Maureen Dowd decided to give her Op-Ed space in the NY Times to her individual 1 loving brother. OMG!

It’s late, I really want to go to bed, but I just finished reading an Op-Ed in the NY Times by Maureen Dowd’s brother – apparently, Ms. Dowd comes from a family of “individual 1 lovers” – of course, they use the name I called him by before he was given this name by the Southern District of New York for CHEATING to “win” the election for president of the United States, with the help of Vladimir Putin and James B Comey, back in 2016. You know, illegally paying off a porn star to hide his illicit affair from the voters. Ms. Dowd’s brother, of course, is lamenting the defeat of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president as some kind of – as he said, the historians in the future will recognize as – a great president.

I almost gagged. But, the sad reality is almost 74 MILLION Americans decided they wanted more of the chaos and incompetence we’ve endured for the previous 4 years and what really struck me was Mr. Dowd actually believed the stuff he heard coming from individual 1’s mouth over these terribly LONG and TAXING four years. I thought I’d share some of his “kudos” for a so-called president who is the THIRD in our history to be IMPEACHED and who has, during his two elections, LOST by OVER 9 – ALMOST 10 MILLION votes!

Here we go: First he referred to the democrats (“the left”) as being hypocrites for their “resistance” and brought up the “confrontation at their homes and restaurants” of officials in individual 1’s administration. I’m sure he’s referring to Sarah Sanders being asked to leave a restaurant because the people in the restaurant had had enough of the president’s press secretary (should be plural) standing at what was considered a somewhat sacred podium and bold faced LYING to the American people – repeatedly. Individual 1 supporters, I know, always respond by saying either individual 1 and his sycophants aren’t LYING or “everybody LIES.” Clearly, that’s not a majority view in America – thankfully!

The whoppers were coming “hot and heavy” – as you would expect from someone defending individual 1’s record. He next suggested our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president “gave us a strong economy, achieved the lowest unemployment in 50 years, fortified the border and guaranteed the integrity of the judicial system by appointing over 200 judges, including three Supreme Court justices.”

Where to start? OK, right at the top. The “strong economy” was INHERITED (just like all the money he’s LOST over the years) and he did little to enhance it. The trajectory of the economic recovery from what Obama/Biden INHERITED from the previous republican debacle (the last recession before this one) started in 2009 and was steady until this past spring when individual 1’s bumbling, incompetent, narcissistic response to the coronavirus pandemic caused historically high unemployment, and, by the time he leaves office, by the way, likely a similar number of American deaths as in WW II (Most which could have been avoided). The “lowest unemployment in 50 years” was simply a continuation of what he inherited – he had little to nothing to do with it. His ONLY “achievement,” legislatively was a tax cut (scam) which funneled 2 TRILLION dollars to those in America who didn’t need it and DIDN’T provide the promised stimulus. And, after LYING straight to the faces of his crowds at rallies – “I’ll receive none of the benefit – my friends will be mad at me” – his next visit to Mar a Lago, after passage of the bill, included this message to his patrons (rich people) – “I just made you all a lot of money.” Of course, that included him.

Fortify the border? Are you kidding me. That would be the suggestion of someone who’s still believing this nation of IMMIGRANTS should be banning immigration (He’s a second generation IMMIGRANT and his wife a first). Of course, what they’re really saying is immigration should be banned for people who aren’t white. And, anyone making that claim, to me, is either totally ignorant OR simply willing to accept the horrific treatment of people coming from South of our border – taking children, some nursing infants, from their parents – and, then worst still, losing track of the parents so that, as I’m writing this, there are over 600 children (in cages, still) at our Southern border who will NEVER likely see their parents again. And, these are just the children under 12 years old – who knows how many others there are? Ms. Dowd’s brother talks about the historians a few years hence – and I believe this will be one of the MAJOR “stains” on our nation FOREVER!

And, the wall? Mr. Dowd didn’t mention anything about the “Mexicans paying for it, guaranteed.” In fact, there’s virtually NO “wall,” only some refurbished “fencing” along, maybe a couple hundred miles of an 1800 mile border. Which is GOOD, because building a wall is STUPID. Yes, it makes the white supremacists, apparently, feel better – but it would do little to stop “illegal immigration” – which is only a major problem in right wing (ie white supremacist) circles. Sorry, Mr. Dowd – no offense, but, well, “come on man!”

