I really hope and pray Attorney General Garland lives up to the testimony I heard him give before Congress!

I’m going to have to explain my next sentence right away for the sake of my own sanity. Individual 1 is like the sore on one of my toes, he JUST won’t go away. He lives for being as much in the “public eye” as possible – even if it’s negative reporting. So, I know I write about his DISGRACEFUL attack on the fundamental institutions of America ad nauseum, but I’m pretty sure he never reads what I write, so I don’t feel as if I’m contributing to the problem. What I’m doing is venting my own frustration with the REALITY there are still a large segment of the so-called republican party who believe the LIES of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. For some of these people I believe the characterization, sadly, I have to use is that word I’ve stated I actually hate; Stupid. Sorry! (By the way, the republicans didn’t soil themselves over Mitt Romney after he LOST in 2012 – by a margin much LESS than what individual 1 LOST in 2020)

For a bunch of the others (“republicans” er neo Nazi’s), the issue is they look at individual 1 as, in essence, their “fuhrer.” (look it up) If you do the research you discover the issue of white nationalists/supremacists is much DEEPER than most of us (well, people like me) realize, especially those republicans mentioned above. For example, I know people who, when I give them the truth, who can’t bring themselves to believe Tucker Carlson is a white nationalist. They say to me, despite the FACT they watch his show regularly, “I’m not a racist.” Well, the reality is, there are a bunch of Americans who ARE racists (de facto) and don’t understand it. I actually know a person who raised several children – via adoption – who are “African American.” When you listen to him, for example, denigrate one of them because she needs public support it – well I should say for me – raises the hair on my back. I tried for several years to placate this person, but finally reached the endpoint when he started spewing the so-called “big lie” to me, as if he actually believes it and, apparently, thinks I would as well. (I think he still does – Yikes!)

When I listen to people claim today’s republican party is based on “conservatism and Christianity,” my neck gets sore shaking my head. I don’t have enough fingers to count all the “conservatives” I know who have no idea what “conservatism” actually means. I guess as with all other “factual information” they believe it is whatever they want it to be. And, sadly, the same goes for “Christianity.” I know NUMEROUS “Christians” who, when you dig deep enough, don’t believe very much farther than their opposition to “abortion.” They are willing to make a “deal with the devil” (I’ll let you figure out who the “devil” is) in order to overturn “Roe v Wade.”

Of course, overturning “Roe V Wade” will not stop women from having abortions, therefore, not solving the issue. I’m old enough to know what things were like before Roe. Men were still “getting women pregnant” who didn’t want or were not capable of raising a child and these women were going through a procedure (abortion) which was widely available – I know this because I know “men” – boys at the time, I was in College in the 1960’s – who were paying for abortions. Then, as in now, it was the women – girls back then – who bore the negativity of an unwanted pregnancy. If they chose to have the baby many would be ostracized “back home” and, if they chose to have an abortion, they not only had to deal with the reality of allowing this baby to be killed, it was often done in very dangerous circumstances for their long term health.

Now, the “Christians” who’ve made this “deal with the devil” have little to no sympathy for the women who are left to deal with the responsibility of the unwanted pregnancy, they also seem to have no “appetite” for holding the MEN (boys) who CAUSE the pregnancy to accept responsibility for their actions. (If you remember, in the 2016 campaign it was none other than individual 1 who said, the “women should be punished.”) Here’s the part in all of this which causes the most frustration (OK, at times anger) with this scenario – there is, therefore, a significant portion of Americans who are willing to, in essence, tear up the CONSTITUTION which is the “root” of this nation – a living document which has been “molded” over time and, God willing, will continue to do just that despite all these “patriots” who are willing to subject themselves to authoritarianism – as long as it’s fomented by “their guy,” to turn our democratic republic over to a dictatorial nimwit.” Because of the abortion issue? Yikes!

