Where is Merrick Garland? Why are right wing lawbreakers still walking free? (And, of course, that includes individual 1)

Projection: Is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person. (From “Psychology Today”)

I start this rant with the aforementioned definition because the more I read about individual 1 the more obvious he is a pathological LIAR and “lives” in a world of projection. For example, if he’s accusing someone (example: Joe Biden) of doing something – he’s doing it himself. Presently, I’m reading “Only I Can Fix It” by Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker – the book focuses on the disastrous final year of individual 1’s time in the “White House.” During this “disastrous” year, our TWICE IMPEACED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president continually puts his own shortcomings on Biden and others who might challenge him.

Of course, as I often mention, there’s always more. I believe one reason for this constant projection is the demented personality individual 1 “perfected” over the course of his lifetime – likely taught to him by his father – where admitting ANY mistakes is IMPOSSIBLE because, to him, that’s a sign of “weakness.” You often hear him refer to others as “weak” when, in reality, just like the schoolyard BULLY he’s the one who was/is “weak.” He was CONSTANTLY making MISTAKES during the campaign and, despite people close to him pointing out some of these mistakes, he would ignore their suggestions and “double down.”

Individual 1 is the classic example of the person “born with a silver spoon” as he inherited, by most accounts, over $500 MILLION from his papa who regularly bailed him out of some of his disastrous decisions as a young man. (Like, for example, his Casino project in Atlantic City – the “Taj Mahal”) He’s BULLIED banks to actually forgive some of the DEBT he clearly owes – which should make the next year interesting as a reported $600 MILLION of “personal debt” is coming due. (Watch for some of his properties to be “on the market”) The reason I point all this out is to give a snipit of what has led him to become a pathological LIAR and so demented that he seems to be constantly PROJECTING his weakness onto others.

In one of my recent posts I defined fascism and pointed out how many people throw words like that around with no regard to their meaning. Individual 1 has predicted our nation’s government will become a “fascist” government under Joe Biden – this after his right wing authoritarian sycophants stormed our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021 in an attempt to overthrow our nation’s democratic republic by throwing out the outcome of the November election – where individual 1 LOST by almost 8 MILLION votes. Of course, many of those votes came from “people of color” and a significant portion of them voted for Biden. Individual 1’s challenge to the election was racism and fascism “in plain sight.” Sadly, much of our nation’s so-called “liberal media” don’t want to talk about this – while the INSTIGATORS have been very busy attempting to change the “rules” of future elections to ENSURE they get the outcome they desire – even when they LOSE.

What catches my attention as I attempt to take in as much of the national “discourse” as I’m able to stomach is the constant PROJECTION of those on the right as they accuse democrats of super-charged “words” like “Socialists,” “Communists,” and, of course, “Fascists.” Well, I would never accuse the right wing, white nationalists in America of being either “Socialists,” or “Communists,” but when they suggest people like me are “fascists” it’s clear they’re assuming their “base” doesn’t understand “projection.” For example, the constant “drumbeat” by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to have his “enemies” – ie Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, James Clapper, etc. etc. JAILED because of their “corruption” was the epitome of PROJECTION!

Individual 1 is the MOST corrupt (so-called) president in American history to live in the “White House” calling those above mentioned above of “corruption.” I believe, as MORE evidence comes out, seemingly each week, we’ll all see even MORE examples of his CORRUPTION which was ongoing well before he moved into the “White House.” The INSURRECTION was a prime example of his CORRUPTION – where he attempted to overturn the “will of the people” right in plain sight. As I’ve written, so far it appears Attorney General Merrick Garland is AFRAID to INDICT our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president for CRIMES which one of us “common folk” would have been in court long ago.

Not only the INSURRECTION, but the “Russia thing” where Robert Mueller “memorialized” TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice so that once out of office and no longer protected by the OLC memo stating a “sitting president may not be indicted” – a memo honored by Mr. Mueller despite the CLEAR evidence of CRIMES being committed as individual 1 attempted to “knee cap” Mueller’s investigation – which, when you read about it from the principles, he succeeded (with the help of William Barr) (Here’s another thing: individual 1 seems to understand his legal vulnerability to in true form – in this case DEFLECTION – he’s grooming his thoughtless “base” to believe the “real” insurrection was the election itself – not January 6th, 2021. What a LIAR!!!)