And, the judges – OK, I’ll give you that. For four years Moscow Mitch has been focused on putting as many right wing, young, and in many cases totally unqualified, judges in various parts of the judiciary. It remains to be seen what DAMAGE that does to this republic, but that will be the lasting result of the “marriage” between individual 1 and McConnell. Suggesting that will lead to the “integrity” of our Judicial system is certainly a point of contention – considering the number of unqualified judges now with LIFETIME appointments. McConnell sees the “writing on the wall” that the republican party is about to become irrelevant unless it dramatically changes and, with supporters like Mr. Dowd, it’s not likely to change. This is why the Senate has been approving judges and ignoring those suffering from the Covid pandemic. Sadly, from my point of view, my peer group – white “baby boomers” – are the “backbone of the republican party and I’m 73. We’re going to be dying off in droves and the younger voters aren’t fooled by the republican shtick in large enough numbers to keep the party a float.

Then Mr. Dowd said, ” He was labeled a racist but funded historically black colleges and created opportunity zones with Senator Tim Scott. He was able to sign meaningful prison reform legislation.” That’s like saying “I have a Black friend so I’m no racist.” To suggest individual 1 is not a racist is to suggest you have something over your eyes when you’re looking at the FACTS or cotton in your ears when you listen to the “dog whistles” spewing from his mouth. There’s a reason why almost 90% of African Americans voted for Joe Biden. In fact, it was the African American “community” which is the reason Biden is now president. Without getting into all the other details (I’m thinking of the “birther” stuff right now) individual 1 has already started the slurring of Kamala Harris because he knows she’s a rising star in the democratic party – likely the next nominee in 2024 (Biden will be 82). Along with the 74 MILLION who voted for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, she’s having her citizenship questioned because her parents are immigrants, PLUS republicans are referring to her as a “ho.” Not racist? Give me a break! (Yes, we’ve got to add misogynist)

Next, from Mr. Dowd: ” He had foreign policy successes as well, renegotiating NAFTA and abandoning the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal (which took a $400 million cash bribe to close). He aggressively confronted China for its egregious behavior, brokered Middle East peace deals and was the greatest friend in the White House that Israel ever had.” The NAFTA treaty was “tweaked” and I haven’t seen evidence it’s brought a single manufacturing job back to America. In fact, our “manufacturing sector” was in recession BEFORE the Covid-19 pandemic arrived. The $400 million which went BACK to Iran was IRANIAN money which had been frozen. It was part of the deal designed to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon – and, by the way, they were in compliance – and EVERYONE knew that. China? He’s been kissing the behind of Xi for most of the 4 years he has been in office – seemingly another dictator he admires – and the tariffs? What did that do beside cause farmers to go broke and others to lose their jobs. Mr. Dowd, you probably believe the Chinese were paying the tariffs, don’t you? Yikes! (I’m guessing you’re not one of the “uneducated voters” individual 1 “loves” so what’s the excuse?)

And, Israel? Well, he (and Jared Kushner) definitely are “in” with Netanyahu, who seems to be as corrupt as individual 1 himself – except in Israel, the leaders are not exempt from indictment which, of course, has happened to their Prime Minister. Will the moving of our Embassy prove to help solve the issue with the Palestinians? Remains to be seen, but doesn’t look good to me. I will say, there’s a possibility individual 1 ends up with one success in his four years if it all works out in Israel – I just don’t know enough about the details to make a comment at this point in time. The connection with MBS, to me, is corrupt and, until the issue with the Palestinians is solved, to me, nothing has changed. From much of what I’ve read, moving the Embassy took away a negotiating tool to help solve that problem – but I didn’t get the feeling that individual 1’s administration cared much about the Palestinians – so, short term benefit – likely. Long term, as with pretty much everything else, not so much.

I’m only going to answer a couple more of his points – I’ll put a link to the article at the end of this post should you want to read it – next he said this: “Mark down the levels of the Dow Jones and your 401(k)s. If Biden reimposes President Barack Obama’s regulations, the economy will shortly be back to where it was under Obama.” Here’s what will happen if Biden is successful in doing exactly that. The stock market will continue to go wherever it’s going to go – likely up if Biden can get us back to where it “was under Obama.” I do have to add, under individual 1, as I’ve said here many times, the market has become like a house built on sand. It likely is going to crater – especially if Moscow Mitch decides to OBSTRUCT as he did during Obama’s two terms. Republicans are refusing to enact a “worker oriented” stimulus to the Covid crisis (Yes, they’ve offered a stimulus package, but as you would expect, it’s focus is on “tax cuts for the wealthy” not people who are suffering and out of work – or small businesses which are shuttering by the droves – surprise, surprise!)

