The last time I felt so compelled to pay attention to our nation holding a president accountable was during “Watergate.”

I’ve been around for a “while” so there’s not much which surprises me anymore as I observe American politics through the (mostly) lens of the so-called “liberal media.” There are those on MSNBC who are attempting to report what actually happened on January 6th, 2021 and how it all came about – including all those scheming in the “shadows” as the ACTUAL attempt to OVERTHROW “the will of the people” from the November 3rd election by instigating what amounted to an actual coup d’etat. Of course, in the eyes of those who watch Fox “news” the “INSURRECTION” occurred on election day and January 6th, 2021 was actually just a bunch of “patriots” protesting. Naturally, that would be the explanation of individual 1 – who seems more and more desperate to keep his own “arse” out of JAIL by way of – as I wrote in my previous posts – PROJECTION! The “INSURRECTIONISTS” were those Americans who voted for Joe Biden. I’m not kidding! This is what individual 1’s “base” is willing to “soak up.”

This is exactly why I’ve started using a word I despise, but for which I can’t find an alternative: “STUPID.” These are people who will believe whatever Fox and the other right wing media outlets “throw” their way with nary a single question. For example, in another “light,” you’ve got republicans all across America refusing a FREE vaccination while flooding to the feed store to buy up all the Ivermectin they can get their hands on. I’m not kidding. If you don’t know, Ivermectin is the horse/cattle/goat/sheep DEWORMER which, if consumed in the paste form my horses used to ingest, could make your “next stop” the ER room. My son knows an anti-vaxx family which is large and extended and, today, he learned 10 members of the “clan” have contracted Covid – all being unvaccinated. (And, we don’t yet know about the children) True to form, today, they were awaiting their Ivermectin, which they have every intention to ingest. My son’s friend’s wife said, “Ivermectin kills Covid in less than 35 seconds.” Yikes! Where did she hear this? Odds are they all watch Fox “news.”

So, is it any wonder we have MILLIONS of Americans who’ve been BRAINWASHED by Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “OANN,” “Bannon’s War Room,” and numerous other right wing outlets. However, I’ve lost patience with those I know who are buying into this nonsense and who are comfortable believing if the person I vote for WINS, that means the “election” is “rigged” and should be overthrown. I’ve been paying attention to American politics since my Mom and Dad were arguing over Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson and it’s SHOCKING to me there are so many Americans who are willing to accept a FASCIST takeover of our government from within after fighting it off during WW II! Trying to accomplish what Adolf Hitler failed to do back when my Dad was in the Army in the 1940’s. This is beyond disappointing.

It’s almost as if outlets like Fox are experimenting to find out if there’s ANYTHING their “sheep” won’t believe with nary a whimper. And, even MORE shocking is that the EVIDENCE supporting the FACT there was an organized attempt to OVERTHROW our elected government continues to PILE up at a rapid pace further CONFIRMING there were a BUNCH of sycophants in the “White House,” the “Justice Department,” and various other agencies perfectly willing to go along with individual 1 STEALING the election. (Talk about your PROJECTION – they called their attempt to OVERTHROW the election, “Stop the Steal” – and, of course, their solution to individual 1 claiming the “election was rigged” has been to work “OVERTIME” to “RIG” our future elections – or, short of that, to enable republican legislatures to CHANGE the outcome of an election which doesn’t go their way! Wouldn’t that be STEALING?)

The EVIDENCE this is all going on – OK, was going on – is coming out almost FASTER than the “drip, drip, drip” I was predicting MONTHS ago. However, virtually NONE of the members of individual 1’s CULT will be aware of this because, well, they consume Fox “news” and/or the other right wing propaganda outlets mentioned above. So, what can we do about all this in the face of about 30% of the American public refusing to allow themselves any FACTUAL information to penetrate their skulls? Well, as I’ve said several times already on this site, “where are you Merrick Garland?” “We the people” are depending on our Justice Department to enforce the existing LAWS which CLEARLY cover this type of misbehavior – and, I’m not even a lawyer. Let me remind you: America is supposed to be a “nation of laws and not men.” This behavior of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president smacks of Sedition!

