How are all the MAGA maniacs going to react when their cult leader is dealing with his CRIMES after January 21st?

Shameless: Having no shame; lacking in modesty; immodest; impudent; audacious; insensible to disgrace. The first and last part of that definition fits perfectly, in my view, with what is going on in individual 1’s final two months in office – for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER of a president AND his sycophants. As “we the people” helplessly have to kind of sit by and watch the further degradation of the office of the president as the DAMAGE I’ve been talking about for almost four years now is mounting almost as exponential as the number of cases of the coronavirus which individual 1 continues to ignore. Reports are there will be poorly thought out reductions in America’s troop levels between now and January 20th and, to me, the really SHAMELESS is the hurriedly selling oil rights in the Arctic National Wildlife refuge. I’m sure there will be much more – not the least of which is SHAMELESS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo taking his wife on a seven nation tour of Europe at the expense of the taxpayers while he still, well, can. As I often say now, Mr. Pompeo is SHAMELESS!

I wrote that first paragraph yesterday, prior to the antics of Lindsey Graham (and others) becoming public knowledge and Mr. Graham is taking SHAMELESS to a new level. Well, actually, he is bordering it on taking it to the level of illegality. Usually, republicans are cagey enough to make sure there will be no legal recourse to their actions and, likely, Graham has done so (he’s got the “my word against his” defense). So, the report which came out last night was Graham badgering the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Georgia to “find a way” to throw out enough LEGAL ballots to allow individual 1 to say he won the state. What the………..???? Graham is the Senator from South Carolina (who, sadly, wasn’t voted out of office on November 3rd) and his actions would be patently ILLEGAL if the Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensberger, had a recording of his demand. And, of course, Graham’s not the only republican doing this. The result?? Well, thankfully, it appears Mr. Raffensberger, the Sec. of State, has called this for what it is and has told these people where to get off. And, of course, true to the republican creed, Raffensberger and his wife are now receiving death threats. What is wrong with these people? (A reminder: Lindsey Graham is the chair of the Senate JUDICIARY committee! Yikes!!!)

Here’s what I think – because, individual 1 is as vindictive as “they come.” Individual 1 worked to contest the legitimacy of the presidency of Barack Obama – without a shred of evidence – suggesting President Obama was not born in America – as the “head” of the so-called “birther” movement. Well, as they say, “turnabout is fair play” – well, I’m sure that’s how republicans ultimately viewed the “Russia thing” which our now IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president brought on himself with his COLLUSION with the Russians and, as time passed, the republican sycophants came to believe individual 1 that there was “no collusion and no obstruction.” (Read Andrew Weismann’s “Where Law Ends” to find the TRUTH about the obstruction and collusion) So, now I’m thinking individual 1’s refusal to admit he LOST while he’s ginning up MILLIONS of Americans to actually believe him so that Biden’s “legitimacy” will be questioned by all the right wing “ditto heads” who watch Fox “news” is, in his mind, payback. Here’s the deal, “turn about is NOT fair play” when it comes to the security of this nation. There is a PANDEMIC going on! I’ve been saying this for years, “we the people” need to retire the republican party to the history books. They’ve brainwashed enough Americans who seem almost illiterate to continue this ruse for another undetermined length of time. Sad!

So, for republicans who still remember the “women’s march” right after the “election” of individual 1 and the “resistance” which followed, there’s a HUGE difference between individual 1’s “victory” and that of Joe Biden. Biden didn’t work with a foreign government to “win” the election – he actually campaigned – while giving deference to the Covid-19 pandemic – which, by the way, was raging thanks to individual 1’s incompetence – in strategic states and he actually won, at this stage, close to 6 MILLION more votes than our IMPEACHED so-called two time LOSER president AND, more importantly, he also won the Electoral College in an identical “landslide” to individual 1’s in 2016. Any, “resistance” coming from the right wing echo chamber will, eventually, fall into the same place in our history books reserved for all the other sycophants of individual 1. The republican party has become the right wing white nationalist movement in America. The next four years should be interesting, to say the least. (And, by the way, by standing firm for the TRUTH Secretary Raffensberger is putting himself and his family in the direct line of death threats!)

