My point to the democrats: stop complaining about Trump 24/7 and lay out a plan that will guarantee retaking Congress in 2018!

I’m really struggling to motivate myself to write these days.  I mean, it’s like the topic in my head never changes.  I turn on the TV and tune to MSNBC and, more than likely, there’s Trump speaking (which causes me to either turn it off or leave the room – I really don’t understand why it’s so difficult for his “supporters” to understand the constant stream of LIES that flows from his mouth, seemingly whenever it’s moving) either speaking or being “analyzed.”  I “get” the analyzing and I truly hope the “media” continues to not only “vet” Trump regarding the “Russia thing,” but to be watching what he’s doing “behind closed doors.”  As I’ve said many times here, the amount of DAMAGE he’s going to do to this nation could be monumental – and, unfortunately, at this point in time (at least until 2018) the ONLY ones who can stop him are the republicans in Congress – and, they don’t appear to be “willing.”

One reason Trump’s in the position he’s in is the opposition party is the Democrats.  I’ve stated many times on this site that I’m a lifelong independent voter – but, over the past many years – certainly since the days of the Bush dynasty – (and, probably since Reagan) the republican party has drifted so far to the “right” that I can’t bring myself to vote for any of them.  I watched Mitch McConnell the other day as he was announcing there weren’t enough votes – at this time – to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, and I found myself nearly as close to the “gagging” place I get when listening to Trump.  I know these people are voted in by – in most cases – good, hardworking Americans – who appear to me to cast their votes based on what they’ve always done, what their parents did, or who knows if they’re thinking at all.  Trump actually bragged about appealing to the “uneducated voters.”  That’s one of the rare things I can agree with him on.  So, I often find myself doing what other “progressives” seem to be doing these days which is complaining about Trump and republicans.

This brings me to my thoughts for today.  As I’ve said many times, the main reason Trump and the republicans are controlling our government (and, many state governments around the nation) is that the opposition are the democrats.  I kind of see democrats as the party that’s better at governing, but lousy at winning elections and SPINELESS in defending their basic fundamental beliefs.  For example, in 2014 – during the mid-term elections – I witnessed one democrat after another apparently AFRAID to defend the agenda President Obama had been pursuing – at that point – for six years.  One reason “Obamacare” (The Affordable Care Act) was a liability for democrats was because they seemed AFRAID to defend it, fight for it, AND PUSH for the needed improvements.  Sadly, when the law was enacted, democrats abandoned the fight for the so-called “public option” which they SHOULD still be FIGHTING for today.  Additionally, I haven’t heard more than a “peep” from democrats for a push to REPEAL the Bush era law that prevents Medicare from negotiating drug prices – leading to “big pharma” hauling in BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars from “we the people” that would be a great place to start in controlling the cost of medicine in America.

It appears – I’ve said this for years – that democrats are “feeding from the same trough” as the republicans – it’s just that they get the leftovers – and, by this, I’m talking about taking money from the wealthy elite in this country that has guaranteed we have a corrupt congress which does the bidding of the corporate masters at the expense of “we the people.”  When you listen to one republican congressman/woman after another say that “health care is not a right” – implying that if you can’t pay for it – too bad – you’d think that in itself would be a campaign issue allowing democrats to take back control of Congress.  But, what I hear is a constant barrage of email messages telling me I should support democrats because republicans are so bad.  It’s not hard to find people who believe Trump is a terrible president – but, it’s almost as easy to find people who believe democrats are spineless.  In the 2016 election Bernie Sanders demonstrated there’s a willing audience for candidates who have convictions they will defend and fight for.  Many of the people I knew who liked Bernie were republicans – they admired him despite their total disdain for “socialism.”  (A topic, I might add, that has been so “muddled” by our “liberal press” that it’s just another example of how “we the people” are among the least educated in the advanced nations of the western world.

Yes, I want democrats (and republicans) to continue PUSHING the investigations into the Russian meddling in our election and the apparent collusion from some in Trump’s campaign – with the likely possibility that Trump himself was involved (do you remember him publicly encouraging the Russians to find Hillary Clinton’s “missing emails?”)  It is curious that Trump still has not said a disparaging word about Vladimir Putin, there’s absolutely ZERO evidence that his administration is doing ANYTHING to combat the Russian intrusion – to me, not only into our election, but apparently our functioning government, the evidence that Trump has attempted to impede the investigation of, at least, Michael Flynn – and, based on the reports of his meeting with the Russian “ambassador” shortly after firing Jim Comey, he’s trying to impede the entire investigation (which is ultimately going to be uncovering his financial ties to Russia), and he’s violating the emoluments clause of the constitution virtually every day – according to reports I’ve read or heard.

