Do you think our IMPEACHED so-called president is going to break this norm – pardoning himself?

I’ve been talking about the DAMAGE being done by individual 1 for over three years now and we’re going to see a good example of what I’ve been talking about as our IMPEACHED so-called president takes out his anger on our government while he’s cleaning out his desk in the “White House” over the next couple of months. For example, there have been reports in the media over the past week that Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was about to give his resignation in the next day or so, but, of course, that’s not good enough for individual 1 – it’s more CHILDISH behavior as he FIRES Esper in a “you’re not resigning because I’ll FIRE you first. Trust me, there’s more to come.

If you’ve been on this site before you know I was a 6th grade teacher in my working days. I’ve had a lot of experience dealing with SPOILED 6th graders who were BULLIES and who hid behind the “mommies and daddies” when I, as the teacher, attempted to get the child to understand “bullying” was unacceptable in my classroom, but also virtually anywhere else. In every instance, when this young BULLY got “put in his place,” meaning NOT getting what he wanted, the little BULLY would start crying and show himself to be, in reality, a coward. Well, just as I’ve said many times individual 1 has reminded me of a sixth grade bully and his response to getting DEFEATED by Joe Biden – who he claimed was the worst candidate in history – has been cowardly lashing out on “Twitter” and, likely, spending time in the fetal position as he cries himself to sleep. It’s very difficult for someone as narcissistic as individual 1 to accept defeat – even though he brought this on himself. That being said:

Individual 1 has bulldozed norm after norm and he’s not going to stop now. He’s very angry he LOST, (OK, individual 1 on the miniscule chance you’d read this, YOU’RE a LOSER!) especially to a 78 year old man and a “woman of color,” and that he’s unable to find a way to CHEAT in order to change the results. He has succeeded in brainwashing his cult followers into believing the only way he could lose is for Biden to cheat which, of course, is absurd on its face. (I always felt the ONLY way he could’ve won was by CHEATING) There’s not a shred of proof to validate his accusations – not like what happened in 2016 where it’s OBVIOUS he “won” (with 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton) with the help of the Russians (yes, CHEATING) and there WAS COLLUSION despite William Barr’s cover-up. There just wasn’t a strong enough case of conspiracy for the Mueller team to take it to court – and, of course, they were NEVER going to indict “a sitting president” because of the OLC memo which the Department of Justice (therefore, Robert Mueller – a “rule follower”) strictly follows.

Right now I’m reading “Where Law Ends Inside the Mueller Investigation” by Andrew Weissmann which is a very interesting read and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in better understanding the Mueller investigation. I’m only about half way through the book and it’s becoming clearer to me my view of our IMPEACHED so-called president as a “mafia boss” is, well, right on. The firing of Esper makes me feel even more apprehensive about what MIGHT happen in the next two months – we have a republican Senate and they’ve proven themselves as cowardly in dealing with individual 1 – who, I believe, was planning his run for a third term in 2024 when the reality he’s OUT started to hit him in the face. Just picture other nations around the world figuring out what ways they can further take advantage of the DAMAGE I’ve been talking about over these past 3+ years.

One part of Weissmann’s book which really has struck me as being not only relevant, but an issue which SHOULD be “front and center” is the OBSTRUCTION which came from the “White House” (OK, individual 1) during Mueller’s investigation. There was so much more they could have uncovered but they spent the entire 22 months of the investigation wondering if “today would be the last day” – via threats from individual 1 he might fire them. In Mueller’s report he detailed 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION which over 450 former prosecutors from the Justice Department said they could prosecute if individual 1 weren’t protected by the OLC memo. Of course, on January 21, 2021 he will NO longer be covered by that memo and Mueller, clearly, in his report (I read it twice) said he was “memorializing” the evidence in case a prosecutor “down the road” might want to look into a prosecution.

I believe Mueller put it that way because he knew the possibility of IMPEACHMENT – which is the remedy for this kind of behavior in our constitution – was not a realistic option because of the gridlock in Congress and the republican party which seems to be afraid of individual 1’s tweets. Mueller did make it clear why OBSTRUCTION is such a serious CRIME. When you think about it, OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE is the stuff of organized criminals – that’s how they stay our of jail. Threatening witnesses, threatening prosecutors and judges, LYING and individual 1 was guilty of OBSTRUCTION in numerous other ways as well during Mueller’s probe. Obstruction of Justice is one of the crimes most people (I’m saying this because I’m guilty myself) don’t think about so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that most Americans didn’t “blink” when William Barr undermined Mueller’s work with his “summary” and “conclusion” there wasn’t evidence to support a charge of OBSTRUCTION. Of course, Rod Rosenstein, to his eternal shame, was standing right there agreeing with Barr (after supervising the investigation for the entire 22 months).

