This is how it works now in “Trump world.” The scandals are coming so fast they come and go in a matter of days and we’re on to the next one.

There are some (former, I’m guessing) republicans who actually see what’s really happening with our so-called president and his attempt to usurp as much power as he possibly can.  Two examples are Nicole Wallace, who was the communications director (I believe) for George W Bush and Steve Schmidt who was the campaign manager for John McCain when he ran against President Obama back in 2008.  I’m pretty sure if I had the privilege to have a breakfast with either one with a conversation centered on politics it would be an interesting conversation, to say the least.  My views would likely not be parallel to theirs.  However, the conversation would be enjoyable, it would be interesting, and we’d likely come away with a bit more sensible views – because we’d be able to talk with transparency and with a lack of concern about differing perspectives.

Schmidt has become one of my favorite “pundits.”  He appears occasionally on MSNBC and he’s figured out what is happening to our nation and he doesn’t “mince” words.  I haven’t heard him actually say, “fascist,” when describing the dangers of Trump and his republican enablers.  But, he is fully aware of the parallels between Trump’s administration and the Third Reich back in the thirties in Germany and he’s actually willing to speak about it in front of the cameras.  Additionally, Schmidt is one of the few pundits I see on TV who shows they are engaged in educating themselves about what’s going on around the world and is WILLING to share the TRUTH when the camera’s are on.  Today, for example, I heard him reference the right wing (fascist) movement that is spreading in Europe (which Trump supports) and point out the true objective of Vladimir Putin which is to destabilize Western “democracies.”

I realize people who watch Fox “news” (Trump TV) will never hear this type of commentary – and, sadly, of all the people I know who support Trump, the ONLY reading they do is when they read their Bibles.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I read the Bible.  I’m a Christian.  However, I feel an obligation to educate myself as to what is really happening with our/my government.  “We the people” are supposed to be responsible – it is OUR government!  What Trump is up to has no connection to what I’ve read in the Bible and it’s pushing our country closer to fascism virtually every day.  Additionally, what Trump is doing has no connection to the constitution as well!

My friends who have been virtually BRAINWASHED by Fox are unable to have any kind of conversation – with one exception – I have a really good friend who I can dialogue with and we can disagree without being disagreeable – with most of them, they start yelling (in one case, throwing things) when you challenge their positions with facts.  It’s clear the people on Fox have their audience believing what they hear is “gospel.”  When all is said and done with the “Trump era” Fox is going to be facing a rude accounting.  I’ve said it before, Trump, his congressional enablers (led by Devin Nunes), and his other enablers – most notably Fox, are headed for a place in American History right next to Benedict Arnold.

Now, Trump could convince his followers Benedict Arnold was an American hero and Fox would go along with it.  That being said, personally, I continue to believe that ultimately, the rule of law and common sense will prevail.  I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t even handle a few seconds of checking out what they’re saying on Fox – every time I try, it makes my skin crawl.  Unfortunately, for someone like me who is intensely wanting to understand what is REALLY happening in America there aren’t a lot of options for information (aside from books – with legitimate authors – NOT “ghost” writers out of the “Big Lie” propaganda “factory”).  I usually end up watching MSNBC, but – despite their public persona of being “liberal” – they give Trump an unbelievable amount of free advertising.  One thing I have to admit Trump is expert at is manipulating the media for his own benefit.  And, they have no idea how he’s using them.  I believe he understands he’s making them a lot of money with his “stuff” – seemingly, a new “scandal” every day – and, he ends up being the focus of virtually their entire agenda.

Now, as someone who’s been through Watergate (as an “interested bystander” – ie viewer) I’m kind of in the same mindset.  I’m trying to coach myself to be patient in waiting for Robert Mueller to start the final stages of his investigation – which, I believe, will be centered on “collusion” – Fox has had a campaign to explain “there’s no law against collusion, so I’ll call it what it REALLY is – TREASON.  Who all will be caught up in the final “indictments” is still unclear, but I’m guessing Trump Jr., Kushner, Bannon, and even Pense SHOULD be sleeping a bit “sweaty.”  However, I put the word “should” in upper case letters because I believe these people are so arrogant they believe they are above the law.  My hope is that Mueller will make it clear, ONCE and for ALL, that no one – including ANY president is “above the law.”  Neither are a president’s family members and associates.  I thought this was determined during Watergate, but – as I’ve said many times here – my main complaint with President Obama was his decision to “look forward” when it came to the CLEARLY illegal activity of the Bush/Cheney regime, which left the impression in the eyes of republicans that their “leaders” were/are not subject to all these “stupid” laws that, for example, prevent politicians from working with foreigners to get elected!

