Controlling the media and voter suppression are normal in places like Russia. Maybe Trump would be better off moving to Russia.

I wrote in my last post about how I’m tiring of feeling the need to write about the terrible situation “we the people” find ourselves in – well, at least a pretty significant majority of us – as Donald Trump continues to show himself to be essentially unhinged, and certainly incapable of fulfilling the duties of being our president.  I’ve said many times it would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.  And, one thing that’s clear to me is that many of Trump’s diehard supporters have no idea how serious this situation really is.  If republicans in Congress continue to allow Trump to “do his thing” – as I’ve said before, “we the people” are depending on them to end this nightmare – the damage done could be catastrophic – to America and to the world.

By now, everyone knows that the Russians were involved in manipulating the 2016 election in a way that was designed to get Trump elected – even though most people believe they, themselves, didn’t believe they would succeed.  Their “plan B” was to damage Hillary Clinton to the point where she would be less of a threat to Vladimir Putin’s plan to “rebuild” the old “Soviet Union.”  Obviously, the starting point is in Ukraine – with the annexing of Crimea and only time will tell what Putin’s total objective is.  With Trump as our president, Putin has a much greater chance of achieving his objectives, whatever they are.  In fact, at the republican convention Trump’s “team” started the process of making it easier for Putin to achieve his goal in Ukraine.

That brings me to the thoughts that I can’t seem to get out of my head lately.  Trump is planning to meet with Putin at the upcoming G-20 summit in Europe.  As I was thinking about that meeting my mind kept reminding me of the old saying when I was much younger and still playing basketball.  When my team went up against a far superior team I still remember the prognosticators using the phrase – it’s “men against boys.” (we were the “boys”)  That’s exactly how I view Donald Trump meeting with Putin.  (and, believe me, I don’t see Trump as the “man”)

Vladimir Putin will know exactly how to play Trump to the fullest.  He’ll be prepared and he’ll flatter Trump to the point where Trump will give him exactly what he wants.  That’s presuming there’s nothing Putin has “over” Trump which could be the reason Trump has been heaping his praises on Putin since the beginning of his campaign for president.  (that would make it easier for Putin)  I clearly remember Trump’s admiration of Putin as he was bad mouthing President Obama during (and before) the campaign.  (I have to think it must really “rankle” Trump every time he sees the polling about how popular Obama is and how UNPOPULAR he is)  It’s my belief that Trump has financial ties to Russia which “we the people” don’t know about – probably the MAIN reason Trump refuses to release his tax returns – that make him even more vulnerable in any interaction with Putin than the simple truth that Putin is much smarter than Trump and will take full advantage of that.

My hope is that the meeting will be short and sweet and there will be nothing involved that will resemble any kind of negotiation.  I’ve already heard one of Trump’s surrogates say that Trump “will say whatever he feels like” in his meeting with Putin.  When I heard that, it only confirmed in my mind what I was already thinking – Putin will go into this meeting with a well planned agenda and Trump will be “winging it.”  The end result is likely to be a bad one for “we the people” – and, maybe for others around the world.

The reality is that there are many in the world who depend on the United States to prevent Russia from getting too bold.  And, those people are not stupid.  We’ve already seen the Saudi’s – who sent us MOST of the 9/11 terrorists and who are leading funders of terrorist groups around the world playing Trump – with Trump coming away thinking he had made an “historic” trip – in the words of Sean Spicer, Trump’s liar in chief.  (although KellyAnne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are very adept at LYING for Trump)  Of course, while on the subject of LYING – Trump is pretty much in a class by himself.  People all over the world are losing confidence in America because of Trump.  There are places in Europe where leaders want to ban Trump from even visiting their countries.

Watching Trump in action pretty much tells it all about why he admires people like Putin and the other dictators around the world he seems to have a fascination with – like Duterte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey.  I’m sure Trump’s “war” with the American media (less Fox “news,” Breitbart, and other right wing outlets) is due to his frustration that they’re watching what he does and reporting to “we the people” about things he’d just as soon we never heard.  Putin, Erdogan, and Duterte don’t have that bother.  Like, for example, the constant reporting of the collusion with the Russians in the last election.  (in Russia, Putin simply poisons journalists who don’t “cooperate”)  He doesn’t want us to know about this and, he doesn’t want us to know about his financial ties with the countries around the world where he’s either vulnerable to blackmail OR where he’s virtually DAILY violating the emoluments clause in the constitution.  I’m sure Trump would rather the republicans would simply remove that clause to solve the problem.

