I no longer look at Trump as the problem, it’s the republicans in Congress who are enabling him who are the problem.

I’ve written numerous posts pointing out the DANGEROUS authoritarian tendencies of Trump and it goes on and on.  I’ve read several book showing clearly the “way” of autocrats who are turning “democracies” – of various stages – into fascist states.  Putin has done so in Russia after their attempt at turning a Communist nation into a democratic one as, at least temporarily, failed.  Erdogan, in Turkey, has essentially done the same thing.  They follow the same “play book,” and it’s working all over the globe.  The “nationalist” fervor is ramping up and it appears the “globe” is headed for some rocky times.  Trump is mimicking the dictators he has shown so much admiration for – most notably the two mentioned above.

Before I get into more detail a “little history” in case you either haven’t been paying attention, or you’re too young to remember a few things.  Keeping in mind, since WW II the United States has occupied a position of – what many have called – “The leader of the free world.”  Well, Ronald Reagan took the plan initiated by Lewis Powell – the so-called “Powell memo” (if you’re not familiar with it, “google” it) – and based his policy decisions on making Powell’s memo a reality.  (You can clearly see the success of this “plan” by checking the history of the middle class income “stagnation” since Reagan took office – the FACTS are clear)  In the process of all this there emerged an incredibly ARROGANT “class” of wealthy Americans who morphed into the “project for the new American Century.”  These people had a “plan” for America to dominate the “world stage” via her great military might.

Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to understand that many around the globe were not impressed by this group (Including MANY Americans – likely MOST Americans – with many who, to this day, don’t understand what this group is or stands for) after seeing the result of their “vision.”  Take for example the most significant DISASTER fomented by this group (at least in my mind) – the STUPID invasion of Iraq by Bush/Cheney which was a violation of virtually EVERYTHING America had stood for up to that time.  (Of course, Bush/Cheney compounded their BLUNDER by authorizing TORTURE – therefore “blackening” America’s other “eye”)  President Obama attempted to extricate America from that fiasco and the Afghanistan one as he could against a recalcitrant Congress, but, keep in mind, those who were behind the invasion in the first place (remember, Iraq has LOTS of OIL) still held HUGE caches of MONEY and were/are still active in American politics – they’re REPUBLICANS.  (Obama’s major blunder was BLOCKING investigations into all the ILLEGAL activity of Bush/Cheney – essentially opening the door for Trump who is even worse)

This fiasco in Iraq is what eventually became a battle – in Iraq and Syria and elsewhere – with the “Islamic State” – most often referred to as either “ISIS” of “ISIL.”  The battle against ISIL became centered in Syria at the same time there has been a civil war going on for the past several years – with MILLIONS of Syrians fleeing the violence and attempting to resettle in countries around the globe.  This has led to much fear among people in the nations where the Syrians are immigrating and much FEAR MONGERING by politicians like Trump.  Of course, Trump’s FEAR MONGERING is aimed more at immigration coming from South of America’s border, but he’s also loudly voiced the anti MUSLIM rhetoric which is making it harder for Syrians to find places to “land” and stirring up “white nationalist” fervor all across Europe.  America, who you could argue is responsible for MOST of this migration has virtually closed her doors to the people fleeing Syria.  So far, in 2018, as I’m writing this, the United States has admitted less than 20 Syrians who are fleeing the violence in their land, created to a large part by us! (they’re fleeing by the tens of thousands)

The same “white nationalist” agenda Trump if spouting is taking root in other places around the globe.  In my view, it’s up to “we the people” to be the force that begins the process of STOPPING this “wave” which is rooted in fascist history.  We, in America, saw a stark example of this last year when the Trump supporters marched on Charlottesville with their Nazi tattoos, Nazi armbands, and Nazi flags chanting “Jews will not replace us.”  Trump, of course, claimed that many of those people carrying the Tiki Torches were “very fine people.”  The more I read about the history of the Nazi movement, the more I realize the danger Trump poses to over 200 years of America’s “self government.”  Yes, we are not a “true democracy” – we’re a “democratic republic” –  our “founders” had the foresight to create a system of “checks and balances” designed to prevent that which republicans have been attempting to circumvent for years.  Sadly, our “liberal media” is not picking up on the nuances of this republican assault on our system of government – but, hopefully, “we the people” will voice our displeasure with Trump and those who defend him this coming fall.

Dick Cheney was BAD, but Trump is much worse.  For those of you around when Cheney was Vice President, he was pushing the “theory” (made up by authoritarian republicans) of the “unitary executive.”   Their “theory,” essentially, stated that the president is the “decider.”  It puts the president “above the law,” something we’re seeing first hand with Trump.  (Again, President Obama furthered this “theory” by allowing Bush/Cheney to “get away” with their clear violations of American law AND international law.  We fought this battle with Richard Nixon and it was determined the president is NOT above the law – but, “we the people” depend on those who take their oath to the constitution to defend that principle)  By now, we all KNOW where Trump is coming from.  Most Americans aren’t taking the time (and energy) to research ALL of what Trump is “up to” but most of us KNOW it’s BAD – I believe one of his strategies is to be so ARROGANT about his abuses that we’re all just weary in dealing with it all – therefore, MUCH is happening that even those of us paying attention have no idea what transgressions Trump is sneaking through “under the radar.”  People are “dizzy” trying to keep up with all the scandals.