Individual 1 is leaving office with a budget deficit which is historic ($3.3 TRILLION for this year and Trillions per year going forward, unless Biden CAN get us back to where the economy was under Obama) – greater than the largest annual deficit since records started being kept after WW II in relation to GDP. I’ve already spent a couple “rants” predicting republicans will be BLAMING Biden for the deficits and the impending crash, if it happens almost immediately after he takes the oath. In fact, they very well may facilitate a “crash” if they retain control of the Senate. That’s just what they do. Obama/Biden reduced the deficit by around 70% during their time in office (From $1.5 TRILLION – the record until individual 1 came along – to around $400 BILLION when they left office) and it didn’t take individual 1 and his republican “deficit hawks” even one year to more than double it. But, if somehow Biden gets things back to the way they were when our IMPEAHCED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president took office, things will be “swell.” For the last four years “deficits didn’t matter.” Do you think that will change?

The last point of Mr. Dowd’s I will take issue with – I could take issue with almost all of what he wrote – not sure why Maureen Dowd gave him the platform – is: ” The Democrats remain mystified by the loyalty of Trump’s base. It is rock solid because half the country was tired of being patronized and lied to and worse, taken for granted. Trump was unique because he was only interested in results.” Well, I’m not mystified. First of all, I believe much of the loyalty to individual 1 (I thought about changing the name above, but I copied and pasted it so…….) comes from the white supremacists who, apparently, encompass a larger swath of America than people like me understood. I was, peripherally, part of the Civil Rights movement back in the 60’s in that I graduated from High School in 1965 as the Voting Rights Act was being enacted, I watched in horror as the Civil Rights marchers were virtually slaughtered on the Edmond Pettis bridge and have been trying to cleanse myself of my racist upbringing ever since. Yes, I have Black friends, yes I was raised in a racist household which leaves “scars,” and, yes I’ve benefited from “white privilege” my entire life. For years, I failed to fully understand this.

The hardest part of this for me to accept, even though I understand that evangelical Christians make up a significant portion of that 74 MILLION individual 1 supporters, is what that does to our Christian “witness.” I know enough of them, as a Christian myself who regularly attends church when there’s no pandemic, to understand there are MILLIONS of one issue voters in America – the issue is, obviously, abortion (which, I keep saying, at some point I’ll write a post on that topic) and they’re happy with the judges and could care less about the rest of it. The classic “deal with the devil,” in my view. Don’t waste you’re time trying to convince me individual 1 is a Christian – or that he’s spiritually connected in any way. Just as republicans have been doing for 40 years, they’ve been using their fake concern for the abortion issue to keep the “flock” in line. (Read Frank Shaeffer’s “Crazy for God”) Oh yes, if they succeed in overturning “Roe” the “pro life” issue will NOT be solved – in fact, it will likely be worse.

Individual 1 has been credibly accused of sexually assaulting over two DOZEN women, he regularly denigrates women he doesn’t like, he’s a pathological LIAR, he CHEATS to get what he wants, and I could go on and on why I struggle to accept that it’s OK for a Christian to support this man. Please don’t tell me it’s his policies. It’s the judges and that’s about it. It’s people willing to accept a fascist in return for their one issue – at the expense of so many others. (The kids at the border, etc. etc.) The parallels with individual 1 and the Third Reich are stark – our “liberal media” doesn’t like to bring up the topic. Check out the groups like the Proud Boys and the other “right wing militias” and/or Neo-Nazi groups who are threatening violence with seditious internet postings and that should give you a good idea why MANY of those 74 MILLION are such strong supporters. They actually refer to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president as their fuhrer. Visit places like for an eye opener. God Bless Joe Biden for believing he can bring about unity!

OK, I have to add one more: According to Mr. Dowd: ” Democrats have been quick to dismiss any Trump supporter as a racist, homophobe or redneck, but they all shared a common trait with him, an unapologetic love of America.” This statement may be the most offensive, to me, of all of what Mr. Dowd wrote. Does this assume the 80 MILLION Americans (and counting) who voted for Joe Biden don’t “love America?” Again, give me a break! I started this post last night and couldn’t help but think, I’m not sure those 74 MILLION supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president actually do “love America.” If so, why are so many of his supporters threatening sedition? Why do all the so-called “boogaloo bois” want to start a race war? Why does so much HATE come from their mouths? I think Mr. Dowd may be a bit confused. If these people are willing to turn America into a fascist state – that doesn’t feel like “love” to me.

And, in fact, a large segment of individual 1’s supporters, as I just wrote, ARE RACISTS. If you don’t believe the “Proud Boys,” or “Atomwaffen,” or the “boogaloo bois,” or the people at Stormfront, or the other right wing militias spread throughout this country are not racists you’re just deluding yourself. If you’re passionately supporting someone who’s a “homophobe” doesn’t that kind of point a finger back at you? Redneck, I know a lot of “rednecks” who think just as I do about our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. And, trust me, many of those 80 MILLION Americans who voted AGAINST individual 1 had to overcome voter suppression tactics which would suggest to me they REALLY do love America – enough to do whatever it took to make their vote count. Most believed, I’m sure, as I did that STOPPING individual 1 was IMPERATIVE!

