Republicans see democrats as “spending” when what they’re really doing is INVESTING in America.

I’ve been trying to point out to my “conservative” friends they’ve been BAMBOOZLED by one of the most corrupt “con men” to come along in some time. Of course, when you read about individual 1 and his so-called “business” acumen, it becomes very clear he’s nothing more than a small time organized criminal. As I’ve told a few of these “conservatives” the truth is going to keep coming out about our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and those who have closely associated with him. For example, the “news” will be plastered with the “story” of Matt Gaetz – who I’ve referred to here often times as one of the lowest of the low in Congress – but, I digress. Gaetz, of course, is facing possible charges of “sex trafficking” if you read the NY Times or the Washington Post, or watch MSNBC or CNN (I personally, when I watch, it’s MSNBC.)

How will Gaetz problems be connected to individual 1? Well, likely there will be no connection although there’s photos of Gaetz posing next to Roger Stone, so, anything’s possible. Apparently, there are other members of Congress who chose to “dally” around with the girls Mr. Gaetz was – well, if you believe the reporting, PAYING for sex. And, apparently, the “good ol boys” weren’t too particular in checking the young girls’ ID’s. Earth to Gaetz, just in case you don’t get this, 17 and under is WAY TOO YOUNG! And, Gaetz, according to the reports, is following in the footsteps of his “fuhrer” by getting engaged in December and, then, in January, having another “dalliance” with one of his online sweethearts. OK, it’s not the same as being with a porn star while your wife is giving birth to your child, but, well, it’ll have to do – at least in the eyes of the Justice Department. Yikes!!! Ugh!!! Yuck!!!

For at least two (or three) years I’ve been pointing out that, eventually, the TRUTH will come out – and, I was referring to the person who’s LIED more than ANY other person I’ve ever witnessed (over 35,000 LIES during his reign of terror in the “White House” – of course, I’m referring to individual 1. I started this post (the first couple of paragraphs) a few weeks ago (about the time the “stories” referring to Gaetz began to circulate) – and, about the time I had surgery on both wrists for carpal tunnel syndrome – with a wavering motivation to keep writing. Things are going well with Joe Biden as president so I keep sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to find out if the Justice Department – without William Barr – might become a department based on “equal justice for all” under the law once again – or, at least more focused on reaching that “optimistic” point in time.

Well, yesterday, the FBI raided the homes and offices of Rudy Giuliani and Victoria Toensing which should make individual 1 even more nervous than he’s likely already feeling. After all, the DA in Fulton County Georgia has him “in the crosshairs” of a potential RICO charge, the DA in Manhattan, New York, already has the “goods” on our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and it appears it’s just a matter of time until individual 1 will be in a New York Courthouse, AND you have to believe Merrick Garland is spending HOURS upon HOURS considering whether (or not) to CHARGE individual 1 for INCITING the INSURRECTION of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. So, add to all that, the reality he’s likely knee deep in the “stuff” Rudy Giuliani is headed to. With him (individual 1), it never ends!

Giuliani, last night, chose to go on Tucker Carlson’s show, the favorite program of the white nationalist community (according to Derek Black the son of the man who runs the “” website – a home for many of America’s hard core white nationalists) where Giuliani made some really preposterous statements. It was over 50 years ago when I studied Constitutional Law while in my first attempt at college, but even I knew Giuliani’s claims about why the FBI would execute a warrant on someone were completely bogus – the reason the FBI executes a warrant, especially on an attorney, is because they have evidence of a CRIME which is strong enough to get a judge to give them the permission they need – they believe the “evidence” they collect will reflect that criminal activity. Giuliani had the audacity to suggest the FBI’s warrant was politically motivated. He suggested the ONLY reason the FBI is supposed to exercise a warrant is if evidence might be destroyed! Nonsense! The republican party has allowed itself to be a cesspool of LIARS! Warrants are required to show “probable cause” of a crime in order to be approved by a judge. Full Stop!

