Let’s hope we get an Attorney General who is determined to “finish” the Mueller investigation.

I’ve been pointing out for three plus years individual 1 comes across to me as a “mob boss.” So, his antics on the way out of office should surprise no one. The question, to me, is whether or now the incoming Attorney General, whoever he or she may be, is going to thoroughly investigate the wrongdoing of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president for crimes committed while in office and prior to taking office. For example, the Mueller investigation was very much “hamstrung” by individual 1’s constant OBSTRUCTION of Justice and there remains many questions regarding the Russian “interference” in the 2016 election (and beyond) which were never fully investigated by Mueller’s team. (Read “Where Law Ends” by Andrew Weismann)

Anyone who’s paid attention to individual 1’s behavior over the previous four years must be wondering “what is it Putin has on our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president?” There’s got to be something – and, it’s imperative investigators find out. There’s still MILLIONS of Americans who believe individual 1 has been “telling the truth” for the past four years, despite the data suggesting his LIES will soon total over 25,000. The “throwing our intelligence community under the bus” in Helsinki – while the whole world was watching, the attacks on our NATO allies, the issues with Ukraine, the regurgitating Russian talking points and “fake news,” the refusal to confront Putin on the bounties placed on American troops in Afghanistan, and the Russian money filtered into republican campaign coffers – and, likely, much more – is all this OK with his America “loving” cult? “We the people” need to – and deserve to – KNOW what it is the Russians have on individual 1. And, his cult needs to understand they’ve been duped by a traitor.

My previous posting was a response to a NY Times Op-Ed posted by the brother of Maureen Dowd, an opinion columnist for the Times, her brother a supporter of individual 1, and he made the claim his 74 MILLION voters “love America.” The more I’ve thought about that claim, the more I question it. If you love America so much why are you trying to undo our government? Why are you working in concert with Vladimir Putin? Why are so many of individual 1’s supporters threatening violence in the streets because they LOST the election? Is that what you call “love?” The more I think of all the individual 1 supporters I’ve seen packing automatic weapons as they complain about not getting their way, the more I see the confederate flags and the Nazi flags and symbols, the more I question whether Ms. Dowd’s brother knows what he’s talking about. (I was going to write “what the hell he’s” – but, I generally don’t talk like that)

It was not hard to argue with his reasoning for why so many Americans are supporting our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – arguments which you would NOT hear if you’re a regular on Fox “news” or – new to me but not to them – the OAN Network – which, I believe, was just banned from YouTube (Full disclosure – I didn’t know it was there and I’ve never listened/watched it) for spreading false s@#t – but emphasizing they “Love America” just isn’t working for me. What I’ve been thinking about lately is what are all these American “loving” people going to do if individual 1 is actually held accountable for his continual refusal to act within the bounds of the law – despite his claims to be a “law and order” president.

To me, that claim was maybe the most ABSURD claim he made to his supporters who, apparently, check out NOTHING factually which comes from his mouth – they just BLINDLY go along with whatever their LYING fuhrer puts out in the public domain. (Of course, there was a plethora of other ABSURD statements over the four years – many which I’ve documented in the archives) That’s like him calling himself a “stable genius” – they probably actually believe that. He called himself the “greatest president in the history of the country” and they likely believe that – although, the historians will undoubtedly call him the WORST. He wasn’t going to benefit from the tax scam according to his speeches at rallies – the scam which was pilfering TRILLIONS from “we the people” (actual taxpayers) into HIS and his rich FRIENDS pockets – they likely believed that. And, “draining the swamp?” You’ve got to be delirious to have fallen for that one – he, and the cohorts he put in charge of our institutions ARE the “swamp.”

But calling himself the “law and order” president was just way too much for me. My greatest hope is his “followers” will take that into account when he’s standing before judgeS (emphasizing the plural) and not, out of hand, suggest the prosecutions are being “political.” For heavens sake, he breaks the laws right out in the open – does that make it OK to his followers? As he was trying to justify EXTORTING Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden he made a plea to China, while he was standing on the South lawn of the “White House,” to do the same ILLEGAL thing. Those are crimes – do we overlook them because he proclaimed himself the “law and order” president? And, these attempts to get the votes of MILLIONS of voters thrown out – votes cast in largely African American communities – are violations of, likely several laws – federal and state – but, certainly, the Voting Rights Act – does he get a “pass” because he’s doing it in the open and is the “law and order” president? These “lovers of America,” in my view, are not thinking straight. And, if you confront them on any of this they start throwing things!