Speaking of the Russians and Vladimir Putin – OK, I didn’t mention Putin, but here goes. If you’ve had your head in the sand – or you watch Fox “news” or listen to people like Rush Limbaugh (who SHOULD have to give his medal back, the one which individual 1 gave him) – you don’t understand Putin, in the 2016 election was attempting to undermine America’s election process and turn Americans against each other. They COLLUDED with members of individual 1’s campaign (those connected to Cambridge Analytica) to use Facebook in a massive misinformation campaign (AKA “Fake news” AKA “LYING”) to undermine the 2016 election which all parties assumed individual 1 would LOSE (both the Electoral College AND the popular vote). Of course, the past four years are evidence the experts were wrong regarding the Electoral College and we’ve all had to endure the corruption and incompetence of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president since. (I can’t wait to be able to stop writing that “name” because it’s getting harder the more he LOSES)

So, when you do a bit of reading and you begin to understand the “connection” which exists between individual 1 and the Russians it has to make you wonder – OK, it’s making me wonder – what REALLY is the connection of Russia with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president? Why do I ask? Well, it appears he’s still doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin. Undermining the election process in America? Putin couldn’t do it any better! Turn Americans against each other? Putin couldn’t do it any better! Start a race war? I think you, by now, know where I’m going with this – yep, Putin couldn’t do it any better! We’ve watched this with our foreign policy over the past four years and now the domestic policy issues are becoming clearer and clearer. Our NATO allies were on the edge of their seats watching our election with the future of that alliance likely hanging in the balance and, now, individual 1 is working overtime to destroy the confidence in our elections by his supporters – as if you didn’t vote for him you got cheated – like the nearly 80 MILLION people who voted for Biden were fraudulent. Rrrrrright!

I’ve written about my belief individual 1 has been acting like a traitor – is he more focused on what is best for America or is he actually doing the bidding of Putin? Many beyond me are asking the same question. He owes HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars – much of it, allegedly, to foreign interests. On top of that, the Scottish government is wanting to know where he got the money to purchase the Turnberry Golf Links over there near Aberdeen Scotland a few years ago? It appears there are people in Scotland who believe our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote loser president may have LAUNDERED some Russian money in order to purchase this golf course. I believe this potential investigation along with many others may be a large part of the reason why individual 1 continues to pretend he didn’t LOSE the election. When you’re no longer president money laundering, bank fraud, and insurance fraud are very serious CRIMES. Potentially crimes for individual 1’s entire organization which would, possibly include his children. And Jared Kushner? I read “Kushner Inc” as far as I could and all I could think about was “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I believe Kushner has a bit of worry on his legal horizon.

The reports are that individual 1, in his waning days in office, wants to cement a “legacy” which is connected to the impending Covid-19 vaccinations which are, apparently, soon to get emergency approval by the FDA. It’s also being reported our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president is refusing to allow Biden’s “team” access to any information regarding the roll out of the vaccines apparently so he’ll get more credit for things created in labs around the world – as if he actually created them. Here’s the deal, the fact he supported a “fast track” for the companies making the vaccines wasn’t some kind of “genius” decision – ANY person in his office would have done, at least, the same. That all being said, his refusal to even attempt any mitigation of this virus will actually be his LEGACY. (And, of course, Scott Atlas will be right there with him) As I’m writing this the 7 day average of NEW reported INFECTIONS is now over 150,000 per day – soon to be over 200,000 per day – numbers which SHOULD have been unthinkable. The daily DEATH total is now well over 1000 per day and, sadly, soon to be OVER 2000 per day. This will be what he’s remembered for!

One thing about us Americans is we are predictable. So, in my state (Washington) our governor has instituted another policy attempting to “stop the spread” of the coronavirus and, sure enough, the run on toilet paper (and other household items) has begun. I was at Costco yesterday and they are, once again, funneling people through the side of the building with all the things they’re “out of” on mini bulletin boards outside the entrance to the warehouse. And, naturally, toilet paper was at the top of the list. As Michael Osterholm has warned, repeatedly, we’re about to enter “Covid hell.” He’s been pointing out to anyone willing to listen that the fall and winter months are going to be a horrible time regarding the coronavirus based on the lack of policy coming from the “White House.” By the time Joe Biden is legally in charge there could be another 200,000 people DEAD. For example, right now, in El Paso Texas, there are so many people critically sick with this virus that the hospitals are being forced to tend to the people with the greatest chance of survival while putting others in cordoned off rooms where they are allowed to take their final breaths before they’re put in body bags and then stored in refrigerator trucks because the morgues are beyond their capacity. This is horrible, disgusting, and prior to Scott Atlas was preventable. Come to think of it, considering all the reports of individual 1’s FAILURES regarding the coronavirus, based on Scott Atlas’s pronouncements, this surge in Covid-19 infections along with the accompanying surge in DEATHS, in MAGA world, maybe is considered to be a wildly successful outcome. Yikes!!!

