There ARE laws against interfering in federal and state elections and, it appears, many are being broken routinely every day.

As more news becomes public about the investigation into individual 1’s New York (allegedly) criminal organization, AKA the “Trump Organization,” we’re seeing the same OBSTRUCTION tactics coming from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president which we saw while he was being investigated by the Mueller “team.” And, we’re seeing it from his children as well – when you work to interfere with an ongoing investigation it’s called OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE. Robert Mueller took pains to explain why OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE is such an egregious CRIME – of course, while he (Mueller) was failing to fully investigate individual 1 while he was still, at the time, simply our so-called president – prior to him being IMPEACHED and, of course, LOSING the popular vote a second time – this time by 6 MILLION votes and also the Electoral College by the SAME “landslide” he “won” by in 2016. (Losing the popular vote by ONLY 3 MILLION votes to Ms Clinton).

Simply put, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is now showing his MOB “colors” as he is desperately trying to find a way to OVERTURN an election in which he is CLEARLY the LOSER. Apparently, he’s having a hard time understanding how he could LOSE to someone like Joe Biden, who will be 78 years old when he takes the oath of office on January 20, 2021. Individual 1 has enlisted Rudy Giuliani, at the bargain rate of $20,000 per day to help him intimidate the electors in Michigan and Pennsylvania to somehow be prevented from voting when the Electoral College declares the next president – OFFICIALLY. Of course, there’s no doubt it will be Joe Biden, but individual 1, as he’s been doing for the previous four years, will inflict as much DAMAGE on the United States of America as he possibly can on his way out the door.

He’s making sure the Covid-19 crisis is as bad as it can possibly get before Biden takes over apparently believing he’ll get all the credit for the vaccines which will become available at some point this spring and by, maybe, summer will be available to a majority of Americans. However, by the time Biden takes office the estimates are that another 200,000 Americans will perish due to a lack of an organized federal response to the pandemic. Of course, this “missing in action” issue has been ongoing for several months now, but the outcome which was predicted based on individual 1’s incompetence as the “head of state” is becoming painfully apparent as “we the people” head into winter. It’s getting REALLY bad and it’s going to get a lot worse.

Then there’s the economy. I’m seeing signs which indicate to me, individual 1 wants to hand off a nation teetering on depression to President Elect Biden as his way of saying “screw you.” Of course, he’s got a plethora of republicans who are going along with all of this in subtle ways which most people wont even notice, or understand, and, trust me, republicans are planning to BLAME democrats for their own FAILINGS beginning the first day President Elect Biden is in office – just as they did when Barack Obama became president back in 2009. Suddenly, the deficit will “matter,” and there will be no need for economic stimulus. Unemployment is far worse than the data I see would suggest, even though it’s still really bad, but, just as in 2008 there’s some “cratering” on the horizon from my perspective. And, will republicans help to pull “we the people” out of the crisis they’ve created? Hell no! They’ve ignored the “HEROES Act” for over 5 months now.

Today, I read where Steve Mnuchin has “ordered” Jerome Powell, the head of the Fed, to return money which was authorized for him to prop up areas of the economy which were faltering – in the so-called “CARES Act.” About $500 BILLION. Powell argued against this move, but the money is supposed to be returned to the Treasury by December 31st. Do you get the picture here? I’ve pointed out several times here, with the caveat that I’m NO economist, that this money provided to Powell and the “Fed” was critical in preventing America from cratering into a depression earlier this year. Do you think these people (republicans) are OK with that outcome if there’s a democrat in the “White House?” I guarantee you they’re already thinking in terms of 2024. As I’ve said here before, brace yourself, the ATTACKS on Kamala Harris are soon to be coming “hot and heavy.” There’s NO WAY republicans will accept a WOMAN who is also of African and Indian descent as our president – and, she’s the likely “front runner” for the democratic nomination in 2024. Why?? OK, you’re not thinking – Biden will be 82!

Republicans proved to me long ago they believe in POWER above all else and at the expense of the good of this nation. They admitted as much when President Obama took office by saying their one focus was on making sure President Obama FAILED. They weren’t even subtle about it. Of course, Obama’s election led to the so-called “Tea Party,” and if you don’t believe the “Tea Party” was based on racism, you weren’t paying attention to their rallies prior to the 2010 mid-term election. This was the beginning of the rise of individual 1 – someone who is a brazen enough LIAR to suck all these so-called conservatives – white people who believe they’re the victims and “wanted their country back” – into the cult which is now trying to overthrow, essentially, out democratic republic.