Speaking of the constitution.  It appears to me that Trump would love to just “repeal and replace” the constitution itself.  He really doesn’t like that he can’t just wish legislation into existence.  (of course, he’s so inept at even understanding the legislative process that he’d come across as bumbling even if he didn’t have “checks and balances” to deal with.)  The other day Trump made a series of demeaning “tweets” about a journalist who works at MSNBC – works with (and, I believe, is married to) Joe Scarborough – a republican.  Her name is Mika Brzezinski whose father was a foreign policy adviser to President Carter – if my memory serves me correctly.  (I know, I could look it up :o)  I don’t watch their program – I believe it’s called “Morning Joe” – but, evidently they’ve been critical of Trump (pretty much like most observers who aren’t beholden to the right wing talkers)  I heard Ms. Huckabee Sanders, one of Trump’s surrogates willing to LIE for him, defend Trump by claiming that if the media is going to be critical of him he will “fight back.”  (I don’t do “Twitter” but apparently Trump used the “blood” metaphor in referring to Ms. Brzezinski – as he’s done with other women who don’t “bow down” to him)

Can you imagine what it would have been like in America if Barack Obama had that same philosophy?  I get that some of the “stuff” coming at Trump is getting “personal,” but it’s not even in the same league as what people – Trump at the “head of the pack” – “threw” at President Obama.  The RACISTS were out in full force – again, Trump right at the front – for pretty much the entire eight years Obama was president.  He, Obama, simply “turned the other cheek” and did his job.  The vile stuff coming at Obama was far worse than what Trump should be enduring – but, Trump makes EVERYTHING worse by the way he reacts.  His “tweets” are getting him in trouble and will, eventually, get us all (meaning “we the people”) in trouble – because, “the world is watching.”  Apparently, Trump gets mad simply because of the Russian investigation – so, he tries to make it “go away,” and matters just get worse.  He brings this all on himself!  He takes it personal when reporters point out NOTHING he’s proposed has made it through Congress – and, they then compare his “progress” (or lack thereof) with Obama’s.  That must really make him mad.  He’s not as smart as a “Black” man.

Yes, Trump’s “base” is made up largely of a group of “White Nationalists” – but, the reality is they represent only a small fraction of the American public.  They do not understand how we need the “world” as much (if not more so) than the world needs us.  I’m obviously not an economic expert, but I’ve read several book dealing with economics (mostly, related to the “great recession”) and, it appears to me, our country could suffer greatly if countries around the world lose faith in our fundamental economic stability.  For example, if they decide to turn away from the dollar as the world’s standard currency all those people complaining about “no jobs” in our “rust belt” (who were responsible for Trump being president) could end up in even a worse situation.  And, I have to say, I don’t trust Trump or the people who are his base to know how to protect our economic standing in the world.  This upcoming meeting between Trump and Putin could be the first step in America’s “undoing” – which would suit Vladimir Putin just fine.

I’m trying not to be thinking such negative thoughts all the time, but, it seems, every day Trump does something else that confirms he’s either an idiot or he really is planning some kind of authoritarian coup de tat from the inside in America.  (the recent “order” by his election commission for EVERY Secretary of State in the country to essentially provide TOTAL information about EVERY voter in the nation should get people’s attention – fortunately, most of the Secretary’s of State are saying no – or, in one instance, one said, “go jump in the Gulf of Mexico”)  Controlling the media (I heard today that Trump, essentially, encouraged violence against journalists – with another ill-advised “tweet”) and voter suppression are normal in places like Russia.  Maybe Trump would be better off moving to Russia.  Their system seems more in tune with his thinking.  Come to think of it, maybe that’s his plan as he meets with Putin at the G-20 summit!

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