Individual 1 is making himself into even more of a pathetic person for those who haven’t been sucked into his cult following!

Sadly, the people of Kentucky didn’t have the foresight to prevent another six years of OBSTRUCTION by Moscow Mitch McConnell AND the people of South Carolina failed to relieve “we the people” of Lindsey Graham’s SLIMY pandering of whoever seems most likely to give him as much limelight as possible. However, and THANKFULLY, “we the people” chose to FIRE individual 1 from the “White House,” for all intense and purposes, saving America’s republic from a second generation (from Germany, no less) pseudo fascist who, via (apparently) a reality TV show (which I NEVER watched), gained a cult following which seemed to believe he cared about their “pro life” beliefs. Similar to a démagogue who took over Germany in the 1930’s, individual 1’s base is the so-called “evangelical Christians.” For me, as a Christian, this is terribly disappointing. I know so many Christians who don’t read and almost ALL of them watch Fox “news.” Sad!

I listened to an individual 1 supporter yesterday suggesting she doesn’t believe Joe Biden could have possibly won the election “because he didn’t have rallies with thousands of supporters.” (Of course, when you look where those rallies were you see a “trail of tears” with THOUSANDS of people now suffering from the coronavirus) So, what do you think will happen if individual 1 attempts to pull off a coup de tat right here in the “World’s greatest democracy.” Here’s a scenario which would seem likely only in a movie, but I don’t put anything past our IMPEACHED so-called president, just think about how he just FIRED Mark Esper as the Secretary of Defense because he’s “not loyal enough.” Well, who is he putting into the Pentagon? Is there something nefarious going on? Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past individual 1. And, of course, the republicans are scared to death of him.

Just think about this, what if individual 1 calls in the military to prevent Joe Biden from taking control of our government? Remember, until January 20th William Barr is in charge of the Justice Department – which includes the FBI. Do you think individual 1 is STUPID – or SICK – enough to try pulling this off? Just today I heard Mike Pompeo suggesting “there’s going to be a peaceful transition into the second individual 1 administration.” What the hell does that mean? Pompeo was first in his class at West Point which is giving me pause to think about what kind of institution is our Military Academy. Supposedly, there’s an honor code at West Point which puts integrity above almost all else and, of course, we KNOW Pompeo has violated the code numerous times, so is he willing to go to the extreme of attempting to help overturn a “free and fair election” in this nation?

Clearly, there is a large segment of the American public which was willing to except an authoritarian takeover of our government – as long as it’s their “leader” at the helm. I mean, individual 1 has been showing the classic signs of a Erdogan type dictator for the entirety of his term in office. People like me have been pointing this out since day one. The parallels to the Germans back in the 1930’s have been stark from the first day I started researching them. (And, to boot, individual 1 is a second generation German) As I watch all of this playing out I will emphasize again the importance of Joe Biden allowing full investigations into the ILLEGAL behavior of individual 1 and his sycophants once this is all settled.

We all know individual 1’s final action as our IMPEACHED so-called president leaves office will be him pardoning himself (unless, of course, he has to be dragged from the White House by U.S. Marshalls who refuse to participate in any potential coup. And, I’m not sure individual 1 can give himself a “blanket pardon” which covers all potential legal violations. Doesn’t a pardon have to cover specific crimes. Would individual 1 have to admit to all of his crimes? Specifically? That being said, there’s a whole bunch of sycophants who, I believe, had better “tread lightly” right now as our IMPEACHED so-called president is encouraging them to act in very “un-American” ways. If, somehow, Biden does the “we need to look forward instead of back” thing President Obama did in the face of Bush/Cheney admitting to authorizing WAR CRIMES – we’ll be looking at another republican administration in four years. It’s time to draw the line on ILLEGAL behavior by America’s top elected officials! Period, Full Stop!

I was listening to Donny Deutch today on one of MSNBC’s afternoon shows (“Deadline Whitehouse”) and he suggested individual 1 is setting himself up to start up a TV station which will be the competition for Fox “news” – which is why Fox is probably a bit nervous with some of their commentators challenging individual 1’s integrity – FINALLY! Of course, our IMPEACHED so-called president has been LYING at an incredible rate for four years and Fox has rarely said anything negative about him – but, based on Deutch’s comments today, I’m guessing Fox’s executives are a bit nervous. Of course, Fox has already put themselves into the category of national DISGRACE, so maybe this is what they have coming. Personally, I’m not sure individual 1 will be able to pull this off because, pardon or not, he’s facing some serious legal jeopardy. Deutch may have inside information on this because it’s been rumored he’s dating ONE of individual 1’s ex-wives.