And, keep in mind, all these “pro lifers” demonstrate a disrespect for LIFE in “oh so many other ways.” Take for example, young children. They vote against health care, food support, education support, and child care support – as a few examples off the top of my head – for America’s LARGE number of children growing up in poverty. Republicans, for that matter, like to pretend there is no poverty Among America’s children – unless, of course, they’re “children of color.” (Which, apparently means they don’t count) Then there’s the other end of the “spectrum:” Republicans have been fighting against Social Security and Medicare since the day each program (the two MOST popular in American history) was passed into law. Of course, individual 1’s incompetence has been considered to have been responsible for something like 400,000 (or more) of the DEATHS caused by Covid-19 – a disproportionate number coming from elderly Americans or Americans of “color.” And, republicans compare wearing masks to the Holocaust. There’s many other examples of republican incompetence, but maybe the MOST egregious is their sycophancy to a multiple, criminal LOSER!

It’s now been 6 months since individual 1 LOST in a LANDSLIDE (over 7 MILLION votes) and he’s still LYING about the result of the election. He is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR so it doesn’t surprise me he’s continuing this charade. However, the “rank and file” republicans have had more than enough time to digest the reality their “fuhrer” has been LYING to them by much longer than the time following his election DEFEAT. If they choose to continue subjecting their brains to entities like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “OANN,” Breitbart,” and some of the more egregious white nationalist websites like “The Daily Stormer,” or “Stormfront” they are CHOOSING to be brainwashed by these outlets – who’ve helped create individual 1’s CULT. This is NOT “conservative” or “Christian.” It offends me to listen to anyone claiming otherwise.

For several years now (much longer than the 5 years since individual 1 came on the “scene”) I’ve been pointing out the battle against “today’s republicans” (and, they keep veering farther off the “rails”) is a “war” for the heart and soul of our nation. Of course, in my mind, this “war” will be won or lost at the ballot box. What’s become clear since individual 1 began “grooming” his “stooges” about the so-called “election fraud” – keep in mind, this “grooming” began well before last November 3rd, is his responsibility for the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021. All these politicians have pollsters who inform them of reality and individual 1 KNEW well ahead of the election he was going to LOSE. He also KNEW there would be MILLIONS of votes via mail – especially because of the pandemic – and, he pointedly encouraged republicans NOT to send in ballots by mail, but to vote on election day. This way he KNEW early returns would favor him and he planned early on to “declare victory” before MILLIONS of ballots could be counted.

For example, in several of the states, the mail in ballots CAN’T be counted until after the ballots cast on election day. This is why one of my acquaintances assumed individual 1 was “winning” because the election day ballots in Pennsylvania, for example, favored him by around half a MILLION. Unfortunately for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president there were almost 1.5 MILLION mail in ballots which favored Joe Biden roughly 4 to 1. I KNEW this because I didn’t have my “head in the sand” like individual 1’s supporters. The party affiliation numbers of the mail in ballots were published ahead of time, all though, of course, that doesn’t guarantee who anyone voted for, but it’s a pretty strong “hint.” I texted my acquaintance “don’t get ahead of your skis.” And, sure enough, after the election had been declared for Biden he was spewing the right wing “Big Lie” talking points – on this site even.

Despite the OVER 60 LOSSES in courts across America, all the way up to the Supreme Court (TWICE) these Americans, who do not seem to have the ability to think critically, STILL believe the LIES coming from individual 1 AND the COWARDLY members of Congress, who were barricaded into various rooms in the Capitol as the INSURRECTIONISTS were chanting “Hang Mike Pense.” And, some of the more egregious members of the republican party, like, for example, Ron Johnson, Louie Gohmert, and the dude from Georgia who likened the MOB to “tourists taking pictures as they walked between the ropes,” (Honestly, that guy might be the MOST stupid of them all) now all feel, apparently, that the ISURRECTIONISTS would have ignored them had they got their hands on one of them, because, well, just because.

One of these STUPID republicans, the other day, suggested (I believe it was Paul Gosar, who is a real, well “unique” example of a congress person – I’ll leave it at that) the real “victims” of the “insurrection” are all the “patriots” who are being ARRESTED by the FBI and it’s the members of the FBI who are the “insurrectionists” – or words to that effect. I’m not kidding! There HAVE been almost 500 arrests and “more on the way.” The FBI has video evidence implicating around 800 of these “patriots” who breached the Capitol, who attacked the Capitol Police – injuring over 140 of them, many seriously – and who knows how many now are suffering from PTSD, for example? – who bashed in doors, windows, ransacked Congressional offices and desks in the Senate Chamber, and, yuk, who defecated in the hallways and then smeared it on the walls of the Capitol Building with some urinating on those walls. Yep, to republicans in Congress, we’re talking about real “patriots.” (And, of course, their minions believe them)

