Trump’s “draining the swamp” is like me emptying the bathtub by turning the water faucet on full blast!

If you’ve read many of my posts on this site it would be no surprise that I don’t look at Trump as anything more than a “so-called” president.  Lately I spend my days in wonder at how STUPID his supporters seem to me.  And, I say that knowing many of them are just hard working Americans who’ve been BRAINWASHED by outlets like Trump TV (Fox “news”).  For example, one of Trump’s major “promises” was that he would “drain the swamp.”  Well, his supporters would NOT have to look very hard to see the absurdity of that “promise.”  Apparently, most of them are not looking at all.  They simply continue to cheer the race baiting in his campaign style speeches, his divisiveness, and the CONSTANT LYING.

Yesterday the American “Embassy” was moved to Jerusalem in a move designed to placate all the right wing Christians in Trump’s base who care not about his personal behavior or his LYING.  But, in the crowd assembled to celebrate this (to many, a dreadful) action was a great example of how Trump’s going about “draining the swamp.”  (If you remember, Trump claimed his campaign was “self financed” so he wouldn’t be obligated to anyone – ha, ha)  Sheldon Adelson, the owner of MANY gambling casino’s, gained a reported $680 MILLION this year (and likely each year going forward) from the republican “middle class” tax SCAM.  Well, Adelson’s response to his tax windfall was predictable and should tell you all you need to know about why republicans were pushing it so hard and how they “drain the swamp.”  Adelson, who had a front row seat at the opening of the Jerusalem “Embassy,” had just “donated” $30 MILLION to the republican “coffers” – his “tithing” for the “tax scam.”  That’s classic as to what Trump would call “draining the swamp.”  Oh, but there’s more!

Trump, himself, of course, (by now, who would be surprised – unless you watch Trump TV) gained a huge windfall from the “middle class” tax scam.  Most reports I’ve read estimate his “windfall” at around $11 to $15 MILLION per year – a pittance compared to Adelson.  Maybe that’s why Trump looked his admiring followers in the eyes and LIED, “This tax cut won’t help me or the wealthy, it will help workers.”  And, it appeared to me, at the time, that much of Trump’s “gain” was thrown in at the last minute to “inspire” Bob Corker – the republican who’s trying to come across as some kind of honorable anti Trump member of the republican caucus – to vote yea on the bill.  Corker (along with Trump) has been estimated to gain HUGE tax savings on his real estate holdings which produce something like $7 MILLION per year income – his future savings via “pass through” gimmicks in the bill (which, I have to admit I know NOTHING about), leaving him with a nice “retirement” package upon leaving Congress – and then, of course, “changing his tune” in regards to our so-called president.  Disgusting!!!  (What some people will do for a ride on “Air Force One”)

When you consider the amount of middle class tax money that is going to the top 1% as the result of this scam – and, then you look at what Adelson did with his “windfall,” it shouldn’t surprise you about a couple things.  First, the swamp is not being “drained.”  If anything, it’s getting FILLED with more “swampiness.”  Just think of all the recipients of the republican largess and how they will likely show their gratitude.  The infamous Koch Brothers have already pledged nearly a HALF BILLION dollars in an attempt to save the 2018 election for republicans.  (Their tax savings would be in the BILLIONS)  All the unsuspecting Americans who (foolishly) believe they’re getting “straight talk” from Trump TV and the other right wing outlets in America are going to be BARRAGED with the REAL fake news during this coming election cycle.  Republicans will have UNLIMITED amounts of money to ATTACK those who are opposing their candidates.  And, it’s going to get REALLY ugly – likely more than EVER!

The second part of how absurd it is to believe Trump is “draining the swamp” is his own ARROGANT cashing in on being president.  Trump is, again the word is ARROGANT, violating the emoluments clause of the constitution virtually every day – both the foreign part of the clause and the domestic part of the prohibition.  (The emoluments clause, if you’re not familiar, prohibits the president from profiting off his office by accepting any “emolument” from a foreign entity or a domestic entity.  Emolument is defined as profit, salary, or fees from office or employment; compensation for services)  This, again, would not be “draining the swamp,” but instead inviting “swamp creatures” into the swamp.  EVERY time Trump takes his entourage to one of his golf resorts (so far, over 150 days) he’s charging the government exorbitant prices for his own lodging (in his own property) and that of the secret service and whoever else attends.  Ouchee!