Similar to James Comey and Mueller, himself, Weissmann spent much of the early part of his career as a prosecutor going after the mob. Naturally, he saw similarities to those investigations with the Mueller investigation. It’s interesting reading about their probe into the crimes of Paul Manafort and their possible connection to the individual 1 campaign. Clearly, Manafort represented a possible connection with the Russians which the Mueller team simply was unable for really investigate fully because of the thread of their firing hanging over their heads pretty much the entire time of the investigation. They wanted Manafort to “flip” but he was never going to do so, because, in my view, he felt he would be safer in jail than outside if he “turned” not only on individual 1 but the Russians.

Speaking of jail, do you think that has anything to do with our IMPEACHED so-called president’s refusal to admit he’s LOST the election. It’s several days since the election was “called” and he still hasn’t conceded and he’s likely to NEVER concede. Are the federal marshals going to have to drag him out of the “White House?” I wrote the other day I can’t imagine individual 1 doing the traditional “handoff” where he rides with Biden to the inauguration and sits right behind him as Biden and Kamala Harris take the oath of office. To this point in our history individual 1 is the ONLY politician running for president to get fewer votes than a woman – both Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris (of course, she’s now the Vice President elect). Breaking another norm. Do you think our IMPEACHED so-called president is going to break this norm – pardoning himself? Would that be admitting he’s been committing crimes?

Here’s another thought that I certainly don’t have the answer to. First, I’m not sure he can pardon himself in the first place – that SHOULD be litigated because, undoubtedly there will be republican presidents in the future so we need to understand if that is actually in his power. Obviously, it seems a president shouldn’t be able to pardon himself – that would actually put him/her above the law. Can he give himself a “blanket pardon?” Meaning pardoning himself for ANY crime he can/will be charged with in the future? Isn’t a pardon for something where someone’s already been charged/convicted with a crime? When you think about it if he can give himself a “blanket pardon” for future lawbreaking, well, that would be a bit scary, wouldn’t it?

I mean, you have to wonder what is going on in the brain of our IMPEACHED so-called president as he’s filing lawsuits all over the nation in an attempt to overturn the “will of the people” where he’s still contesting the mail in votes as being fraudulent – with NO EVIDENCE just as there’s been since the first time he suggested this. If you remember, individual 1 showed his “true colors” shortly after he LIED the oath of office when he forced his press secretary to LIE about something as trivial as the crowd size of his inauguration. He couldn’t handle that Obama’s crowd was much larger than his own. Then he formed a committee to “prove” over 3 MILLION illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton – the reason he “lost” the popular vote by that number. That SHOULD have sent a message to his followers, but, clearly they weren’t thinking along those lines.

This morning I listened to an interview with a voter in Texas who voted for individual 1 and, to say the least, it was interesting. First of all, she believes individual 1 actually “won” the election because the democratic votes MUST have been fraudulent. She believes in individual 1 because he moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem thereby recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The previous three administrations considered the moving of our Embassy to Jerusalem as a negotiating “chip” in any potential peace agreement with the Palestinians, a “chip,” which obviously, is now gone. She said she believes individual 1 was placed in office by God and added, “plus Biden wasn’t having rallies with 30,000 people.” Another Texan who voted for our IMPEACHED so-called president believes we’re in the “end times” and I’m not sure how he places individual 1 in that “plan.” Is he the “anti-christ?” If you saw the movie “Left Behind” that makes those of us still here a bunch of pagans – including these individual 1 voters in Texas, doesn’t it? These people appear to be no match for “social media” – which must be where they’re getting their “misinformation” (ie “Fake News”)

As we move past the election it’s becoming clearer and clearer individual 1 has created maybe the largest death cult in the history of the world. When all these court challenges FAIL, it should be interesting to see how all his right wing supporters respond to his defeat. Are the Proud Boys going to hit the streets? Or, are they going to be creating havoc going forward? Senator Lindsey Graham is suggesting if “republicans don’t change the election system (???) there will never be another republican elected president again. OHHHHKAYYY!? What the hell is he talking about? Apparently he’s suggesting their “platform” isn’t going to change as our country is CLEARLY changing – the demographics of our country is changing – and, it appears to me he’s PANDERING to the older white nationalists who republicans have had to depend on to “win” elections (the last one anyway). These people aren’t thinking very clearly.

It’s no surprise to me to see Ted Cruz, for example, encouraging individual 1, who disparaged his WIFE, of all things – the lowest form of political attacks, to continue attempting to get ballots changed in the various states where MILLIONS would have to be overturned for him to “win” another election. Can you imaging what would happen in this nation if that happened. The votes have been COUNTED and if, somehow, individual 1 got those who he planted into the courts decided to overturn the “will of the people” I believe the prediction of my (individual 1 supporter) friend that “liberals” would be filling the streets and rioting would actually come true. Individual 1 is in the process of being the “MOTHER” of bad LOSERS! Further cementing his place next to Benedict Arnold in the American History books.

