It’s time for Attorney General Garland to INDICT individual 1 and allow him to defend himself from a charge of SEDITION!

In an attempt for clarity here are some definitions: (From Miriam Webster)

Conservative:  tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions TRADITIONAL conservative policies:  marked by moderation or caution, conservative estimatemarked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners.

Neo-Nazi: a person who belongs to a group that believes in the ideas and policies of Hitler’s Nazis and that sometimes commits violent acts.

Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Sedition: is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority. (Oh yes, in America, it’s AGAINST the LAW with a sentence of 20 years if found GUILTY)

These terms get thrown around without regard for their actual meaning, including by our so-called “liberal media” and this, in my view, is a founding cause for the divisive politics which now permeates America. I could have put the term “Christian” in that same vein, but I’ll leave that for your imagination. I bring that up because I still know “republicans” who claim their party is “Christian and conservative.” They claim to be “pro-life” and in one of the great ironies, so far, of the 21st century, you have “republicans” who are scheming to control the bodies of American women claiming, in their fight against vaccine mandates, “my body my choice” in their refusal to abide by ANY of these proposed “mandates.” Let that sink in!

As I’ve stated here MANY times, I’m not a proponent of abortion, I simply don’t believe it’s my “call” to tell a woman how she can handle her body. And, if the teachings of the Bible are correct, then any consequence of that decision rests with that woman. (I’ve suggested in the past if the MAN involved in an unwanted pregnancy was forced to pay a fine of – let’s use the figure from the recent Texas abortion restriction – $10,000 for causing that pregnancy, I believe you’d see this issue change dramatically, but, I digress – actually, the more I think about it, let’s make it $20,000)

Soon, the death toll in America from the “novel” coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2 – ie Covid-19) will surpass 700,000 – likely by the time I publish this rant – and, for the past five or so months OVER 90% of the deaths are from people unvaccinated who had the opportunity to get the vaccine FOR FREE. Instead, many of them are consuming the ANIMAL dewormer, Ivermectin, which they have to either buy it from a feed store or find a doctor who’ll prescribe it despite the research which says not only does it NOT prevent Covid-19, but it very likely will poison you for taking it! (Instead of the FREE “jab” which has been proven to prevent a great MAJORITY of severe cases of Covid even IF you’re one of those who gets a “breakthrough” infection (a VERY small minority of those who’ve been FULLY vaccinated – I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in early March with absolutely NO side effects)

Anyway, if you’re a republican, you’re expected to oppose abortion and OPPOSE the vaccine – “my body my choice.” (And, anything else Fox “news” TELLS you to oppose) Talk about wanting it “both ways.” However, the real “kicker” in all this, to me, gets back to my definitions above. I personally don’t see ANYTHING resembling “conservative” in the “present day” republican party and, in addition, I don’t see anything resembling “Christianity” in the rank and file behavior of those claiming to be republicans. As I’ve stated, also, many times here, I see a stark parallel to America’s so-called “Christian right” and the “Christian right” which made up the “base” of supporters for the Third Reich back in 1930’s Germany (more on that below).

When you read the definitions of “neo-Nazi’s” and “fascism,” terms of classic PROJECTION of republicans thrown aimlessly at democrats, you can see a clear parallel to where individual 1 and his prominent supporters (Mike Flynn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Steve Bannon, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, and others) are attempting to take “we the people.” The “America First” campaign was classic “nationalism,” the racist memes and “dog whistles” coming “fast and furious” from these “republicans” are classic fascist signs, and the attack on traditional institutions and values fully demonstrates these people are NOT “conservatives.” (Steve Bannon, while still part of individual 1’s administration famously was quoted as saying their “number one goal is deconstruction the administrative state.” That’s not the words of a “conservative!”

But, as usual, there’s ALWAYS more! And, on this next one, which I’ve been harping at for the past three plus years, I really don’t understand why our “liberal media” doesn’t just come out and “educate” all of America’s “uneducated voters” (and, many of her “educated” ones) that the LYING which permeates the republican party is part of a scheme which they “adopted” from the Third Reich (OK, Hitler himself) called the “Big Lie theory.” Yes, they’re referring to individual 1’s claim the “election was stolen” as the “Big Lie,” but what about the THOUSANDS of other LIES? What about all the recent LIES? Why do republicans, in unison, repeat their LIES over and over?

And, of course, “two siding” the issue of politicians “LYING” is ridiculous. The democrats don’t hold a “candle” to the LYING of the republicans – I don’t know, maybe because they’re not organized enough, or, just maybe, because the democratic party is not composed of a bunch of FASCISTS. Now, are all republicans “fascists?” Of course not. But, on the other hand, if you believe that, well, THEN you have to BELIEVE the party is made up of a BUNCH of cowards! I’ve always accused democrats for being either passive or being spineless, but they’ve got NOTHING on the republicans in Congress who KNOW BETTER but continue to support individual 1 with their COWARDLY silence. (And, keep in mind, Mitch McConnell – i.e. “Moscow Mitch” – is just a different version of the same “animal.” He’s just WAY more sly and sleezy than individual 1 and some of his disgusting sycophants – either way, willing to sell out America for the sake of POWER!)