As an aside, here’s a real irony – especially for someone living close to Portland, Oregon – after sending unmarked members of his “goon squad” to Portland to quell “George Floyd” instigated demonstrations which, by and large, didn’t exist (they were virtually ended except for about two blocks of the city) – individual 1 re-enacted a law which calls for a mandatory 10 year sentence for anyone damaging a Federal building by anything as minimal as graffiti to more serious physical damage (like bashing in windows and doors and, of course, defecating in the hallway of a Federal Building – if you get my drift) or even illegally entering a Federal Building. Do you see where I’m going with this? Like with all those (800, or so) “patriots” republicans in Congress are referring to, who now, based on individual 1’s edict, EVERY ONE of them is potentially facing a mandatory 10 year sentence if proven guilty of even “illegally entering” the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 – a date the republican party would LOVE if you’d simply forget it.

So, now the chair of the democratic Homeland Security Committee and the republican ranking member came to an agreement to form a “9/11 type” commission to “get to the bottom” of what actually happened on January 6th, 2021 – that date republican’s would like for you to forget – and Kevin McCarthy, maybe the MOST GUTLESS politician I can think of in my lifetime – and, trust me, there have been MANY – actually told his caucus NOT to vote for the bill creating this commission. His deputy, the ranking republican in the committee, did EXACTLY what McCarthy asked him to do. Of course, individual 1 wants NOTHING to do with any investigation into January 6th, 2021 – he’d ESPECIALLY like you to forget that date – because, well, he KNOWS exactly what it will find. And, it WON’T look good for him and some of the CULT might get wind of the findings. Of course, as I’ve said here many times, the TRUTH is GOING to come out – whether by “drip, drip, drip,” or, well, however, and whenever. (And, remember, there were OTHERS – Mo Brooks, Giuliani, Junior, etc. – who were part of the INCITING)

Individual 1 is in a “world of hurt” from multiple different directions. Like from the “South” – meaning the DA in Fulton County Georgia. That recorded call to Brad Raffensperger was a really DUMB idea and asking him (Raffensperger) to “find 11,780 votes” was even DUMBER than the phone call. And, then LYING about it, prompting one of Raffensperger’s “lieutenants” to release the call, was DUMBER yet. But, really, except for the CULT, not too many have suggested individual 1 is not, well, DUMB, you get my drift, right? Bottom line: There’s trouble ahead in Atlanta for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (and LOSER of OVER 60 court cases as well). Then there’s New York. Now, it’s been reported the Attorney General of New York has joined up with the Manhattan DA in a CRIMINAL probe of individual 1’s business which is located in Manhattan. Not only is he in legal jeopardy, but apparently, several others in the organization – including his children and the CFO among others – including the CFO’s children. It’s widely known those involved in real estate development in New York “often” have ties to the mob AND follow “questionable” legal strategies. Individual 1 has simply been able to “dodge” accountability for years (other than several FINES). We’re NOT talking about FINES here, now!

There’s also the Southern District of NY’s US Attorney’s office – who gave our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (along with over 60 LOSSES in court cases) the moniker “individual 1” as they were accepting the guilty plea of Michael Cohen (rule of thumb: never turn on your “fixer”) who will, I presume, follow through on the prosecution which put Cohen behind bars – simply out of fairness – to prove, “no one is above the law.” And, individual 1 very well COULD be held accountable for INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION on the Capitol Building – in fact, by my calculation, you’d have to be brain dead to not come to the conclusion he was responsible for that attack. Don’t believe me – start reading the court filings of one INDICTED attacker after another – in their court pleadings. Some of them aren’t being very kind to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (including OVER 60 LOSSES in court). Many feel betrayed by the man who said he’d “be at the Capitol there with you.” (He NEVER saw a battle he couldn’t worm his way out of – although, on January 6th, 2021 – a day he’d like you to forget – instead of claiming “bone spurs” he simply went to the “White House” to ENJOY the proceedings on all the “White House” TV’s.

