A new award for individual 1: “The Worst LOSER in the World.” And, he lost to “Sleepy Joe Biden!”

I try to pay pretty close attention to what is happening politically in America, but some of what I heard prior to the election is becoming clearer the day after the election. Both campaigns had been saying prior to election day they were anticipating things were much closer than what the polling was suggesting. The pandemic was clearly creating a situation which “we the people” haven’t seen in our lifetimes and much of what I “heard” prior to election day are playing out. For example, democrats were voting in LARGE numbers EARLY or by mail and republicans were voting in LARGE numbers in person on election day. Early reports suggested individual 1 was going to “declare victory” on the night of the election, which, apparently, he did. (I went to bed before that happened)

Of course, individual 1 was trying to get the counting of the ballots stopped. The “battleground states” were required to count the in person votes FIRST and then count the mail in and early voting AFTER the election day voting. Well, that would mean individual 1 was going to have early leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Our IMPEACHED so-called president chose to declare victory early and now, the next morning, he’s LOSING Wisconsin and Michigan and everyone is waiting for Pennsylvania, which also doesn’t look that good for individual 1.

While our IMPEACHED so-called president has a lead of around 480,000 votes in Pennsylvania (as of the time I was writing that) there are over 1.2 MILLION votes outstanding mostly in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia where it appears Biden has a lead in these votes around 70+ per cent which means Biden could “win” Pennsylvania by a razor thin majority. Plus, if you remember, mail in votes which were postmarked prior to election day and received within three days MUST be counted. Those might be the votes which decide Pennsylvania so individual 1 is likely headed for the courts. I believe this scenario is EXACTLY why he was so anxious to get Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court prior to the election. (I wrote this shortly after the polls closed)

The ONLY thing, in my mind, which will be CERTAIN coming from this election is America’s polarized society will continue for the foreseeable future. As an OLD person, that’s a bit depressing because I believe this right wing push in the republican party is far from being subdued. I can see how this election could end up with a 270 – 268 Biden win in the Electoral College with him WINNING the “popular vote” (which, SHOULD be the VOTE) by between four and five MILLION votes – yet we’re all on the edge of our seats waiting to see who actually “won.” If Biden ends up winning in Pennsylvania then, “all bets are off.”

OK, it’s now a couple days after the polls closed and it’s becoming more apparent Joe Biden is the duly elected president of the United States of America. Now, we’re going to get a straight up look at individual 1’s “promise” to not have a “smooth transition” as he just claimed victory once again, suggesting all the early voting ballots which are now being counted are “fraudulent” and he’s claiming the election is being STOLEN from him. Now, people like me – along with his niece Mary Trump – have been pointing out for years our IMPEACHED so-called president is delusional, he’s a pathological LIAR, etc. etc. and it’s going to get very ugly. I believe he’ll be calling out his ARMED militia supporters (remember: to the Proud Boys. “Stand back and Stand by”) and, as I predicted over a year ago these people will soon be filling out streets. The other thing I questioned was what will law enforcement do – being under the guidance of William Barr for that matter. Yikes!

As I’m writing this Georgia is about to turn BLUE. They are counting the final votes and individual 1’s lead, which was once over 300,000 (I believe maybe over 400,000) votes is down to just over 3000 with ONLY heavily democratic districts left to report. I think you can see why he, and other republicans, would be so upset. The mail in votes prevented Brian Kemp from suppressing the votes as he managed to do in last year’s governor’s election. In fact, I believe, it will be Stacy Abrams who is MOSTLY responsible for turning Georgia BLUE along with other places around the country. Arizona is likely going to go to Biden (although individual 1 still has a chance via the final 60,000 votes). Biden will likely win Nevada AND he’s GOING to win Pennsylvania. So, this is going to be a more definitive VICTORY for Biden than what it looked like just yesterday.

Tuesday evening, around midnight out here in the West, watching James Carville and Michael Steele telling democrats to just “relax” – they both held up wine bottles and said, “just put them on ice,” – this was when individual 1 was 600,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania which looked, at the time, like the key to the election. I, at the time, certainly wasn’t even thinking Biden would be winning Georgia and I was feeling Biden’s path to victory was via Arizona and Nevada – although their final results will be a bit “whatever” at this point in time because it appears Pennsylvania and Georgia will be decided tonight (Thursday). I believe it won’t be long before Mr. Carville and Mr. Steele are opening up those wine bottles. And, Biden looks like he will have an even bigger “landslide” than individual 1 had last year (I believe it was 304 Electoral votes).

