In America, there will be a need for reconciliation which requires accountability. We can hope!

OK, I’ve never been one to have agreed our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president (unique, in it’s own right) is really a “Very Stable Genius,” but he’s giving people like me affirmation virtually every day. I’m writing this the night before individual 1 ORDERS the military band to show up at 8 AM at “Joint Base Andrews” in Washington DC next to a “red carpet” and military personnel preparing to give a 21 gun salute, via orders by the soon to be FORMER “Commander in Chief.” Of course, he couldn’t leave without at least ONE more stupid comment/decision.

Tonight, “DGday 1” (Donald Gone Day – actually about 12 hours from right now) the Wall Street Journal is reporting individual 1 is planning to start a “third party” – the so-called “Patriot Party.” Kind of like what Theodore Roosevelt tried over 100 years ago. (Didn’t work for him either, but for very different reasons) So, Democrats are, like, yeah – bring it on. Split the upcoming votes between actual republicans and the “Patriots.” Here’s my prediction: This very well may guarantee individual 1 is CONVICTED in the Senate trial and will be ruled out from EVER holding any office or position in the government ever again.

Why would republicans want individual 1 to be able to further destroy their party? Is our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president’s #1 son going to be the candidate of the “Patriot party?” Or, will it be Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. Maybe Cruz and Hawley will form the most DESPISED “team” in American history. Holy nutjobs!

I also read in the Washington Post today the list of the top 30 corporate donors to the republican party of which their are 20 which have have either suspended or STOPPED their “giving” to those who stood up and took the side of the INSURRECTIONISTS when they objected to the “free and fair” election which took place on the first Tuesday in November. Of course, we’ve all figured out their objection was to Black people being allowed to vote – it’s not that subtle anymore. Of course, since the right wing Supreme Court, under John Roberts (who, I believe, is beginning to worry about his own legacy) led the GUTTING of Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act we’ve seen republicans on overdrive in their attempts at voter SUPPRESSION – and, obviously, the republican party is right there with them en masse. To any republican who might read this, check out the FACTS, and then, well, just acknowledge what you’ve become.

It’s heartening to me there are FINALLY some corporations taking notice, but if it lasts, I’ll believe it when I see it. I’d be just fine if they stopped giving money to ALL politicians AND “Super PACS” – but, we all know that aint happening. The largest corporation of the 10 who haven’t chosen to distance themselves from the INSURRECTIONISTS is Koch Industries – surprise, surprise. I have to add, another of the corporations is Home Depot – which is more reason for me to go to Loews – along with General Dynamics and 7 others. Pull the money from our members of Congress and things will change dramatically – and, to me, that goes for BOTH republicans and democrats. I’ve long since claimed both parties are “feeding from the same troth” – it’s just that the democrats, in most instances, are just fighting for the scraps.

Today at the nation’s Capital we were all reminded the pandemic in just one year has taken MORE lives than we lost in the five years of WW II. And, what have we heard from our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president about the 400,000 lives LOST on “his watch? Nada, “nuttin honey.” At one time he was reported as saying, “It is what it is.” Yikes! As I’ve pointed out, he’d likely still be president had he had the capacity to combat this virus as ANY national leader SHOULD. He just proved those of us correct who pointed out he was incapable of doing so.

His reaction to anything which didn’t fit his personal agenda was a reflexive, defensive, outburst further claiming “victimhood.” Right from the start of the Covid-19 pandemic individual 1 has been proclaiming it was a “hoax” – just another attempt by the democrats to undermine his presidency. That’s correct, instead of attempting to “cut it off at the pass” he looked the other way. With the exception of a (too late) 30 days or so in March of 2020 individual 1 was AWOL in dealing with the pandemic. 400,000 DEAD as of today! And, not a word of condolence from individual 1. This is all “deplorable” in the words of a famous former candidate for president!

While individual 1 threw money at some of the companies trying to find a vaccine for Covid-19, although, for some reason, not Pfizer – it was no surprise to me he completely BOTCHED to roll-out of the first two vaccines (including Pfizer’s) which gained emergency approval at the FDA. Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president (I’m really tiring of writing those words – one more day) seemed to only be interesting in getting a vaccine approved prior to the election and having no interest in getting them out into “arms.” His entire 2020 was focused on the election and NOT the health of the American people – so, the outcome in November should have surprised no one.

