Republicans, who are trying to forget January 6th, 2021 ever happened, are attempting to convince “we the people” the INSURRECTIONISTS are the “real patriots.” Yikes!

Occasionally one of the sites which are funneling “FAKE NEWS” – meaning misinformation to people who, apparently, get sucked in to their networks, finds my email address. The latest is “Patriot News Network.” You’d almost expect a “news network” with that name to be made by “patriots.” However, it didn’t take me long to realize this is just another right wing “white nationalist” “network” which is fueling HATE. As usual, I used the “junk email” part of my email program to “block this sender.” Only because I just can’t bring myself to digest the GARBAGE that sites like this put out. However, I’m well aware there are MILLIONS of Americans who either “believe” this GARBAGE or are unsuspecting of its origins and take it for “truth.”

You don’t have to read much (as I tend to do) or “fact check” what they’re spewing out to understand what their agenda is, but, sadly, many Americans don’t fact check anything – or if they “do” it is done with the same “bent” you get from people who put out GARBAGE such as what’s on the “Patriot News Network.” I spent only a few minutes researching what was on their “site” and, of course, the real “racists” in America are the African American leaders or, more specifically, anyone who is a democrat or, like me, an independent who finds himself supporting democrats simply because the right wing (republicans) in this nation are hell bent on destroying our republic – as was evident on January 6th, 2021. Naturally, in the eyes of the “Patriot news Network” the real “patriots” on January 6th, 2021 were the INSURRECTIONISTS. That’s all you need to know.

In my last posting I brought up the word “irony,” a word I made sure my sixth graders understood while I was still teaching. Well, some of these right wing groups choose names which would presuppose those who flock their way (sheep?) don’t understand that word. For example, the “Patriot “news” Network” would suggest if you adhere to their shtick you’re a “patriot,” right? Wouldn’t that seem obvious? Well, whoever is behind this abomination are part of the sycophancy to individual 1 and, therefore, are anything but “patriots.” At least from my perspective, you can’t be considered a “patriot” if you’re supporting someone who’s a sycophant to Vladimir Putin. You can’t be a “patriot” and then engage with the Russians in order to get “elected” (albeit with MILLIONS fewer votes than your opponent).

Individual 1 has proven himself to be an ALL TIME LOSER and, yet, the “republican base” (who believe themselves to be the “real patriots”) continues to demonstrate fealty to someone who cost them the Senate, the House, and, of course, the “White House.” That’s some serious LOSING! So, where are republicans in Congress “betting” the road back to POWER runs? You guessed it! Right through Mar a Lago! Talk about betting on a LOSER! (Not a “patriot” but and organized CRIMINAL)

Years ago I owned a small “herd” of thoroughbred race horses and, out of necessity, found myself training them at the race track. In the process I came across MANY old men who spent the bulk of their free time betting much of their retirement income on the “ponies.” Many of them seemed to just keep betting on horses which were LIKELY to be “losers.” If the odds were 50-1, well, their eyes would light up. I couldn’t help but think of these men as I was listening to Mitch McConnell explain why he was urging republican Senators to vote AGAINST the proposal for an INDEPENDENT commission to study the – “get to the bottom of” – INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021. By rights, EVERYONE in Congress should have voted for this “bipartisan” commission. They were all there, but…………………

In the case of my FRIENDS at the race track, I always looked up to them as men who had worked hard lives and who ALWAYS told the TRUTH. Many of these men were Black and, in my view, “were profiles in COURAGE” simply to get to this advanced stage of life. (Everyone was, at least, in his 70’s – I was in my late 30’s/early 40’s – I learned a LOT from them) To me, these men were “WINNERS” – they just bet on horses I knew were LIKELY going to LOSE. And, of course, none of them were republicans. They wouldn’t get near someone like individual 1! That just demonstrates the pathetic level of today’s republicanism. They’re “betting” on a politician with worst odds than a 99-1 horse at the racetrack. (Unless, of course, the race is “rigged” which is exactly what republican politicians are attempting to do with our electoral system,)

Well, beginning with Moscow Mitch and going right down the republican line of Senators – and MOST of the republicans in the House – I feel as if I’m looking at a pathetic group of COWARDS every time I take the effort to listen to their – as I said above – shtick. Why on earth would ALL of these members of Congress refuse to endorse a BIPARTISAN commission to STUDY the causes of the INSURRECTION – which had every one of them COWED in a room in the Capitol as the INSURRECTIONISTS were chanting “hang Mike Pense” and searching for Nancy Pelosi? 140 Police Officers were injured DEFENDING, among others, ALL these republicans – three of which (Police Officers) are no longer with us and one who lost an eye among the MOST egregious of the serious injuries.

