, the xenophobia, the false patriotism, these are all issues that are debatable and the damage Trump is causing in these areas is HOPEFULLY reparable.  Even his attempt to hide a TRILLION dollar tax cut in the guise of “health care reform,” is “fixable” should it actually happen.  And, his DEPLORABLE actions (actually INACTION) regarding Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands could be “minor” (despite an incredibly serious situation there) compared to what his CHILDISH war of words with Kim Jung Un could conceivably lead to.

This bravado in Trump’s words toward Kim along with his attack on National Football League players who are protesting the treatment of African Americans who’ve been discriminated against, mistreated by, or – sadly – in all too many instances KILLED (while innocent) by police is past the “too much” stage.  This is HOLLOW patriotism – just like many who criticize people like Colin Kaepernick who has/had the courage to risk (and, at least temporarily, lose) his “livelihood” for his personal beliefs – as they sit on their couches cheering on their favorite football team while NEVER taking a real stand on anything. (the perfect image of Trump, himself)  Trump is ginning up his base to get them focused on football players on their knees while ignoring Puerto Ricans – American citizens – who are wading KNEE DEEP in flooded communities attempting – still – to rescue those in danger – and desperately needing supplies like WATER, food, gas, and more.

As one would suspect, Trump NEVER served a day in the military.  He’s essentially my age, so he graduated from High School right about the time of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.  He managed FIVE deferments from military service – the last one a PHONY deferment based on a doctor’s note “alleging” bone spurs in his heels.  Back then, young Americans from wealthy families had no difficulty getting out of the military – and, leaving all the fighting to the African Americans, other minorities, and the less affluent White kids (who’d been brainwashed into believing we were saving the world from “communism”)  who were unable to get deferred – and, in many cases who volunteered to “defend their country” out of a true sense of patriotism.   (Even though we later learned that Viet Nam was as much based on lies as Iraq via president Bush)  When I listen to Trump’s bravado it makes me want to puke.

I really don’t understand how so many in America’s “rust belt” – good Americans who actually served during Viet Nam fell for Trump’s act.  Obviously, there was a lot of animosity toward Hillary Clinton based on 25 YEARS of attacks – most which proved to be baseless, but which left a lasting impression in MILLIONS of Americans’ minds – plus, you have the Fox “news” affect, and the “Rush Limbaugh affect” – where so many Americans have been actually brainwashed.  Studies have shown that people who watch NO NEWS are better informed than those who only watch Fox – if that surprises you, it doesn’t surprise me.  People I know who watch Fox are hard to even talk to.

I’m sorry, but I’m tired of people like Trump who were cowards when it was their time to defend this nation – as he (and others) like to boast.  Trump’s only knowledge of war is what he’s seen on TV and in the movies.  He’s got his finger WAY too close to the nuclear “trigger” for my liking.  The really bad part in all this is that NONE of the MILLIONS who voted AGAINST Trump (3 MILLION MORE voted for Mrs. Clinton than for him) nor the MILLIONS more who’d vote AGAINST him today if the election were held again can do ANYTHING about this.  As I said above, UNFORTUNATELY “we the people” are dependent on the republican Congress to end this NIGHTMARE.  Eventually, Robert Mueller will provide Congress with enough evidence of COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE to hopefully, FORCE these timid republicans to act.  However, it appears they FEAR Trump’s “base” more than their lasting place in the dregs of American History.

The scene this past weekend was perfect Trump cowardice.  He’s in Alabama talking to an ALL WHITE audience about African American football players who he referred to as “sons of bitches.”  Evidently, in Alabama that kind of rhetoric is considered “presidential.”  Here in the state of Washington I’m confident that those who approve of Trump’s words are still considered the “fringe element” of politics.  I was looking at many of the players on their knees prior to this past weekend’s games and had to wonder if Trump has the “stones” to call them “sons of bitches” to their faces?  The answer to that question is probably similar to Trump’s COWARDICE during the Viet Nam war.

So, his bombastic rhetoric may very well stir up his base and get them to pee all over themselves in glee, but apparently it’s received differently in North Korea.  The North Koreans appear to think Trump has declared war on North Korea.  And, despite the new public LIAR for Trump – Sarah Huckabee Sanders – saying it’s absurd to think that – neither Trump NOR Sanders has any idea of North Korean politics and how his words are interpreted.  Trump is getting even FARTHER in over his head.  It’s been apparent since the first day he was in office he has NO IDEA what he’s supposed to do as president – and, the DAMAGE (I’ve referred to repeatedly on this site) he’s causing is getting MORE dangerous all the time!

Again, I PLEAD with republicans in Congress – DO YOUR JOBS!  You need to IMPEACH this man.  And, as much as I loathe the idea of Paul Ryan as president, you need to IMPEACH Mike Pense – the assistant LIAR in chief right along with Trump.  Pense clearly has participated in the OBSTRUCTION of Justice regarding the firing of James Comey.  It’s time Congress demonstrates to “we the people” our leaders are subject to the same LAWS the rest of us must follow.  And, the list of “naughty” people in the “White House” just grows every day.