For the people I know who support individual 1 the common thread is they (everyone of them) watch Fox “news,” they don’t read basically (except their Bibles), and they don’t understand “white privilege.” When I talk to them I sense they are motivated by fear mongering, which makes them ideal targets for a démagogue such as individual 1. To me, he’s created a “death cult” and, apparently, Mr. Dowd is a happy member of it. Mr. Dowd goes on to make further statements which come across to me as hate filled, but, I have to add, a couple of my friends who are individual 1 supporters have suggested I “hate” our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and, trust me, I understand many of my postings might leave that impression. I have to say, however, I do not “hate” him. But when I search my heart, it’s clear I despise him. When I think about the racist dog whistles, the LYING (likely 25,000 documented LIES by the time he leaves office), the children at the border, the women he’s sexually violated, the fast approaching number of 300 THOUSAND dead Americans from the pandemic likely to be over 400,000 by the time he leaves office, and the apparent lack of a conscience for any of it, I just shudder. At times I’ve prayed for him but often I just feel a sense of anger at the DAMAGE he’s doing/done to our country – the one which I LOVE.

I’ve written ad nauseum about all the DAMAGE – and, I firmly believe it will be continually uncovered over the next decade – we’ll learn more and more as time goes by why individual 1 has earned a place in the history books next to Benedict Arnold – along with many of his enablers (I’m mainly right now thinking of William Barr and Moscow Mitch). One thing I’m always puzzled about by republicans – who often remark about how much they hate government – and, individual 1 has been busy undermining virtually every facet of our government institutions – so, if they hate it so, why are they so adamant about wanting to control it? Is their way of showing how much the “love” America destroying our government institutions? Or is there another reason?

Of course, the answer to that question is easy: They’ve been pilfering taxpayer dollars by the truck loads since the days of Ronald Reagan (via “trickle down” economics – ie “trickle up”) and, individual 1, we may find out, was the master at funneling taxpayer dollars into his own bank account. Of course, the benefactors of all the tax cuts are the very people individual 1’s supporters SHOULD be angry with, the so-called “swamp,” but they’ve been hoodwinked by Fox “news” and other right wing propaganda outlets into believing it’s the “liberals” who’ve been the culprits. It’s been a masterful “snow job” perpetrated by what I call the “puppet masters” – people like the “Koch brothers.” I’m not sure how Mr. Dowd got “sucked in,” but clearly he did. I’m certain he would claim his fealty to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president doesn’t carry with it suggestions of his own racism, or ignorance, or misogyny etc. That wouldn’t appear to be the case to me.

Final Thought: I mentioned the “Koch Brothers” above and, if you don’t “follow” them, only Charles Koch is left – his brother, David, died about a year or so ago from his battle with cancer. I’ve seen a couple interviews of late which Charles has granted where it appears he’s trying to repair his right wing divisive image a bit. Claiming he believes in things which certainly were a surprise to me – that is, suggesting he’s come around a bit in regard to issues which are important to the so-called “liberals.” Personally, I’m not buying it. Shortly after I listened to the last interview I read where he had donated $440,000 to the republicans in the runoff election in Georgia – which wouldn’t have surprised me before I listened to the interview. But, clearly, republicans want to win those elections so that Moscow Mitch can remain the majority leader in the Senate. Mr, Koch is not too interested in “bridging the divide” causing division in this nation if it would threaten his bottom line and, apparently, he remains willing to support more of the OBSTRUCTION which will come from McConnell.

And, don’t give me the “both sides” argument when it comes to OBSTRUCTION, by the way. That would simply suggest you don’t pay attention to FACTS. Individual 1 had a republican controlled House and Senate for the first two years of his term and, other than a tax scam and attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act – virtually nothing (except judges) was done. Here’s the reality, most Americans (apparently at least 80 MILLION) expect something other than judges from their government. During the pandemic the ONLY success was the democratic sponsored “CARES Act” which is the reason our economy has recovered somewhat since last March – but, as MILLIONS of Americans are hungry (for food), are losing their homes and cars, and maybe have lost their jobs permanently, instead of even voting on the next democratic bill to help actual working people, what did we get from Mitch McConnell? More judges! Republicans know how to CHEAT to “win” elections, they DON’T know how to govern. (Obviously, based on Mr. Dowd’s article, republicans are good at “pulling the wool” over the eyes of Millions of Americans) Democrats tried to help individual 1 “tackle” the coronavirus, he just wouldn’t listen.

If you want to read Mr. Dowd’s entire article click HERE.

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