And, speaking of fascists and, well, Steve Bannon, today marked the German elections where Angela Merkel is being replaced after 16 years. And, true to form, just as he did with individual 1 back in 2016 with his neo-Nazi base, Bannon has his “tentacles” in Germany pushing the right wing neo-Nazi movement there – and presumably in other countries in Western Europe. If you remember, another of the “white nationalist” “neo-Nazi” types in America’s media, Tucker Carlson, spent a week in Budapest kissing up to Viktor Orban, who, I believe meets the definition of a “fascist.” However, I read recently an article in the “Bulwark” which argued he’s NOT a fascist but a “Kleptocrat.”

So, in the name of “definitions:” A “Kleptocrat” is one who runs “a government characterized by rampant greed and corruption.” To me, when you look at Orban’s history as the RULER of Hungary it’s a “fine line” to call him a “Kleptocrat” as opposed to a fascist. Personally, I believe the “Miriam Webster” definition of fascist is pretty much met by Mr. Orban. There’s a reason why Carlson spent a week there broadcasting his show to America’s “suckers” in the Fox “news” viewing audience and there’s a reason why the white nationalists in America tune into Carlson’s show on a regular basis. Here’s the deal: The white nationalists/neo-Nazi’s/fascists in America are part of a “movement” which permeates the various borders of Western “democracies.”

People I know who consider themselves part of individual 1’s CULT have openly said to me, “I hate democracy.” I know at least a couple of them who would support a “race war” with the hope it would lead to another “civil war.” OK, you’re wondering where I’m going with this semi “history lesson.” I’ll get back to my long held belief democrats are “spineless.” Now, I do have to say, there are a few “young” democratic members of the House who I believe have GUTS, but, at the top, this still appears to be a problem. And, let me give you my PRIME example: Merrick Garland!

It’s true Mr. Garland SHOULD be a member of the Supreme Court, and had his appointment been confirmed, I believe there would be much less belief the Court is made up of a group of right wing political HACKS! However, Mr. Garland finds himself as the Attorney General at a time in American History which calls for someone with the COURAGE to meet the challenge of the time. And, first and foremost in that challenge, of course, would be holding our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to account. How would he do this? Well, let me count the ways! OK, I don’t have enough fingers. But, for starters, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president continues to find ways to “broadcast” to his CULT the so-called “Big Lie” the 2020 election was stolen.

That’s not helping anything – especially when any American who’s been paying attention to REALITY understands individual 1 SHOULD be under investigation by the Justice Department for INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2020, Now, I’m no lawyer, but I believe, with simply the EVIDENCE which is NOW part of the public record I could argue to a JURY why he’s GUILTY of SEDITION and get a conviction. I believe our Attorney General is NOT acting because he FEARS the backlash! (SHOULD I use the term “spineless?”) To me, that SHOULD have NOTHING to do with whether a former president – especially a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – is INDICTED for illegal activity – especially an attempted coup d’etat!

Of course, as I said above, there’s ALWAYS more! How about the TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice “memorialized” by Robert Mueller in his report on the “Russia Investigation” where, when asked during his Congressional testimony if individual 1 could be prosecuted after leaving office? His ONE word answer, was “YES!” That’s not enough for you? Well, why do you think I refer to him as “individual 1.” He was the “unindicted co-conspirator” in the Campaign finance FELONY which helped send Michael Cohen to prison for three years. Shouldn’t he face accountability for that? Is he actually “above the law” as he clearly believes?

We KNOW his buddy Vladimir Putin will claim a double standard should individual 1 be indicted, but WHO the hell CARES? Let Putin face the music in his own country as his MOB behavior becomes more understood by the Russian people while he continues to rob them of all the GREAT Russian natural resources – mainly OIL and GAS – from which he’s created his incredible WEALTH (and, likewise, to his inner circle of political sycophants and “oligarchs”)

As OIL becomes less and less valuable, the Russian economy is likely to continue to suffer. Yes, Putin’s opponents end up in jail (gulags), but to compare what he does with what we do (or SHOULD do) couldn’t be MORE opposite. In fact, I believe Putin is behind much of the divide created since individual 1 announced his candidacy back in 2015 with the Russian “Active Measures” campaign – along with what’s happening also in Western Europe. In addition, (as an aside) at some point I believe “we the people” will FULLY understand the “collusion” which helped individual 1 “win” the “White House” in the first place.

