Can you remember ANYONE who ever “gave” themselves the Nobel Peace prize? Welcome to today’s USA!

I’ve been trying to finish a post regarding my thoughts on the “gun issue” as I’m a retired teacher who spent many years thinking my school “could be next.”  However, as usual, Trump and his disgraceful supporters are keeping me too busy trying to keep up with all the DAMAGE (as I’ve chosen to call it) that continues pushing America toward ‘third world” status.  Which, by the way, I believe would be just fine with the “money changers” who are behind this right wing push toward fascism in America.  Most “pundits” don’t want to call it what it is, but slowly, but surely – one by one – more of them are “seeing the light.”  There’s enough printed material by people who SHOULD be considered “reliable” to expose what is happening with Trump – and, by extension, the republicans who’ve chosen to enable him.

For example, it doesn’t take a foreign policy expert (I admit, I’m not one) to understand that MUCH of what Trump is doing relating to foreign policy is – like everything else he does – all about himself.  I recently pointed out (and gave a link to the article where I read about it) how Trump, in his willingness to “help” a Chinese Telecom that is violating American sanctions and has allegedly committed espionage in our military and intelligence communities, apparently orchestrated a “deal” benefiting the “Trump organization” in Indonesia to the tune of multi MILLIONS of dollars as he ARROGANTLY violates our constitution on a daily basis.  But, the “issue of the day,” – it seems as if Trump’s daily BULLYING of our laws and norms is all part of his plan to “deconstruct the administrative state” – is his “pulling out” of the “summit” planned for June with Kim Jong-un of North Korea (who had already threatened to do the same).  It’s like two sixth graders arguing on the playground!

I have written on several occasions how Trump reminds me of a sixth grader who’s a pathological LIAR and a BULLY.  Seriously, (not sure if that’s the correct term for this thought) this would all be COMICAL if it weren’t so serious.  Trump wrote a letter to Kim that he published – without even notifying the South Koreans, who are the ones with the most at stake here – “pulling out” of the meeting he agreed to attend with NO forethought and likely, had the meeting happened, without planning ahead.  (I’m guessing the meeting will happen at some point because Trump is desperate for a successful outcome)  Trump was planning to come home from this meeting with an agreement that North Korea would “de-nuclearize.”  He had already given himself the Nobel Peace prize (actually, he stated “almost everyone thinks he should get the Nobel Prize), he had a commemorative coin minted showing him and Kim agreeing to this “deal,” (full disclosure, I’ve ordered 5 of the coins – and, their website is painfully slow)  and, presumably, he believes his ridiculous threats are the “secret to diplomacy.”

As I’ve said many times here, the worst part of all this is “the world is watching.”  Many leaders of  the countries making up our traditional allies MUST be looking forward to the day Trump is out of office more than many of us who consider ourselves part of the “resistance” – and, trust me, there are tens of MILLIONS of Americans who wake up every day hoping this is the day Trump is “gone.”  We likely want Robert Mueller to finish his report more than Trump.  Trump is an embarrassment to those who believe in representative democracy and, now, the questions I’m hearing from progressives and moderate republicans is whether the DAMAGE Trump is inflicting on our nation is going to be lasting.  To me, even had the “summit” with Kim happened on schedule, if the Nobel Committee had given Trump a “prize,” that would forever taint that process.  I thought their acknowledgement of President Obama was questionable, at best, but this would be ridiculous.  If anyone deserves a “prize” – should this summit actually happen – in my mind it would be the leader of South Korea.  The South Koreans are right in the middle of Kim and Trump arguing over the size of their nuclear “buttons.”

But, making a fool of himself over the North Korea “summit” wasn’t enough for Trump in one day.  He had to compound that BLUNDER with the words he “threw in” to the disaster that is the NFL.  NFL owners, yesterday, agreed to violate their players rights of free speech and expression by passing a “rule” where they are required to stand for the “national anthem.”  By doing so, and with Trump’s help with even more poorly thought out words (unless you’re a total “redneck” who’s ignorant of our constitution), they just made that “anthem” stand for less than it did yesterday.  When I joined the Marines in 1967 it was with the thought I would be fighting to protect the right of my college classmates to protest against the Viet Nam war – to burn their draft card if that’s what they felt they needed to do.  (full disclosure, I was medically discharged before I could be sent to Nam – likely as another body to fill one of the “bags” being sent home at the time by the thousands)

I find it beyond interesting that “we the people” are fine with watching (and cheering) as MOSTLY African Americans bash their heads together – with almost EVERY one who’s brain is checked post mortem being diagnosed with CTE – and, at the same time, CHEERING when our so-called president (who had 5 deferrals during Viet Nam, ultimately getting out of serving due to phantom bone spurs in his ankle) calls them “sons of bitches” if they kneel during the anthem in protest to all the police brutality aimed at African Americans across this land.  Today, Trump went so far as to suggest any football player who chooses to embrace his right of “free speech” shouldn’t be allowed to stay in this country.  Sadly, the NFL owners gladly go along with Trump – they’re (much of) the MONEY behind his election and avoiding confrontation to his base is more important to them than defending the ideals that “MADE AMERICA GREAT.”  (Before Trump began tearing her down)

