Trump ended the last debate by blurting out – during Mrs. Clinton’s closing remarks – “she’s a nasty woman.” To me, Donald Trump is one of the “nastiest” people EVER!

As the women come forward accusing Donald Trump of being a sexual predator – which he inadvertently admitted to on tape at “Access Hollywood” several years ago – what I’m having a hard time understanding is why republicans are so surprised.  I mean the guy’s a walking narcissist who’s demeaned women (and others) in a way that would seemingly make it obvious that he’s all about himself and, just as pathological liars believe their lies as the words come out of their mouths (and, by the way, Trump gets a check mark on that one too!), he is apparently so caught up in this improbable campaign that he actually thinks he’s “presidential” and can BS his way into the oval office.  Yikes!

Years ago, when I started writing (venting – I was so upset with the invasion of Iraq by Bush/Cheney et al), one of my first posts mentioned America’s “low information voters.”  I was challenged by a local (second rate) “conservative” talker who accused me of being “elitist” for making such a comment (his name is Lars Larsen – not sure if he’s still a paid liar for the right wing “noise” machine).  This “talker” like the rest of the republican propaganda machine which has been vilifying anything “progressive” since the days of Ronald Reagan has been cultivating these “low information voters” for years and the end result is that the republican nominee for president is now the most bizarre, unqualified, DEPLORABLE, candidate that maybe has ever gotten this far in the process – in the HISTORY of this great nation.

If you remember back during the primary season, Donald Trump hit a bit of a bump in the road in Iowa, where none other than Ted Cruz – another right wing wack job (who I personally think would have been every bit as dangerous as Trump – in fact, Cruz’s lack of character has been on bright display as he caved to the urge to remain relevant – at least in his own mind – by “endorsing” [and even phone banking for] Trump – despite Trump’s DEPLORABLE comments about Cruz’s wife and his own pledge NOT to support someone as DEPLORABLE as Trump post primary process) – defeated Trump in the Iowa caucuses.  Trump, in his rationalizing the defeat made a comment about Iowa’s “uneducated voters.”  And, then Trump said, “I love the uneducated voters.”  Well, as I listen to the Trump voters share why they’re solidly behind him, I “get” why Trump LOVES “uneducated voters.”  It all reminds me, constantly, of my earlier post when I was lamenting America’s “low information voters” that, it really is possible for a fascist like Trump to eventually gain control of this government.

I’m guessing a LARGE percentage of Trump’s supporters have no idea what  the definition of fascism really is.  They’ve heard – and many bought into – the charge that President Obama is a fascist (among other superlatives like Communist, Socialist, etc.).  Of course, in Obama’s case – despite the FACT that Wall Street and America’s big business has THRIVED under his leadership, it’s absurd to accuse him of being a fascist.  But Trump?, not so much.  Trump even, at one point in the campaign, had his followers at a rally raising their right arm (in a heil Hitler like manner) pledging to support him.  If you closely examine whatever you can discern from Trump’s boisterous comments and the people he associates with, you can’t help but come away with seeing the parallels between his rhetoric and that of those in the Third Reich.  The racist rhetoric – concerning Muslims, Jews, Mexicans, and earlier in the campaign – prior to his disingenuous “play” for votes in the African American community – his comments about African Americans (along with his history of discrimination regarding people of color) along with his authoritarian tendencies should give anyone who believes in the principles of this nation pause.

Actually, his “theme,” “Make America Great Again” mirrors Hitler’s theme back “in the day” when he campaigned on “Make Germany Great Again.”  I’ve wondered why more in the mainstream media haven’t caught on to this, and I’m constantly wondering what Trump is referring to.  What does he want to take us back to?  When was it that he thinks America was “great?”  I have to use the past tense, because just the innuendo of his theme would suggest America is not “great.”  Trump covers his bases – because he virtually lambasts EVERY part of the American system – and, of course, he’s going to “fix” it all because he knows how to negotiate.  Evidently, the courts and the congress will simply go along with whatever Trump decides is best for the rest of us.  Personally, I find the thought a bit unnerving.

I mean, Trump is threatening to JAIL Hillary Clinton if he’s elected.  He’s boasted that the FIRST thing he would do is have Mrs. Clinton – a 30 year public servant – JAILED because of an imaginary email scandal.  (let’s face it, the right wing “conspiracy” has been after Mrs. Clinton since the day she publicly exposed their existence).  The reality of American politics is that this is unheard of.  Now, I have to admit that I was in favor of INVESTIGATIONS of the Bush/Cheney regime after they left Washington DC with their “tails between their legs” – both George W Bush and Dick Cheney admitted on national TV that they had authorized WAR CRIMES.  For whatever reason, Barack Obama chose to block all the investigations just as Bill Clinton “looked the other way” in 1993 knowing that Ronald Reagan AND most probably George HW Bush had committed felonies in the “Iran/Contra” affair during the waning years of the Reagan administration.  (Evidently, that’s one of the big differences between democrats and republicans – the republicans can make a “scandal” out of nowhere – while the democrats “look the other way.”)  But, threatening to JAIL your rival in an American presidential election???  As the saying goes, “come on man!”