Clearly, HE thinks he’s above the law, so, now, it’s up to Merrick Garland to decide if that’s the case. At this point, it appears Mr, Garland may not have the stomach to “pile on” to all these other potential CRIMINAL charges against out TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (who also LOST over 60 court cases). Sadly, Garland’s Justice Department has chosen to appeal a ruling by Judge Amy Berman Jackson who lambasted William Barr for his “disingenuous” (lying) court filings (and, testimony to Congress) regarding the Mueller report and individual 1’s alleged OBSTRUCTION of Justice – laid out very carefully in about 10 different instances in Mueller’s report. Judge Jackson ordered the “disingenuous” memo released to the public and it will now be about another year until “we the people” get to read this “disingenuous” memo Barr used to justify suggesting individual 1 could not be charged with OBSTRUCTION of Justice.

It’s perplexing to understand why Attorney General Garland’s department would continue this LIE – we can hope the Court of Appeals will agree with Judge Jackson – but, the reality is that now individual 1 very well could now by facing those 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION. I read Mueller’s report from page one to the LAST page and Mueller was very clear in explaining the significance of OBSTRUCTION and that the evidence against individual 1 was “memorialized” so that a future prosecutor could decide on whether or not to indict our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (who’s LOST over 60 court cases as well as the two elections) now that he’s out of office. The reason Mueller didn’t seek an indictment was based on the OLC memo stating a sitting president can’t (shouldn’t) be indicted. Once out of office, “all bets are off.” Now it’s up to Merrick Garland to decide if “we the people” are going to PROVE that “no one is above the law.” I read Andrew Weissman’s book about his experience on Mueller’s “team” and he made it clear individual 1’s CONSTANT OBSTRUCTION prevented the full investigation of the “Russia thing.” Here’s the bottom line: individual 1’s criminal enterprise appears to be on VERY shaky ground. Stay tuned! If you’re a member of his CULT, my advice is – WAKE UP!

Final Thought: As a former 6th grade teacher I’m often reminded of the word “irony” because it was a word I often used with my students as we were studying literature. I always felt it was a word I wanted my students to fully understand. So, the IRONY I’ve been thinking a lot about lately has to do, surprise surprise, with individual 1. His CULT – republicans – seem to believe he’s “still president.” Reports I’ve read suggest over half of all “republicans” don’t believe Joe Biden is the “legitimate” president. Here’s why I find this such an “irony.” So, I’m sure you remember 2016 and the couple years which followed. Individual 1 “won” the 2016 election with the OBVIOUS help of Vladimir Putin and the Russian cyberwarriors. Above, I mentioned Robert Mueller’s report and the issue with William Barr’s “spin” of Mueller’s report suggested there was “no collusion.”

Well, if you’d read the report (as I did TWICE) you would KNOW there WAS “collusion” and you’d know Mueller even said they didn’t investigate “collusion” because there’s no law about “collusion.” The law prevents “conspiracy” to defraud the United States and Mueller said there wasn’t sufficient evidence to GUARANTEE a guilty verdict if there were charges – presumably against individual 1 Jr. or Jared Kushner – for COLLUDING with Russians in an attempt to get “dirt” on Mrs. Clinton. Mueller suggested they couldn’t prove Jr. and Kushner KNEW they were breaking the law when they took the meeting (June of 2016). Essentially, Mueller’s team suggested individual 1’s campaign was “too stupid” to know they were “colluding.” Of course, they prosecuted Roger Stone for, essentially, LYING about all his “colluding” with the Russians and/or Wikileaks.

Here’s my point: democrats had lots of reasons to claim individual 1 was an “illegitimate president” – but, Hillary Clinton conceded the election right away, Barack Obama met with individual 1 in the “White House,” individual 1’s “team” (as it were), and there were not blocks to the “transition team” (as it were). Democrats had far more reason to question the legitimacy of individual 1’s term in office because, well, he CHEATED to get elected – but, democrats would NEVER do what he’s been doing since November 3rd, 2020 – the date of his SECOND popular vote LOSING election – and, at this point in time, it’s largely up to Merrick Garland to ensure this abuse of our political process stops “right here, right now.” What is he going to do? Is he up for the challenge? The first “step” in this process leaves me with questions I was hoping not to have – when I listened to his testimony before Congress. But, the appeal of Judge Jackson’s decision mentioned above, has caused me to wonder. I really hope and pray Attorney General Garland lives up to the testimony I heard him give before Congress!

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