Biden already has more votes than any candidate for president in history (for that matter, individual 1 has more votes than any LOSER in history – does that mean he’s an historic LOSER?) with over 72 MILLION votes as I’m writing this and I believe he’ll eventually surpass 75 MILLION. As time goes by we’re going to see what an incredible LOSER we’ve had in the “White House” over this past four years and the next two months could be the darkest days in America since the days of the Viet Nam war and all the protests (which, by the way, I was participating in to a small degree). Today, for example, according to worldometer.info there were more than 113,000 NEW cases of coronavirus, yesterday over 110,000 and, now it appears the average will be over 100,000 for the seven day average.

Soon the hospitals will be overflowing and likely needing to make hard choices about who gets treatment, our doctors and nurses are likely already “running on fumes” (this has been ongoing for 9 months) and they need to feel as if “we the people” are taking this seriously, and soon the deaths will start piling up even more than they have been as they “lag” usually about 3 – 4 weeks behind the surges in cases. The Covid-19 pandemic is surging all around the world, once again, and I listened to a medical expert today suggesting it’s very possible for us to be at a quarter MILLION new cases per day sooner rather than later based on the way we’re going. When you look at the states which are really surging you see a “path” of where our IMPEACHED so-called president was holding his rallies. And, then, today, apparently, the counties which voted for individual 1 – like the top 380 of them – are the ones which have the greatest issue with Covid-19. Thankfully, Biden will be in charge come January and there will then be an attempt to “crush the virus” in the words of Nancy Pelosi.

The republican party, under individual 1, has become like a DEATH CULT – as many of us have pointed out on numerous occasions. Additionally, I’ve been pointing out for three years now I believe our IMPEACHED so-called president appears to be a mafia boss. My biggest fear of the incoming Biden administration is that, despite Biden PROMISING he would NOT interfere in any investigations into the illegal behavior of individual 1. There is a long line of transgressions which people like me – who, like our IMPEACHED so-called president believes in “law and order” – would like to see individual 1 have to defend himself against. As he (our IMPEACHED so-called president) has said, over and over, which I always “took” as “projection,” he wanted his political opponents investigated and jailed. I think you get my drift.

Here’s my fear – with the election being closer than the pollsters had suggested (although, most states were in the margin of error of most of the higher rated polls) – I worry that Biden will, just like Barack Obama, say “We’re going to look forward instead of back.” I believe that action was one of the reasons we ended up with individual 1 in the “White House.” When democrats show they fear actually holding political leaders to “account” it’s simply like giving republicans a “green light” to continue this lawless behavior. No politician has flaunted our laws anywhere near what individual 1 has done, but Dick Cheney was no “amateur” at acting as if he was “above the law” and President Obama confirmed that. And, both Cheney and GW Bush were admitted WAR CRIMINALS – yet, ALL investigations into their illegal behavior was blocked. I really hope, NOT THIS TIME!

Tonight, as I listen to the commentators on MSNBC it’s clear NONE of them seemed to have read Mueller’s report because they’re all talking about the level of individual 1’s public persona once he’s out of office – accurately pointing out around 70 MILLION will have voted for him once this is all over. They’re actually speculating on whether our IMPEACHED so-called president will run once again in 2024? The next thing will be they’ll be speculating on individual 1 Jr., or Ivanka, or (ugh) Jared Kushner. Give me a break! These people have ALL been pilfering as much taxpayer money as they can get their hands on since the day individual 1 told his first “official LIE” – which was when he repeated the “oath of office.” The amount of legal transgressions since then are numerous and are all these people willing to “look the other way?” Individual 1 is firing off lawsuits one after the other so it’s about time for him to be on the other end of a few – namely coming from the newly confirmed Attorney General come January of 2021. Will democrats have the guts? History doesn’t bode well for people like me.

I’m going to go to bed and I believe by the time I wake up tomorrow AM Joe Biden will be the President Elect and it will be time to watch individual 1 come unglued as he’s expected to act graciously over the next couple of months – which is likely impossible. Our IMPEACHED so-called president will be attempting to find creative ways to accuse democrats of cheating and, tonight, I even heard Lindsey Graham accusing the people in Philadelphia of being “crooked as a snake” – apparently, suggesting he’s some kind of “beacon of honesty.” Here we go, as far as the “worst LOSER in the world.” I’ve previously, on many occasions called individual 1 “The Worst Person in the World” (in the words of Keith Olberman) and, by the way, Lindsey Graham has received the “award” before, but I’m creating a new award, “The Worst LOSER in the World.” Nice ring to it, don’t you think?

Final Thought: I’m a person who’s had periods of superstition in my past, but I’m going out on a limb. Calling individual 1 “The Worst LOSER in the World” before there’s been a determination makes me a bit nervous – but, I’m going to do it. Likely, if you are reading this, it’s after Joe Biden has been declared the WINNER in Pennsylvania and, likely, in Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona as well. I hope I don’t jinx Mr. Biden by calling individual 1 the LOSER before it’s official, but i’m old and it’s my final opportunity to do something like this – shake my superstitions!

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