There were suggestions (and questions) about members of Congress giving “visitors'” tours of the Capitol Building on the nights preceding January 6th, 2021??? What’s up with that???

I wrote the other day about ALL the potential legal jeopardy our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (who allegedly COLLUDED with the Russians to get “elected” in the first place) and how it’s baffling to me why republicans would continue to be backing a LOSER – someone who “LOST” not only the 2020 election, helped the GOP LOSE the Senate, helped them LOSE the House in 2018, and LOST over 60 court challenges to the recent election along with EVERY other court case which has been determined since he took office (the ones without William Barr’s criminal intervention) – see Don McGahn – soon to be (finally) testifying to Congress re: individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION of Justice of the Mueller probe.

Well, soon, it appears, the subject will be changing to individual 1 wannabe Matt Gaetz – he who has turned off virtually EVERY non deplorable person he’s come in contact with over the past few years – the man who, apparently, takes videos of his sexual “conquests” and shares them on the floor of the House with the other “moral” republican members. He’s the man who’s been rumored to have kept a “scorecard” of his “conquests” with extra points for “virgins” – with a group of his political peers. (This is why I’m so thankful my daughter interned for Patty Murray over 20 years ago – first of all, Ms. Murray is descent and secondly people like Gaetz weren’t around back then)

So, now it appears the “dalliances” of Mr. Gaetz’ are catching up to him via Joel Greenberg, one of his “good buddies” who is in the process of a “cooperation agreement” with the attorneys of Florida’s Central (I believe) US Attorney’s office. Mr. Greenberg has plead GUILTY to 6 FELONIES, including “sex trafficking” of a minor with the caveat the remaining 27 charges he’s facing will be dropped if he TELLS THE TRUTH (a challenge for ANY republican) and gives up ALL the evidence against the “other men” involved in his schemes of PAYING for sex – including with a minor aged 17. According to the charging document, not only was Greenberg paying this 17 year old (child) for sex (on numerous occasions) but so were “several other men” – and, to top it off, Mr. Greenberg was WATCHING while these “other men” were “doing their thing.” (my characterization – Yikes!)

Much of the speculation running rampant around Washington DC tonight was how long will it be before Mr. Gaetz is going to be indicted. Here’s the way I look at it, regarding Gaetz – who I’ve been forced to listen to way too much over the previous couple of years – he’s a true individual 1 (bootlicker) sycophant – EVERY time you hear him saying “I’ve never paid for sex” just picture in your mind that means “I can’t remember how many times I’ve paid for sex.” And, when he says, “I’ve never had sex with someone under 18” picture in your mind him saying, “who checks someone’s ID before having sex with them.” After all, apparently, the women involved in this alleged sex trafficking ring all came from some escort service website.

Of course, as always with anyone associated with individual 1, there’s got to be more. We’re potentially talking about all sorts of fraudulent behavior – apparently, Greenberg and his associates were creating fake ID’s for their victims and, likely, for themselves and this guy is such a nimwit that he got caught in virtually EVERYTHING. It appears he was even attempting to stick a political opponent with a FALSE sex trafficking charge. Greenberg is the guy who “won” the job as a “tax collector” and was requiring his associates to be “packing heat.” (OK, guns if you’re as ignorant as myself)

Here’s the first thing which came to my mind when I was listening to the reporting on the plea deal which Greenberg entered into today. Who were the other MEN. The agreement didn’t say the other MAN it precisely said the other MEN. Well, rampant speculation is that Gaetz is one of them – so I was left to wonder who else might be involved. I know this will sound even CREEPIER than the above, but is it possible one of the “MEN” could be Roger Stone? Here’s why I ask that question (and, I suppose, posit that as a possibility) – some of the photos published showing Greenberg and Gaetz together – in happier times – also show Stone in the photos. And, of course, it’s been suggested in previous articles I’ve read that Stone and his wife are known to be “swingers.” Look it up!

Wouldn’t that just be the “karma” Mr. Stone deserves after getting bailed out of 7 FELONIES by the combination of William Barr and individual 1 – two people hell bent on proving some Americans ARE above the law. Both Barr and our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president would have you believe they stand for “law and order.” However, as I’ve said here MANY times, the TRUTH will come out, even if it’s “drip, drip, drip.” As we can see with this Gaetz situation it’s happening and individual 1, by my prediction, won’t be far behind. However, if it’s possible, individual 1 will be facing even more SERIOUS charges than Mr. Gaetz. And, that’s keeping in mind, the “child sex trafficking” charge – should Gaetz actually face that charge and be convicted, carries an AUTOMATIC 10 year MANDATORY sentence.