It’s also been reported individual 1 is talking about “running again” in 2024. Well, he was planning that before Joe Biden BEAT him – there were credible reports he envisioned himself as “(IMPEACHED so-called) president for life” like President Xi Jinping in China. Do you see why I’ve been saying this election is/was the MOST important election in my lifetime? And, I can guarantee you, virtually ALL the people I know who voted for individual 1 are still refusing to believe he lost. I have one who I’ve texted over the year of Covid-19 and he still has not responded to my text confirming his prediction liberals would be flooding the streets after the election, he was correct. It’s just that he also predicted they would be rioting because of individual 1’s victory in the midst of a “Red Wave.” Oops! Trust me, these people will NEVER accept Biden’s victory as legit – because republicans really are in a death cult. The next two months should be interesting (as if the last 46th haven’t been)

So, hopefully I’m wrong about individual 1 planning a coup de tat, but it’s undeniable he’s as vindictive as any person I’ve ever witnessed – and, while all the election stuff has been at the head of the news the coronavirus has been expanding at a rate which seems almost unbelievable to me right now. Not only is individual 1 doing NOTHING to help with the attempts by the medical personnel to “crush the virus” – in fact, it has appeared to me for months that he’s aspiring to the “herd immunity” approach which could, conceivably end up with anywhere from 2 to 6 MILLION Americans dying from Covid-19. So, today there were 135,000 NEW cases of the virus reported – in just one day – so, the virus is spreading “exponentially” as the epidemiologists have been warning us against – and, still, Americans are acting as if they’re tired of dealing with this – as if they could care less about those who are going to die from this disease.

Not only is individual 1 not doing ANYTHING to help mitigate this virus, it’s now being reported his vindictiveness is leading him to make it more difficult for any of the impending vaccines which are in the pipeline from proceeding at “Warp speed.” I can just wish to be the “fly on the wall” as he’s venting about how the news from the Pfizer vaccine was reported a day after he was declared the LOSER of the election. Of course, I’m sure that was a democratic conspiracy to prevent him from winning the election. So, his response is to make it more difficult for the companies working to get a vaccine ready for the American people. That’ll show us all. Maybe he can work out some deal with Pfizer to get them to ONLY provide the vaccine for people who voted for him. Is that possible? Of course not, but maybe it is in his head!

Today, I couldn’t help but think, “Is individual 1 going to break things on his way out?” Is he going to steal things? Both of those questions, of course, assumes he goes out willingly. It’s been reported individual 1 is doing a lot of “fundraising” because he needs to raise a bunch of money to get rid of his campaign debt. And, then once he’s out of the White House reports are he’s facing a “mountain of debt” for his business empire which he’s personally guaranteed. I’m not sure if he will be able to figure out how to use his fundraising to pay off his personal debt, but I’m certain he will try. He will have the DA of Manhattan and the AG of New York bearing down on him once he’s out of office and, if he pushes things, I believe he will just embolden them. He’s making himself into even more of a pathetic person for those who haven’t been sucked into his cult following.

Joe Biden is 78 years old and Nancy Pelosi is even older and both of them are “teaching” all the young and energetic democrats in the Congress and those aspiring to be part of government around the country the “art of politics.” Ms. Pelosi negotiated the “Cares Act” earlier this year which prevented America from being in a depression right now and Biden is showing all the members of Congress who, justifiably, want to get to the business of fighting Covid-19, providing health care for every American, and pick up the pace of fighting the Climate Crisis to name a few issues, how patient “we the people” have to be in overcoming the republican obstruction. For starters, I came to the conclusion Biden was the one democrat who could have defeated individual 1 – it should be clear to all democrats why individual 1 was willing to risk IMPEACHMENT in order to defeat Biden. Getting individual 1 out of office was imperative for any of the democratic agenda to have a chance. OK, that’s been accomplished. Now, I have to emphasize the work has just begun – and, that means those of us around the nation MUST stay focused and keep the pressure on.

Likely, we’ll need a successful mid-term election in 2022 in order to turn the Senate “blue” so that we can actually move forward, unless, of course, the voters of Georgia decide they want to see the Biden administration moving forward on their agenda right from the start. Both Mitch McConnell (AKA Moscow Mitch) and Lindsey Graham will be there for at least another 6 years and the sooner they’re in the minority the better. I hope the people of Georgia understand the significance of the two run-off elections in Georgia and maybe even a few republicans there might vote for the democrats so that we can move forward to defeat this virus and get our economy functioning again. At the rate we’re going, we’re looking at a major “stay at home” order sooner rather than later – and, regardless, it’s likely too late to prevent a major uptick in the numbers of Americans who are going to die from this virus.

Summary: Individual 1 is a thug, and who knows what he’s up to – one thing we know for sure, it’s not the benefit of “we the people.” I’ve always felt there’s no limit to “how low he’ll go” – but, let’s hope we don’t find out the limits. Republicans have allowed this and the only solution is the destruction of the republican party – which will require, once again, democrats winning the run-off elections in January in Georgia.

Final Thought: Speaking of the run-off elections in Georgia. Here’s my worry about the democrats. They didn’t win the Senate (even though there was a gain) and they lost seats in the House, so there’s bound to be members of Congress and the democratic party who will consider the election a “loss” – despite the FACT defeating individual 1 was the MAJOR objective and was what people were focused on. There’s going to be back-biting because – well, because it’s politics. I envision members of the House going after Nancy Pelosi – not understanding the role she played in getting Joe Biden “over the hump.” I’ve watched this too many times – democrats pulling “defeat from the jaws of victory.” In this case, there’s likely a bit of confusion as to what was a victory.

Once again, my apologies for not re-reading and editing! (I’m really getting lazy in my old age)

Naturally: I forgot something on my mind which is very important. What if someone attacks us between now and January 20th? The Pentagon just got expunged from 3 of the 4 top officials – replaced by incompetent lackeys! Yikes!! These are truly historic times!

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