Sedition: “incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority” – that’s a succinct way to put it, but it tells you all you need to know. There were NUMEROUS members of individual 1’s “team” – including our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – who fit nicely into that definition. We’ve heard the word “sedition” used to describe the actions of MANY of the WORSE offenders on January 6th, 2021 (a day republicans would love for you to forget) so, in response, in their habit of PROJECTION we’re now seeing the word thrown around loosely so that those who were at the “head” of the INSURRECTION might avoid legal accountability.

So, along the lines of the republican FOCUS on PROJECTION – and, this happened back before the election which – in fact, it’s been obvious from day one of individual 1’s reign, and now, he is claiming the “real insurrection was the election: This example of PROJECTION comes via the communications director just prior to November, 2020’s election – ” The top communications official at the powerful cabinet department (HHS) in charge of combating the coronavirus accused career government scientists on Sunday of “sedition” in their handling of the pandemic and warned that left-wing hit squads were preparing for armed insurrection after the election.” You just can’t make this stuff up! Do you see the absurdity?

Now, we’re finding out more and more of what went into the REAL INSURRECTION and who were some of the “cast of characters” aside from individual 1. Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president was GROOMING his suckers er sycophants er sheep well before the election and the members of the CULT gladly bought into his LYING. (Sadly, this continues – maybe even worse because the Justice Department seems reluctant for an “intervention”) I actually had an acquaintance who got sucked into the CULT and, despite him claiming “I don’t watch Fox,” well, the evidence would not suggest he was telling the truth. He was actually predicting to me about the “left wing hit squads preparing for armed insurrection after individual 1 would ‘win in a landslide,'” When will these people understand what’s being pumped into their heads?

I can make a suggestion: When Merrick Garland INDICTS individual 1 and many of his “lieutenants who were integral in the attempt to OVERTHROW the “will of the people” culminating in the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION (No, the “insurrection” was not on November 3rd when over 81 MILLION Americans voted either for Joe Biden or AGAINST individual 1) will be a good first step. And, when the right wing wack jobs all across America revolt because their fuhrer is being held accountable, start arresting ALL of them who choose to express their “revolt” via violence. We’re talking about the Proud Boys, the “Three Percenters,” the “Oathkeepers,” and other right wing FASCIST white nationalist “militia” groups. Many of the people defending individual 1’s attempted INSURRECTION are, like me, people who’ve taken a solemn OATH to defend the constitution against all enemies “foreign and domestic.” (Maybe individual 1 was anticipated when the “domestic” part of that oath was written into our constitution)

I graduated from High School back in 1965. I was an average small college basketball player and decided to quit playing basketball in 1967. Brainwashed about “communism” back then I joined the Marine PLC (Platoon Leader Corps) during the winter break from my Junior year in College. I took that solemn OATH and was fully prepared to put my life on the line fully because of that oath. As “luck would have it” – when I reported for boot camp I was given a more thorough physical and failed it due to a severe knee injury suffered during a High School football game. Shortly after getting an honorable discharge from the Marines I realized the Viet Nam “war” was built on LIES as with many other parts of my upbringing (maybe why I “fact check” information by reading multiple versions of the same situation) That all being said, I was fully willing to honor that OATH once I had given it!

I say that because I’m constantly taken aback by the number of republicans who appear to consider their OATH to the constitution nothing more than a necessary evil in their attempt to undermine the very government they’ve PROMISED to defend. Do you really think individual 1 could give a rat’s arse about the OATH he took when he was inaugurated into the “White House. And, what about all those people around him who were “all in” on his plan to overturn the election? What about all those members of Congress who voted to overturn the results of the election, even though they’d just been cowering in the Capitol Building hours before while the attempted INSURRECTION was under way? Are you reading this Ted Cruz? Josh Hawley? Heck, there were over 140 republicans voting against the electors in Pennsylvania. Yikes!!!

I’m trying to put my thought somewhere beside individual 1 and what seems like an obsession I have with him facing accountability for his ILLEGAL behavior – not only while he was in office – but, in addition, his actions prior to the 2016 FIASCO of an election. And, I keep coming back to Merrick Garland and believe he’s more important than the Congress in providing accountability for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. The last time I felt so compelled to pay attention to our nation holding a president accountable was during “Watergate” and the egregious actions of Richard Nixon which seems “tame” compared to the actions of individual 1, at least from my perspective.

