Trump’s actions suggest he’s still working with the Russians.

Either I’ve got way too much time on my hands, or almost everyday I get worked up by something else that crosses my mind as I’m trying to do my patriotic duty by “keeping up” on the “Russia thing” and the DAMAGE, as I’ve characterized it since January 20, 2017 Trump is causing this great nation.  (a nation that’s a bit “less great” every day he remains in office)  Well, I listened to a couple democrats from the House today and, you guessed it, I’m all worked up again.  And, it’s about the “DAMAGE” which could conceivably become irreparable if “we the people” don’t stand up to Trump and get him where he belongs – which may be a different place than I originally was thinking.  Instead of “Trump Tower” he may need a visit to Leavenworth.  This CAN’T happen in America again!

If it ever was, this is not funny any more.  When the (so-called) President of the United States is constantly attacking the FBI in a way that could conceivably undermine public confidence in the institution (although, only around 30% of Americans take him seriously) and is BULLYING “his” Attorney General into investigating his political opponents, and when the President is working in concert with major media outlets on an orchestrated propaganda campaign we’re getting dangerously close to reliving the Third Reich.  Trump’s busy ginning up a large segment of the right wing fringe – a segment that’s armed to the hilt – to believe he wouldn’t think of “colluding” with the Russians – which likely means he DID collude with the Russians, and I’m beginning to think whatever Trump did with the Russians was minor compared to what he’s done over the years in his business – which is presumably why the Russians have such a “hold” on him.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard Trump say anything that wasn’t “glowing” about Vladimir Putin.

To make it worse – or, well I’m not sure what to call it – it seems like arrogance, Trump doesn’t hesitate to point out, beside Putin, he admires Erdogan of Turkey and Duterte of the Philippines – two of the most ruthless dictators in the world more than even our own leaders.  Well, three counting Putin.  And, Trump doesn’t hesitate to “go after” his political opponents in the Putin or Erdogan or Duterte style – although, he’s “only” suggesting “jail” for Hillary Clinton.  This is unbelievable to me.  I clearly remember the days of Richard Nixon and his “enemies list” and that was “nothing” compared to what I’m seeing from Trump.  And, EVERYONE knows Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, yet republicans are coming along side him in ways that is just boggling my mind.  It seems entirely possible to me that Trump CONTINUES to COLLUDE with the Russians – that is, all these organized attacks on the FBI, Mueller, etc. are likely still being “helped along” by Russian “trolls.”  To think they’ve stopped is naivete – NO ONE in our Justice Department has done a thing to stop them from INTRUDING on our system – which is totally vulnerable from what I can tell.

Two republicans that I just have to wonder what does Trump have on them would be Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch.  These would by two I’d think would be at the head of the “class” in wanting to fight a Russian ATTACK on America.  Yet, the other day, after the DRACONIAN republican tax cut was passed I was embarrassed to watch Hatch claiming Trump to be “maybe the greatest president ever.” (smart people around the world are watching)  I wondered,  “What did he have for breakfast today?” when I heard that.  And, Graham – the one who, at one time, I thought may be the Senator with the COURAGE to bring sanity to this situation had a couple rounds of golf with Trump and now you’d never know he was the same man who said – in one instance – if Trump comes after Mueller, “All hell will break loose.”  I have to ask myself, “what the hell happened?”

Now, you’ve got republicans who were speaking the most effusive praises for Robert Mueller, a lifelong republican, when he was appointed special counsel, leading an ill-advised smear campaign against him.  (Again, in concert with the Russians – and, of course the traitorous Fox “news”)  This all started when Mueller got a guilty plea from Michael Flynn – which anyone who was paying attention SHOULD have seen coming.  Republican members of Congress are smart enough to understand what Flynn’s plea arrangement means.  Mueller wouldn’t make the deal he made unless, as Flynn earlier attested, he has a “story to tell.”  And, they know the story is not likely about Papadopoulos.  Since Flynn’s plea deal republicans have ratcheted up the “heat” on Mueller.  This is SHAMEFUL and, is putting a bunch of republicans in the wrong section of the history books.  It almost seems as if they believe their own jobs depend on them protecting Trump, while it feels to me, just the opposite.  This is how the Russians treat their political opponents!

