I keep waiting for someone in the republican congress to take the leadership role in ending this “nightmare,” but every day – nothing!

I keep trying to figure out why the republicans in Congress continue to put up with Trump knowing that he’s taking their party “over the cliff” in American politics.  It’s just a matter of time until they pay the price at the polls for supporting this person who acts more like a mafia boss than a president.  My guess is they know a lot more about Trump’s “base” than “we the people” do – and, it’s probably pretty scary.  What we do know is that it includes the “white nationalist” movement in America – which includes groups like the skinheads, the KKK, etc. and the people in these groups are largely those who are armed to the hilt and have been storing military “rations” for years.  I still remember Chuck Norris – who was one of the people very “out front” in his disappointment that we elected a Black president in 2008 – claiming there were armed “cells” throughout the country ready to “take our country back.”  These types of people were a large part of the “base” that got Trump into the “White” house.

So, as we continue to watch the “drip, drip, drip” of information which ties Trump to Vladimir Putin and the Russian mafia (government) it’s becoming clear that it’s just a matter of time before the “hammer” drops on Trump.  If Trump chooses to wait until the final results of Robert Mueller’s investigations into the Russian collusion – and, more than likely, many other issues – then, it’s likely it will be at least 2018 until we start seeing the results of republicans’ refusal to end the Trump presidency.  Something “new” seems to come out every day connecting the “dots” suggesting there was “collusion” between the Russians and the Trump campaign and, interestingly, the right wing media outlets in America (the true “fake news”) are already pushing a campaign designed to BRAINWASH their audience into believing there’s nothing wrong with “collusion.”  I’ve heard more than one, of late, claim that “collusion is not a crime.”  As if to say, working with the Russians to win the election is the “new normal.”  Yikes!

Unfortunately, many who believe they’re getting the “straight scoop” from places like Fox “news” or Breitbart, or any of the other right wing outlets will end up believing this collusion was OK.  Despite the FACT, it’s essentially TREASON.  What you won’t hear now from Fox or Breitbart or any of the other minions who are supporting Trump is the TRUTH about Vladimir Putin and the Russian mafia – I use the word “mafia” instead of government, because that’s how, by all accounts I can find, the Russian government functions.  I have to believe that one of the reasons Trump envies Putin (and other dictators around the world) is because of how they are able to deal with annoying journalists – I say “annoying” because, true investigative journalists dig for the TRUTH and people like Putin (and Trump) would prefer to live in a world of “alternative facts” – in the words of Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump’s “advisers.”

During the campaign one thing I learned for certain was that Donald Trump is the master at manipulating the media.  I tend to watch/listen to MSNBC and Trump played them like a master musician.  I don’t believe they’ll ever admit it, but they helped “legitimize” Trump’s campaign by over and over again playing entire speeches he gave – giving him MILLIONS in FREE air time.  And, the soft ball questioning almost made me puke.  I wrote a few posts at the time expressing my concern that MSNBC was trying to make sure the election was “close” to keep people’s interest up so MSNBC would be able to cash in on the advertising and increased ratings.  It wasn’t until the reality of a Trump presidency settled in that I noticed MSNBC realizing the DANGER of Trump in the White House.

However, from day one that Trump became president his incompetence has been center stage along with the continued – as mentioned above – “drip, drip, drip” of information suggesting collusion with the Russians and more.  Trump has exposed himself to impeachment in more than one obvious way and he seems to make matters worse every day.  The damage he’s doing to our nation is mounting fast and the silence of the republicans in Congress is, to me, deafening.  I keep waiting for someone in the republican congress to take the leadership role in ending this “nightmare,” but every day – nothing.  The obvious interpretation of that is they believe Trump will sign anything they can push through both houses of Congress – a mean spirited agenda they’ve been espousing for years which was blocked by President Obama  – so far, it’s been NOTHING (thank God) – but, I’m beginning to think there’s more.  The reality is that many of the republican members of Congress are going to have to defend their “defense” of Trump come 2018 and I have to believe many are feeling a bit uneasy about that scenario at this point.

So, why the silence?  If you look at how Putin (and other dictators Trump admires) operates it might make you think Trump will stop at nothing to preserve his position as president.  Clearly, he lashes out at anyone who’s in a position of importance that criticized him.  I’ve heard he’s committed $10 MILLION of his own funds to help “primary” any republican in Congress who doesn’t support him.  He especially dislikes people who are in the media that criticize him.  I have to believe there’s method to his “madness” as he “tweets” about members of the media – especially women who criticize him – “tweeting” in rather crude manners and he posted a video of himself throwing down a person who’s got the CNN logo “attached” to his head and “pounding” him.  (Interestingly, just like the “fake news” of Trump’s followers, that video came from a “fake” episode at a wrestling match years ago)

It seems as if Trump is encouraging those in his base – and, I’ve pointed out above where some of them are coming from – that the press is attacking him with false information and encouraging them to “defend him.”  We’ve already seen one Trump supporter – who was running for office in Montana – and WON – body slam a reporter who asked a probing question related to Trump.  Are we about to see other Trump supporters taking actions against members of the press who might have the audacity to report the TRUTH about Trump’s dealings with the Russians and who knows who else – I believe Trump’s legal vulnerability goes way beyond the “Russian thing” as Trump characterized it while explaining to Lestor Holt why he fired James Comey.

