Trump spends his time railing against a non-existent influx of immigrants on our southern border while IGNORING a constant BARRAGE of Russian HACKERS penetrating our CYBER boarders.

If you’re interested in the “Russia thing,” as Trump, himself, referred to it in his interview with Lester Holt when he admitted that was why he fired James Comey of the FBI, you should read “Russian Roulette” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff.  Today I was listening to “snippets” of Donald Trump’s interpretation of the House “Intelligence” committee’s attempt to exonerate him from that “Russia thing.”  The members of that committee – the republican members – should have to read this book.  After reading it, you (and they) will understand Trump’s claims of “no collusion” and “witch hunt” come right out of the “Big Lie” playbook of Joseph Goebbels back in the day of the German Third Reich.

Many times I’ve accused Trump of being a pathological LIAR.  However, in this instance, these LIES were orchestrated once Trump understood he and his campaign had been “caught” in what has become the “Russia thing.”  (I’m sure, even now, Trump has convinced himself the LIES are “true,” because he’s repeated them so often)  Trump has been busy BRAINWASHING his followers (and himself) since he realized he was in trouble by using these LIES – the “no collusion” and “witch hunt” LIES – he repeats them at every opportunity.  That’s how the theory works and, when you listen to Trump at one of his “stump” speeches, you realize it’s working – with his “ditto heads.”  However, I believe Robert Mueller is going to come up with something called the “TRUTH.”  I believe it would be hard to read Corn and Isikoff’s book without concluding there’s a “there there” and the investigation is NO “witch hunt.”  (Although, should Mueller exonerate Trump, well, Mueller will probably be back in the “good graces” of his fellow republicans – suddenly, he’ll once again be an honorable “ex Marine”)

Here’s the most grievous part of all this for me.  We have a (so-called) president who is busy attacking the Justice Department which is the foundation of our nation.  He’s in a position where having a strong Justice Department, you would think, would be an asset.  However, he envisions it as his “fixer” and is exasperated it’s actually investigating HIM. The “end game” of a (so-called) president attacking the Justice Department like this could, conceivably, be a chaotic nation.  He appears to be giving his supporters a “pass,” for example, should they violently hit the streets if the “Russia thing” doesn’t end well for him. After all, he called those involved in the Charlottesville neo-Nazi rally “very fine people.”  He’s almost been encouraging their violence.  At the very least, no matter how this all ultimately unfolds, Trump is NOT acting like an innocent person.

I recently wrote that Nancy Pelosi is correct when she cautions democrats about running on the “impeachment issue,” but I have to wonder how bad this has to get before republicans act.  It’s the members of the republican party who are the ones with the responsibility to save “we the people” from the Trump disaster.  Yes, there’s enough for them to act right now, but letting Mueller do his job is paramount at this juncture – and, no matter how things turn out, that MUST be the deciding factor in Trump’s fate.  It’s no secret I don’t believe he’s a legitimate president, but “we the people” must honor Mueller’s findings.  Staying true to the “rule of law” is more important than pushing for impeachment because democrats (and, I’m NOT a democrat) don’t like our so-called president.

Impeachment MUST be bipartisan.  Democrats SHOULD be busy constructing an agenda they are willing to actually defend – against the onslaught of the “fake news”  whatever they choose to run on will face.  They MUST NOT check the direction of the “wind” when deciding if they’ll defend their basic principles as they did with the Affordable Care Act and with their own president, President Obama during the elections while he was president.  That’s what worries people like me – democrats abandoning their own traditional principles.  The “New Deal,” during the term of FDR, set the foundation for America’s great middle class and republicans have been busy “deconstructing” it (in the words of Steve Bannon) since the days of Ronald Reagan.  In my view, democrats would be wise to focus on an agenda aimed at recreating the “New Deal” – when workers were honored for their labor.