Final Thought: It IS embarrassing watching the reaction of individual 1 AND his sycophants who apparently are going to their graves in FEAR of our IMPEACHED so-called president. However, it goes way beyond EMBARRASSING! These republicans are un patriotic and this is all simply letting us all know how deep the DAMAGE – which I’ve been talking about for almost four years now – really is. There are multiple reports individual 1 is already planning to run again (God help us) in 2024 (should he avoid too much jail time) so republicans will need to be subservient to him for, well, likely the rest of my life. And, to all those who are “giddy” about Joe Biden’s message of unity, I’ve got “news” for you. Let’s call it Fox “news.” I hope you get my “drift.”

This country is in deep trouble and it’s the result of the republican push to the “right” which started back in 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan and the sooner democrats understand what is/has happening/happened the sooner they may be in a place to overcome this disaster. Let me put it succinctly – the many WHITE people in America (full disclosure, I’m one of them) feel they are the victims of the demographic shift which has been ongoing for years. Apparently, there are a lot of white people who don’t want to be forced to compete with “persons of color” so they are the perfect “stooges” for a demagogue like individual 1. Many of them shield their grievance in absurd moral issues – like “pro life” – while they support the MOST morally BANKRUPT politician in America – maybe EVER!

I could go on and on with my summation of individual 1’s moral lacking – and, of course, I have – but suffice it to say the number of Americans who are likely to DIEA between the time I’m writing this and when Joe Biden has individual 1 escorted from the “White House” should he pretend he’s still our (IMPEACHED so-called) president, could approach a quarter of a MILLION! That’s simply one issue resulting from individual 1’s “moral bankruptcy” – he could care less about all these people who are going to die. (Full disclosure – I could be one of them if I happen to contract the virus, which is starting to spread rampantly in the local area where I live) Today, as I’m writing this (11/11/2020) there have already been over 123,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 reported with, still, nine more cases to report.

Hospitals are filling up and, sadly, the people working in these hospitals are already exhausted and too many of us Americans don’t seem to care about our doctors, nurses, and other people who work in the hospitals who we expect to be there “for us” when it becomes necessary to actually be there. Personally, I’m hoping to have an “elective surgery” before the end of the year, but I’m guessing that will have to, once again, wait. The next two months as we wait for individual 1 to address his legal issues as a “private citizen” – but face his vindictiveness as he will continue to refuse any organized federal response to the pandemic – could be catastrophically BAD. Epidemiologists who once warned us about “possibly as many as 100,000 cases per day” are now suggesting over 200,000 cases per day within a couple weeks.

Today, in Wisconsin, it was reported that fully one out of EVERY three people being tested for the virus are proving to be positive – which is an ALARMING number! Anything over 5% is considered problematic, but 33%?! Yikes!!! And, the hospitals in Wisconsin are nearly FULL as are the hospitals in the surrounding states so doctors are warning there’s no place to send the overflow of patients they are expecting in the coming weeks. This is just ONE of the disasters individual 1 will he “handing off” to Joe Biden – and, makes it clear to the people of Georgia the importance of electing TWO democratic Senators in the January election because the republicans in the Senate are going along with not only what individual 1 is doing (OK, not doing) in regard to Covid-19, but also what appears to be his authoritarian attempt to challenge the very foundation of our constitution, once again – by refusing to accept the results of the previous election. (You can read my true concerns in my previous posting where I posit the question: Is individual 1 actually planning a coup de tat? And, will republicans go along with that? Well, Lindsey Graham will go along with “whatever”)

I have to add: Trust me on this one – individual 1 is leaving the MOST egregious MESS as he leaves town, however that will have to happen, for the Biden/Harris administration and “we the people” will see the right wing “echo chamber” blaming Joe Biden and Ms Harris for all the disasters they are about to “inherit” and it will be up to those of us who supported them to DEFEND them at all costs. Individual 1 is going nowhere (unless a court decides otherwise) but it really is time for those in the CULT to re-evaluate their patriotism. Many of them drive around with flags flying from their cars and trucks. We’ll soon see how hollow all of that is/was! God help us! There will come a time when people realize it’s shameful to have an individual 1 flag flying next to an American flag! I believe that time is here, but the challenge is to get those who voted for him to understand their FEARS which allow them to align with white nationalists are NOT well founded!

Reports are – individual 1 is going to announce his campaign for the 2024 nomination before he actually leaves office. Can you imagine how republicans are going to accept that “promise?” All those republicans who are making their own plans and who’ve been acting as sycophants for the past four years will have to put their plans on “hold.” Individual 1 is going to make sure he destroys the republican party one way or the other. Just look at the group who are planning the “MAGA Million” protest this weekend – a bunch of KNOWN white nationalists associated with the likes of Alex Jones, The Daily Stormer,, etc. If you’re part of America who still don’t understand individual 1 is a white nationalist, well, I’m not sure what to say to you, other than “get your head out of…………………. OK, I’ll let you finish the sentence.

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