I’m guessing not even “Chuck and Nancy” approve of Sarah Sanders suggesting the Department of Justice should be investigating James Comey for his “illegal behavior.”

In my last post I pointed out the ironies that would exist if Trump would choose to work with democrats to actually “get things done.”  For example, maybe a permanent solution to the Dreamers.  How about a “fix” to “Obamacare” and a plan moving forward to improve it while moving toward instituting the “public option” that SHOULD have been part of the original legislation.  (And, if you don’t remember, would have been except for Joe Lieberman whose wife was employed by the insurance industry that would be forced to COMPETE with an option with a low administrative overhead)  Can you imagine a “tax overhaul” that wasn’t focused on TAX CUTS for the wealthy – actually aimed at the middle class in a way that would actually stimulate the economy?  I have a good idea why all this COULD happen – much of which I posted in my last “rant.”  (Although, it’s not likely, because the reality is that “Mitch and Paul” control Congress and not “Chuck and Nancy”)

However, lets start with this little “reminder.”  I fully believe Trump and his campaign COLLUDED with the Russians.  I believe Trump has already committed OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and he continues to make it worse.  I believe Michael Flynn (and, now, apparently, his son) is GUILTY of SEVERAL crimes.  I can’t stop reminding myself of his obnoxious speech at last year’s republican convention leading the chant “lock her up.”  He said, “If I had done one tenth of what Hillary Clinton did I’d be put away for ……….” I can’t remember all the details – and, I’m too lazy to look them up. Here’s the TRUTH – I believe, based on what I’ve seen in the public record, Flynn is GUILTY  of TEN TIMES any thing Hillary Clinton may have done wrong.  (Which, by the way, she’s been constantly exonerated from over the past 25 years – and, in this, I’m talking about the never ending attacks coming from right wing republicans aimed at her – for the sake of, as Kevin McCarthy pointed out in a RARE fit of truthfulness, hurting her poll numbers – and, by the way, attacks continuing to this day from “Trump the deal-maker”)

Trump SHOULD be impeached.  EVERY DAY his businesses are profiting off of his position as president in violation of the emoluments clause.  He’s LIED over ONE THOUSAND times – verified – since taking office and anyone honestly observing him MUST realize our president is a pathological LIAR.  He’s a NARCISSIST beyond imagination – I can’t imagine ANYONE being so focused on “tooting his own horn” or seeking “approval” as much at Trump.  His imagination seems to run wild as he compliments himself – to the point of total EMBARRASSMENT to anyone who understands “the world is watching.”

Trump has proven over and over again – and, I’ll repeat, to our collective embarrassment – his IGNORANCE of how our government works AND of our great history.  Earth to Trump, Fredrick Douglass has not “been with us” for a LONG long time.  Well over 100 years.  Trump’s rationale for considering some of those carrying tiki torches at Charlottesville “good people” also demonstrated a glaringly lack of knowledge about American History – Essentially equating slave owners who were “founding fathers” with the likes of Robert E. Lee – a TRAITOR – just as Trump and several of his surrogates will potentially be considered after Robert Mueller’s investigation is finished and made public.

Based on Trump’s recent actions, I’m suspecting his “flirtation” with democrats and willingness to “make deals” that will curdle the stomachs of those in the “freedom caucus” of the House is aimed at keeping his job once Mueller’s investigation is complete.  First, he needs to get his approval rating up – and, even someone as narcissistic as Trump has to realize that 34% in the first year is NOT GOOD and won’t be a good “firewall” against OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE – or TREASON.  Despite Trump’s obvious issues, there’s areas where it’s undeniable that he’s “proficient.”

Take for example, manipulating the press.  His ability to do so, in my view, played a HUGE roll in his success in the election.  And, it appears he’s at it again with all this “love” of democrats.  In my view it’s his only chance once Mueller’s investigation is complete.  Trump’s attacks on republicans is not going to do him well as they get closer and closer to 2018 and members of Congress, especially in the House where IMPEACHMENT resides, realize he’s jeopardizing their own jobs.  Republicans in the House can IMPEACH Trump with NO help from the democrats.  However, to “convict” in the Senate they need democrats to support impeachment.  So far, though, republicans have had “Trump’s back.”  Here then is another Irony!  How about Trump catering to democrats as his “firewall” only to turn republicans more toward IMPEACHMENT?

