If individual 1 pardons the INSURRECTIONISTS I’m guessing he would be guaranteed to be convicted in the Senate trial!

I do as much reading as my failing eyes can handle and I’m never even surprised, these days, as I read the words STILL coming from the mouths of those who support individual 1 that the DELUSION runs deep in that part of the republican party which continues to claim individual 1 has some kind of legacy he should have been “burnishing” these past couple of months instead of (in my words) attempting to “burn the place down” on the way out the door. Kellyanne Conway had the “nerve” to suggest we “are more peaceful and prosperous” due to the administration of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

When I read that, all I could think was – as I just said – the DELUSION runs deep. And, Ms. Conway wasn’t the only one. Trust me, individual 1’s “legacy” had long since been determined before he instigated an INSURRECTION of the nation’s Capitol while Congress was certifying the results of the 2020 election. Clearly, the attempt was to stop Vice President Pense from actually doing his constitutional duty by the way of, well, HANGING! The invaders, en masse, were CHANTING “hang Mike Pense” over and over AND, they had constructed a gallows on the lawn of the Capitol Building. It seems to me, somehow, they thought the “authorities” would not contest their actions – and, for a couple of hours, it appeared they were correct.

Just that failure of security is going to add to this “saga” as the information slowly “drips” out as investigations proceed. And, I believe individual 1’s “case” before the Senate will get weaker and weaker as time goes by – especially, if his supporters follow through with the online threats to virtually every Capital in the nation as they attempt to stop the inauguration. Joe Biden is intent on the inauguration happening in the traditional manner, without the “parades” and other festivities which have been canceled because of the pandemic (and, who’s responsible for the intensity of that?). If something happens to him or Kamala Harris who do you think is going to get the majority of the BLAME? That shouldn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out!

A legacy of “peace and prosperity” in the words of Ms. Conway, huh? Well, let me just go over this a bit. Peace? The nation is now FULL of right wing HATE groups who view individual 1, in many instances – literally – as their “FUHRER.” These are groups which range from what are described as “neo-NAZI” to just plain “NAZI” militia groups who are heavily armed and have been brandishing their arms at one Capital after another in an attempt to BULLY state legislators into bending to their “will.” In Michigan, one group of the so-called “Boogaloo Bois” were arrested after actively plotting to kidnap and MURDER the governor of Michigan. These people have been openly THREATENING democrats for the entire time individual 1 has been in office and they are intensely loyal to him as their “vehicle” into what they view as the “mainstream” of American politics.

These are the people who marched on Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us” as they carried Tiki Torches, carried confederate flags and wore NAZI armbands – with one of them eventually MURDERING Heather Heyer by driving his car into a group of counter protesters – people referred to as “Antifa” – which of course, means “Anti Fascists.” In the 1940’s virtually all Americans were “Antifa” – it took individual 1 and his thuggish Attorney General to refer to those who oppose FASCISTS as a “terrorist group” – even though there is no organized group “Antifa” – from what I’ve read it’s a loose nit group of Americans who oppose these right wing Nazi and neo-Nazi militias. To individual 1 the Nazi’s and neo-Nazi’s are “very fine people.”

Peaceful? Wasn’t individual 1 who was urging members of Police Departments to be “not too nice” when they’re arresting people? Do you think that had anything to do with all the Black Americans succumbing to the police because, well, because they happen to be Black? Do you think individual 1 might be considered a RACIST by those Americans who are attempting to NOT be racists? And, I phrase it in that light, because most of US white Americans have a hard time understanding the “white privilege” we’ve enjoyed in our lifetimes because, well, it’s something we’ve taken for granted and come to expect. It’s hard for most of us to put ourselves in the “shoes” of someone of color. I’ve had many REALLY good friends who are African American or Hispanic and it’s really hard for me to fully understand what they’ve had to endure. It’s not right, but it is what it is – as the saying goes, and I admire so many of them for their internal STRENGTH to endure the discrimination and still be incredibly STRONG.

Prosperous? Well, I suppose if you have a connection to Wall Street, that’s how you see things. If you’re connection is to “Main Street” not so much – especially, if you’re younger. The level of unemployed Americans, under-employed Americans, and Americans living in poverty is disturbing to say the least – and, I certainly wouldn’t suggest individual 1 is leaving behind a “prosperous” nation – in fact, to a significant degree, quite the opposite. As I’ve written lately, I believe he’s leaving behind a MESS which makes what Bush/Cheney left behind pale in comparison – and, remember, Bush/Cheney left behind a country teetering on another Great Depression. So, where does that leave us now?