Well, we all know why republicans are all so COWED, don’t we? They’re AFRAID of individual 1, of all things. They’re afraid of one of the most pathetically sad men in this country. Most republicans will tell you: “I believe in law and order.” However, what they’re really emphasizing as they vote down the BIPARTISAN commission to “get to the bottom of” the January 6th, 2021 is they have no appetite to support “law and order” unless it’s for police officers who’ve MURDERED Black people in various parts of the country. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin claimed the INSURRECTIONISTS were “peaceful” and he wasn’t worried from them (despite COWERING in a Capitol Building room during the INSURRECTION) – but, if it was “Black Lives Matter” protesters, well, he’d have been worried! I’ve heard members of the House claim the INSURRECTIONISTS are the victims and also, from one member, they were like Capitol visitors just taking pictures from “inside the ropes.” Are their voters STUPID enough to believe that stuff?

What do they believe their voters are going to do when individual 1 gets indicted? What are they going to do when they discover the ACTUAL person who’s being held accountable for “sex trafficking” is Matt Gaetz? I’ve called individual 1 a “Mob boss” for years now and, it appears, we’re all about to find out why. Will it be from the Manhattan DA, the Fulton County Georgia DA? The Justice Department: re – the alleged OBSTRUCTION of the Mueller investigation or the INCITING of the INSURRECTION? Or, how about the Southern District of New York and the investigation where individual 1 got his name? Remember, Michael Cohen has already been charged in that investigation and, now that individual 1 no longer has the protection of the OLC memo, is the Southern District of New York going to prove “no one is above the law.”

Individual 1 has been getting away with challenging our legal system since he first got his hands on his father’s MONEY. His in court right now because his niece is SUING him for CHEATING her and her brother out of their inheritance. By all accounts he CHEATS at golf – that’s REALLY bad if you know nothing about golf. We all KNOW he CHEATED to “win” the first election (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than the WOMAN he ran against in 2016) and, we know he’s still CHEATING as he claims he “won” the 2020 election while “grifting” MILLIONS of dollars from the members of his CULT – ie, the republican base. When I listen to the rationale of some of these people who believe individual 1’s LIES, I actually shudder. There’s one driving force behind this CULT and that is the “fear” they’re losing their “white privilege.”

For years republicans have spewed a LIE they believe in “free markets” – while, ALL the time pushing to regulate these markets to the advantage of their benefactors – their donors. This is exactly why you have someone like Charles Koch sitting in the background spending untold MILLIONS to prevent actual progress in this nation. (One of his “think tanks” is behind MOST of the voter suppression laws being proposed/enacted across the country) Those behind the scenes pulling the republican “strings” (I’ll call it the “Koch network”) are very sophisticated and individual 1 is the perfect “stooge” for their GREEDY policies which funnel more and more MONEY into their GREEDY hands. He’s a pathological LIAR, but he knows “where his bread is buttered” so his LIES are aimed at benefiting his wealthy friends – and, of course, himself – therefore, they support him.

There doesn’t seem to ever be enough for these people. Like who’s going to have the most BILLIONS? And, now that we have a president who wants to INVEST in America and the American people via an “infrastructure” bill – which will be paid for by INCREASING taxes on those who’ve been benefiting from the so-called “trickle down” economic policy of republicans since the days of Ronald Reagan – well, these RICH people are now “up in arms.” Biden wants to raise their taxes to what they were before the republican tax “scam” of 2017 along with raising Corporate taxed to a still low 25%, or so. Elizabeth Warren is proposing a “wealth tax” of 2 cents for every dollar ABOVE a net worth of $50 MILLION and something like 3 cents for every dollar of wealth above a BILLION. Trust me, all these people will continue to get RICHER while they LIKELY benefit MORE from the investment of $2 TRILLION into America’s infrastructure and another $2 TRILLION, or so, into the American people.

I’ve actually heard several people, all white and all who’ve been very financially successful during their long lives of white privilege (which they don’t recognize), call Joe Biden a “socialist.” I always wonder if they’ve read Marx’ writings and if they remember what he predicted in regard to Capitalism. If anything, Biden is attempting to restore a balance to America’s economic “landscape” which would “head off” true socialism. In reality, America has been a socialistic republic since the days of FDR. Of course, with the republicans, there goes the rub. And, by the way, here’s another “irony.” Republicans have been brainwashed to believe those who support the democratic party are “elitists.” That’s right, the “Koch Brothers,” the DeVoss family, the Coors family, etc. etc. are NOT elitists??? Barack Obama was referred to as an “elite.” How does the republican base fall for these ridiculous LIES.

Are there wealthy “elite” people in the democratic party? Of course there are. In fact, in the 2020 election Mike Bloomberg (who used to be a republican) was spending a “GOB” of money in an attempt to get individual 1 sent packing out of the “White House.” Bloomberg, supposedly, spent a hundred MILLION just in Florida – which should prove he doesn’t know where to put his money or Floridians are, by and large, part of the STUPID members of individual 1’s CULT. Remember, it’s people in Florida who voted Matt Gaetz into Congress as a republican member of the House. And, they voted Ron DeSantis in as their governor. I guess my point here is “we the people,” by and large, are shielded by the real “elitists” who are “pulling the strings” of too many of our politicians – and, I believe, it’s safe to say MOST OF THEM are republicans. But, as usual, I digress………….