Speaking of 10 year mandatory sentences, picture if you’re one of the OVER 400 INSURRECTIONISTS who stormed the Capitol Building thinking individual 1 had asked them to do so – in fact, telling them he’d be there with them (although, what he meant was he’d be there in spirit while he was watching in glee on “white House” TV’s). Was even ONE of the INSURRECTIONISTS paying attention to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president last summer as he was sending his “goon squad” to Portland, Oregon in order to quell a “riot” which didn’t exist (I live right across the Columbia River From Portland)? Did even ONE of the INSURRECTIONISTS stop to think of what their fuhrer said would happen to anyone illegally entering or damaging ANY federal building?

Here’s his EXACT “tweet” (Obviously, before he was BANNED from “Twitter”): Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don’t do it! @DHSgov

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2020

That’s correct, a MINIMUM of TEN years in PRISON for ANYONE who breached the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. So far, almost 500 INSURRECTIONISTS have been arrested and charged and, if you believe the FORMER (so-called) president, the MINIMUM charge for any of them will be 10 YEARS in PRISON. Now, I’m of the belief those in the Justice Department under a Biden administration will likely be a bit more lenient for, at least, some of the individuals who’ve been arrested – or who are likely to be arrested going forward. Apparently, the FBI has photographic evidence of something like 800 people who COULD be arrested and charged for the siege of the Capitol.

It’s not surprising to me to be seeing MANY of the INSURRECTIONISTS wondering why they’re being charged and individual 1 is NOT. Well, I have to admit, I’m asking myself the same question – but, in my optimistic mind, I’m thinking the Justice Department, under Merrick Garland, will be taking it’s sweet time deciding if the ex president’s INCITEMENT on the 6th (and, I’m guessing, they’re going over the “grooming” he was doing prior to January 6th, 2021 along with EVERY word he spoke on the 6th PLUS what he was doing during the siege while NO reinforcements were authorized (for three hours and, only, after an intervention by Mike Pense), before determining if there’s a “winnable” CRIMINAL case against our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. By the time they make a determination, they may need to “get in line.” (If you know what I mean)

I’m going to end these thoughts tonight by wondering if and/or when both individual 1 AND Matt Gaetz are going to be headed to a court room. Can you just imagine the commotion if and when that happens? And, what if my “speculation” about Roger Stone proves correct – or, who are the “other men?” I’ve been pointing out for years the republican party is CORRUPT to its core and EVERY day more evidence comes out to PROVE this. Well, I’m predicting the next 6 months are going to be historic in the level of republican CORRUPTION which will be exposed! And, then, try to imagine the backlash which will be coming from the nutjobs who have the loudest megaphones in the republican party. (Most republicans are too scared to stand up for what they’re supposed to actually believe – but, that’s a story for another night)

For heaven’s sake, some weird Congressman from Georgia, for example claimed in Congressional Session (that’s official) that the INSURRECTIONISTS could be “confused for any other tourists” except for the “LYING” media. I’m not kidding, he actually said that! Another, this nutjob from Arizona (his siblings actually encouraged to voters to vote AGAINST him) actually suggested the “patriots” who STORMED the Capitol Building chanting “Hang Mike Pense,” were looking for Nancy Pelosi carrying “twist ties,” and had erected a gallows with a noose on the Capitol Grounds are the “victims.” He suggested the ones committing the crimes are the members of the Justice Department arresting and CHARGING these “patriots” with criminal activity – like SEDITION. How are these weirdos going to react when all the trials commence? Stay tuned!

Final Thought: There were suggestions (and questions) that members of Congress were giving “visitors” tours of the Capitol Building on the nights preceding January 6th, 2021 – when the building was closed to visitors. I’ve always presumed there would be video of these “tours” if they actually happened – and, if the “members” were associated with the INSURRECTIONISTS prior to the INSURRECTION they would be “rooted out.” Well, it’s coming to no surprise to me hearing that Marjorie Taylor Greene actually had taken one of the INSURRECTIONISTS to the office of Alexandria O’Casio-Cortez prior to the INSURRECTION. Of course, this would mean this person knew how to get around inside the Capitol. And, if the reports of “tours” prior to the 6th pan out, it could be very problematic for anyone accused of that, especially if anyone in the “tour” participated in the BREECH of the Capitol Building. I’d, personally, love to know who, if anyone, was giving tours prior to Jan. 6th, 2021 to ANYONE who was involved with the INSURRECTION attempt. I’m predicting Marjorie Taylor Greene Will eventually be EXPELLED from the House – it’s just a matter of time.

And, Oh by the way, Lauren Boebert won’t be far behind. There’s STILL much to be learned about the day of and the days surrounding January 6th, 2021 – a day which undoubtedly will “live in infamy.”

Once again, my apologies for publishing without editing!

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