Many of the republicans who supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal – “I didn’t have sex with that woman” – continue to support Trump, despite the glaring REALITY that Trump’s escapades apparently make Clinton’s look like “child play.”  I mean, no matter how all the recent accusations of Trump’s alleged sexual assaults turn out, it’s undeniable that he’s been unfaithful to ALL of his wives.  Melania, his recent wife, must be having a hard time defending him after he boasted that he wanted to f@#k the guy’s co-host on “access Hollywood” despite the FACT Trump was recently married (for the third time) and the “co-host” was married. (Don’t all these republicans supporting him claim to be from the “party of family values?” – evidently, not my families values.)

In fact, part of Trump’s boasting seemed to delight in the FACT she was married – he seemed surprised that she “turned him down.”  Obviously, there’s now a long line of women who’ve turned Mr. Trump down (despite his claim to be so “good looking”).  Honestly, even as he denies the allegations – and then attempts to demean the women making them; as if to say “do you really think I’d “move” on someone who looks like that?”  “I don’t think so!” – he essentially affirms the charges.  He speaks as if he’s “god’s gift to women” and that he can do “whatever I want.”  Every time I’m forced to listen to him (MSNBC is still giving Trump unbelievable amounts of FREE airtime) I get sick to my stomach.

And, yet, over 30% of Americans are still planning to vote for this DEPLORABLE man.  He’s now suggesting that if he loses “the election is rigged” and further ginning up his “low information voters” (or, as he puts it “uneducated voters”)  Close to where I live, there are Trump supporters flying American flags along with Trump flags (I’ve never seen that before either) wearing shirts that say “Hillary for Prison” and packing handguns on their belts AKA the wild wild west.  I just want this guy to go away, but I’m thinking things could get interesting after the election.  Many of Trump’s supporters have pledged to NOT support the outcome of the election should he lose – which is highly likely – UNLESS – he’s correct that the election is rigged.  Remember, republicans have been busy passing voter suppression legislation since the Supreme Court GUTTED the Voting Rights act of 1965.  The voting machines are owned by right wing republican corporations and the corporate interests in America (re: fascisim) are so close to their “permanent republican ‘majority'” that they can probably “taste it.”

I’m sure there are people in the republican shadows that are just shaking their heads.  When Bush/Cheney were “crowned” by the Supreme Court back in 2000 they had control of all three branches of government.  But George W Bush was such a bumbling disaster as president that their plan was upended.  The Bush/Cheney fiasco in Iraq along with the domestic disasters – which included the financial meltdown – left the republicans in “ruins” – but, they didn’t slow a bit – they just moved FARTHER to the “right” and began an unprecedented OBSTRUCTION policy in their attempt to make our first Black President “fail” – which was a failure in itself – he will leave office as one of the most popular presidents at the end of his administration EVER – but, it did lead to republicans regaining control of the Senate and the House and the possibility, again, with Trump’s candidacy for republican control of our entire government.  The problem these “money changers” face – every time – is that the caliber of candidate that is willing to “tow the company line” is not appealing to the vast majority of Americans.

I mean, the ONLY way someone such as Trump could get this far is – well, look closely at the 17 candidates who were called the “clown car” running for the nomination against Trump.  Seriously, Ted Cruz was the second choice!  I believe the only way Trump gets even close to 40% of the vote is that Mrs. Clinton has been the brunt of right wing attacks for as long as I can remember.  They’ve been trying to “ruin” her since she made the first attempt to address the health care problem in America – that republicans continue to ignore (just as they continue ignoring issues like Climate Change)  In fact, due to all the vitriol in this election cycle, there has been very little talk about issues like “Climate Change” which very well could be the most significant issue facing America in the last century.  Also, Trump is planning to repeal “Obamacare” (The Affordable Care Act) with some unnamed “replacement.”  In reality, republicans have been BLOCKING national health care since the days of FDR.  As Alan Grayson so famously said, their plan is “Don’t get sick.”  And, if you do get sick, “Die quickly.”  I wish I didn’t see so much TRUTH in that!

Trump is very probably the foremost proponent of political projection I’ve yet seen (and, believe me, with today’s republicans, that’s saying something).  As the accusations come out of his mouth I always want to put a mirror up to his face.  He accuses his opponents of being “liars.”  Trump is a pathological liar.  He accuses his opponents of being “corrupt.”  From what I can tell, Trump is as corrupt as they come. Trump even had the audacity to say to Mrs. Clinton, after she reminded viewers at the last “debate” that Trump hasn’t paid taxes in 18 years, “I use the rules you made.  If you don’t like it, you should have changed the rules.”  Thereby, publicly ADMITTING that he hasn’t paid ANY taxes at least since the mid 90’s.  What a guy!

The evidence continues to spill out that he’s used his “foundation” (which, I believe, has received a “stop and desist” order from New York’s attorney general) for personal gain numerous times – and, apparently, blatantly illegally.  Trump ended the last debate by blurting out – during Mrs. Clinton’s closing remarks – “she’s a nasty woman.”  To me, Donald Trump is one of the “nastiest” people EVER!


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