Will the so-called “liberal media” continue to allow the “right” to spread LIE after LIE without exposing why they continue to do so?

I’ve said this several times by now, but what is Merrick Garland waiting for regarding holding individual 1 to account for his BRAZEN and arrogant disregard for our system of laws. He continues to STOKE the right wing TERRORISTS who make up the core of the republican base – a group of THUGS who don’t hesitate to make death threats against anyone who might make an unkind comment about their fuhrer. (Fortunately for me, I’m simply floating around in cyberspace mostly unnoticed) Despite the FACT he’s been banned from “Twitter” and, apparently, for a period of time, from “Facebook” – two stalwarts of “Social Media” which I consider the “tools” which the anti-government faction in America use to stoke what amounts to radicalizing people in the same way groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS operate, individual 1 continues LYING to his base and walking around “free.”

You have to give individual 1 credit for creating, certainly in my lifetime, the “mother” of all personality CULTS. Everytime I think about an acquaintance of mine who became entrenched in the CULT suggesting the republican party under individual 1 is “Conservative and Christian” I can do nothing but shudder. I’m a Christian and I have to say it was really offensive to me watching INSURRECTIONISTS breaking into the nation’s Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 chanting “Thank you Jesus.” All of this reminds me of reading about the Third Reich and the takeover of Germany by Adolf Hitler back in the early 1930’s with a base of “Conservative Christians.” An eye opening book was the biography of Deidrick Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas.

So, why is individual 1 still sending out his BRAZEN LIES from Mar a Lago instead of from behind bars? Here’s the deal; Michael Cohen went to jail for paying HUSH MONEY for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who has yet to be called to account for “directing” the payments – preventing “we the people” from knowing about his illicit affairs (yes, two of them) which happened while his (now) wife was bearing his final son. A one off? Not on your life! There are now OVER 600 INSURRECTIONISTS facing varying levels of jail time – from a few months to many years – because they did what individual 1 INCITED them to do on January 6th, 2021. Why are they in jail and the man who told them to “Go to the Capitol and fight like HELL or you won’t have a country anymore” still roaming around as a free man?

Of course, I can’t leave off the OTHER acts of ILLEGAL behavior as individual 1 stoked the claim the “election was stolen” – openly, for example, calling the Georgia Secretary of State and threatening him while, at the same time, asking him to “just find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have” (actually, a strange way to put it). How do we know he did this? Well, Brad Raffensperger fully understood individual 1’s tendency to LIE so he recorded the call and decided to publish it if individual 1 LIED about his ILLEGAL behavior. So, we ALL know what was said in a phone call which lasted MORE than an hour. The DA of Fulton County, Georgia, reportedly is at the Grand Jury stage of her “investigation.” What SHOULD be done is obvious, but it appears individual 1 has our law enforcement officers as intimidated as the republicans who continue to cower from their OBLIGATION to their oath to the constitution because of their FEAR of the right wing core of the republican base.

I suppose, maybe as I’m writing this, Attorney General Garland is considering how individual 1’s base will respond if our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is indicted. It appears to me, not only SHOULD individual 1 be indicted for INCITING the crowd which stormed the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 but also on the podium at the Ellipse that day was individual 1 Jr., Rep. Mo Brooks, Rudy Giuliani, and, likely in the “shadows” Steve Bannon. Shouldn’t these people be held accountable for their words encouraging the attack on our Capitol? Even suggesting the overthrow of our elected government is SEDITION! When the “suggesting” (Brooks famously said when the MOB reached the Capitol “Take names and Kick Ass.”) INSTIGATORS motivate their audience to actually ACT on their words, well, that then is – for sure, from my reading of the law – SEDITION. If you don’t know, that’s a SERIOUS crime calling for a 20 year sentence if found GUILTY. All of these people should get the opportunity to defend themselves in court.

Tomorrow, as I’m writing this, is the date where the so-called “MAGA” crowd will descend on Washington DC in a protest of the FBI and Justice Department holding the “MAGA” sycophants who stormed the Capitol to account. They’re now referring to these SEDITIONISTS as “patriots” – at the urging of none other than their fuhrer. Of course that would be what individual 1 would be doing as he’s clearly attempting to mitigate his own role in the INSURRECTION. He’s pretty STUPID, but not so stupid as to fail to realize his “future” very well could be at the “mercy” of Mr. Garland. Keep in mind, there are still the 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice “memorialized” by Robert Mueller in case a future prosecutor (Merrick Garland gets the honor by default) decides to follow through on the Mueller investigation.

Individual 1 is no longer protected from indictment by the OLC memo written after the Watergate scandal back in the 1970’s. That memo has left many Americans, including myself, to wonder whether there really are Americans who are “above the law.” Keep in mind, I’ve been pointing out since our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president began his conspiracy to promote the so-called “Big Lie” that the election was “stolen,” that the TRUTH is going to come out – likely “drip by drip.” Well, it’s gotten to the point where it’s no longer “drip by drip,” but, instead, there’s a RUSH of EVIDENCE coming out which corroborates what those of us who’ve been calling for individual 1 (and, his co-conspirators) to be INDICTED. I just told my son I’m having trouble reading the books quick enough.