Of course, democrats would risk losing their base if they failed to vote to “convict” but, I’m still guessing Trump is “thinking ahead” as he courts “Chuck and Nancy.”  I mean, Mike Pense is a similarly unpalatable option to true “progressives.”  (Actually, on occasion, I use the term “liberal”)  There are those who are considered “progressive” who appear totally susceptible to this Trump plan (if it really is one).  Today, I listened to Chuck Todd and Chris Matthews on MSNBC remind me of why they so frustrated me during the election.  Occasionally, I think they show a resemblance of common sense – but, then days like today show up.

Matthews so much wants “deals to be made” that I believe he’d willingly look past the TREASONOUS activities of Trump and his campaign.  Seriously, the “writing” is MORE than “on the wall.”  Look, I’m all for things “getting done” and I did find it interesting to hear Trump referring to “Chuck and Nancy,” but the Russian attack on our most fundamental value was, to me, an act of war.  It wouldn’t surprise me if all those “surprise” results in places like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina were the results of hacking of the voting machines.  I doubt we’ll ever know, because the machines are owned by republicans businesses (go figure) and, the investigation is elsewhere.

There’s NO DOUBT that the Russians invaded voter rolls, placed untold numbers of FAKE adds in strategically various places on publications like Facebook and Twitter, and were involved with the Trump campaign to a still undisclosed degree – all potentially swinging the election.  That was their intent and, recently, members of their government have been bragging about success – they think they were the reason Trump succeeded.  The question is do our members of Congress – republicans and democrats (this SHOULDN’T be a partisan issue) – have the stomach to actually defend our nation “come hell or high water.”  Obviously, Congress has abdicated its constitutional responsibility regarding war powers since 9/11.  It’s like they’re afraid to act.  Are they going to be afraid to act here – when we were ATTACKED by Russia?

Trump is busy defending himself in a myriad of ways – with this fantasy with democrats just being another attempt at manipulating the reality of the situation.  Recently, Trump’s supporters are on the attack (again) against James Comey – the FBI director FIRED by Trump in what Steve Bannon called the greatest BLUNDER in modern political history.  Now, Trump has Sarah Sanders (his press secretary sans Sean Spicer) violating protocol by suggesting the Department of Justice should be investigating Comey for his “illegal behavior.”  This, of course, is beyond outrageous.  NO ONE in the White House SHOULD be giving directions to the Justice Department.  But, Trump………………………

Consider that Trump has BERATED poor little Jeff Sessions on multiple occasions (reportedly asking for and then refusing his resignation) in a (successful) attempt to cause Sessions to feel his obligation is to Trump and NOT the Constitution.  Earth to anyone listening:  That is incredibly DANGEROUS to the fabric of this nation.  And, now Sanders is calling for investigations from the podium of the press secretary.  Again, totally inappropriate and incredibly dangerous.  Sarah Sanders, to me, is an example of those willing to LIE for Trump.  She is RUINING her future – from what I can tell – and, possibly, creating legal jeopardy for herself.  There’s a clear “conspiracy” to COVER UP the “Russia thing” going on in the White House, and, it appears to me, Ms. Sanders is a willing participant.  Sadly, LYING is apparently a requirement of working in this White House.

Final Thought:  I’m guessing that “Mitch and Paul” will not allow Trump to venture off on a true “love affair” with “Chuck and Nancy.”  Trump’s likely to regret his first “agreement” with “Chuck and Nancy” – despite the temporary “good press” when the issue jumps up again around Christmas time.  And, “Chuck and Nancy” will face EXTREME backlash from the “resistance” if they make a DACA agreement which includes “extreme border security” leading to mega deportations.  The reality of who Trump is no longer is secret.  “Chuck and Nancy” need to tread cautiously as they look for a bargain which would save the “Dreamers.”  Trust me, “Mitch and Paul” will have a LOT to say on what ANY agreement looks like.  And, in the end, it still appears to me that it’s likely Trump will be IMPEACHED.  (The more he works with “Chuck and Nancy” the more likely IMPEACHMENT becomes – I’m sure, as I’ve said “many times, many times,” conservative republicans have preferred Mike Pense to Trump since day one.

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