It’s high time “we the people” vote the republicans into the history books!

I’ve been writing about my belief the republican party (as it’s now comported) SHOULD be voted into the history books for around 15 years and, it had to be heading for the right wing “cliff” to get me started. George W Bush/Dick Cheney brought the “deja vu all over again” perspective to my persona when they LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO (which has the Middle East discombobulated to this day) AND they did version two of the republican “trickle down” philosophy (I call it “trickle up”) – which, of course, began during the reign of Ronald Reagan and got progressively worse up to the administration of individual 1. I hit the panic button when America FOOLISHLY entered Iraq and then began TORTURING the so-called “enemy combatants.”

Well, if it’s possible to get worse than the administration of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – the (so-called) president who LOST two elections and over 60 court cases fighting the reality of the SECOND defeat in the 2020 election by a record number of votes – over 7 MILLION votes it could be what’s going on in republican “circles” right now. Of course, while the democrats are busy trying to make the lives of America’s working class and Middle class BETTER the republicans are OBSTRUCTING EVERYTHING and attempting to kiss up to the man who caused them to LOSE control of BOTH houses of Congress and the “White House.” Go figure!

The only way to explain what republicans are doing as I’m writing this is they’ve gone “completely off the rails.” In Arizona, they’ve got a “recount” of the votes in the largest county in the state (of course, a county which voted for Biden) being run by a whack job who is a delusional conspiracy theorist and now has control of over 2.1 MILLION ballots (likely illegally). Yikes! Of course, in Arizona and MANY other states around the nation republican state legislators are attempting to pass VOTER SUPPRESSION bills – their typical philosophy to make it so FEWER people may vote – instead of encouraging MORE people to vote and defining policies which appeal to those voters. Their present “policy” is FEARMONGERING. (OK, that’s what they’ve been doing for years)

Their FEARMONGERING seems to work with America’s “uneducated voters” which predominantly would seem to be those Americans who feel as if “white privilege” is “waning” and they are willing to do whatever it takes – including the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 – to prevent democrats – who are supported by a majority of the “people of color” in America – from gaining POWER. For example, Mitch McConnell has publicly stated what is in essence the same thing he said after the election of Barack Obama and that is republicans are unified in OBSTRUCTING everything the democrats are FOR. So, now democrats can focus on convincing Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema the FILIBUSTER is in the way of the progressive legislation which this nation desperately needs.

Those at the bottom of the “food chain” in America, for example, NEED higher wages, women who’ve been forced out of the workforce because of the lack of child care need HELP with the cost of childcare so they can go back to work, there’s a HUGE issue with food insecurity in America which democrats are addressing, there are issues with public education AND higher education which the democrats are addressing, America’s infrastructure is not only “crumbling” but much of it is falling way “behind the times,” America MUST address the issue of renewable energy – including supporting electrifying our automobiles and putting charging stations strategically along our highways, there are places across the nation which NEED high speed internet, and on and on. “We the people” support the Biden agenda and McConnell and the republicans OPPOSE everything. As is their history, republicans care about POWER and NOT about the health of this nation. (Remember, much of what Biden is proposing will HELP ALL Americans, including those republicans whose representatives are OPPOSING it – and, once passed we’ll hear those same republicans taking credit for the benefits of the legislation!)

Here’s where the republican party has gone. Liz Cheney is one of the most “conservative” members of Congress – frustratingly so, from my perspective. She’s soon to be removed from her position of leadership in the House republican caucus for, naturally, telling the TRUTH about individual 1’s DEFEAT last November and WORST yet for republicans, attempting to hold individual 1 accountable for the INSURRECTION on our nation’s Capitol Building as our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president urged his (ignorant) followers to attack the proceeding in Congress where the Electoral College votes were officially confirmed. This was SEDITION, pure and simple – and, that CHARGE should be aimed at individual 1 as well as MANY of those who chose to BREAK IN to the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 – a date which will remain in “infamy” in American history.

I was pointing out for over three years individual 1 was headed for a place in American history books right next to Benedict Arnold. Here’s the irony with this. I’ve listened to “republicans” in various parts of America being interviewed regarding, for example, Liz Cheney. One after another (I’ve heard) referred to Ms. Cheney as a “traitor.” THEY are supporting individual 1 which, in my view, makes them the “traitors.” It’s as if they have NO ability to think critically. It’s against the LAW to attempt to OVERTHROW the elected government in America (as in virtually every nation on earth). It’s the republicans in this nation, who are STILL supporting the (awful) person responsible for their LOSS of the House, the Senate, AND the “White House” and who was willing to throw our constitution “under the bus” who are the problem in this nation right now.

Clearly, there’s a significant segment of our population who do NOT believe in our constitution, despite claiming they believe in “law and order.” I believe our nation has been infiltrated by the people who believe in this manner in ways which create significant challenges. For example, the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021 included MANY members (or former members) of our military and our police departments. Clear and simple, the issue our nation MUST deal with is “white nationalism” and the “rot” which goes along with it. After reading “Rising out of Hatred,” a book focused on the son of Don Black, former “Grand Wizard” of the KKK and close associate of David Duke (another former “Grand Wizard” – who is the “god father” of Black’s son, Derek, the subject of the book) I got a closer look at the core of the white nationalist movement in America – a group which actually refers to individual 1 as their “fuhrer.” These people viewed individual 1 as their “vehicle” into the mainstream of American politics. Yikes!!