Well, also as I’ve written over the past few months, democrats attempted to provide individual 1 with what was necessary for him to win re-election – he just wasn’t smart enough to figure it out. That, itself, would suggest he’s no “stable genius” wouldn’t it? First, they passed three bills to fight the effects of the coronavirus which included the so-called “CARES Act” – essentially bailing out Wall Street PLUS “we the people” from the effects of the virus in it’s early stages – back when it ravaged the Northeast corridor of the nation. Subsequently, as the virus spread ALL across the country democrats passed the “HEROES Act” which was designed to, as Nancy Pelosi said, “crush the virus” and, naturally individual 1 and Moscow Mitch said, “dead on arrival.” That was a foolish move on their part and a BAD move for “we the people.”

But, suggesting individual 1 is leaving behind a “prosperous” nation would need someone who’s “prosperous” and “blind” to what is actually happening in this nation to even think let alone publicly suggest. Today, for example, there were almost another 1 MILLION unemployment claims just this past week. The actual level of unemployment in this nation as I’m typing this is the worst since the Great Depression. And, keep in mind, individual 1 INHERITED a very healthy economy, which he did NOT enhance (the tax scam helped only the “fortunate few” – which must be who Ms. Conway is referring) and, which he has with so much of what he inherited, he has squandered. The economic situation Biden is inheriting is dire – and, personally, I DON’T trust Moscow Mitch to change his obstructionist ways as he’ll try to keep things heading downward thinking that’s his “ticket” back to the majority leader’s chair.

For heaven’s sake, it feels as if I’m just getting started. I haven’t even referred to the attack on the Capitol Building in any detail and the threats which are circulating online about further insurrection when we talk about a legacy of “peace and prosperity.” There are suggestions individual 1 enjoyed watching the INSURRECTION of the Capitol (he did make sure he told the INSURRECTIONISTS “we love you and you’re special”) and the reports are he blocked the deployment of the National Guard with, ultimately, the “go ahead” being given by Pense – who was holed up in the Capitol listening to the supporters of individual 1 chanting they wanted to hang him. At that point I doubt he’d seen the noose hanging from their makeshift gallows, but, you know, that probably wasn’t necessary to get his attention.

There are other reports suggesting republican members of Congress were giving tours of the Capitol building to those who ended up breeching it the next day – possibly explaining how they knew the premises well enough to find rooms which even some of the journalists who work their full time have suggested are hard for them to find. I mean, there are some real “doosies” in our Congress nowadays. All you had to do was listen to a few of them speak as they defended our NOW TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president from being impeached for INSTIGATING an INSURRECTION which amounted to an attempted coup d’etat. A couple QAnon believing ladies caught my attention – one of them demanding the right to carry a weapon into the Capitol chamber! This is “loony tune” stuff.

The members of Congress SHOULD expel some of the worst offenders in helping individual 1 to instigate this INSURRECTION. Mo Brooks, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy in the House and, of course, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley (really, along with Ron Johnson and Cindy Hyde-Smith) in the Senate. Of course, there were 8 Senators and close to 140 members of the House who voted to overturn the election – even AFTER the INSURRECTION should have made it clear to them their words “matter.” To me, they don’t deserve the honor of serving in our government if they can’t accept the “will of the people” in a free and fair election. And, many of these people are responsible for helping to pollute individual 1’s feeble mind possibly even causing him to believe his LIES about the election were actually true.

We’ve all know for the previous four plus years individual 1, like a mob boss, is bent on revenge when things don’t go his way. He made this clear well before he was ever “elected” (with the help of Vladimir Putin and James Comey – an unlikely pair) and he’s been dishing out retribution like a mob boss ever since he took the oath of office – which, in effect, was an oath saying he WOULDN’T be doing that – instead, he was supposed to “defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC.” To him, an “enemy” is anyone who might disagree with him. Sound familiar? I said, from the beginning, I thought he was trying to “be like Vlad.” (OK, if you’re not too sharp, that would be Mr. Putin, himself) What kind of legacy is that?

