Trump inviting Putin to America is like giving “we the people” a big “middle finger salute” and saying “what are you going to do about it?” Sadly, republicans will do NOTHING! What about the rest of us?

As I listen to pundits attempt to decipher what Trump “actually” said as they work through Trump’s vile comments while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and, subsequently, his feeble attempt to “walk back” those comments followed by new “vile” comments and then another “walk back” I find myself shaking my head.  The second “walk back” was spearheaded by Sarah Sanders in her press briefing where she was clearly going along with clear LYING from the president and KNOWINGLY LYING to the press corp.  Plus I watched part of an interview Trump gave (presumably to someone from Fox “news”) where Trump claimed the press conference where he stood next to Putin and threw the U.S. intelligence community “under the bus” was “excellent” and the bad press was coming from the “fake news.”  All this is just further evidence our so-called president is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.  And, the press pundits seem to be struggling with this reality with an unwillingness to call it what it is.

Pathological LIARS actually believe their own words as they are coming from their mouths.  This is why Trump will make a “vile” statement as when he stood next to Putin and, the next day, while being – or so it seemed – FORCED to say “sorry” actually, in the next breath, say what suggests “I’m really not sorry.”  For example, after Trump read his statement in a way that resembled mumbling while he was saying, “the Russians did interfere in our election and I believe our intelligence community,” it wasn’t a full day until he was undermining that comment by saying the “interference” is not ongoing despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary.  Then, as I said, in the interview mentioned above he claimed his press briefing with Putin went “very well.”  Pathological LIARS can’t remember their last LIE – because, in their mind it’s the “truth” if they said it.  (When I was teaching we had a saying right above the principal’s door which read: “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember.”

If you’ve been on this site much, or read the heading, I was a sixth grade teacher for the last 20+ years of my career and I’ve pointed out Trump reminds me of a sixth grade bully.  And, bullies are usually COWARDS.  Trump’s comments AFTER the disaster with Putin, where he was attempting to explain the difference between would and wouldn’t as the reason why what “we the people” understood was not what he intended, was a classic example of how bullies react when “punched back.”  In this instance Trump was reacting to REPUBLICAN criticism – which is entirely unusual (for some strange reason) – that implied his “firewall” might crumble – and, it appeared almost as if Trump was trembling as he FORCED himself to take something back.  He appeared to me to be scared.  That’s what happens when bullies are “punched back” and, for some reason, republicans have done nothing in the face of ALL of Trump’s actions which have threatened and are threatening our national security – the national security which republicans have been claiming they’re the champions of for decades – until Trump took Putin’s side in that press briefing.

Here’s what I’m MOST concerned about.  Remember, Trump will be back LYING soon after the last LIE and republicans are likely to buy his LIES “hook, line, and sinker.”  I’ve pointed out many times here, the ONLY way “we the people” end this NIGHTMARE prior to the 2020 election is dependent on the ACTIONS of republicans.  Trump is still LYING, will continue LYING and the question is will the republicans keep believing him.  Sadly, the evidence of the power of the republican PROPAGANDA scheme (The Big Lie Theory – borrowed from the Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels) is demonstrated in a recent poll stating ONLY 35% of republicans believe the Russians interfered in our 2016 election.  Something like half of them STILL believe President Obama was born in Kenya.  So, will republicans in Congress actually suck up the courage to do something to BLOCK this delusional so-called president? (Probably NOT)

One thing that frustrates me, speaking of the success of this propaganda scheme, is how Trump supporters view the economy – which, I might add is facing a “tailspin” due to Trump’s (and the republicans’) tax scam – and other faulty issues.  These republican voters have NO IDEA that the strength of the economy during the first year and a half of Trump’s administration was simply a continuation of the work the Obama administration had done for 7 straight years following the Bush/Cheney disaster.  As I’ve said many times, Trump’s handling of the economy should be “vetted” from the second year on.  Soon the effects of the tax “scam” along with all the tariffs, the increases in health insurance (if you still have it), and other economic “stuff” will be taking hold and then “we the people” will be able to correctly understand the “Trump effect.”  However, Trump’s base will believe whatever Fox “and friends” chooses to brainwash them with.  If it all goes south, I GUARANTEE you Trump will be blaming President Obama and Hillary Clinton and Fox will be like a bunch of high school cheerleaders.

Like today – today is the day where “today’s scandal” is the news Trump’s “fixer” Michael Cohen was taping conversations with Trump and a tape where Trump and Cohen are discussing the hush money payment to Karen McDougal which was “funneled” through “The Enquirer,” a drug store gossip publication which Trump believes is “real news,” is the topic of conversation – on MSNBC there was a poll (actually several polls) which place Trump’s approval at between 35 and 40%.  This is where it’s stayed pretty much since his “election.”  What that tells me is around 40% of Americans are getting their “news” from Fox OR they’re not paying attention to the “news” at all.  To them, it doesn’t matter what Trump does or has done – that would be impeachable under any other circumstance – and, they’re “sticking” with Trump “come hell or high water.”

