This tax cut is bad enough – but, it will pale if republicans allow the continued attacks on our FBI, Justice Department, AND the Mueller investigation!

There’s a good chance we’re going to survive what’s going on in America these days (despite Trump supporters spending their spare time at the shooting ranges), the question is, will our republic still be the same and will the “rule of law” still be intact.  I’ve been lamenting where the republican party was headed for over 10 years (on this site – much longer counting before I started writing) and, now they seem to have reached the tipping point.  It appears a significant number of members of Congress, especially in the House, are coalescing around Trump and, beyond all reason, even suggesting the investigation into the Russia intrusion into our previous election is a “silent coup.”  That is absurd, but now that Paul Ryan’s “wet dream” has manifested itself in this “tax overhaul” – which is actually a TAX CUT for the wealthiest Americans – over 80% going to the top 1% – they’re swooning over Trump in ways that would make grown men GAG – except for those men (mostly white) who watch Fox “news” and listen to people like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and the other propagandists of the fourth Reich who are Trump’s “base.”  (More on that later)

Republicans crammed through their tax cut which will make many of them even more wealthy and appease their donor class who were already EXTREMELY wealthy, but can’t seem to get enough (is this what you call “draining the swamp?”).  Today, one day after the scam was approved they lined up in the Rose garden and took turns trying to see who could be the MOST pathetic cult member as they, one by one, – similar to Trump’s original cabinet meeting where members went around the table thanking him for the incredible privilege of giving up their moral person-hood to him in exchange for their willingness to promote his LYING agenda – spoke about how Trump is “maybe the greatest president ever” (in the words of Orrin Hatch) because of his willingness to sign a tax cut bill that virtually no one, including Trump, knows what’s in it and what will happen because of it.

The only thing most of us know about this tax cut bill is that people like Trump (and, unfortunately, that last “holdout” among republicans, Bob Corker) will gain MILLIONS from provisions in the bill designed specifically for them.  There’s a provision in the bill for Ted Cruz and who knows how many other republicans have guided taxpayer funds from the treasury to their check books as they claim they’re “giving the American people their money back” – in the disingenuous words of Paul Ryan.  That statement is preposterous on its face – I’ll explain how later.  The unbelievable republican celebration almost (seriously) made me PUKE and, I can only imagine what our friends around the world are saying to each other.  Especially, the ones we expect to fund this massive giveaway – of which over 80% goes to the top 1% in America. (OK, I know I said that already, apparently it really bugs me)

Lest I forget, let me remind you it’s been the republicans whining about the national debt for the past 8 years while President Obama was in office.  A little history:  GW Bush/Dick Cheney left the country in a TERRIBLE mess – what easily could have been another Great Depression, but  was commonly termed the “Great Recession” (thanks to Obama’s stimulus “package”) where a MILLION jobs per month were being lost and the annual deficit was $1.5 TRILLION – yes, that’s correct, EACH year!  That’s what Obama “inherited.”  President Obama managed to get that (annual) deficit down to around $400 BILLION by the time he left office.  During those 8 years, I worried about my hearing because the NOISE coming from republicans complaining about the deficit was so LOUD – in fact, they were pinning the Bush/Cheney deficits on Obama BEFORE he took the oath of office.  (then, of course, they REFUSED to help him eradicate it)  Republicans even blamed Obama for the TARP bailouts that were the handiwork of Henry Paulsen – Bush’s Treasury Secretary – you know, another bastion of “free markets” – like these republicans who just passed this massive tax cut giveaway to the least needy in America.  (some refer to this as “corporate welfare” – of course, the republicans don’t believe in “welfare”)

On the one hand they were BLAMING Obama “out of the box” for the Bush/Cheney BAILOUT, their DEFICIT, and anything else bad they could use their Fox propaganda machine to turn unsuspecting Americans against our first person of color living in their “White House.”  On the other hand they were all claiming to be fiscal conservatives.  Over the last 7 years of Obama’s presidency the economy was on a CONSTANT upward climb.  Every month increased job growth and reduced unemployment – to the point where we were well under “full employment” when Trump took office with over 200,000 new jobs per month – for over 80 STRAIGHT months.  And, true to form, Obama’s successes “ended at the water’s edge.”  By that, I mean republicans have refused to acknowledge the gains of this past year having been largely the result of the economy President Obama “gifted” to Trump.  Republicans are what I call “the I’ll have my cake and eat it too” crowd.

Yes, it’s true the stock market got a kick in the butt because all the money changers are – and have been – anticipating this tax cut and all the executive orders removing (much needed) regulations intended to keep them from getting out of control again and creating another financial nightmare.  Well, now Trump is making his imprint on the economy and causing the next financial meltdown to to gain steam.  And, guess what, they’ll find a way to blame it on either President Obama or Hillary Clinton when it happens – count on it!  (or the next president, depending on when things crash)

Republicans say with this tax cut “we’re giving the American people their money back.” (honestly, Paul Ryan had a grin from ear to ear as he said that – along with “I’ve been waiting years to say this”) Well, that’s absurd on its face in so many ways – I’ll try to keep my focus as I explain.  First, this is almost ALL BORROWED money.  That means, it’s likely not OUR (meaning “we the people’s”) money.  It might come from China, or Saudi Arabia, or the Federal Reserve (they have high tech printing presses) or, God forbid (this thought just crossed my mind) Russia.  What we know is – it’s not “we the people’s” money.  The DEBT will be increased by at least $1.5 TRILLION (which, coincidentally, is the size of the tax cut) and I’m guessing with everything else they’re either doing or not doing, the debt will increase by at least DOUBLE that.  That’s been the result of the previous tax scams – the 1981 Scam perpetrated by Reagan and the 2001 scam perpetrated by Bush/Cheney – where Dick Cheney famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”  Evidently, with republicans deficits ONLY matter when a democrat is in the “White House.”  So, two things:  1.)  It’s not “we the people’s money and 2.) “we the people” aren’t getting it!