Any of those “discretions” should be enough for an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives – but, ALL of that – whether people such as me like it or not – is on the republicans in Congress.  As I watch them I seriously doubt they’ll act even if it’s proven there was collusion (which would be TREASON) with the Russians or obstruction of justice regarding the impeding of the investigations.  We’ve already seen a lack of interest in enforcing the emoluments clause of the constitution (they all pledged to uphold) and, of late, there’s a total lack of willingness to hold Trump accountable for his childish, bullying, misogynist, racist, and disgusting LYING and twitter attacks that are a regular part of his shtick.  His latest vile “tweets” about a female member of the media – which bring back memories of the “Access Hollywood” tape – gets a temporary “naughty boy” response from republicans – and, then it’s back to “business as usual” as they all “look the other way.”

People (and leaders) around the world are just shaking their heads one after the other saying things like – well, we’ve got to forge ahead on our own because we can no longer trust America to be the “leader of the free world.”  (I’ve heard recently Trump is planning to impose a 20% tariff on goods imported into America that will further exacerbate the situation – unless you’re one of the white nationalists who are the basis of his support.)  In fact, Trump is scheduled to meet with Vladimir Putin shortly at the G-20 summit meeting which will undoubtedly end up being another embarrassment for the United States in foreign affairs – AND, I have no doubt that Trump is like a “sitting duck” for a man like Putin.  Putin will play Trump like a vintage fiddle.  Undoubtedly, it will be good for Russia and bad for the U.S.  The Russian “meddling,” I’m sure, is yielding results above the Russian’s wildest dreams.  The scary part for the rest of us is that this is the area that could be the greatest DAMAGE Trump causes prior to when his term in office comes to a merciless end.  Again, that’s going to be up to the republicans in Congress, and every day they allow this man to continue in office, the more he stamps his “brand” on their party.

Getting back to the democrats.  My point is there’s not much benefit in the constant barrage of emails telling “we the people” that Donald Trump is a bad person and a lousy president.  Most of us are smart enough to figure that out.  What I want to here is what do you want to do about it?  What are your plans to improve the Affordable Care Act (if it survives the republican assault)?  What are your ideas regarding rebuilding the infrastructure of this nation and how to pay for it?  What are your plans, if you have them, to reduce our military spending and our seemingly endless participation in un-winnable WARS?  How would you go about rebuilding our inner cities and helping to improve the lives of the unfortunate and neglected people of this country?  (If you’re a Christian, I refer to the words of Jesus: “The least of these”)  What would be your plan to help create more jobs in America – especially, for the age group in the 50ish range that was so hard hit by the Bush/Cheney “great recession?”

I could go on, but my point is to the democrats – stop complaining about Trump 24/7 and lay out a plan that will guarantee retaking Congress in 2018!  Focus on what needs to be done to actually improve the lives of the people who voted for Trump – many, in my view, out of desperation and frustration at the lack of conviction they were hearing from the mouths of democrats all over America.  As mentioned above, in 2014 democrats ran away from their own president and the policies they, themselves, had put in place.  The Affordable Care Act was just a starting point in dealing with the health care crisis in America – but, without democrats willing to defend it and FIGHT to improve it – we’re going to end up going backward instead of forward.  One thing Americans won’t tolerate is TIMID politicians.  Democrats need to start PUSHING a progressive agenda SOONER rather than LATER – and, quit making decisions based on the latest poll and begin focusing on what is RIGHT!  America is thirsting for a true populist leader and political party that actually stands tall for “we the people.”  The opportunity is there for democrats – republicans put it there as if on a “silver platter:” and, that’s electing Donald Trump.

To the democrats:  Let the republicans solve the “Trump problem,” and allow them to continue to “own” Trump if that’s what they choose.  Get out of the “swamp” he’s lured you into – yes, it’s OK to make comments about things like his misogynist or racist tweets – but, FOCUS on a progressive agenda that makes people want to vote for democrats again.  Allow the republicans to be the “party of Trump” – and, make plans for 2018.  (and, if you pull it off, please remember 2006 when “we the people” voted democrats into control of Congress to stop the madness in Iraq – and, what did the democrats do?  NOTHING!  Please, a repeat of that should be “off the table” – job #1 in January of 2019 – if Trump is still in office – IMPEACHMENT!)

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