If the American public fails to understand the true republican agenda in 2012 our children and grandchildren will pay the price!

Honestly, I’m not trying to be presumptuous here – but, let’s call this a history lesson for anyone out there who might happen this way and who’s not at least in their 50’s.  I want to make sure that the political discussion as we approach the 2012 election isn’t constant ridiculing of the republican candidates (even though I would probably be one of the first to say they deserve being ridiculed) thinking they have no chance of being elected.  I’m in my mid 60’s and I can still remember the election of 1980 as if it happened yesterday.  It was a turning point in American history that, until it is REVERSED, will continue to yield disastrous results for working class Americans and the health of America itself.  Unfortunately, it appears to me that many people who consider themselves republicans have no idea what damage the extremists who’ve absconded with their party are causing.  I have stated many times that in the 1970’s I considered myself a conservative, yet when people around me listen to my thoughts today they call me a “flaming liberal.”  If that’s the case, I wear that “liberal” designation proudly.  When I listen to the likes of Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, John Kasich of Ohio, what’s his name of New Jersey, Paul Ryan, and now Rick Perry of Texas – I can do nothing but shake my head.  This really is reminding me of 1980 only in “spades.”

Ronald Reagan was a “fringe” candidate – no one gave him much chance of actually winning the presidency – and Jimmy Carter was a centrist who “lost” the “base” of his own party (sound familiar?).  We all know the end result of that election (or, at least we should know) and republicans continue to speak of Reagan as if he was the “second coming.”  Reagan, aside from the fact that MOST of the claims about him are ridiculous in relation to the reality, was a terrible President.  He JUMP STARTED America’s spiralling debt crisis (yes, that’s right – the very same people who are clamoring about the “debt ceiling” are Reagan worshippers), he increased both federal spending and TAXES several times all the while TRIPLING the national debt, he authorized an illegal war in South America – the antagonism from which we still are despised by many in that part of the world – along with supporting corporate theft of the natural resources of many of these South American countries while installing mercilous dictators in the region.  It was Reagan’s administration which funded both Saddam Hussein (including providing him the gas he used on his own people) and made secret deals with the Iranians (to help fund his war in Nicaraugua) and who simply pulled out of Lebanon after 100+ Marines were murdered.  Reagan’s idea of a challenge for our military was invading Granada!  Reagan was the president who empowered people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North, etc.  For those who believe the best way for America to “lead” is by force, I suppose Reagan gave a lot of false bravatto.

Here’s the part that people who believe someone like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann or – maybe even worse – now, Rick Perry could NOT make it to the “Oval Office,” please don’t ignore history.  The republicans have three major “things” going for them as they are now clearly “ramping up” for the coming election (and, that doesn’t even include the FACT that they HATE President Obama and can’t stand the idea of a man of color living in the WHITE HOUSE).  First, they have UNLIMITED amounts of money, coming from who knows where – thank you John Roberts and Samuel Alito (et al) for “Citizens United.”  I’ve been warning about this since the day it was enacted (actually, a bit before that thanks to Thom Hartman who was “right on top” of that court case long before it was actually enacted)  Don’t underestimate what can be done with campaign “chests” that hold BILLIONS of dollars. 

Second, do you remember Bush v Gore?  Do you remember Ohio in the 2004 presidential election?  Were you paying attention to the senate primary in South Carolina in 2010 where a “non-candidate” mysteriously “won” the democratic nomination – virtually assuring a win for the republican?  Have you been paying attention to the reports by Brad Friedman at Bradblog.com about the republican’s ability to “hack” the electronic voting machines?  In other words, the republicans will cheat to win – they’ll do WHATEVER it takes to win – the “end justifies the means” in their eyes.  I’m sure they’d call me a whimp for expecting anything different.  All I can say is that our entire system is dependent on clean elections – and, that is not part of our recent history, thanks to republicans.  (If you haven’t noticed, the recent armada of right wing governors like Walker and Kasich are instituting voter suppression tactics in state after state – intended to disenfranchise as many of the “poor” – presumably democratic – voters as possible)

Finally, republicans will SAY ANYTHING in order to get elected.  I’ve written on several occasions about their using Goebbels’ (Hitler’s propaganda “chief”) “Big Lie Theory” as they’ve been brainwashing the American public since the days of Reagan (and probably before – I started noticing it with the introduction in the mid to late eighties of Rush Limbaugh and his “ditto heads” – just the FACT he calls them that should let them know what’s happening to them!)  Just the reality that members of this great country who have embraced the tactics of the Nazi’s are gaining momentum in their quest for power is a bit unnerving to me.  It really makes me wonder how deep the conspiracy goes.  For example, how many of the upper echelon in the media are “on board” with this scheme?  I have no idea, but it would be somewhat reassuring it we knew that someone with authority was looking into it.  (that reminds me of my GREAT dissappointment with Obama when he BLOCKED all investigations of Bush/Cheney – and, apparently what’s been happening since)

In summary, they’ll do ANYTHING to get elected.  Back in 1980 they pulled off a brilliant “third party” scheme by running a liberal republican (John Anderson) as a republican “backlash” to Reagan’s nomination.  Of course, it was Reagan’s campaign which secretly funded Anderson who took WAY MORE votes away from Carter by luring disaffected democrats than he took from Reagan (This time, you might see republicans secretly trying to encourage Ron Paul to run as an independent!).  Also, Reagan, with the help of William Casey, (future head of the CIA) made a deal with the Iranians to keep the American hostages until after the election – thereby preventing the so-called “October Surprise.”  The hostages were actually released moments after Reagan took the oath of office – and, of course, our “liberal media” hardly suspected anything.  You see, these republicans are willing to do things that are so UNBELIEVABLE, that most people simply don’t even have it cross their minds as a possibility.  And, the lying has become so routine that I think even the liars are starting to believe their own lies.  You have to understand that when 5 to 10 DIFFERENT pundits (or candidates) are using the EXACT SAME “talking points” that it’s not a coincidence.  SOMEONE is orchestrating the republican message from BEHIND THE SCENES – Propaganda 101.   They have a LOT of money and a lot of POWER!  So, I say to the democrats and those who call themselves “progressives” or “liberals” you might want to realize there’s a WAR for the heart and soul of America underway and presently, it appears that only the republicans (the aggressors) understand this!