No matter what “policy” Trump might put forth which might be “successful” (in politics, beauty is ALWAYS in the eye of the beholder) the DAMAGE Trump is doing to our Justice Department is shaking the very fabric of this nation.  (Earth to democrats – there’s a WINNING issue for you to run on – hands off the Justice Department) I still remember when I was young and J. Edgar Hoover was running the FBI and it was considered – actually, it was – a “tool” of the “white establishment” and MANY beside myself had little to no faith the FBI was an “a political” institution.  To  this day, I wonder what role the FBI (and the CIA – same issues) had in the demise of JFK – and, for that matter, Richard Nixon – who, himself, was attempting to use the Justice Department as a “tool” similarly to Trump today.  Personally, I have no desire for our Justice Department to return to those days.  (Obviously, that is EXACTLY what Trump wants.)  During the Ford and Carter administrations the Justice Department was transformed from the Hoover era.  If Trump succeeds in returning the Justice Department to the “Hoover era,” “we the people” will be “fighting” a whole bunch of “battles” all over again. You can read about what I”m referring to in this NY Times article by David Leonhardt which explains much better than I what Trump is doing to our sense of Justice in America.  Let’s hope Trump fails in this endeavor!

I’ve mentioned here several times Trump reminds me of a mafia boss.  Just the other day it was reported Trump had his bodyguard, another thug, and one of his lawyers (Michael Cohen?) “raid” his (former) doctor’s office shortly after his inauguration and STEAL all of Trump’s medical records – including pictures on the doctor’s walls he had of himself and Trump.  Trump’s press secretary Sarah Sanders, who continues to “soil” herself as she LIES for Trump – yesterday said this was essentially what all presidents do shortly after being elected.  Honestly, I’ve never heard of another president having their former doctor’s office raided by thugs and having records forcibly taken from the office – to the point the doctor feels – in Trump’s doctor’s words – “raped, scared, sad.”  Presumably the saddest part of those comments are due to the reality this destroyed a relationship of over 30 years.  I’m guessing, whether Trump is president or not, this raid was legally questionable.  Additionally, I’m guessing the doctor still has digital records.  Bottom line: if Trump simply wanted his medical records he could have asked and made an appointment!

It seems as if “we the people” are getting a clear picture of why Trump is so infatuated with Vladimir Putin (and other dictators who have “transformed” democracies).  Trump’s attacks on the free press, the Justice Department, and his political opponents reeks of “third world” politics and it’s discouraging there are so many Americans willing to go along with this.  I continue to believe there are millions of (white) Americans who would accept an authoritarian form of government if that’s “what it takes” to prevent white Americans from becoming a “minority.”  The problem with that thinking is it’s inevitable.  And, why any white American would FEAR people of “color” in positions of authority shows the lack of education with so many voters in our nation.  We do, the last time I checked, still get to vote in our “leaders.”  Trump pointed out, early in his campaign, that he loves “uneducated voters.”  Instead of millions of “conservative” Americans feeling insulted by that statement, they cheered.  Yikes!!!

Trump and his surrogates (Mike Pense, for example) are already on the “stump,” giving campaign type speeches in areas where they KNOW the audience will enthusiastically support them.  Take last night in Phoenix, Arizona.  Mike Pense was there proving to people like me that we/I would almost rather have Trump as president.  (Maybe that’s Trump’s intention when sending Pense out)  Trump makes me sick to my stomach when I force myself to listen to him.  Pense comes across worse.  In Pense’s speech in Arizona, ironically to support “rule of law” day, Pense said he was “honored” to know that Sheriff Joe Arpaio was in the audience.  This is the sheriff who created an, essentially, concentration camp in Arizona’s desert for the Latino inmates that were targeted (“profiled”) because of their race and were, in some instances, tortured.  Arpaio was ordered to stop by the Justice Department and refused.  He was convicted of CONTEMPT of court and, before he could be sentenced, Trump pardoned him (a clear abuse of the intentions of the pardon power).  Pense’s praise of Arpaio was just another “slap in the face” of the Justice Department.  Pense reminds me of a “puppy dog” following his “master” wherever he’s led.