Here’s what we’re likely to find out if all the “leads” are followed based on what Giuliani was doing while he was hanging out with Ukrainians connected directly to the Kremlin: the actual level of “collusion” between individual 1 and Vladimir Putin. We’re also likely to find out the depth of the “collusion” between other top republican officials and the Russian government. Keep in mind, there are reputable reports the Russians funneled $30 MILLION into the 2016 campaign via the NRA – which was also the “home” of Marina Butina, the Russian “plant” who was convicted of “spying” and, ultimately, sent back to Russia from prison – received in Russia as a hero for what she was doing in America. Also, remember Ron Johnson, Senator from Wisconsin, who was warned about being a “useful idiot” of the Russians, but kept spouting their “talking points.” Question: does a “useful idiot” understand they’re considered an “idiot” by the Russians?

So, is it bad to have an American president (or Senator) who is operating as a “useful idiot” for the Russians? Well, in my opinion, there’s not a lot which could be worse. This makes it so clear why the previous two elections, where people voting for democrats showed up in record numbers, was so important. We were on the “edge” of the abyss in regard to our democratic republic. January 6th, 2021 is the evidence of how far individual 1 would go to put himself into position as America’s first autocrat. This is also why I believe it’s SO important for the Justice Department to be holding him accountable for the INSURRECTION because he’ll keep spewing his LIES until he’s been locked up where he belongs.

I’ve stated here my fear January 6th, 2021 might end up with similarities to the disgrace of the previous republican administration. If you remember, after the “Abu Ghraib” fiasco, only the Army “grunts” went to jail. Those who authorized the TORTURE (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.) got of “scott free.” So, now those who’ve been charged in the INSURRECTION attempt number over 500 and could swell to well over 600. Should they be the ones who spend decades in prison, or should the man who primed them to charge the Capitol Building be held to account. Well, in my mind, the answer is “all of the above.” We can only hope!

So, it’s been a few more days: I keep pointing out the TRUTH will come out, drip by drip. Well, yesterday Judge Amy Berman Jackson, in a case involving a group going by the acronym “CREW.” who filed a “freedom of information act” lawsuit against William Barr and the Justice Department regarding Barr’s misleading (LYING) “memo” in response to the “Mueller Report.” I’ve pointed out numerous times HERE that I read Mueller’s report TWICE and that it didn’t clear individual 1 of “collusion” with the Russians – it simply stated there wasn’t sufficient evidence for an indictment for “conspiracy” (and, of course, individual 1 was NOT going to be indicted anyway because of the infamous OLC memo suggesting a sitting president may not be indicted WHILE IN OFFICE.) and, in the second part of Mueller’s report there were 10 episodes suggesting individual 1 committed obstruction of justice.

In regard to the instances of OBSTRUCTION, there is where Mr. Barr may be in trouble for LYING to Congress in regard to what was really in the report and the process the DOJ went through to “support” his contention Mueller left it to him to determine whether there was OBSTRUCTION or not. Of course, by actually reading the report (it was long and tedious reading) it was OBVIOUS to me Mr. Barr was LYING when he published his original “memo.” The TRUTH is Mueller didn’t charge individual 1 because of the OLC memo, but he purposely left the evidence for the possibility of individual being charged once out of office. Mueller made it a point to help the reader of his memo understand the importance and seriousness of the charge of OBSTRUCTION.

I read the book of Andrew Weissman’s book, “Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller investigation” and it appeared to me several of the lawyers involved in Mueller’s investigation felt Mueller was way to “conservative” and were frustrated by Barr’s LYING about their report. So, as the “drip, drip, drip” continues to come out not only is individual 1 potentially in MORE trouble, but so might be people like Barr and the DOJ attorneys who were “disingenuous” in Judge Jackson’s court when this situation was first argued in front of her court.