It’s hard for me to believe the good people of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Indiana, and other “rust belt” states would actually be OK with a president who was essentially flipping off the legal system and working in concert with a foreign adversary.  Fox “news” claims, correctly I guess, there’s no law against “collusion” (do they know something “we the people” don’t?), but, what they FAIL to point out is TREASON is a SERIOUS crime and conspiracy against the United States of America is NOT recommended for political campaigns.  I don’t believe all those good people I mentioned want a president who worked with the Russians to get elected – or who has a history of money laundering – among his other more well known misdeeds.  And, seemingly could still be working with the Russians.

It’s apparent to me the main reason Trump is our (so-called) president is because Hillary Clinton was his opponent.  Republicans spent the past 25 years SMEARING her and, during the election had considerable help from the Russians furthering the smear – turning MILLIONS of voters off to her campaign.  Then you had the FBI – that Trump is now attacking – essentially giving Trump the election because of James Comey’s ill advised announcement that the “email investigation was re-opened.”  Reports, at the time, were that a MAJORITY of FBI agents “couldn’t stand” Mrs. Clinton (despite assertions to the contrary today – evidently, with republicans, having agents biased against Mrs. Clinton was OK) forcing Comey to make the announcement due to fear the report would be leaked.  Today, with Trump apparently in jeopardy (remember, he KNOWS what he did – if there was no “there, there” why would he be worried at all?) you’d think the FBI is a bastion of liberal ideology.

By all accounts, Robert Mueller is as honest and honorable as they come.  His record, over a lifetime of achievement, is impeccable.  He’s served his nation much more honorably than the record many of the republicans in Congress are sullying themselves with as they choose to come alongside a confessed sexual predator – which most of them were “appalled” at for, like, maybe a week or two.  Additionally, I don’t know anyone who can give me – with evidence – a public figure who LIES anywhere close to the regularity of Trump.  He seems to be the “poster child” for the saying, “If his lips are moving, he’s LYING.”  And, I have to believe that if the Russians are still “intruding” the FBI knows this and Mueller would be even more determined to “get to the bottom” of what happened.  He’s NOT going to be intimidated.

When Trump took office I thought Mike Pense would be a much more acceptable “alternative” to the “real” conservatives in Congress (if they exist anymore) and, as Trump, step by step, further showed his incompetence and his underhanded nature, along with his arrogant disregard for our system of laws, and his actions similar to Putin, they would remove him and Pense would be their “true conservative” president.  Well, so much for that.  It didn’t take long and Pense showed himself to be an incredibly passive “rubber stamp” for anything “Trump.”  He’s managed to forever disgrace himself via a cabinet meeting “meltdown” where he couldn’t praise Trump enough.  Additionally, he’s proven himself willing to LIE for Trump at his beckon call.  It’s like Trump is a “god” to Pense, Hatch, and others.  To me, he’s the “god” with horns and e a pitchfork – if you get my drift!

This all started when ALL of America’s intelligence agencies reported last year that the Russians ATTACKED our nation during the election.  Trump has refused to acknowledge this, apparently because he’s a bit over sensitive to the FACT Mrs. Clinton got 3 MILLION more votes than him and the Russians may have actually swung the election for him.  Here’s the thing that may be bothering me more than anything – Trump’s actions suggest he’s still working with the Russians.  The attacks on the media, the FBI, Mueller, and his political opponents are right out of Putin’s playbook.  And, the FACT our Justice Department seems oblivious to this whole thing makes me think the Russians are supporting the Fox “news” attacks on the Russian investigation and our FBI.  I’ve never been one to feel the need to defend the FBI until recently, but they SHOULD be allowed to remain an independent agency.  If Trump succeeds in getting nothing but his loyalists into the FBI America, as we’ve known it, is finished.  He will keep pushing to turn us into a dictatorship until “we the people” insist he be REMOVED from office.  Unfortunately, Mike Pense needs to go as well.  The future of America is at stake!

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