The reason I believe many of those who support Trump are sticking with him is because they fall into the category he claimed he “loves” during the campaign – the “uneducated voters.”  As I’m writing this, I have to believe they also have tuned out the “news” because I find it hard to believe 40% of America would be OK with their (so-called) president selling them (and the rest of us) out to the Russians – right on the “world stage.”  (I guess you could say, at least he’s not doing it in secret – except for the 2 hour meeting with NO ONE there besides the interpreters)

I have to say, as I observe “people” while I’m traveling around my own community, there are many I see who have absolutely NO interest in politics.  I’ve had conversations with MANY people who have no idea what is happening in “current events,” they don’t know much about American history, and they really don’t know about the details of what is happening that has caused them to be disenchanted with their government.  In the last 9 years, for example, I’ve asked well over a hundred people if they know what “Citizens United” is – including people who’ve openly complained to me about the amount of money in politics – and NOT ONE of them had any idea what I was talking about.  Many people I know don’t know the name of the governor of our state or our representative in Congress!

I feel one of the reasons there’s so many “uneducated voters” out there is because our education system has failed to inform students in high school sufficiently what their responsibilities are as a member of American society.  This, to me, is one reason why so many CHOOSE not to vote.  Of course, it’s not that simple – but, until the voting population takes their responsibility more serious “we the people” will continue to be dissatisfied with our government.  Most people I know talk about the government as if it’s the “enemy.” Since the days of Reagan republicans have verbally assaulted our “government” as fill in the blank, while spending BILLIONS in order to control it.  They’ve been cutting taxes for the wealthy, cutting benefits to the poor, and convincing working class people they’re the champions of the “middle class.”  Again, the “Big Lie Theory” works – you just have to have no “scruples” to use it.  (Republicans clearly believe “the end justifies the means”)

There’s a reason why studies show the people who watch Fox “news” are the least informed of ALL Americans – including those who don’t watch any “news” on TV.  And, it’s the Fox viewers who make up a large segment of Trump’s base.  I can’t seem to stomach even one minute of watching Fox – but, from what I’ve forced myself to “stomach” it’s obvious why it’s now referred to by many as “Trump TV.”  If the American public believed in “vetting” information – fact checking what pundits and politicians say – we’d have a more functional government.  And, if people, including the “uneducated voters” were able to grasp that “we the people” ARE the government – maybe it would be easier for people to dialogue with each other when they see things differently.  In my view, COMPROMISE should NOT be a “dirty word.”

That all being said, it shouldn’t be hard for any American to understand ATTACKING our most fundamental institution (voting) and attempting to surreptitiously turn one American against another – as the Russians did during the 2016 election and by all accounts are still doing – shouldn’t require “republican, democrat, or independent” to oppose in the most vigorous manner!  And, having a president who’s clearly COMPROMISED by the Russians and is either in Vladimir Putin’s “pocket” OR is completely INCOMPETENT should be unacceptable, PERIOD!  Maybe that’s the MOST disturbing part of this entire “saga” where the “heart and soul” of America is “on the line” – polls would suggest 40% of America doesn’t care about what Trump did last week standing next to the very person who ORDERED the ATTACK on this nation, beginning in 2016!  Trump is exposing tendencies that mimic cheap fascist dictators and a disturbing number of Americans are OK with it.  Yikes!

Here’s another thing that is shameful about all this.  A week or so ago I wrote in regard to all the children Trump ordered separated from their families in order to send a message to people seeking asylum – don’t come to America – at the time there was almost 3000 kids pulled away from their parents.  I said, “There will be more ‘scandals’ coming soon and the crisis with the kids will be on the back pages of the news papers and off the cable “news” outlets within a week.”  Well, it’s been maybe two weeks since I wrote that and, sure enough, the kids torn from their parents are no longer “in the news.”  Of course, most of them are STILL “torn from their parents” and the court ordered date for them to be re-united is fast approaching, so maybe we’ll hear more about this next week.  Someday, someone will write a book about all the “forgotten scandals” of the Trump administration – it will be a very long book.

With Trump in the “White House” it never ends.  I feel like a broken record when I say this, but when are republicans going to end this nightmare.  I suppose they’re “going down with the ship” and waiting to see if progressive voters actually turn out in November.  I get the feeling they don’t believe they will.  It’s kind of like Trump inviting Putin for a “White House” visit right before the election – as if his base could care less and progressives aren’t going to vote no matter what.  Well, all I can say is I hope Trump is wrong and progressives turn out.

My suggestion, if anyone in a position to do anything would read this, is have another “Women’s march” right before the election.  I certainly hope people protest Putin’s visit.  To me, Trump inviting Putin to America is like giving “we the people” a big “middle finger salute” and saying “what are you going to do about it?”  He’s made that same challenge to republicans in Congress many times and they ROLL OVER each and every  time.  (The Brits PROTESTED in large numbers Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom, maybe “we the people” will hit the streets in protest to Putin’s visit to the nation he’s attempting to undermine.  Or, are “we the people” too comfortable to FIGHT for our republic?)

The bottom line here is the evidence is mounting that our so-called president is in the “pocket” of the Russians AND he’s likely facing criminal charges coming from the Southern District of New York in regard to his “fixer” Michael Cohen and ALL the “stuff” the FBI got when they raided his office and home.  The first bit – the above mentioned tape – is now out, and it appears there’s more to come.  Here’s the type of person who employs a “fixer:”  a mafia crime family boss.  To me, that’s what it appears was Trump’s “employment” before running for office.  And, it appears, Robert Mueller knows EVERYTHING!  Here’s the other thing: 40% of Americans don’t care.  Honestly, I’m not sure which part of that bothers me more.

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