And, for all you republicans who continue to suggest you’re not a racist – STOP it already! Here’s the deal – you don’t get it BOTH ways! You can’t align yourself with a group of people who clearly are racists – ie “Tea Party,” ” Proud Boys,” a plethora of other “militia” groups who are espousing white nationalist memes, and a bunch of right wing media outlets who are experts at racist “dog whistles” – and, then claim “I had no idea.” You’re all grown adults and it’s up to you to know better and if you’re, for example, listening to people like Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson and regurgitating what you hear – I’m sorry but you no longer get a pass. And, if you haven’t been paying attention since individual 1 LOST the election to Joe Biden our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president’s white nationalist supporters are threatening officials all around the country who participated in the counting of the votes and, in many instances, they’re threatening street violence to “make their point.” Should be interesting when some of these guys find themselves in the prison system. If you’re a traditional republican and haven’t figured all this out just yet, well SHAME on you! This has become a national embarrassment!

Individual 1 has tried to portray himself first as a “wartime president” while facing the coronavirus pandemic – and, of course, he’s been AWOL for over 5 MONTHS now from even a hint of trying to fight the virus – now, apparently, encouraging people to get it like his new adviser Scott Atlas has suggested, as the “plan.” It seems doing NOTHING in regard to his responsibility is what appeals to him – you know, more time for things like GOLF. And, of course, his final “pitch” to voters was he’s the “law and order” president. We can see, and we’ve been able to see since day one, if we had the where with all to “look,” that the LAWS are simply an inconvenience for him. He’s now trying to convince state legislators in Michigan and Pennsylvania to overthrow the “will of the people” in their states by, somehow, creating their own group of “electors” and finding a way to allow them to certify the election in those two states for individual 1 despite the FACT he LOST both states by well over 100,000 votes.

I’m sure I don’t have to explain this to you, but they are claiming the votes coming from the districts which are in districts with large African American communities should be thrown out. Individual 1 is actually calling people who are tasked with certifying the results and lobbying them to refuse to do so. I believe this is a CRIME. Even if you’re the IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. Can you imagine the response if individual 1 somehow manages to overthrow this election’s results? And, even though his antics are likely headed for FAILURE, he’s ginning up all those right wing “militia” types who are now threatening the lives of people in the various states who are simply doing their jobs. Personally, I’m hoping Joe Biden is a “law and order” president – for the sake of individual 1, Rudy Giuliani, William Barr, Lindsey Graham, and many others.

Republicans are even threatening republicans, if the republicans tell the truth and do what they took an oath to actually do. Take Georgia, for example – which, by the way, will have certified Biden as the winner likely before I post this rant – they have a republican Secretary of State who is going to be one of the revered republicans when all of this is said and done – if he survives all the death threats. His name is Brad Raffensperger and he’s vowed to count all the votes and certify the person, Biden as it turns out, who the voters choose for Georgia’s 16 Electoral votes. By now I’m sure you know, Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee called Raffensberger and lobbied him to “throw out enough votes” for individual 1 to be the “winner.” And, naturally, he suggested the votes coming from the African Americans around Atlanta must be fraudulent – there must be a way to prove that. Of course, I’m interpreting Graham’s reported words, but, in effect, he committed a federal crime – a FELONY. And, fortunately, there was someone beside Raffensperger on the call, so it’s not a “he said he said.” Should be interesting when there’s an Attorney General who actually follows the LAW.

People like me can only hope Joe Biden is a “law and order” president so that anyone breaking the law right now will face the consequences of their actions – including our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president. I’ve written several times, if “we the people” want all this nonsense – meaning the lawbreaking by those “at the top” – to stop there MUST be consequences for the lawbreaking by people at the top of our government. For example, if Biden does what President Obama did and block investigations into individual 1 we will be facing all this again, sooner rather than later. I made this same prediction within a day of hearing then President Elect Obama say he wanted to “look forward instead of back.” Since that day I have repeatedly pointed out you can’t stop illegal activity without looking back. If Biden follows Obama’s lead, it will be another “green light” in the eyes of republicans.

One reason individual 1 has been so brazen in his attacks on the fundamentals of our republic has been the republican belief democrats don’t have the guts to FIGHT for their own basic values. And, sadly, over the years, by my observation, they’ve been correct more often than not. I grew up admiring FDR who was a member of the privileged class, but understood that this nation is strongest when government works from the bottom up. FDR even relished the FACT the privileged class (today’s republican “donor” class) “hated” him – he famously said, “I welcome their hate.” That was the “prevailing” belief until the so-called “Powell Memo” in the early 1970’s ultimately led to Ronald Reagan and “trickle down” (trickle up) economics. Working people have been losing ever since to the point now where the numbers of Americans in poverty – working Americans – is shameful. And, still, many of these same working class people who’ve been tossed aside by the puppet masters calling the shots in republicans circles, choose to vote for republicans. It’ a great demonstration of the power of the media, in this instance the right wing “Big Lie” media. Individual 1 famously said, “I love uneducated voters.” (How does that make you feel if you’re part of his CULT?)