Final Thought: Sadly, I have to make the following prediction – and, I have to add, most of my predictions come true – even though, like with this one, I usually hope they don’t. I believe when push comes to shove as the democrats are attempting to push through Joe Biden’s agenda and Joe Manchin continues to get berated for his intransigence – which seems to be uplifting for him, that is, constantly being in the spotlight – he just might switch parties and give the control of the Senate back to Moscow Mitch. The only thing which is likely preventing that from happening is, once he would make the switch he would NO longer be the focus of so much attention. Back into West Virginia’s invisible political space. We’ll see…………………..

I have to add: There are reports of THOUSANDS of police officers balking at the mandate they be vaccinated for the Covid-19 infection. In my state, their choice is to be vaccinated or lose their jobs. I believe this might be the best way to “weed” out the right wing officers who are in support of the INSURRECTION which continues to slowly seep throughout our country. For example, should individual 1 get what’s coming to him – that which he PROJECTED repeatedly onto his political “enemies – and, that would be an INDICTMENT for INCITING the INSURRECTION – “we the people” will need our police officers to be willing to “stop the STEALERS” – which would be those who don’t believe in encouraging more and more people to actually exercise their PRIVILEGE of VOTING. By now, NO ONE who is paying even the slightest attention to what the republican party is doing should fail to see the RACIST foundation they’ve now FULLY and overtly adopted.

Back when Ronald Reagan began his campaign for the “White House” in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the use of “dog whistles” aimed at the white nationalist voters was much more covert. It took me a while to pick up on it, but it soon became undeniable – but, not even close to as obvious as what is happening now. Back then, republicans were still “shunning” those in groups like the KKK, but, now, individual 1 is OPENLY encouraging a kind of apartheid in America. Remember the phrase “Make ______________ Great Again – (fill in the blank) it was used by Adolf Hitler AND Vladimir Putin when they were turning their countries toward fascism. Hitler: “Make Germany Great Again.” Putin: “Make Russia Great Again.” I’m sure you get my point!

Most observers I’ve read lately compare individual 1 to Mussolini, but I see too many parallels to the Third Reich. If you do the research it seems to be undeniable. The next few years are going to determine whether or not there are enough people to FIGHT back against this slow motion attempt at a “cou d’etat.” “We the people” will need police officers who are committed to the SOLEMN oath they took to the constitution prior to placing that badge on their uniform. That’s exactly why I believe those who refuse the vaccine mandate have identified themselves and they SHOULD be replaced!

Sadly, I’m already hearing “liberal” pundits suggesting progressive voters will “stay home” in 2022’s midterms because of the continued OBSTRUCTION of their will in Congress. Of course, the obvious solution is to vote in MORE democrats and vote OUT as many republicans as possible so that “we the people” are not relying on Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to pass voting rights legislation along with President Biden’s “agenda.” Hopefully, democrats will be able to “cobble” together something which moves this nation closer to a 21st Century 1st world power.

The reality that Congress passes a defense budget of about $750 BILLION – each year, with nary a “whimper” from either “side of the isle,” but we can’t INVEST $350 BILLION each year in our people – especially, those who are young and with young families or aspiring to get there is – well – DEPLORABLE! My message to anyone who might read this is to make sure you VOTE in every election and VOTE against republicans every chance you get. (At least until individual 1 is gone and sanity is returned to the GOP – which may be IMPOSSIBLE at this point because almost ALL of them have proved themselves COWARDS in the face of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. This will take a number of YEARS!)

Just think: Had republicans, as they clearly SHOULD have, voted individual 1 GUILTY of INCITING the INSURRECTION back in February they would NOT be forced to deal with all this. Individual 1’s “ambition” for another run to the “White House” would not be possible – he’d be BARRED (pun intended) from holding any future office. Period! Full Stop!!! OMG! To quote an old song, “Wouldn’t that be wonderful!”

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