As all of this unfolds we are seeing example after example of how republicans, the so-called “law and order” party, are visualizing themselves as “above the law.” Of course, right now the focus could be on Senator Graham because his actions clearly were ILLEGAL. I mean, what reason would a Senator from South Carolina have in interfering in an election in Georgia? That’s just NOT supposed to happen. And, if something happens to the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Georgia does Graham (and individual 1, of course) have responsibility – as they are ginning up the right wing “crazies?” (Deplorables, in the words of Hillary Clinton) The governor of Michigan is now under threat again – threats which were encouraged by none other than Scott Atlas himself – apparently saving individual 1 from the need to do so. And, of course, all of this begs the questions surrounding all the OBSTRUCTION of Justice by our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president which COULD be prosecuted once he’s no longer in office. I mean, what is it going to take to get these republicans to understand the laws actually apply to them as well?

I really do have to wonder how all the MAGA maniacs are going to react when their cult leader starts having to deal with his issues with the legal system starting on January 21st. Joe Biden has assured “we the people” he will not interfere with the Justice Department if/when the investigations into the behavior of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president and his sycophants start gaining “steam.” Trust me, there’s a lot to uncover which “we the people” don’t know about as I’m writing this – but, I’ve read enough about individual 1 to have no doubt he was operating a RICO enterprise prior to FOOLING the republican party into believing he was a successful businessman who could actually run our government. Sadly, MOST Americans don’t read about politics despite the FACT we are responsible for being informed voters – which is hard to do watching TV “news” shows – no matter what network you choose. The only way I’ve ever managed to be in the 1% was by reading the Mueller report – which I did twice. If you read that report with an open mind and you actually believe we are a “system of laws and not men” you wouldn’t be driving around with a bunch of individual 1 flags flying from your truck or car. Honestly, that’s kind of embarrassing to watch.

Final thought: As I’m writing this there are 65 days until this national nightmare is finally over. The problem is the DAMAGE. I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE for almost four years now and it has been progressively mounting at higher rates. I even speculated on what this “transition period” would be like once individual 1 had officially been voted out of office. My guess was he would do as much DAMAGE as he could manage on his way out the door. After all, he’s about as vindictive a human being as they come. (Picture the mob boss, which has been my way of equating him for almost three years now) He has no SHAME and he’s NOT a “loyal republican.” The ONLY way he cares about the republican party is in ways which benefit him. He will undoubtedly announce he’s running again in 2024 (I’ve written he was going to do that regardless) and he’ll do whatever he needs to do to keep the republican “establishment” (whatever that is right now) backing him as he goes on to face a potential plethora of legal charges coming his way.

Here’s the thing for me. There’s no conceivable way to charge him with any crime for what he’s NOT doing to fight this virus, but, in my mind, that may be his greatest crime. HUNDREDS of thousands of lives very well may be attributed to his FAILURE to lead “we the people” in the face of a once a century (hopefully) pandemic – which he was warned about prior to taking office, while the virus was still confined to China, and as his own HHS Secretary warned him in January. He chose to try ignoring it because he felt any cases made him look bad (think of the cruise ship he didn’t want to allow the people with the virus to leave). Every decision he made regarding Covid-19 was wrong – most by 180 degrees. And, the worse it got the more obstinant he became – to the point where we are now and will be as he leaves office. Let’s hope he doesn’t compound all the DAMAGE he’s already done with some kind of foreign policy fiasco – like what has been reported in the past couple of days – that he’s thinking of “bombing Iran” on the way out the door and leaving Biden with that mess.

Bush/Cheney left Obama/Biden with, what at the time, was an unbelievable mess. The financial markets were cratering and jobs were being lost by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS every month. At least, during the transition, the Bush/Cheney “team” worked with the incoming “team” to help them “hit the ground running.” Individual 1 is determined to make sure that doesn’t happen. This, of course, proves he could care less about America – he’s going to increase the DAMAGE as much as he can. Where are the republicans? What the hell is going on with them? If individual 1 does some reckless foreign policy adventure to add to the mess, to me, it’s as much on the republicans in Congress as to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president himself. And, cleaning up this mess? Is Moscow Mitch going to do everything he can to OBSTRUCT that process as well? Stay tuned…………..

One last thing: Trust me, I fully understand when it comes to the DAMAGE caused to this nation by individual 1, I understand only the “tip of the iceberg.” I will say, it won’t surprise me if we learn, ultimately, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president has been working for the Russians. At some point, “we the people” will learn what it has been they’re holding over him. And, if Joe Biden makes the same mistake as Barack Obama – which would be blocking investigations into all the wrongdoing – we’ll soon be facing a rerun of these last four miserable years. He (Biden) promised he wouldn’t do this, but as we get closer to the day he takes the oath of office I don’t have a good feeling. To republicans, this would be another democratic example of their lack os spine.

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