What did he accomplish besides ONE piece of legislative success – the tax scam, which has pretty much “blown up” in the face of republicans who are now going to return to their “deficit hawk” days – a bunch of judges (who threw out his frivolous lawsuits attempting to overthrow the election by disenfranchising Black people) and a bunch of executive orders which Biden will soon reverse. Thanks to republicans, that’s where our government “resides” these days. Individual 1 reversed a bunch of Obama era successes via executive orders and Biden is going to reverse them right back. Kind of like a “teeter totter” or maybe a better description would be a “roller coaster.” Either way, this is no way to run a government – but with McConnell running the Senate or OBSTRUCTING the Senate (from the minority chair) “it is what it is.”

“We the people,” by and large, want republicans and democrats to work together in order to “get things done” but, the people of Kentucky keep voting McConnell back into office. That being said, on several occasions during the past four years McConnell has said if individual 1 says he’s “for it” then that’s what they would do – although, there was no way the so-called “wall” was going to be built unless individual 1 could have managed to get “Mexico to pay for it.” That was such an absurd claim and people actually fell for it. Now, of course, most republicans will say “we didn’t really believe that” but, in reality, they did. That’s why I’ve been using the term STUPID on this site lately. Of course, MOST of them believe the 2021 election “was stolen” although, that’s also STUPID. Its really EASY to get the actual DATA on the election and it’s EASY to figure out the reason the nearly 60 LAWSUITS filed by individual 1’s goof ball attorneys were FRIVOLOUS because, well, in virtually EVERY instance that’s what the judges told us. Here’s what I always say to someone I encounter who supports our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – STOP watching Fox “news.” Of course, some of them have listened and now watch “Newsmax” which is very possibly worse. I watched it for about a minute and that was all I needed to see. More misinformation and conspiracy theories. Yikes!

And, speaking of the legacy of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president (I’m really getting tired of writing all that) I haven’t even broached the subject of his MISERABLY failed response to the coronavirus. Originally, I focused on the “missing 70 days at the beginning which COULD have saved thousands upon thousands of lives had he initiated a proper response to an incoming pandemic – which had a “playbook” in place (of course, he disregarded it) and a task force which he had disbanded – and, then, by June he totally had become AWOL and was listening to the wack job Scott Atlas who convinced him the solution was “herd mentality” (of course, that meant “herd immunity”) which was a convenient way for individual 1 to do what he usually did – which was NOTHING.

And, now, there will have been over 400,000 Americans DEAD from this virus by the time he leaves office, they’ll be DYING at the rate of over 4000 per day – by FAR the worst response in the WORLD to the virus – and, he’ll still have many supporters believing it’s just another flu – as they threaten their state governments for attempting to do what individual 1 should have to mitigate the effects of the virus which, of course, is NOW mutating! Legacy?

You’re correct, I haven’t mentioned “foreign policy” either. You know, where individual 1 “threw our intelligence community “under the bus” while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and shaming himself in the eyes of the “free world” as he said words to the effect of “he really meant it” when he said, “I didn’t do it.” “Very Stable Genius?” I DON’T think so! Individual 1 openly has been doing Putin’s “bidding” for four years leaving members of our intelligence community wondering “What does Putin have on him?” Trying to undermine NATO, repeating Kremlin “talking points,” extorting Ukraine, it just goes on and on. He’s a pariah in the eyes of our traditional allies – although, he’s “in love” with maybe the worst dictator in the world, Kim Jong un of North Korea.

I haven’t mentioned all the kids STILL in cages at our Southern border who may NEVER be re-united with their parents or all the people seeking asylum who’ve been forced into refuge camps South of our Southern border in opposition to any traditional legal expectation of how we deal with those who have legitimate claims of asylum in America. We are a nation of immigrants – I’ve pointed out here, individual 1, himself, is ONLY a second generation American – where does he get off suggesting it’s time to “draw the line.” Of course, his family immigrated from Germany and that would be OK. Or, it’s OK if immigrants come from places like, well, NORWAY. Do you get the idea. He only opposed the people coming from what he referred to as “shithole” countries – I’ll let you figure out what that means or what “legacy” that leaves behind.