I took the time to read the Mueller report (twice), and, trust me, it was time consuming and “dry” reading – but, I felt it was my obligation as a citizen (who LOVES this country) to read it. You can’t read that document and not come away believing our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is corrupt up to his ears. Anyone who was innocent of the potential wrongdoing which predicated that investigation would have encouraged it to go on unimpeded in order to exonerate him/herself. Obviously, individual 1 was OBSTRUCTING the investigation at “every turn” which wouldn’t suggest “innocence” – would it? His OBSTRUCTION, along with the LYING of William Barr, helped him to avoid any kind of real accountability for what happened in that 2016 campaign but the reality is there are NUMEROUS questions which SHOULD still be answered. Individual 1 will continue his bloviating as long as he’s allowed to do so – and, it’s our Justice Department – once it has been “fixed” from the DAMAGE inflicted by Mr. Barr – which will be the necessary antithesis to his, what will surely be, ongoing LYING, cheating, and lawbreaking.

And, now you’ve got a bunch of republican Senators who see themselves as the next wave of this right wing assault on America’s fundamental values lining up to “take the reins.” I just about gagged the other day listening to Marko Rubio, for example, already starting the right wing baseless attacks on Joe Biden. And, as I’ve already predicted, the attacks on Kamala Harris are going to be disgusting and ruthless with no regard for anything resembling the TRUTH. The fearmongering republican party will not go away until “we the people” make them go away and they’ve only been emboldened by the increased numbers of voters who were/are willing to endure more of the chaos and LYING “we the people” have dealt with now for the past four years. And, with followers like Ms. Dowd’s brother totally snakebitten by the right wing “message” it will be incombent on the rest of us to stay vigilant and prepare for the continued battle for the soul of this nation.

We MUST do whatever it takes to ensure we DON’T allow right wing fascists to take over America – all while telling “we the people” they “love” this country. We’re talking about groups with monikers like “The Proud Boys,” “Atomwaffen,” “Boogaloo bois,” and others who are all right wing neo-Nazi gangs and self identified “militias.” Individual 1 is a bully and he, apparently, attracts bullies. And, these right wing gangsters are intellectually deficient so they load up on automatic weapons, lots of ammunition, and right wing websites where they can fire each other up into a frenzy and recruit young people as if they’re Islamic terrorists – they’re using the identical tactics. We saw the results of this during individual 1’s term in office with the scattered mass shootings, so I have to wonder if that’s the “plan” going forward now that their fuhrer is no longer at the “head of the table.” I’ve been writing about this possibility for over a year now.

One of my friends, who is a supporter of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, for many months, was predicting individual 1 would win the election in a landslide and “liberals” would flock to the streets and riot. I always said, and, it appears – at least for the first part – I was correct, he had it 180 degrees from reality. I predicted Joe Biden would win the election and it would be the neo-Nazi’s in the streets – and I hope I’m wrong on this part – with their weapons. My greatest concern, of course, was/is that William Barr is in charge of the Justice Department – which includes the FBI – so, what kind of response can we expect when it’s no secret how individual 1 responds to people who like/support him? So, for example, is Barr going to stop the “Proud Boys” from doing something really “naughty?” How about the group calling themselves “Atomwaffen?” (I’m sure you know where they got that moniker – or, at least I hope you do) My prediction: Any damage caused by any of these right wing groups will be blamed by individual 1 and Barr on “Antifa” – whoever they are.

My point here is when someone shows you who they are, believe them. And, individual 1 is acting like a mob boss, so I’m guessing that’s one of the main reasons he’s fighting so hard to overturn the “will of the people.” He knows what’s waiting for him on January 21’st, 2021 and he’s attempting to do what he always does – and that is BULLY his way out of trouble. When you look at his bankruptcies, for example, it was never him who took the brunt of the losses. He actually sued the bank which held the mortgage on one of his failed sky scrapers (this one in Chicago) while HE was in default and “won.” (Although, according to public records he’s on the “hook” for close to half a BILLION dollars in the next few years which may be hard to “wiggle” out of. And, the Scots are investigating where he got the money (Russia?) to purchase the iconic Turnberry golf links (money laundering?). Let’s hope we get an Attorney General who is determined to “finish” the Mueller investigation. RICO anyone?