As the “Russia thing” evolves, it’s becoming more and more apparent that Trump’s “mafia boss” tendencies are taking over – and, he doesn’t like the FACT the constitution and our system of laws continue getting in his way.  Personally, I have to assume Trump has been acting in this manner for years and getting away with it.  He’s the classic BULLY.  I learned as a young boy the way you deal with bullies is hit them right back – don’t allow them to BULLY you.  Well, that’s what James Comey did, for all practical matters, and Trump FIRED him.  That’s what Robert Mueller is doing – and, reports are Trump wants to fire him.  However, Trump has advisers telling him he’s pushed his “firing” power to the limit.  If he fires Mueller, republicans might not impeach him, BUT – the investigation will continue (Trump can’t fire and stop this investigation, nor the one in New York) – and “we the people” will be in the streets with numbers NEVER seen before in American protests!  It appears to me this is not going to end well for Trump no matter what “road” we take to find out the truth.

I Started this post days ago, but the reality is I’m wearing out trying to keep up with Trump.  However, the past few days have been very interesting (as usual) to say the least.  Trump has unleashed Rudy Giuliani on “we the people.”  It appears Trump has found another “surrogate” willing to SOIL him/herself in order to ingratiate him/herself with the “boss.”  As I stated, Trump reminds me of a mafia boss and Giuliani reminds me of the classic hit man most mafia bosses rely on to “get their message out.”  I’ve heard no shortage of New Yorkers totally discouraged by Giuliani’s willingness to LIE for Trump.  And, these are orchestrated LIES – the worst kind, you would think – when it comes to a president.  It’s as if anyone who ends up associated with Trump ruins any standing they might have among the general public.  And, Giuliani – by some considered “America’s mayor” after 9/11 – is putting his legacy right next to Benedict Arnold – just like Trump, Devin Nunes, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Sarah Sanders, John Kelly, and so many other republicans.  As Trey Gowdy said to Trump, “If you’re innocent, ACT like it!”  He’s certainly NOT acting “innocent” from my view.

Giuliani made the Fox “news” circuit, apparently with the idea of clearing up any misconception regarding campaign finance violations with the “hush money” Trump “didn’t know about” that Michael Cohen paid to “Stormy Daniels.”  Well, Rudy cleared it up!  Of Course, after Rudy so strategically pointed out Trump had paid the money back to Cohen, the argument he didn’t know about the payment was – well, SUNK!  And, Trump’s legal nightmare was, well, WORSE!  Since then, we’ve all been watching two MASTER LIARS attempting to re-coordinate their LIES in order to make their LYING look better to the “uneducated voters” who seem to care less about their president LYING to them – as if it’s “normal” to LIE right to their faces.  Of course, all the while Rudy is spewing Trump’s LIES, he – just like his BOSS – is calling James Comey a “pathological liar.”

Talk about the “pot calling the kettle black!”  Giuliani and Trump calling Comey a “pathological liar” is classic “projection.”  As I said above, a willingness to LIE seems to be a requirement of those in Trump’s “orbit.”  The other day, I forced myself to listen to one of Sarah Sanders excruciating press conferences and a journalist asked Ms. Sanders to name one lie Mr. Comey committed prior to Trump firing him.  Of course, she was unable to do so and it sounded as if her words were stumbling all over themselves as she attempted to divert away from the question.  Just like Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Sanders operates in the world of “alternative facts.”  It’s embarrassing to watch – you’d think it would be embarrassing to be proffering the LIES – but, they (Sanders, Giuliani, Conway, etc.) just continue doing so – as if it’s a requirement of the Trump administration.

Sadly, it appears to me that James Comey is exactly correct in his book when he refers to the “tribal mentality” which exists in America’s politics today.  The Trump supporters could care less about all the LYING and those who think like me are likely NEVER to believe Trump is “innocent.”  Trump’s supporters could care less about the Russian interference in our election and I believe it’s obvious.  I have a very good friend who is a Trump supporter and, on a fairly regular basis, we’ll have breakfast and banter away about America’s political scene.  He openly cares not if the Russians impacted the election.  It really bothers me.  The LYING doesn’t bother him – although, he definitely rationalizes it – that is, clear LIES are not necessarily LIES in his eyes – and, I’m guessing there’s MANY Americans who are seeing things the same way.  The LYING really bothers me.  He says, “the only thing that matters is the policy.”  I’m wondering what “policy” is he talking about?  Well, when I ask what the policy is, he can’t really answer.  Like many republicans, he isn’t willing to admit Trump has been the beneficiary of President Obama’s economic success in his first year in office – although, I have to say, he was quick to BLAME Obama for the mess Bush/Cheney left in 2009.  I’ve said MANY times here, the FIRST year of a president’s first term (In Trump’s case, hopefully his last term) the previous president’s economic policy is still in effect.