I keep adding here that the African Americans – some he has suggested should go back to their “own” countries – have a family history in this nation which predates his own by several centuries. (That’s HUNDREDS of years if you didn’t do math in school) There are a plethora of REALLY talented African Americans and other Americans considered “of color” and, to me, it’s really exciting to see so many of them being elevated into positions of leadership. Sadly, I believe individual 1’s white nationalist base will NEVER accept a nation where “all men/women are created equal.” I’ve pointed out the things I got wrong with individual 1, like the republican party being willing to go down with him, but more importantly to me – I feel a real sense of grief that our nation could have devolved to this dark place. The reality is over 70 MILLION Americans were willing to accept a pseudo fascist as their leader. It’s really quite sad!

Final Thought: It’s no surprise to me there are rumors circulating individual 1 may pardon the invaders of the Capitol Building who have been charged with crimes already – including the so-called Q “shaman” who has openly asked for one. Here’s my suggestion for our (now) TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and that is ignore these requests. You’re about to face ANOTHER trial in the Senate and you have a lot STILL to lose should they vote to CONVICT you – which, I believe will be a certainty if you choose to invade these INSURRECTIONISTS. Additionally, decisions will need to be made after you leave office whether to charge YOU or not – or your family members – which can be CHARGED with D.C. Crimes which you can’t pardon. If you pardon the INSURRECTIONISTS I believe your future gets even more “cloudy” than it already is.

I’ve been giving individual 1 advice – along with, of course, a lot of criticism, because he just wouldn’t listen to me – for over four years now. My guess is he may listen this time because, after all, he’s all about, well, individual 1. We’re not seeing him supporting more and more people around him who he believes have either been disloyal or incompetent. (He apparently doesn’t understand his OWN incompetence) For example, the reports today are that he’s STIFFING Rudy Giuliani’s exorbitant FEES for his so-called “legal services.” Giuliani was willing to STAIN himself in one court after another carrying the “water” for the BASELESS claims individual 1 was making about the so-called “steal.” When I first heard Giuliani was charging $20,000 per day (yep, you read that correctly) I actually wondered in individual 1 would pay it? (OK, just to make sure if you’re still reading, it was a “joke” that he might listen to me. I seriously doubt he’s one of the 200 or so who somehow show up here on a daily basis)

After all, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president had raised about a quarter BILLION dollars AFTER the election, supposedly to “fight the steal.” So, I’m sure, Giuliani figured $20,000 per day is, well, “chicken scratch” compared to the $250,000,000 individual 1 had scammed off his adoring “ditto heads.” Well, it’s still individual 1 – he’s been STIFFING lawyers, bankers, workers, etc. for over 50 years. Giuliani FAILED him – now he’s had to accept there’s going to be “a peaceful transfer of power” – based on what are being called the “hostage videos” he’s putting out in his final days in office. So, Giuliani is just the latest person who has FAILED der leader – now, he has to hope for that pardon which, if individual 1 is really mad at him, might be in jeopardy.

I have to add: The republicans who are deciding if they’ll “do the right thing” when individual 1’s trial in the Senate comes due, are not only living in fear of individual 1’s voters, they also understand those who turn on our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president almost immediately start receiving DEATH threats. Of course, democrats in Congress have been living with this for four years now. We’ll soon find out the level of courage of the Senate republicans. we’ve already seen Lindsey Graham to be a true COWARD – after being ridiculed after publicly saying individual 1 was a “naughty boy” (my characterization, of course) has turned back into his publicly sycophantic self. Shame on South Carolina for re-electing this cowardly hypocritical deplorable person! We’ll see about the other republicans soon. (If they choose to acquit him, they will deserve what he does to their party between now and 2024)

I wrote this post about a week before individual 1 left town with his “tail between his legs” and I’m still going to post it – This is my “diary in cyberspace” – I write, I believe, to help with my own frustration. I do have to add, for a few of the 150 or so pardons on his way out of office I think he actually did the right thing – although, many of them – like for Steve Bannon – were absurdly offensive. But, why was I not surprised? (Well, actually, I was with the ones which seemed appropriate and well thought out) Also, he DIDN’T pardon the INSURRECTIONISTS – or, quite possibly himself and his family – although he may have done the secretly. Soon the only time we’re talking about him will have to deal with his legal issues and his failing real estate “empire.”

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