Back to Biden as a “socialist.” Yikes!! I know people who’ve actually got advanced degrees from various universities who’ve suggested this. And, several of them have been collecting Social Security for years. If republicans actually succeeded in undermining Social Security AND Medicare (Reagan predicted Medicare would destroy our nation – we would become “socialists”) I’m guessing at least some members of the CULT would start to take notice. Republicans have been scheming to find ways to stop the “New Deal” since the days when it was enacted. LBJ’s “Great Society” turned the South into a republican “stronghold.” Are you BLIND to the reason why? It’s all been about protecting “white privilege” and subjugating “the other” for as long as I can remember. (Once again, I’ll add, I’ve been interested in politics since the days of Dwight Eisenhower) Republicanism has evolved into full blooded “white nationalism” in what will ultimately be a futile attempt to stop “progress” in America.

They don’t want anything to change. I could go on explaining this, but if you don’t understand what I’m talking about it wouldn’t do any good – and, the explanation puts an ugly face on where America stands right now. Of course, the reality is, the ugliness has been there for, in essence, the entirety of America’s existence as a democratic republic. However, the BEAUTY of America, in my view is the FACT the constitution is a “living document.” It has, over the year evolved and it continues to evolve – although, I do anticipate some “bumps” as we go forward – because of the brazen work of Moscow Mitch ramming right wing judges up and down our court system. You can bet republicans will be attempting to “turn back the clock” by using the courts to block progress in turning America into a “more perfect union.” (Of course, she will NEVER be a “perfect” union)

Right now, as I’m writing this, there are “cells” of right wing activists all across the land who have armed themselves to the “teeth” and are willing to create another “January 6th, 2021” when the opportunity arises. The FACT maybe as many as 1000 of them will become indicted for the January 6th, 2021 attack on our Capitol (Despite republicans’ attempt to “forget” that date, I will NEVER forget it) may deter some, but it’s apparent it has fueled the HATE of many others. Some of the voter SUPPRESSION bills in various states (and, I’ll say it again, most of them were “written” by one of Charles Koch’s “think tanks”) along with attempts to re-“audit” the votes of segments of various states where MANY African Americans voted is simply confirmation of the FACT the republican party has become even MORE racist than it seemed in the past.

These are the people behind outlets like the “Patriot News Network” (Actually, I believe their “name” might be a bit different – I deleted their emails and I’ve got the memory of an old man). People who believe the “real racists” are the African Americans who’ve had the temerity to get elected to office in various parts of the country. (With, of course, the exception of anyone of “color” who is a republican. – And, to me, I struggle to understand how anyone “of color” could find themselves in that organization) The point of all this is the ruthless and sophisticated and OF COURSE, the dishonesty which drives the republican party foments outlets like the “Patriot News” with impunity. And, obviously, there’s plenty of “dark money” to keep this GARBAGE popping up all the time. And, as LIARS go, those behind this GARBAGE likely, in their own minds, have convinced themselves they are the real “patriots.” Yikes! Stay tuned………………

Final Thought: One thing many republicans seem to forget, all the time, is that when they speak publicly what they say is RECORDED. And, still for many, there seems to be no shame. I’m thinking of people like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marko Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Moscow Mitch McConnell, to name a few off the top of my head. They ALL spoke truthfully about individual 1 until they realized he CHEATED his way into office – which, almost immediately, turned each one into a sycophant. They’ve demonstrated over the past 4+ years the only thing which matters to them is staying in POWER. McConnell may have put himself at the top of the list by, first, voting to acquit individual 1 in the SECOND impeachment trial and secondly, and almost immediately, lambasting individual 1 and confirming virtually EVERYTHING the House Managers put forth as the evidence requiring a CONVICTION, and, now, wanting to forget January 6th, 2021 EVER happened. It’s disgusting – NO – it’s DEPLORABLE!

And, here’s the rub for republicans who continue to prove their own stupidity. Had they voted to CONVICT individual 1 he’d be completely “out of their hair” by now. He’d be prevented from even thinking about running again – which won’t happen anyway because he’ll be stuck in court. Had they done the “right thing” when they had the chance they would have doused the “fire” of the right wing extremists who’ve infected their party. Apparently, they’re perfectly OK with individual 1 as a CULT leader. Heck, if republicans in the Senate wanted individual 1 to remain in office, all they had to do was listen to Nancy Pelosi and vote in the so-called “HEROES Act” – which, is essentially what the Biden administration got enacted – along with the “weak” bill the republicans passed in December of 2020 – a bill which was “too little and too late.” Essentially, the republican platform is “staying in POWER” – by whatever means necessary. Aligning with a CHEATER like individual 1 works for them. In fact, he’s teaching them the “Art of CHEATING!”

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