Of course, anyone paying attention knows Jared Kushner is in DEEP trouble up to his eyeballs.  His potential “relief” will be that he gets indicted and convicted prior to Trump himself – so that his Daddy in law can pardon him – and, make no mistake, Trump’s got the pardon pen out ready to go as I’m writing this.  It’s up to Mueller to ” out smart” him – which may be more difficult in circumstances where Trump is trying to “skirt” the law – as he’s got much experience in doing just that.  Trump was facing 75 lawsuits when elected and has been sued almost 150 times since taking office (that’s in just 8 months!)  We all have known about Kushner’s LIES regarding meetings with the Russians, his incomplete security clearance forms, and his connection with the obstruction of justice in the firing of James Comey.  But, there’s more…..

Now, today, we learned that Kushner was USING A PRIVATE email server while doing White House business!   Go ahead, laugh out loud!  I can hear the chants now – LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!  You do remember the “lock her up” chants don’t you – some led by Mike Flynn who claimed if he did “one tenth” what Hillary Clinton did he’d get years of jail time (well, what’s the old saying?  “Be careful what you wish for”)  Well, we’re not only likely to hear these “Lock Him up” chants for Flynn and Kushner, we might very well be hearing the “lock her up” chants again – but, this time, not for Hillary Clinton.

Apparently, Ivanka Trump has been using a private email server while doing business in the White House.  You can’t make this stuff up!  This is the same Trump daughter who had her line of clothing plugged by White House “adviser” Kellyanne Conway (probably, next to Trump, the most proficient LIAR in the administration – she’s kind of an after thought now because of her outrageous LYING) which is illegal and wrong in so many ways.  I guess Ivanka was trying to “be like Hillary.”  Should be interesting to read Trump’s tweets about his daughter and son in law doing the same thing he chanted “lock her up” when attacking Mrs. Clinton.

And, I guess, there’s more.  Reince Preibus and Steve Bannon were evidently using a private server for some of their emails when in the “White House.”  Maybe the argument coming from the White House will be they only did this with some of their emails.  Or, maybe they did it much less than Hillary.  Or Hillary was in the State Department and that’s different.  Here’s what I’m thinking:  It’s much easier to LEAK damaging information on people you HATE by using a private server.  Trump’s “White House” has been referred to by many as the “leakiest” White House ever.  I’m just sayin…………………

When it gets right down to it, I guess what I’m focused on here is the INCREDIBLE hypocrisy coming from Trump and those around him.  And, the absurdity that while Puerto Rico is flooding and people there are DYING Trump is focused on the NFL and a Senate race in Alabama pitting one racist against another.  I suppose that would be a place Trump would feel perfectly at home.  Trump, himself, is a DRAFT DODGER, he’s a racist and misogynist and, also he – much to my dismay – is the president.  Instead of provoking North Korea, instead of attacking NFL players willing to risk everything to express their views, instead of provoking a crowd of white supporters in Alabama and calling BLACK football players “sons of bitches” Trump SHOULD have been providing aid to those suffering from Hurricanes the likes of which we haven’t seen in almost a Century.

Tonight I saw Trump’s first “tweet” referencing Puerto Rico and his focus was on their substandard infrastructure and their debt to Wall Street.  This is another example of Trump claiming to be “draining the swamp” while, in reality, kissing up to Wall Street and FILLING the so-called swamp.  Puerto Rico is knee deep in water – like a swamp – and Trump’s worried about what they owe to our too big to fail banks.  With Trump, there’s no end to the hypocrisy.  Our president is a draft dodger and a racist and this was never more apparent than when he SHOULD have been focused on the disaster in Puerto Rico!  Words, once they leave your mouth, can’t come back in.  Regarding North Korea, the NFL, health care, and pretty much everything else of importance – maybe the answer for Trump is to just keep his mouth SHUT!

Final thought: I’m a Christian.  I’m guessing most in the crowd in Alabama would refer to themselves as Christians.  All I could think of as I listened to Trump calling men who bravely are using their “platform” to bring a really important issue to “light” “sons of bitches” to a roaring and approving crowd – shame on you Alabama.  Whether you’re a “liberal” or “conservative” the words in the Bible don’t care.  And, I can’t believe there’s anyplace in the Bible that would suggest that kind of horrific rhetoric is acceptable!  I believe the Bible would encourage us all to be HELPING those affected by these hurricanes – even if their infrastructure was poor and they owe money to Wall Street.  I believe Jesus Christ would be leading the fight against police misconduct.  Maybe a focus on those issues would cause Trump to shut his mouth regarding North Korea.  Just sayin………………………..

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