And, sadly, the republican establishment has been taking advantage of the lack of education among many people in my own peer group – the baby boomers – who have little interest in politics and who are susceptible to the sophisticated brainwashing which has been going on since the 1980’s. It’s considered hyperbole to mention the Nazi’s when characterizing politicians or political strategy but, in the case of today’s republicans it’s appropriate. (All while Rudy Giuliani as individual 1’s lawyer, just yesterday, was comparing voting officials in Pennsylvania and Michigan – of course, in the African American neighborhoods, to relatives of Hugo Chavez and getting funding from George Soros????) I’ve noticed republicans using the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s since Rush Limbaugh came on the scene back in the late 1980’s. And, there are other parallels to the Third Reich when you take a close look at individual 1’s campaign and his administration.

What our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president is now doing is so unthinkable to people like me it just corroborates our worst fears about what his intentions have been all along. Do we really want a mob boss and mob family running this nation? Honestly, I’m getting to the point where I don’t even want to talk to anyone who watches Fox “news.” The stuff they believe just doesn’t register with me – like how can people be this STUPID? But, the sad reality is over 70 MILLION Americans voted for the most dishonest, corrupt president likely EVER – I never thought, in my lifetime, there would be president more corrupt than Richard Nixon but, to me, individual 1 makes Nixon look like a choir boy. I’m not kidding when I say I’ve looked our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president’s supporters in the eye and ask, “Do you really believe he tells the truth?” And, the answers I get vary from “yes” to “all people lie.” And, these people are ALWAYS Christians.

What’s even worse to me is they don’t consider Joe Biden a “Christian” – one of my friends, the other day said, “He goes to church once in a while to make himself look better” – we were on the phone – and as I tried to explain to him Biden was actually a practicing Catholic and asking him if that means he’s not a “Christian?” – his wife broke into the conversation and said “Biden is going to turn America into a Socialist nation” (or words to that affect). In a state of shock, (they’re both “educated”) I asked, “Does the fact Biden is a Catholic mean he’s not a “Christian?” and my friend said, “It depends.” Then I asked, “do you actually believe individual 1 is a practicing Christian?” He started to equivocate at which point I had had enough of the conversation. He’s a good friend, he’s an engineer, and he watches Fox. Enough said!

The FACT it is a large segment of America’s Evangelical Christians who are individual 1’s base is another of the startling parallels to the Third Reich. As a Christian, myself, I have to wonder what is it that causes all these people to be willing to accept a fascist takeover of our nation – which is EXACTLY what individual 1 is attempting as I’m writing this. The chances of him pulling this off are slim and none – but the further DAMAGE he will have inflicted on this nation is enormous – especially, when you consider outlets like Fox “news” are supporting his coup attempt. Again, it’s all about the POWER with these people – and the MILLIONS of supporters mean nothing to them – other than they’re necessary to keep this power. Therefore, it will be incumbent on the “republican party” for the next four years to prevent their cult following from “seeing the light” – or, FINALLY, we could see the end of their reign – which I’ve been lobbying for since the day I started writing on this site. (Actually, for much longer, it took me a while to figure out how to create my own “cyber diary.”

Here’s the bottom line and, yes, I’m repeating myself: People MUST be held accountable for the DAMAGE being done to our republic as individual 1 and his sycophants attempt to overturn the “free and fair” election. This is ILLEGAL. What our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president is doing is ILLEGAL and, what many of his enablers are doing is ILLEGAL as he’s sucking in others who are also going to be potentially in legal jeopardy – like Lindsey Graham and a couple state legislators from Michigan for starters. And, of course, you have to include Rudy Giuliani as being someone putting himself in more legal jeopardy than he already was in after his adventures in Ukraine. There ARE laws against interfering in federal and state elections and, it appears, many are being broken routinely every day. Stay tuned……..

Final Thought: And, speaking of “accountability,” there’s a group of right wing wack jobs going around threatening people all across this great nation – including, in essence, “we the people.” Quite naturally, with William Barr at the head of the Justice Department there’s not much expectation much will be done to reign these thugs in, but it will be imperative once Biden takes the oath of office they be held to account for both their words and their deeds. Some of the threatening emails, texts, and “tweets” some people have been enduring have reminded me of the Jim Crow era which was unfolding as I was growing up – as the Civil Rights movement was taking hold. There are people threatening extreme violence against “the left” if Joe Biden is actually sworn in as our 46th president, which IS going to happen on January 20, 2021. Are these people (Proud Boys, etc.) going to attack the inauguration? Will Barr defend our republic and do whatever is necessary to bring these people to justice? I would copy some of the disgusting “tweets”/texts/emails but, quite honestly, they’re too disgusting. If you want to find them online, it’s not hard. Stay tuned……………..

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