Lest I forget, there’s also the issue of individual 1 clearly attempting VOTER FRAUD by trying to intimidate various government officials around the country to overturn their 2020 election results – prior to his last gasp effort to BLOCK the certification of the Electoral College votes on January 6th, 2021 by INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION. As MORE and MORE information becomes public Mr. Garland is going to be looking very “spineless” unless there’s an investigation going on which “we the people” don’t know about. (Seems as if it’s pretty hard to keep something like that a “secret.” For example, take the investigation of Matt Gaetz. It appears there’s a plethora of EVIDENCE connecting him to a sex trafficking ring, among other allegations and, yet, he’s still walking around “free” while spouting clearly fascist BS. But. the existence of an investigation is public knowledge)

I’m not sure who I’m the most fed up with here? The republicans who are clearly attempting to turn America into a version of what Karl Rove referred to as the “permanent republican ‘majority'” back when he worked for GW Bush – Of course, today’s republicans are taking it much farther than anyone could have imagined back when Rove first “coined” the phrase. Or the members of the Justice Department who seem to be “crickets” as more and more EVIDENCE makes it clear there was a CONSPIRACY to commit SEDITION on January 6th, 2021.

The number of republicans with NO spine makes the democrats look like the reincarnation of a bunch of Audie Murphy’s. I keep wondering, what on earth are they afraid of? Well, the likely answer is all the death threats they’ll receive from the white nationalists who identify with republicans because of individual 1. Honestly, I can’t imagine why anyone, other than an overt racist, would allow themselves to be associated with that “bunch?” That being said, is AG Garland’s Justice Department living in FEAR of the same dynamic? This is the greatest threat to our government in my lifetime.

Where does the solution to this national “threat” lie? Well, sadly, we keep coming back to Attorney General Garland. And, if he’s got some slow moving investigation going, in my view, he needs to speed it up. What more does he need for “probable cause?” Five people DIED in the INSURRECTION, more died soon thereafter (Capitol Police officers committing suicide after the experience) and MILLIONS worth of DAMAGE done to the Capitol Building. This thing was planned ahead of time and individual 1 was the PLANNER. There’s NO way the 600+ INSURRECTIONISTS charged, so far, should bear the BRUNT of that seditionist attack on the “heart” of our democratic republic with extended jail times. It really is time for Attorney General Garland to INDICT individual 1 and allow him to defend himself from a charge of SEDITION! (I added the definition of Sedition above to alleviate any possible confusion)

Final Thought: I follow the statistics on the “pandemic” pretty closely on “” and it’s becoming very interesting as we’re getting closer to the 700,000 number of Deaths attributed to the virus. (Clearly, the number is much higher) I’ve been pointing out the CHEATING going on in many republican led states for over a year now – when you follow this daily it becomes obvious. To me, the worst offender will likely be the republican nominee for president in 2024 should Mr. Garland do what he SHOULD as explained above. Without individual 1 “mucking up” the republican field the “front runner” would be none other than Ron DeSantis – who appears to be making his case by being the WORST governor in the nation regarding his fundamental job – ie “keeping Floridians safe.”

And, to me, making matters worse – but, likely in the eyes of the republican “base” making things better – he’s been CHEATING on the statistics repeatedly. Florida’s reports to “” – or wherever they get their data – each day suggests around 3 – 5 Floridians are DYING from the virus when, in actuality, other places who are less public but actually collect the REAL data have been saying over 300 Floridians are DYING per day from this virus. That’s NOT just “another flu” as DeSantis and other republicans would have you believe.

My point: SHOULD AG Garland do the “right thing” it does not solve the republican party problem. It doesn’t change they’re attempting to suppress the votes in almost EVERY state in the union, it doesn’t change the FACT they have no “agenda” aside from “white grievance,” and it won’t keep another right wing wack job from gaining the nomination – maybe DeSantis, or the governor of Texas, maybe Kristi Noem of South Dakota – whose state looks REALLY bad despite the CHEATING, and there are several more. Also, until “we the people” begin PURGING republicans who oppose our “democracy” from Congress, this crisis will continue. And, considering all of that, my biggest concern is “will progressive voters (OK “liberals”) stay focused for the next SEVERAL years – because it will take that long to turn the “pendulum” back to the left.

Yes, Joe Biden is attempting to make a significant “first step” but, it appears, there are at least two “democrats” who are going to prevent Biden’s “agenda” from making it through the Senate. Hopefully, the “infrastructure bill” and the so-called “reconciliation bill” will pass in some form – but, in my view, without the Voting Rights legislation being passed “we the people” could be taking a giant step backward. And, we still don’t know the full effect of the right wing Supreme Court on several critical issues. (And, I’m not even bringing up the potential crisis with funding the government and the debt ceiling issue – America 2021!) Stay tuned…………………..

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