I recognize I’m possibly even more focused on wanting accountability for individual 1 as I was back in the days of Watergate for Richard Nixon – who, compared to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president seems a “saint” – but, the reality is this time in America will be HISTORIC for more reasons than whether or not “we the people” fend off this republican assault on our nation. For example, I wish I could meet personally with the democrats who are BLOCKING the passage of Joe Biden’s agenda. Well, now that I think about it, those democrats are the ones who could be putting their names in the History books in the same paragraph as the MAGA crowd.

As the TRUTH about what led to the INSURRECTION becomes clearer and clearer “we the people” will be staring at some stark realities right in the “face.” Did democrats get Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda passed? Did they counter the republican Voter Suppression assault on, mainly, the voters who – OK, it’s no secret – tend to vote democratically – like the so-called “people of color.” (Of course, it goes well beyond that) Did they prevent the government from defaulting on its debt – $7 TRILLION of which came during individual 1’s LONG four years in the “White House?” Was there another government “shutdown” which republicans will blame on democrats – but, happened because they filibustered the vote? Will the so-called “liberal media” continue to allow the “right” to spread LIE after LIE without exposing why they continue to do so? These really are HISTORICAL times. Stay tuned……………..

Final Thought: As I returned to this rant – I actually have published another one which was started much later – the “rally” I mentioned above which happened on September 18th, 2021 in support of the INSURRECTIONISTS of January 6th, 2021 – drew a couple hundred “protesters” who believe the INSURRECTIONISTS are, instead, “patriots.” Yikes! I keep coming back to my belief the FIRST step in the “healing” of America will be the ARREST of individual 1 for instigating the INSURRECTION along with the others who conspired with him in the attempt to overthrow the “free and fair” election which he LOST (badly, by the way – over 7 MILLION more votes for Joe Biden).

Yes, that will cause a (likely) violent reaction from those who frequent Stormfront.com, The Daily Stormer, Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” etc, etc, The MORE “drip, drip, drip” of the TRUTH comes out it’s becoming clearer there should be SEVERAL people ARRESTED for planning and INSTIGATING the attempted INSURRECTION. Remember, Sedition is a crime which doesn’t require you to succeed – in fact, had individual 1 succeeded in overthrowing the 2020 election and attempting to remain in POWER the issue would be much more SERIOUS than sedition. It would be the same OFFENSE as the reason all the Confederate statues have recently come down – those people were TRAITORS and individual 1 and his sycophants are falling into that same category.

It’s another day and I SHOULD post this rant today, but I have to add: The backlash I often talk about from individual 1’s cult is happening in real time – again, drip, drip, drip. Here’s where it’s getting really ugly: members of the CULT are doing the “traditional” “Tea Party” thing – only, instead of at Congressional Town Halls, they’re storming and shouting down school board meetings and meetings held by public health officials – going beyond the SHOUTING! Because, in my view, of the reticence of our Justice Department to enforce our existing laws in regard to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – acting as if they’re afraid of his “base” – seems to be encouraging more and more of them to THREATEN and ASSAULT members of school boards who believe students should be wearing masks and, likewise, for public health officials.

These public servants are hearing people shout at them “we know where you live” as they point in a threatening manner at their faces. Personally, I’m getting sick of these people. I’ve said I’m a Christian and I had to repent after going to the local Kroger store – which, by the way, I was told by a manager that “corporate” was unwilling to enforce the local mask mandate (actually, it’s a state mandate) – at the store I found myself getting angry at the number of people refusing to wear masks, even though there’s a sign at the entrance telling them “masks are required.”

These people who refuse to abide by the state mandate remind me of the oppositional children I taught when I was still a 6th grade teacher. I guess, yesterday, I had had enough, so I said to one of them, “you’re supposed to be wearing a mask” (I thought I’d do what the store manager was refusing to do) and he replied, “yeah, OK,” and continued putting stuff in his cart. I said, “I’ve got more masks in my car if you need one.” He said, “This conversation is over,” to which I relied, “You’re an effing dick!” It just came out and, as I walked away I quietly asked for forgiveness. In reality, there were fifteen “dicks” in the store I could see in my short time there and I told the manager (I actually asked to speak to him) it’s just going to be getting worse because the “word” will spread and more (dicks – I didn’t use that word to him) will be showing up every day. The people most threatened by this behavior are the people working in the store – who I consider the “frontline workers.” NONE of them, who I talked to, are happy about the store policy – which kind of explains the sign in front, “we’re hiring.” Go figure…………………

Until our Justice Department starts stopping this disregard for our “nation of laws and not men” by starting at the top, this INFECTION in our country will continue to metastasize. Every day there is MORE evidence about 30% of America have no regard for the aforementioned “laws” and feel empowered to threaten public officials all the way from school board members to anyone who speaks “truth to power” in regard to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. This group of seditionists feel empowered to use VIOLENCE or threats thereof to get their way – despite the FACT they are a significant MINORITY of this nation. It reminds me of an American version of APARTHEID. (As I’ve said many time, the parallels with 1930’s Germany are STARK!

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