So, in Trump’s case, the tax scam will be what leaves the mark on his effect on the economy between now and 2020 (unless, his term is cut short due to impeachment or resignation).  (All the signing statements and executive orders are easily reversible) My prediction has been the tax scam will have numerous negative effects on the economy – the two most significant will be a ballooning deficit (which republicans will ultimately BLAME on the next democratic president) and increasing inflation.  When inflation kicks up, the “Fed” will be required to raise interest rates to “cool” it off (based on historical precedent) and we’ll be headed for a recession (which Trump will somehow BLAME on President Obama and Mrs. Clinton – and, who knows, maybe Comey and Mueller). Even republican voters might not like another republican recession.

My friend, who I mentioned above, is predicting Trump is going to receive the Nobel Peace price – apparently, because he and others are convinced Trump has scared Kim Jong-un into giving up all his nukes.  I believe who Trump has scared the most is the South Koreans who are talking about re-unification with the North.  Not knowing much about Korea, that sounds great to me.  If there’s a Nobel Peace prize involved, maybe it should go to the leader of South Korea for instigating the upcoming talks.  While I hope something good comes from the talks, I’m a bit skeptical.  Who knows, maybe the U.S. is going to become strategic allies with North Korea.  I had to remind my friend, President Obama got a Nobel Peace prize – and, as you would surmise, he had a ready response as to why that was a phony deal.

If you want a better understanding of “The Russia thing,” (using Trump’s words) I would suggest you read “Russian Roulette,” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff.  Much, but not all, of what is in the book I’ve heard from various reports since it became public knowledge the Russians were involved in the 2016 election in an attempt to help elect Trump as our so-called president.  It’s true that the reality of the Russian attack on our election PLUS knowing that he got about THREE MILLION less votes than the first woman to run for president – a woman MILLIONS of Americans voted AGAINST – has rendered Trump impotent in dealing with the issue of the Russian attack.  This, of course, makes their continued ATTACK less likely to meet with the required resistance of a nation seeking to protect its BOUNDARIES.  Trump spends his time railing against a non-existent influx of immigrants on our southern border while IGNORING a constant BARRAGE of Russian HACKERS penetrating our CYBER boarders.  While the immigrants seeking asylum as they cross the southern border ultimately, history tells us, will make our nation stronger (we ARE, after all, a nation of immigrants) the Russian CYBER hackers (ATTACKERS) have a goal of making us weaker.  I find it beyond strange we have a so-called president fighting the former while seemingly encouraging the latter.  This should concern ALL Americans!

Final thought:  It’s a sad time for all those Americans who looked at Rudy Giuliani as some kind of patriot after 9/11.  Of course, when you look beyond his self-created headlines, you can see that Rudy is the perfect surrogate for Trump.  He’s attempting to use Trump as Trump uses others and the two of them will likely help each other to self destruct.  It should be interesting, but sad, to watch this all unfold.  Fortunately for Giuliani and Trump, no matter what they say or do, they’ll have the right wing message machine continuing their BRAINWASHING of all the unsuspecting “conservatives” who WANT to believe they (Trump and Giuliani) just wouldn’t LIE to them.  If it tuns out “we the people” really don’t care if our “leaders” are truthful, if “the end justifies the means” is an acceptable political strategy, AND the only thing which matters is if “I get mine,” then America is headed for the same ash heap of history that consumed Rome, Holland, Great Britain, The Soviet Union, Greece, and other great powers.  I just never thought I would witness it in my lifetime.


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