This is exactly why I’ve chosen to discontinue my participation in one of America’s favorite pastimes over the past few years – fantasy football.  I’ve always joked about how, as an athlete, you’re taught “statistics are for losers” and how fantasy football is all about statistics.  Well, I would consider myself even more of a “loser” had I been willing to continue supporting the NFL after this latest example of America’s push to the “right.”  Honestly, much of what I’ve been forced to write lately is almost beyond my belief that it seems so necessary.  That America is tilting toward fascism – and, so many are OK with it – belies EVERYTHING I was taught growing up in the 50’s and 60’s.  And, some of our “leaders” are way too accommodating to Trump, to the point where I have NO confidence republicans will act patriotically once Trump is exposed fully by Mueller.  (It shouldn’t take Mueller’s report to see what’s happening)  The NFL owners seem almost to be the perfect example of what’s wrong in America:  “It’s all about the MONEY.”

It may seem unbelievable, but there really is MORE!  Today, in response to Trump’s accusation the FBI illegally “surveiled” his campaign (somewhat like President Obama wiretapping him) – a “conspiracy” Trump AND Alex Jones are calling “Spygate” –  the FBI succumbed to Trump’s BULLYING tactics by allowing a meeting where Devin Nunes, et al – including one of Trump’s defense attorneys (it’s unclear how much the attorney was allowed to view – but, it’s unconscionable he was even present) – were allowed to view CLASSIFIED information regarding an FBI informant who allegedly questioned George Papadopoulus and Carter Page during the campaign after the FBI was given evidence they were conspiring with the Russians.  (By all accounts, the other option was for the FBI to have interviews with them during the campaign which likely would have become public knowledge – so, in effect, what the FBI did was protect Trump’s campaign from being exposed as potentially doing what we now know they did.)  Having this meeting is unprecedented, but having Trump’s defense attorney present is even MORE unprecedented.  At some point, the FBI and “we the people” are going to need to push back against Trump’s BULLYING!

By Trump pushing for this meeting, the FBI informant was “outed” (do you remember Bush/Cheney and the outing of Valerie Plame?  And, the beat goes on!)  The reports I’ve heard and read since this happened have all indicated the DAMAGE Trump has cost the FBI for this LIE he’s pushing could be more significant than some of the other DAMAGE he’s causing.  Apparently, there are informants all around the globe who are re-thinking whether they want to cooperate with our intelligence community.  The reality is their lives are on the line as far as keeping their association with the FBI or CIA and whether their identity will be kept secret.  Clearly, Trump doesn’t think along those lines – it’s all about him and any lasting DAMAGE he does to our nation is simply “collateral in his mind – because he’s simply all about protecting himself.

And, if he was “innocent” wouldn’t you imagine he would simply focus on his job and let the investigation exonerate him?  Trump’s actions are those of a tyrant and, as I’ve said on many occasions, remind me of a mafia boss.  I’m guessing that when Mueller’s investigation is made public, that’s what “we the people” are going to learn.  That Trump was involved in organized crime prior to the “election,” and his family is still “trucking along.”  It’s no secret that the Russian government operates as a “crime family,” and I believe Trump will be exposed as “connected” to the Russians in ways that he clearly doesn’t want “we the people” to know.  I’m not sure if this was why he adamantly has REFUSED to make public his tax returns because I’m guessing much of his business was done “under the radar.”

I predicted long ago that Trump would loathe the day he decided to run for president – likely a response to the “roasting” he received from President Obama at a correspondence dinner a few years back.  Trump lives to “get even” with anyone who challenges him and Obama has been in his sights since taking office.  He’s repealed or reversed Obama era “stuff” it seems as if just because Obama was “for it.”  As I’ve said many times, it’s never about “we the people” with Trump (despite his campaign speeches that are filled with BLATANT LIES) – it’s all about Trump.  Can you remember ANYONE who ever “gave” themselves the Nobel Peace prize?  Trump has repeatedly claimed he’s the greatest president in American history – despite “polls” I’ve seen that rank him at or near the BOTTOM.  It’s all embarrassing, but until republicans act to honor their oath to the constitution, we’re all stuck with Trump.  Ouchee!!!  This is just another day in Trump’s America!

Final thought:  The “stuff” just keeps coming in a way that makes you think it’s purposeful.  While Trump acts with outrage to anyone who disagrees with him, he is continually pushing the boundaries of acceptability – just like the sixth graders I used to teach.  Here’s the biggest problem I see with all the “stuff” of today.  I very much expect Trump to attempt to resurrect the talks with Kim in North Korea – and, whatever agreement might come out of that, I believe the barbarous actions of the Korean regime toward its people will be secondary.  Trump’s goal in any negotiation will be to fulfill his personal claim to that Nobel prize.  And, if it doesn’t materialize, I’d say to the Nobel committee, “look out!”  (And, stop reading “tweets from Trump on “Twitter.”)


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