Further, even if this was actually being done with real money – that is, money ponied up by us “Middle Class taxpayers” – again, they wouldn’t be returning it to “hard working Americans” – as claimed by Ryan and other republicans willing to sell their souls to the donors who they can’t stay in office without.  (that’s because there’s not enough “little guys” willing to send them money AKA Bernie Sanders to fund their campaigns)  Over 80% of this money is going to the top 1% and, (Yes, I know that’s the third time I’ve said that, but it’s important info) as the saying goes, someone’s got to pay for it.  Well, that someone apparently, based on what I’m seeing from these people is our children and grandchildren (unless we keep voting in republicans and then it could be our great grandchildren).  I honestly don’t know where bankruptcy for our nation lies, but I’m guessing republicans are planning that for the next democratic administration – or the one after that – if they think they can pull off this scam one more time.  Who knows, if Fox “news” can stay in business…….. maybe.  Their “plan” is like one of my dreams, where I go to the bank and borrow way too much money and the banker says, don’t worry, you don’t have to pay it back.  We’ll contact your children or grandchildren. Wow!

Republicans claim “growth” is going to pay for this tax cut.  I’ve listened to and read from numerous respected economists and the ONLY one who I’ve heard make that claim is the guy who works for Trump.  Most say, even with the rosiest prognostication the increase to the deficit will be at least  a TRILLION over ten years.  What this means is that the reduction in the deficit caused by Obama’s policies will likely end this year and, as Reagan once famously said, “here we go again” and the national debt will balloon even more. Look at it this way – if a tax cut would stimulate the economy enough to pay for something like this it would have to be in a downturn.  We’re in a boom cycle – so it’s much more likely this tax cut will “stimulate” inflation more than any other outcome.  Why stimulate something that doesn’t need stimulating?  You know what I mean?

Despite their complaining about deficits to the contrary, this is what republicans do.  What’s interesting is that we’re fast approaching another place where we’re “hitting” the debt ceiling – should be interesting to see what all the deficit hawks in the republican party – who annually threatened default during Obama’s years – have to say.  Tomorrow, republicans have to attempt to keep the government open – that should be interesting.  They’ll probably shut it down and find a way to blame democrats – who, at a minimum are going to want a solution to the DACA issue.  This is America in the 21st century. Maybe a more likely scenario is another “kicking the can down the road.”  You know the saying – “never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.”

This all was foreshadowed by the “Powell memo” back in 1972 when republicans in concert with the Chamber of Commerce took aim at workers and unions while propping up a corporatocracy.  Of course, I don’t believe anyone, at the time, in their wildest dreams could have imagined anyone as BAD as Trump in the “White House.”  (forgive me Mr. Hatch)  This tax cut is bad enough – but, it will pale if republicans allow the continued attacks on our FBI, Justice Department, AND the Mueller investigation – as if there was no ATTACK on America by the Russians in the last election.  If you read about how authoritarian regimes are weaponizing outlets like Facebook, Twitter, etc. around the world to foment their dogma, it’s easy to see how the Russians easily could have swung the election – like they’re bragging in Moscow.  This is serious business and the rule of law MUST prevail!

I believe Trump may very well come off as connected to organized crime – either in the U.S. or via connections to Russia once Mueller’s probe is completed.  I certainly hope there’s a majority of Americans who aren’t OK with that.  Theoretically, you’d think republicans would be keeping a distance between themselves and Trump until they know how much he’s been compromised. (Can you imagine them if this was Obama under investigation?)   We know there was Russian involvement and it appears that, for example with the Facebook and Twitter “weaponizing,” it couldn’t have been done without “guidance.”  (And, I’m not talking about guidance from Moscow or some other place off of America’s shores)  If Trump is compromised by Russia, either wittingly or unwittingly, he’s a danger to our republic.  If he’s been involved in money laundering of Russian money (or his own) and/or he was aware of the collusion during the campaign, he should face the consequences.

Jared Kushner, it seems to me, would be the one who would have been helping the Russians to “focus” their Facebook and Twitter attacks in the most effective direction.  I find it hard to believe they would have known how to provide the REAL fake news so efficiently without assistance.  There’s too many coincidences to suggest the Trump administration is innocent of wrongdoing as the Russians were ATTACKING the fundamental premise of our republic – our right to vote.  If republicans put their power ahead of their country in this – well, as Kellyanne Conway said referring to child predators (she, of course, was speaking of – before Trump decided to support him – Roy Moore) – “There’s a special place in hell………..”  You know the rest.  Well, to me, there’s a special place in hell for politicians who put power ahead of patriotism.  And, in this instance, patriotism REQUIRES finding the TRUTH about the Russia ATTACK on our nation in 2016 and beyond.  (I believe it’s ongoing – and, with Jeff Sessions in Charge our Justice Department is doing absolutely NOTHING about it!

Kushner, to me, is next in Mueller’s “sights.”  And, Donald Trump Jr. may not be far behind.  You could add Mike Pense to that, Kellyanne Conway, and Steve Bannon – to name a few that appear to me to be vulnerable.  This crew is as corrupt as they come from what I can tell.  We pretty much know how Trump will react when his son or son-in-law are either indicted or given opportunities for plea deals – the question is how will republicans react?  If today’s slobber session in the Rose Garden is any indication – our nation, as a “nation of laws and not men” is far more under attack than anyone could have imagined.  I’ve predicted Trump’s Tiki Torch carrying supporters will react with violence should he be found “wanting” – as far as the law is concerned – the question is – will they get away with it?  As Rachel Maddow says, “watch this space!”

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