I wrote those paragraphs last night. I found tears coming from my eyes as there was a solemn ceremony at the nation’s Capital remembering the OVER 400,000 American lives lost to the coronavirus pandemic. I watched an interview last night with a young Latinx lady who lives in Phoenix Arizona who has LOST 5 members of her family to Covid-19. So, now this morning I checked in on the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. As Ms. Harris was being given the oath of office as our Vice President the tears came back. Listening to Lady Gaga sing the national anthem, well, here comes the tears once again.

Then Joe Biden was given the oath of office by John Roberts and, of course, there were more tears. I couldn’t help it. It was like, we survived the threat to the fundamental values of our democratic republic which has been under “fire” for the past four years. I wasn’t originally a supporter of Biden during the primaries, but, as usual, the American people are much smarter than me. I believe they chose the perfect (old) person for the job which is required right now. The challenges are daunting – I can’t imagine being in Biden’s position, but, obviously, he’s energized for the challenge. He’s 78 years old. It will be by the Grace of God if he’s still with us four years from now. His sense of optimism is uplifting and I hope and pray he succeeds.

I sincerely hope I lose the sense of obligation to write about individual 1 who, obviously, I’ve come to despise for his personal, outrageous beliefs. I read this morning the list of people he chose to pardon on the way out of office and I was reminded of Bill Clinton’s outrageous pardon of Mark Rich who had, in essence, purchased the pardon which was unworthy to most of us – at least people who think like me. There were a plethora of pardons coming from individual 1 which would be considered outrageous at any other time – but, his level of “outrageousness” has been the so-called “new normal.” However, let’s hope our Congress can somehow make it ILLEGAL for people to be “buying” pardons.

Will Joe Biden be able to succeed in turning back MOST of the outrageous “executive orders” of our 45th (TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president – time will tell. Individual 1 was busy doing as much (MORE) DAMAGE to this republic on his way out the door – like attempting to FORCE a Devin Nunez sycophant into the NSA as the chief counsel – a position which President Biden will have a hard time expunging because of Civil Service rules and regulations. Apparently, he can’t simply dismiss him. (Biden did a bunch of “good” on his first day in office – I believe it was 17 executive orders)

Garth Brooks is singing Amazing Grace – the tears are back. It’s clear, I’m an old man who loves this country and is hopeful my children will NEVER again be subjected to a threat against our republic as we’ve endured for the previous four years. If I make it to the next election I will be doing everything in my power to encourage people to vote for someone who actually believes in the history of this nation and the progress we’ve made and the progress we MUST continue to strive to accomplish. My tears are back once again, the nation’s first poet laureate, Amanda Gorman, as she is reciting an incredibly inspiring compilation of words. As many have said of late, words matter!

For the first time in a long time, I feel encouraged. If for no other reason, gaining a sense of decency in our nation’s Capital will be extremely refreshing to me. I will continue to pray for our country and, more importantly, to pray for those who’ve chosen to align themselves with individual 1 over the previous four years. Hopefully, those who’ve been consumed by HATE will come to understand, as one of the young people in the celebration in DC said, today, “Love wins.” l’ve personally lost patience with people I feel have been supporting the white nationalists like the so-called “Proud Boys” and other right wing neo-Nazi groups and, I’m hoping many of them “come around.” As many have said, there will be a need for reconciliation which requires accountability. We can hope!

I will have to work really hard at this. To me, INSURRECTION is TRAITOROUS! White nationalism has been a stain on America for centuries longer than I’ve been alive – but, it’s become a non starter for me in my personal interactions. My acquaintance who supports individual 1 tells me I’m “intolerant” and, in reality, I believe he’s correct. At least when it comes to the issue of racism and white nationalism. To me, very simply, it is not acceptable in ANY form! Very possibly my best friend was an African American man who I taught with for a decade in Middle School, who died this past year, and what he had to endure in his lifetime causes me to be intolerant when it comes to the racist views of those who stormed our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021. I believe that day “cemented” the fact I’ve become “intolerant.”

Final Thought: I was watching TV tonight and there was a commercial for a new TV show (which I’m not likely to watch) – a redo of “Walker Texas Ranger.” I saw that as I was finishing this post and it reminded me the original “Walker,” Chuck Norris was one of the first “white nationalists” I became aware of soon after Barack Obama was elected as our 44th president. I was in shock, at the time, as he pointed out there were “cells” of “conservatives” all across the nation who were prepared to “take our country back.” At the time, in my naiveté, I didn’t really understand his “dog whistles.” Only when I saw him on stage with Mike Huckabee during the next campaign did I understand the backlash to President Obama – although, I understood the “Tea Party” to be based completely on racism. (All you had to do was watch their rallies with all the racist signs of Obama) That was when what has evolved as “intolerance” apparently began!

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