Here’s some examples of individual 1’s PROJECTION from “I Alone Can Fix It:” On October 16 at a rally in Macon, Georgia he said: “The Biden family is a criminal enterprise” (Of course, individual 1’s family operates a criminal enterprise) He then adds, “Sleepy Joe Biden is the living embodiment of the corrupt political class that enriched himself while draining the economic life and soul from our country.” (OMG – that’s individual 1 himself! Couldn’t be put any better!) One more example from October of 2020 while in North Carolina and attacking the media: “You know you turn onto this ‘MSDNC’ and fake news CNNN, all you hear is, ‘COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID.” That’s all they put on, because they want to scare the hell out of everyone.” (Suggesting MSNBC was part of the “DNC” – when Fox “news” – i.e. individual 1’s “home base” which was (and is still) flooding their “base” with “alternative facts.” I bit more subtle example of PROJECTION. In this case calling the REAL news “fake” and the implying the FAKE “news” to be real. It goes on and on!

The PROJECTION continues “hot and heavy” to this day. Individual 1 is using this “strategy” in a poorly disguised attempt to keep Merrick Garland from taking the OBVIOUS step of INDICTING our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president for INCITING the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021. Yes, it’s true, when individual 1 is FINALLY indicted, his white nationalist base while recoil in a major BACKLASH – but, so be it! It’s either step up and show the COURAGE to defend the constitution and prove we ARE a “nation of laws and not men” or allow this right wing cabal subvert the very republic which has withstood what outwardly looks worse – ie Hitler during WW II – but could, invariably, result in an identical disaster to our “democracy.” I’ve said this several times, but, where is Merrick Garland? Why are right wing lawbreakers still walking free? (And, of course, that includes individual 1)

Final Thought: Again, today, I was listening to one of the commentators on MSNBC refer to the so-called “Build Back Better” plan of President Biden as a “massive” expenditure – which is how it seems because of its $3.5 TRILLION price tag (the “reconciliation” part of the “infrastructure” plan – and, I have to add, this is what “galls” me. There are about 1% of Congressional Democrats threatening to block this proposal – which is aimed at making America more competitive vs. the rest of the world going forward – complaining about the price. Keep in mind this bill’s “price tag” is spread across TEN years – so, in reality, it’s about $350 BILLION a year. Yes, that’s still a lot of money, but, keep in mind, virtually ALL these “balking” democrats, just a few weeks ago, voted to APPROVE the defense appropriation of OVER $700 BILLION for JUST the next year.

Yep, that’s correct, the “reconciliation” bill which is SORELY needed to keep America from falling FARTHER behind the Chinese and other forward thinking nations is less than HALF of this year’s defense budget which surpasses the defense spending of about the next ten highest spending nation’s in the world – COMBINED! And, have you heard a “peep” out of our so-called “liberal media” about the MASSIVE defense appropriation bill? How about “crickets.” And, EVERY one of the so-called “moderate” democrats balking at the “huge” spending in the infrastructure plan – wanting it to be paid for WITHOUT raising taxes ???? (let that one sink in, Joe Manchin) This is the absurdity which seems to be what you’d refer to as “only in America.”

And, as I’ve been saying so often of late, there’s always more. It appears Joe Manchin is willing to “accept” $150 BILLION in spending each year for the next 10 years (as we fall farther and farther behind the Chinese in the fight against Climate change) with the caveat there can be no restrictions against “coal, oil, and gas” subsidies. What Manchin doesn’t like made public is he owns, reportedly, a $5 MILLION stake in a coal company, which he “gifted” to his son years ago. This is discouraging, because it appears Manchin really will torpedo this much needed legislation, potentially, by himself.

However, former “liberal” Kyrsten Sinema is the other “democratic” Senator who is “balking” at the proposed legislation. In Sinema’s case, she also appear to be relishing being in the spotlight by being one of the two holdouts. However, in her case, there is universal “understanding” they don’t “understand” what her issues are – although, apparently, the price tag is what, at least in my case, we’ve heard she’s objecting to. But, what in the bill does she oppose? So far, at least publicly, that continues to be a mystery. It will be a shame if these two Senators torpedo Biden’s agenda and, if they do so, how will “we the people” respond? Will progressives flock to the polls for the third straight election to vote out republicans and replace them with progressives? Most pundits don’t believe that will happen.

There are twice as many republican Senators up for re-election than democrats – which includes several seats where republicans have “retired” – so, “we the people” have the opportunity to take this POWER away from both Manchin and Sinema – both of who are up for re-election in 2024 – by voting in MORE democrats to the Senate. Plus, in the face of partisan gerrymandering in places like Texas, pundits believe republicans will retake the HOUSE in 2022. Will, “we the people” allow this? Or will we “flock” to the polls in record numbers once again? Trust me, this ASSAULT on America will require progressives to VOTE in every election for the foreseeable future. But, will it happen? Stay tuned…………….

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