Final Thought: I find it a bit beyond IRONIC listening to individual 1 claiming democrats CHEATED in ALL the “battleground states” where he LOST – in every instance. They apparently, according to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, cheated in every one of those six states in coordination with each other. Even the republican officials in those states participated in the cheating. While I was pointing out long before the election the ONLY way individual 1 could possibly win was by CHEATING (which, of course, he was attempting to do) and, now, he’s claiming the only way he could possibly have lost is by both democratic AND republican election officials cheating. He must think the officials in the various states conspired! Holy Cow!!!

Here’s what we KNOW. Individual 1 CHEATED to “win” the 2016 election (with 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton) and he has repeatedly tried to CHEAT since then as the 2020 election approached. He probably did in ways we may never know – but, we do KNOW, he tried to get the president of Ukraine to help him (That’s not only CHEATING but it’s also ILLEGAL) AND, of course, he also asked the Chinese to help him dig up “dirt” on Joe Biden – that’s also CHEATING and it’s also ILLEGAL. (As I’ve pointed out, our “law and order” IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president does this stuff in plain sight so I guess his cult feels it’s OK) In the election he “won” he solicited help (CHEATING) from the Russians, also in plain sight AND his campaign “COLLUDED” with the Russians throughout the campaign – which was “white washed” by the antics of Attorney General Barr – and, of course, that’s CHEATING!

And, by the way, if you think individual 1 wasn’t notified about the ILLEGAL meeting in individual 1 Tower (Sorry, I can’t bring myself to write the word) in June of 2016 between Junior, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, well, I’ve got a bridge………….. you know the rest. The reason Junior and Kushner weren’t indicted for that ILLEGAL attempt to get FOREIGN (illegal) assistance against Hillary Clinton was because the Mueller team, essentially concluded Junior was “too dumb to cheat.” OK, that was my paraphrasing, what Mueller really said was he couldn’t prove Junior KNEW his CHEATING was ILLEGAL. Of course, Junior’s refusal to be interviewed, his father’s refusal to be interviewed, and all the OBSTRUCTION caused an overly cautious Mueller to reach that conclusion. The bottom line here is individual 1 making all these baseless allegations of CHEATING is like someone throwing rocks from a cellophane house.

That reminds me – to me, Robert Mueller is no hero – and, not for the reasons individual 1’s supporters would suggest. In fact, they SHOULD be honoring BOTH Mueller and James Comey. Without Comey’s astonishing decision to intervene in the 2016 election 11 days prior to election day we wouldn’t be having this conversation – clearly, that was the final “straw” which “broke” Hillary Clinton’s “back.” Of course, we’ll never know what effect, ultimately, the Russians had (although it was and continues to be significant) – but, I watched the poll numbers crater about 2 – 3 points after Comey’s announcement – just enough to swing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to individual 1. And, Mueller, he was timid throughout his investigation – which I suspected – operating in the fear of our IMPEACHED so-called (now) two time popular vote LOSING president firing him and his team – therefore, refusing to subpoena individual 1 or his son for interviews and refusing to clearly state, in his report, the team’s findings on OBSTRUCTION. (As I suggested above read Andrew Weismann’s “Where Law Ends”)

The actions of Mueller and Comey make it that much MORE imperative that individual 1 face accountability for his ILLEGAL actions both before and while in the “White House.” Paying off the two women prior to the election was ILLEGAL (Ask Michael Cohen) not to mention some of the stuff being investigated by the New York authorities regarding individual 1’s trail of “illegalities” prior to running for office. It’s all in the public record for anyone who cares to do a bit of reading – but, the connection to various mobsters is no secret in New York “circles.” Yes, members of his cult will go “bananas” if he’s held to account – you know, the “law and order” president being expected to follow the law himself – and, of course, his most fervent followers who’ve armed themselves to the hilt and are threatening “civil war” on their internet platforms also being expected to follow the law. Yikes!!!

All I can say to the rest of the cult is WAKE up! Don’t continue supporting this creep and then tell me things like “you love America” or “I’m (you) not a racist,” or that you believe “America is a country of laws and not men.” The STUPIDITY coming from the cult these days is just too much! (Looking inward I, too, like to think “I’m not a racist” – but, when I take an honest look at the “white privilege” I’ve enjoyed my entire lifetime and think about the “stories” my Black friends have shared with me I’m just not sure I could have endured what they have/did. I’m also not sure how that addresses the topic other than to admit my part in the Civil Rights movement has been nothing more than peripheral. Do I believe there’s “systemic racism in America?” Of course I do. What am I willing to do to help diffuse it? I suppose that remains to be seen.)

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