Which brings me to the point of my thoughts for tonight.  The real culprit here is the republican Congress.  They ALL took an oath to the constitution, they ALL have significant staffs that SHOULD be informing them on what Trump is “up to,” and they’re collectively turning a “BLIND EYE” to all of Trump’s ILLEGAL behavior.  To make matters worse, there’s a group in the House, led by Devin Nunes (California), Mark Meadows (North Carolina), and Jim Jordan (Ohio) who are working full time in an effort to protect Trump and undermine our intelligence community.  The DAMAGE (as I’ve many times referred to it) could be devastating if they’re successful in undermining “we the people’s” belief in the non partisan nature of the Department of Justice.  The end result of them succeeding in this apparent attempt to enable Russian interference at the expense of American institutions (exactly the result Putin was looking for) could be chaos on the streets of America.  To anyone who believes America is not vulnerable to Fascism,  think again.

When Trump was “elected” I predicted he would be in office only as long as republicans felt their own jobs were safe.  What I didn’t understand was the number of fascist leaning members of the republican caucus in the House willing to enable him.  Of course, we all understand that if there was a democrat in the White House, virtually ALL of these republicans would be “singing” a different “tune.”  Can yo imagine their response had they suspected President Obama elicited help from the Russians to get elected?  Can you imagine their response had Obama been making decisions while in office aimed at enriching himself or members of his family to the “tune” of MILLIONS of dollars.  I mean, republicans are still harping on the Clinton’s for enriching themselves AFTER leaving office – while they’re SILENT as Trump and his son-in-law are using their office to make MULTI MILLIONS.  You can read in my previous post about Trump’s getting the Chinese to help him “cut off a fat hog” in Indonesia while pushing for the Commerce department to help a Chinese telecom which is violating American sanctions and using their technology to infiltrate our military.  Also, Jared Kushner’s brazen attempts to pull his family out of a financial disaster at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan by essentially bribing the Qatari government is unbelievable to me – just think if Hillary Clinton had done this while in office.

So, we all knew Trump was an authoritarian personality, a racist, a misogynist, and a pathological LIAR when he “won” the “White House” (In a rigged election).  His actual actions are even more ARROGANT than I suspected when he took office, mainly because I EXPECTED Congress to “check” his behavior as they are honor bound to do.  Sadly, they’ve decided to circle the wagons for Trump instead of honoring their OATH to the constitution and, thereby, putting themselves in the same place in the history book as Trump.  Trump seems to think that if he can work out a “deal” with Kim Jong-un it will save the “House” in November.  To me, that’s very unlikely (both things), I don’t think republicans fully understand the backlash that is coming – but, it’s true “progressives” have a bad history when it comes to voting.  Democrats had better start giving “progressives” a reason to vote beyond “impeachment” because anyone paying attention knows there will be no impeachment until republicans agree.  And, it looks as if republicans have chosen to stand with Trump and Putin instead of with our constitution.  It’s up to “we the people” to put the “do not disturb” stamp on our constitution.  To sum  up this thought – I no longer look at Trump as the problem, it’s the republicans in Congress who are enabling him who are the problem.

That Trump can “get away” with threatening the Justice Department and referring to it as if it’s purpose is to fulfill his wishes should be enough to get EVERY member of Congress’s attention.  I’ll say it again, what would republicans have done had Obama done that.  The constant attacks on the “free press” are calculated and they shouldn’t be tolerated by members of Congress.  Clearly, Trump is “employing” methods which originated in 1930’s Nazi Germany and our liberal media is not educating the casual viewer as to the history of the “Big Lie Theory.”  When you read “The Despots Apprentice” by Brian Klaas and “Fascism a warning” by Madeleine Albright you get a clear picture as to why “we the people” need to rise up in RESISTANCE to Trump and the republicans who are enabling him.  This “white nationalist” movement is spreading around the globe and “we the people” need to be the anti-dote to the movement.  We have the power – history will not look on “we the people” kindly if we stand idly by and allow this dangerous “movement” to continue in the borders of the United States of America!

Final Thought:  When I wrote this stuff it came to my mind that it should be understood “Trump TV” (Fox “news”) is every bit as much a problem as the republicans in Congress.  Sean Hannity is a LIAR comparable to Trump.  Clearly, Fox adopted Goebbels’ “Big Lie Theory” years ago.  It works.  The sad reality is that pathological LIARS come to believe their own LIES as the words “trickle” off their tongues.  Fox will end up in the “trash pile” of history along with Trump, the members of Congress enabling him (largely those named above with a few more – like Trey Gowdy, for one that comes to mind), and Benedict Arnold.  I’ll let you figure out what that means!

I mentioned earlier that the “Project for the New American Century” is the brainchild of a bunch of wealthy (right wing – I might have forgot to add that important caveat) Americans.  These people are the ones benefiting from Trump’s one “success” – the “tax scam” – to the tunes of BILLIONS in some instances but multi MILLIONS in most cases (and that’s per year) AND these are the people who will continue supporting Trump, because, to them, it’s “all about the money.  Well, today it was announced the NFL owners have caved to Trump’s demand they violate the free speech rights of their players in regards to the National Anthem.  This is another sign that it’s up to “we the people” to fix this problem and we’ll be fighting HUGE piles of MONEY that will support unadulterated LYING in order to confuse what Trump has called “the uneducated voters.”  It’s up to the rest of us to educate them – somehow!  The FIGHT between now and November is the most significant battle of the ballot box in my lifetime!

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