While I believe a significant majority of Americans are longing for a president who comports him/herself with dignity and compassion, much of what Trump believes he can do, I believe, stems from Obama’s decision to “look forward.”  Bush and Cheney being forced to face up to the issue of TORTURE, for example, would have left a much different political environment today.  (Trump has claimed he’ll “authorize waterboarding and a lot more” – this coming from another American leader who did every thing he could – five deferments – to avoid serving when it was his time)  I try to imagine what republicans would be saying had Hillary Clinton won the “White House” and then it would have become public knowledge she worked in concert with Putin to win the election.  (Do you even recognize these republicans?)  The list of LAWS Trump has already “broached” is getting longer by the day – and, we still haven’t heard the results of Mueller’s investigation or the investigation in New York centered on Michael Cohen’s mafia like “fixing” – who MUST have a real “story” to tell authorities if he decides he doesn’t want to spend MANY years in jail because of Trump.  (Remember, Cohen is likely facing STATE charges – which can’t be pardoned by the president)

Right now, as I’m writing this, there are over 2000 children who’ve been taken from their parents and many who are likely in a position where they’re facing the reality they may never see their parents again.  Add to that, they will then be forced to go to court before facing deportation.  I guess the Trump “officials” are HOPING the kids find their parents when they’re shipped to who knows where.  Remember, some of these children are as young as 6 months and WERE nursing babies.  I get tears EVERY time I write about this – likely making me a “wimp” in Trump’s eyes – he of the five deferments AND 3 MILLION less votes in the election he “won.”  (With the help of the Russians AND the republican voter suppression tactics!)  So, the other day it was announced that Anthony Kennedy is retiring from the Supreme Court, giving Trump the opportunity to place another Neil Gorsuch type on the court.  Gorsuch is clearly a partisan republican and he’s the result of Mitch McConnell BLOCKING President Obama’s choice of Merritt Garland in 2016.  This is why right wing republicans, especially evangelicals, like Trump – he’s filling the courts with lifetime judges who are corporatist right wing fascist leaning judges who MIGHT overturn Roe v Wade.

Sadly, I’m guessing Kennedy announcing his retirement will take the focus of our so-called 24/7 media off the TERRIBLE plight of the 2000+ children and all we’ll hear about for the next few days is the impending court appointee.  I don’t disagree Trump’s appointment to the Supreme Court is important, but, the reality is that people who think like me AND democrats can’t stop whatever he decides to do.  There’s no longer a 60 vote threshold in the Senate for confirmation and McConnell is already BRAGGING about how he screwed Obama AND got Gorsuch on the court.  It was Gorsuch a couple days ago who voted to OK Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban.”  We will be facing a right wing court for the rest of my life, and possibly worse if “liberals” choose not to vote in November.  The only way to stop Trump and this surge toward fascism in America is if people vote republicans out of office in November.  (I’m feeling as if 2020 isn’t soon enough – which is why I call this coming election the most significant in my lifetime)

And, while it appears there’s a good chance democrats could retake the House in the Mid-term election, it looks to me as if republicans COULD actually gain a couple seats in the Senate.  I really hope I’m wrong on that front, but 2 out of ever 3 seats up for election are now held by democrats – some in states won by Trump who appear vulnerable to say the least – with only around 10 republicans up for re-election.  A couple republicans “retired” – so their seats are open, but they’re in states considered “red.”  (interestingly, that’s the color affiliated with the Russians)  If democrats can’t retake the Senate Trump will likely get at least one more opportunity to fill a seat on the court.  In 2020 (or sooner) Trump likely will be gone, but his DAMAGE as I’ve been writing about since his so-called “election” will linger for a generation or more.