What’s even more scary is that leading candidates such as Michele Bachman, Rick Perry, and Sarah Palin (probably others) are “dominionists.”  These are people who believe that the powerful and successful people should rule the world and they use a convoluted interpretation of Jesus Christ to FOOL Christians into following them.  Click HERE for a good descripion of what dominionism is if you’re not familiar with it – or, as I’ve suggesed several times on this site, read the book “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet.  If it’s not a sobering read for you, then you’ve been listening to too much Rush Limbaugh or watching too much Fox “news.”  Trust me on this – if any of these three wins the nomination for the republicans, they will have UNLIMITED corporate funds in the 2012 election.  The republicans will pull out all the STOPS in order to get them elected.  Not only for their HATE of Barack Obama, but because any of these candidates will “TOE THE LINE.”  It’s hard for me to believe that the country I grew up in could have deteriorated to the point where there could even be a discussion along these lines.  But, believe me, those on the left had better take 2012 SERIOUSLY or the consequences could last for generations.  Citizens United will not be overturned unless democrats win BIG in 2012 (plus develop some spine) and that will require a “Wisconsinlike” grass roots movement all across America.

There is so much at stake in 2012 that it causes me to shudder just thinking about it.  However, the MAJOR reason anyone who considers themselves ANYTHING but a republican (and, honestly – most republicans should be thinking about this as well) should vote AGAINST republicans in 2012 is the SUPREME COURT!  I can’t even imagine what America’s future would look like with two more right wing ACTIVIST judges like the FIVE we have there now.  The Citizens United decision is the most ANTI-DEMOCRATIC anything I’ve witnessed in my 60+ year lifetime.  Not only have republicans been chipping away at the “New Deal” and “Great Society” for the past 30+ years, they’ve been secretly conspiring to control the courts, the media, and their next goal is Karl Rove’s “permanent republican majority.”  And, seriously, can anyone imagine Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin in charge of America’s military?

I’ve read books and articles by economist after economist who almost all state that “austerity” is – using my summation – a “fools bargain.”  It’s EXACTLY the wrong approach to “what ails us.”  I pointed this out before the original stimulus was passed (I’m not trying to toot my own horn here, I had read this from many different “quarters”) that it was TOO SMALL!  That’s when the obsession with “compromise” that is destroying Barack Obama became obvious to me – I even wrote him a three page letter explaining why he was wrong (are you surprised I got no response?).  Now, government stimulus is needed probably even MORE than it was then and can you imagine republicans agreeing to anything that would stimulate the economy that wasn’t limited to tax cuts for rich people?  I often try to imagine how bad things would have to get before someone like Bachmann or Palin or Perry would recognize the need for government stimulus – it’s almost the same as how bad would the climate crisis have to get before they realize that Global Warming is real?

Unfortunately, (I do remember a time when there were honorable republicans) this is what the republican party represents to me: greed, selfishness, mean spiritidness, racism, and the inability to govern.  Obviously, from my vantagepoint, none of this is good.  Even my friends who have been lifelong republicans and feel the OBLIGATION to defend their “party” do so somewhat jokingly – because they know in their hearts that the “leaders” are WRONG!  They understand that the wealthy in this nation should be paying more taxes.  They understand that our military is OUT OF CONTROL.  They understand that at some point America has to be fiscally prudent – they just don’t want to admit that it has been republicans who have created the debt crisis which the “tea party” is so willing to destroy our economy over.  (and, believe me, just the FACT they were willing to threaten to NOT raise the debt ceiling will have lasting ramifications should Americans continue to vote these “quacks” into national office – Michele Bachman is STILL claiming she wouldn’t raise the debt ceiling!)

What my republican friends do seem to understand it that until America solves the JOBS crisis, our economy is in trouble.  Virtually EVERY one of the books and articles I mentioned above has said the same thing; the government is the “spender” of last resort.  When the economy is this down, it is the government which needs to step in and infuse money into the economy that goes directly towards creating jobs.  Our infrastructure is crumbling (we knew this at the time of the original Obama “stimulus” so he should have put up more of a fight to deal with the problem THEN) and there is a HUGE need for new “21st Century” businesses to form.  Businesses that deal with the Climate issues, the environmental issues, the peak oil issue, the coming water issue, and I could go on – this type of innovation could easily be spurred through government spending (grants, tax incentives, etc.) – but, we’re saddled with a republican party that says NO to anything that might solve problems – because their NUMBER ONE priority is to defeat Obama in 2012.  If the American public fails to understand the true republican agenda in 2012 our children and grandchildren will pay the price!  (I should add that if the democrats don’t “get” that this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America – they will lose in 2012.  One thing Americans don’t like is passive “leaders.”)  Oh yes, one more thing – as republicans are continuing to search for a “viable” candidate, I will just restate here that almost two years ago I started warning about the next “Bush.”  I still believe that Jeb Bush could be the person they turn to in order to block the “tea party’s” attempt to gain the WHITE HOUSE – people like Karl Rove fully understand how difficult it would be to elect a Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin or Rich Perry.  I can see republicans getting very excited about Jeb Bush as the “moderate” alternative.  It’s hard for my stomach to take that I’m even writing about another Bush!

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