Watching this all unfold every day, and seeing so many Americans being OK with it – while still claiming their faith in our constitution, brings the same thought to my mind.  Many of America’s voters are either ill-informed, uninformed, or STUPID.  I hate it when that last word comes into my mind as I’m trying to understand the Trump supporters – but, for whatever reason it keeps “showing up.”  I can see where there’s “stuff” that’s happening under Trump’s watch they are happy about – but, to me, looking the other way on all the CORRUPTION is unacceptable.  It’s almost WORSE than looking the other way regarding all Trump’s personal liabilities – or, what you’d think would be liabilities to his “Christian” base.  Like the sexual misconduct, the LYING, the racist dog whistles, the narcissism, and the misogynist behavior to name a few things that come readily to mind.

As Trump and his surrogates are celebrating the move of the Embassy, they’re also blaming the deaths and destruction simultaneously going on in the Gaza strip, where, as of this writing, OVER 60 Palestinians have been KILLED and OVER 2000 injured by Israeli gunfire – without the capability to care for the injured – Trump’s surrogates are blaming the violence on the Palestinians themselves.  I have to say it comes across to me as a bad picture with Jared and Ivanka Kushner standing in their fancy clothes in front of the Embassy blaming the Palestinians for the violence at the border of the Gaza “strip,” as young kids who are mired in abject poverty are carried away on stretchers.   I believe the outcome of this will be Trump turning even more members of the world “community” against the United States.  I have to truly hope this is not what we’ve become as a  people – that these people (Trump and his family and his followers) don’t really represent America.  However, the 2018 election is going to be a FIGHT and all those people marching in the women’s march and the other protests which have “birthed” due to Trump’s so-called presidency had better vote and get their friends to vote as well.  The reality is “we the people” get the government we deserve – based on how we vote.

Be assured, the “Russia thing” is ongoing, and it’s clear it will not be stopped as long as Trump is in the “White House.”  Also, the Supreme Court has created major obstacles for progressives in their decisions allowing UNLIMITED corporate MONEY – less any accountability (which allows foreign money) – into our election process.  Republicans have masterfully gerrymandered way too MANY districts across America so democrats need probably TWO MILLION more votes nationwide to take back the House and that’s before we consider the possibility of rigged voting machines in right wing controlled states.  Additionally, once the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, the voter suppression “arm” of the GOP was out in full force and that’s ANOTHER obstacle to stopping this TAKEOVER of our nation by right wing autocrats.  So, progressive Americans will face the greatest challenge to our electoral process since the days before FDR.  Republicans believe they can orchestrate their “permanent majority” with a little more than 40% of the public’s support.  Yikes!!! (it’s up to “we the people” to prove them wrong)

If Trump succeeds in “Making America Great Again,” it will be due to the backlash to his push to turn America into a fascist state.  He very well could motivate MILLIONS of lackadaisical Americans who’ve taken their “freedom” for granted and are too busy “making it” to worry about their responsibility to educate themselves about our government and VOTE.  To me, it’s disgusting and disgraceful that almost TWO THIRDS of America’s eligible voters stay home during the mid term elections and, even during presidential elections ONE THIRD (at least) of America’s eligible voters don’t vote.  I remember watching the Iraqi’s risking their lives to vote during the Bush/Cheney fiasco and thinking how so many Americans take for granted what they have and actually spend time complaining about it – with no intention of participating.  I’m a retired teacher and I blame the education system – as it’s evolved over the past 30 years for much of this complacency – especially, since the inception of “no child left behind” – in my mind, designed to leave as many “children” behind as possible.

In fact, with the Trump administration, we’ve seen the attack on our public education system being put on “steroids” with Betsy DeVoss at the helm.  DeVoss will leave a legacy of disgrace that will put her in the same category as many of the Trump surrogates (and, of course, Trump himself) along with the media sycophants who are attempting to BRAINWASH the American people into believing the Russian ATTACK on our nation was “no big deal.”  I have friends who supported Trump who either don’t believe, or don’t care that the Russians ATTACKED our nation.  (an attack that is ongoing)  I asked one of these friends if he believes Trump LIES?  This, of course, in the face of documented evidence he LIES in the neighborhood of SIX times per day (an average) to the American people.  My friend “pontificated” before saying Trump “spins” like all politicians.  Most of the time when I question something about Trump to one of my Christian friends the response starts out, “but Hillary……….”