I’ll say it again, “this is a nation of laws and not men” and if “no one is above the law” then all of these people who were LYING in court and were LYING to “we the people” SHOULD be facing accountability. Mueller was clear in his report he was “memorializing” the evidence of OBSTRUCTION for a FUTURE possibility for an indictment. So, for all you sycophants of individual 1 – members of his CULT – as I said above, you’ve been bamboozled by an expert con man – and, I have to wonder how you’ll react once he begins facing the plethora of CHARGES which appear to be “coming down the pike.” My guess is a bunch of you won’t believe the charges and you’ll continue allowing him to “grift” you for more of your cash. Yikes!

I have to add one more thing: Today, on my way home from an appointment I was listening to Nicole Wallace’s show on MSNBC and she interviewed a republican who had the audacity to “tell the TRUTH” in a campaign for the House in Texas and got 3% of the republican vote. That’s correct, just like Liz Cheney, telling the TRUTH in republican circles is a “death wish” politically. Here’s the rub for me, when I listened to this person I didn’t come away impressed with what he was saying other than republicans should be telling the TRUTH – which appears to be a non-starter in republican circles – his reference to his “conservative principles” not allowing him to agree with the “big spending” democrats was such a turn-off to me. He said he voted for individual 1 – who increased the DEFICIT way more than what will happen under President Biden and the democrats. Republicans just can’t understand the difference from “spending” and “investing.”

What the democrats are actually proposing is INVESTING in this nation and this nation’s working class people – I’ll say it again, INVESTING. “Spending” is like what republicans did with their $2 TRILLION tax giveaway for the wealthy in this nation – which returned virtually NOTHING to America’s working class. And, keep in mind, democrats have several proposals on how to PAY for these INVESTMENTS – and the increase in taxes they’re proposing is aimed at those who benefit MOST from the INVESTMENTS they’re proposing. The modernized infrastructure will help corporate interests exponentially, the INVESTMENT in things like free community college, child care, food stamps, education, high speed internet in underserved areas, fighting the pandemic, etc. etc. etc and it makes sense for corporations who are paying little to NO taxes to be paying their “fair share.” And, the republicans fear mongering against taxes being raise on income above your FIRST half MILLION or so is disingenuous as is most of their OBSTRUCTION. Here’s the reality, republicans do NOTHING but OBSTRUCT – this has been going on since the days of Newt Gingrich.

The American people are solidly behind virtually everything being proposed by President Biden’s administration so far, but republicans in Congress have united AGAINST anything the democrats want to do. Their interest is POWER and, clearly, as we saw on January 6th, 2021 they have NO will to actually defend our constitution. To republicans it’s as if the INSURRECTION didn’t happen – for God’s sake, what are they going to be saying during all the upcoming CRIMINAL cases where people will be claiming they STORMED the Capitol because they believe “their president” encouraged them to do so – to “stop the steal?” We’re going to find out how STUPID those Americans who continue being “grifted” by individual 1 really are. We continue to see evidence of one member of the republican caucus in Congress after another staining themselves in an attempt to look away from the LIES of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

Of course, because they (republicans) control the state legislatures of a majority of states, the VOTER SUPPRESSION tactics of the republicans may succeed in causing more grief in this nation should democrats like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema continue to balk at either removing the filibuster or modifying it so SR-1 can make it through the Senate – even if it gets modified to get Manchin’s approval. There are MANY proposal’s of legislation which are supported by significant majorities of the American people which will require a modification or removal of the filibuster to get through Congress. We’ll be listening to republicans claiming democrats are trying to turn America into a Socialist nation – a claim which is ABSURD on its face.

Well, enough of that, I want to talk about Joe Biden. I have to admit I was all wrong when he was running in the primaries. I “got” many democrats, independents, and “never you know who (I can’t bring myself to write the name)” republicans wanted Biden because they felt he had the best chance of beating individual 1. However, it’s turning out Biden may end up going down as a historically important and successful president. Assuming democrats can somehow get Manchin and Sinema (and, maybe a few other democrats) to modify the filibuster. As i said above: Republicans see democrats as “spending” when what they’re doing is INVESTING in America. Stay tuned!

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