So, while “we the people” are likely to be engaged in a rigorous discussion over the Supreme Court and the DAMAGE Trump will be able to inflict on those of us who can’t stomach him and his fascist policies, there will be over 2000 children who are pushed out of the headlines.  This is how it works now in “Trump world.”  The scandals are coming so fast that they come and go in a matter of days and then we’re on to the next one.  To me, it’s like I can’t even recognize the republican party which has allowed itself to be commandeered by the right wing “Tea party.”  This resulted from the backlash to Obama’s election from all the white Americans who didn’t realize how racist they really were/are.  I’ve talked to a few who make racist comments and when I point out to them that what they just said was racist they look at me like, “Whaaaat?”  It’s like they want to say, “but he’s a BLACK president, our country’s turning “brown” – being against that isn’t racist.”  To me, it’s more concerning to have a person who doesn’t realize he/her is racist than an overt racist.

I’ve met many a Trump supporter who doesn’t feel supporting racists leaves an “imprint” on themselves.  I’ve only talked to a few about the children pulled from their parents, but some actually agree with Trump and Sessions that it’s a good way to discourage others from coming to “the land of the free.”  The actions of the Trump administration at the border, taking these children from their parents, is just one of the RACIST actions that will be “pinned” on the Trump “bulletin board” as History looks back on this dreadful time in America’s past (once it gets here – which, obviously, couldn’t come soon enough for me).  My hope is that progressive Americans realize while the Supreme Court appointment calls for an “all hands on deck” fight, they MUST NOT forget the immigrant children!  Additionally, making this “fight” a campaign issue would not be wise.  Do it now, get it over with.  (In reality, that’s the democrats best chance to work with moderate republicans like Collins and Murkowski to get a more palatable justice.  Democrats MUST not allow their anger at McConnell to lead to something worse)

I’ve talked for years about how the “puppet masters” who have been pushing the republican party to the right since the days of Reagan envision a so-called “permanent republican majority.”  Well, Trump is the perfect president for that “vision” – which believes a 40% “base” is enough to remain in power.   Even thoughtful members of the republican party had no idea what their “leaders” were envisioning.  Fortunately, there are “republicans” like Wallace, Schmidt, David Jolley – former member of the House from Florida, David Frum, I recently read his book “Trumpocracy” which is a very good read, James Comey (yes, a lifelong republican), Robert Mueller (also a republican), and, astonishingly to me, George Will, plus many other
“republicans” who realize what a danger Trump poses to the America we all love.  Listen, I’ve heard Trump associates refer to John McCain, George W Bush and his brother Jeb, and the others listed above as “rino’s” (republicans in name only).  In my mind, I’m thinking, “how has it come to this?”  To me, this “fight” is for the soul of America.

Final Thought:  Trump’s impending court appointment will go a long way to cement right wing principles in our judicial future, but it’s up to “we the people” to vote Trump’s republican enablers out of congress – that’s imperative and, if we fail, this country will become unrecognizable.  The real force behind this movement comes from the moneyed elite like the Koch brothers, the DeVoss family, the Coors family, business leaders like Sheldon Adelson, Wall Street elites, and others who put their financial GREED above everything else.  If you want to have a better idea of who this secretive group is, read “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet.  These people are expert at remaining “behind the curtain” (picture the “wizard” in the movie “The Wizard of Oz”) AND they have enormous POWER.  (The Koch’s themselves will “donate” over half a BILLION dollars in 2018 to help preserve the very Congress that GAVE them BILLIONS in the tax scam “because their ‘donors’ demanded it.”)  Republicans and their “donors” could care less about MOST of the Trump voters, but they’re expert at disguising themselves and their true intent!  And, the beat goes on!

One more thing:  Today I listened to a migrant Mom from Guatemala who is seeking to get her daughter back being interviewed and she was asked how she felt NOW about seeking refuge in America and what she would say to others.  (She’s fleeing extreme violence)  She responded by saying others should seek refuge in other countries because America has no heart.  For Trump and republicans this would be EXACTLY what they want to hear.  To them, their policies are working.  To a majority of Americans and the world, these policies make this nation virtually unrecognizable with her history as a welcoming place for immigrants.

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