Trump is certainly laying the groundwork for some kind of uprising from his base when the final results of the FBI investigation becomes public if Trump is exposed for violating the law.  (obviously, I believe he’s violated more than one law)  Unfortunately, it will still be up to a republican Congress to rid us of this plague on our nation – even if Democrats retake the House in 2018 and impeach him.  The reality is that no matter what happens in 2018 it will require republican support to “convict” Trump if the House somehow impeaches him because a two-thirds majority in the Senate is required for “conviction.”  If you can’t tell, I’m uneasy relying on republicans for anything.

Then, should all that come about (Trump being impeached) how will our government deal with the likely backlash from the right wing militia types who more than likely honestly believe the BRAINWASHING they’ve been getting from Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh (and the other right wing talkers who permeate the radio airwaves), and sites like Breitbart or “Patriot news,” etc.  If you remember when Cliven Bundy challenged the federal government over his refusal to pay grazing fees for his cattle on government land, many of the very people who make up Trump’s “base” took up arms against our government.  These people are “out there” in numbers most of us can’t comprehend and they believe Trump is telling the truth and anyone who says otherwise is “fake news.”

I’m pointing this out in my attempt to understand why the republicans continue to put up with Trump.  Just last week in a speech in Poland (which his “supporters” said, “went well”) Trump trashed America’s intelligence agencies – essentially to the world – he continued his unbelievable (believe it, it keeps happening) continuation of BLAMING former President Obama for, essentially, everything he sees as bad (including the “Russia thing”), and further exposed himself as being ill informed.  To me, what I saw of the speech was embarrassing knowing he’s representing me (and you) in front of the world.  Trump met with Vladimir Putin and, undoubtedly, got played.  In the process he elevated Putin (at least in the eyes of the Russians) and he, himself, came across as a fool.  When I listened to Rex Tillerson give his account of the meeting it was clear that, at least from the perspective of the United States, nothing good was accomplished  (Tillerson also appears “in way over his head”).  It’s clear Trump really does admire Vladimir Putin – he’s probably envious of Putin’s ability to control Russia’s opposition leaders and their “free press.”

The damage Trump is doing to America – both at home and around the world – is growing, seemingly exponentially, every day.  It’s just a matter of time until this turns into something MAJOR if republicans don’t intervene.  Take for example, our economy and the dollar as the world’s major currency.  What if the Europeans really do choose to “go their own way” as they’ve been suggesting?  Do you really think this “America first” plan of Trump (and Steve Bannon and Steven Miller) is going to “bring back American jobs?”  To me, that’s as foolish as believing “trickle down” economics will lead to a balanced budget.

I feel the republicans in Congress feel they’re in a lose/lose dilemma.  Over the years, they’ve showed a strong tendency toward cowardice.  They’ve consistently refused to accept their responsibility to curb the “perpetual war” policy put forth by Bush/Cheney where Congress has willingly abrogated their responsibility to “declare wars.”  Since the passing of the “Affordable Care Act” they’ve been voting to repeal it, all the while knowing President Obama would veto their legislation.  Now that they’re “in power” they seem unable to come up with a reasonable solution to the problem – short of working with Democrats, which, apparently in republican “circles,” is taboo.  And, regarding Trump – they have to be smart enough to read “the writing on the wall,” but, for whatever reason, they’re afraid to act.  (Some of them are actually still openly supporting Trump)  I believe one of the main problems is their fear of the backlash if/when Trump is impeached.  It seems, just about every thing in the republican party is motivated by fear – one way or the other.

As I’ve said many times since Trump took the oath of office, the damage is mounting fast and the longer he’s president the more difficult it will be to “regroup.”  Trump will be president until the republicans decide to put their country ahead of their party – the question is what will it take to get them to act.  As stated above, even democrats retaking control of Congress in 2018 won’t be enough to get rid of Trump.  For a conviction in the Senate, it will require republican votes.  My suggestion to the republicans is get this over sooner rather than later.  As someone who’s always been an independent voter (lately, I vote AGAINST republicans) I’m looking for courageous republicans who will step up and lead the fight to remove Trump from office.  Maybe that would lead us to a place where our government actually FINALLY would work in a bipartisan manner – with the purpose of putting the will of “we the people” ahead of their corporate masters.  (I can dream can’t I?)

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