I have friends (some, apparently, former) who have fallen for this shtick. Virtually everytime I point out to ANY of them they’re supporting a RACIST movement they respond by saying, emphatically, “I’m not racist.” I suggested to one of them, the other day, “you’re watching too much Fox “TV,” His response was, “I don’t watch Fox, it’s become too liberal, I watch Newsmax.” I just have to shake my head – there’s no talking to these people. They have no idea they’re supporting a movement which is aimed at overthrowing our way of government – which has stood the test of time for over 240 years. Some of them actually believe individual 1 will be “re-installed” as our president after the Arizona (fake) recount is finished. (As an “aside,” I’m guessing those who are responsible for the Arizona recount will be facing federal charges for mishandling votes which are supposed to be “under lock and key” at all times.)

As the democrats are attempting to meet the needs of the American people it SHOULD be more and more clear the republicans have NO agenda other than OBSTRUCTION. This is what they did for the 8 years of Barack Obama’s administration and, then, they did virtually NOTHING during the reign of individual 1 aside from enacting a $2 TRILLION tax cut (scam) which funneled HUGE amounts of taxpayer dollars to America’s wealthy elite. This is one of the reasons I’ve started referring to those who support these republicans as “stupid” – it took me years to evolve to that word – as they refer to democrats as “elitist.” My God, this nation faces one irony after another!

Speaking of individual 1, I’ve also pointed out numerous times I read Robert Mueller’s report TWICE (it was 800 pages in the small paperback version I got from Barnes and Noble) AND it was clear there WAS “collusion” between individual 1’s campaign and the Russians back in 2016. Mueller simply pointed out there was insufficient evidence to support a “certain” conviction relating to “conspiracy” to bring an indictment against, for example, individual 1 Jr. or Jared Kushner – who, according to Mueller, didn’t understand (were too stupid to understand) they were breaking the law by meeting with Russians to get “dirt” on their political opponent. However, the FACT the Russians interfered on individual 1’s benefit was not in dispute – unless you believe the LIES of our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. Mueller was able to identify the actual computers in Russia which STOLE information from the DNC and John Podesta. In addition, individual 1’s reluctance to hold the Russians accountable has empowered FURTHER Russian interference in America’s “stuff.”

So, it will be on the “plate” of Joe Biden to respond to the international organized crime sanctioned by the Kremlin in Russia. Just today, in America, there’s a significant attack on the private infrastructure of America via a ransomware attack coming from a group of cyber CRIMINALS located in Russia. Of course, Vladimir Putin will deny responsibility, but everyone who pays attention to what is going on in Russia KNOWS nothing like this happens without Putin’s “blessing.” For those who look at Russia with a clear mind there is no doubt Putin is running the world’s greatest criminal enterprise – maybe in history. In the process, he, along with the so-called “oligarchs,” are robbing the Russian people of much of the natural wealth of their nation.

Sadly, I have to admit, America is also the home of a group of “oligarchs” (we seem to refer to them as the “top 1%”) – they are also pilfering “we the people” of America’s riches. I’m feeling as if Joe Biden is willing to deal with this issue in the United States so, now, we’ll see how he chooses to deal with the FACT the Russians continue to “mess” with our nation. It really is an ATTACK – albeit a cyber ATTACK – but, we’d better get a plan to deal with this in a way which encourages the Russians to “but out” or it will get worse. I’m guessing America has the capability to create a lot of “cyber” issues for the Russians should we decide to respond in a way to “get their attention.” Putin is busy all over the Western world in an attempt to undermine our “open societies” and turn that openness against us.

Individual 1 was/is the vehicle for Putin’s ATTACK on “we the people.” He’s got his “cyber warriors” constantly pushing the real “Fake news” onto “social media” platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Facebook is becoming a behemoth MONOPOLY and until our government responds to this MONOPOLY our nation will continue to be torn across the middle. I read a book about “Cambridge Analytica” and how they STOLE the data of 157 MILLION Americans which they then grouped into “neighborhoods” and, then, filtered “FAKE news” to these people in support of individual 1’s 2016 campaign. Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon were the two members of individual 1’s campaign who were “connected” with Cambridge Analytica. That data, by the way, was shared with the Russians and they are STILL pumping misinformation (“Fake News”) onto America’s Social Media platforms – stuff suggesting democrats are the “racists” and discouraging people from taking the Covid-19 vaccines. Yikes!

The challenges of this time are making it apparent Joe Biden has the opportunity to be one of the great presidents in American history. If he can encourage the entire democratic caucus, especially in the Senate, to vote for the progressive agenda which is presently “on the table” he will end up next to FDR in the history books. Of course, republicans have been working to undo the “New Deal” since the days of the Great Depression (which, of course, they caused – ie see Herber Hoover in the history books) so it shouldn’t be a surprise they’re voting AGAINST the badly needed legislation which democrats have “on the table.” As I stated above, it’s high time “we the people” vote the republicans into the history books!

Final Thought: America has a history with many “dark places” which we’ve been attempting to IGNORE for the entirety of our own history. We like to criticize others around the world why we’re ignoring our own problems. Well, it’s time to face up to our own issues – which includes saying NO to the republican party which can’t seem to shed itself of its RACIST past (and, now present) at the ballot box. As an optimist, I believe the young people in this nation overwhelmingly are (will be) rejecting the party of individual 1. Republicans fully understand their white nationalist agenda is in jeopardy – which is why they are attempting to pass restrictions to VOTING in over 45 states. It’s NOT going to work and the democrats have to power to demonstrate that by passing SR-1 which will reform the process of voting and districting all across the country. Additionally, they have the opportunity to “fix” the Voting Rights Act with the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act” legislation. John Roberts and Sam Alito should be having problems sleeping at night because of their choice to GUT section five of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – making all of this necessary.

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