So, when Trump says “no collusion,” the first thing that comes to my mind is, “if there was no collusion, he wouldn’t have to keep saying that.”  In other words, there WAS collusion – certainly in the June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with representatives of the Kremlin offering “incriminating evidence” about Hillary Clinton – just taking that meeting was “collusion.”  Sorry, Donald!  The problem Trump will likely have when Robert Mueller finishes his report is NOT “collusion” – it will be CONSPIRACY.  And, many in Trump’s “orbit” besides Trump himself are likely to be caught up in a CONSPIRACY against the government of the United States.  And, from where I sit, that would include our pathetic Vice President – who, on numerous occasions has shown a willingness to LIE for Trump.  Just like the rest of the people in his so-called administration.

People who associate themselves with Trump inevitably come out on the other side “dirty.”  While it’s possible Mueller’s investigation will not find wrongdoing by Trump – with the exception of the OBVIOUS obstruction of justice (which I believe the republican House will ignore) – I believe Trump, who’s acting like a MOB boss, is “dirty” and I can’t imagine his son, Don Jr. and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner coming out of this investigation “unscathed.”  As the saying goes, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” – and, both these young men appear to me as willing LIARS – just like “good ole dad.”  John Kelly exposed himself as a racist and misogynist while chief of staff, Sarah Sanders is an embarrassment as she willingly LIES for Trump – ostensibly to keep her job, just as Sean Spicer before her.  Trump’s supporters in the House are an embarrassment – they will find a place next to Trump in the dregs of our history books.  Michael Cohen seems headed for jail like several other former surrogates and the list goes on and on.

Rudy Giuliani – OMG!  I wasn’t a fan, but the guy has put himself in the pathetic category as he attempts to resurrect his own stature – at the expense of Trump.  The Giuliani thing is really a weird one.  He’s supposed to be Trump’s lawyer, but every time he opens his mouth Trump is in deeper s@#t.  I have thought Trump was in a class by himself as far as narcissists go, but Rudy is giving me pause.  He’s right in there himself.  It’s like these two guys deserve each other.  I have to wonder if Giuliani is creating any legal liability for himself – or is he simply SCREWING Trump?  (In the words of one of the intelligence chiefs, “wittingly or unwittingly”)

One thing’s abundantly clear – Trump has surrounded himself with “swamp creatures” as he goes about “draining the swamp.”  And, the sad reality is that his followers, if they read this, would argue that he’s actually making good on his promise.  They wouldn’t consider Adelson and his $30 MILLION tithe as “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider a cabinet full of Wall Street insiders as “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider Michael Cohen selling “Trump influence” as “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider the tax scam – where THEY (meaning Trump’s own supporters) are getting jobbed out of over a TRILLION of their tax dollars “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider all the LYING “swamp material.”  Trump’s “draining the swamp” is like me emptying the bathtub by turning the water faucet on full blast!

Final thought:  I’ve written many times about what I call the “DAMAGE” Trump is/will do/ing prior to his removal from office – whenever that might be.  Well, as I (and many others) have said, he’s been fixated on reversing as much of President Obama’s “legacy” as he possibly can.  If Obama was for it, Trump’s against it.  We saw that in the Paris Climate Accords (a major blunder – unless you’re China or Germany), the TPP (another major blunder – unless you’re China or Japan), and, of late, the pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement (likely another major blunder).  It has appeared to me Trump has “hitched his wagon” to the North Korea talks in a very strange – and, from my vantage point – STUPID manner.  While, I believe, Most Americans would love to see North Korea give up the nukes – Trump has already proclaimed himself the recipient of the Nobel Peace prize.  He must really think Kim Jong-un is STUPID.  To me, it’s likely Trump (again) is the STUPID one.  I’m guessing Kim understands Trump now needs a successful agreement much more than he does.  Once again, I believe “we the people” will see our so-called president “played” by another foreign leader.  They’ve all figured out “a little flattery will get you everywhere.”  The “DAMAGE” Trump could do as he desperately tries to pull off an agreement with Kim could be disastrous.  I hope there’s someone left in the State Department to “supervise” our so-called president.  He’s already put Kim on the world stage next to him, theoretically, and I’m guessing Kim will squeeze as much “blood” out of Trump as he can. As in Trump’s own words, “We’ll see” who’s the “great negotiator.”

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