Obviously, the right wing in America doesn’t like the idea of LOSING at the ballot box! Solution: Guns!

I’ve been saying this for years, maybe 10 years as a matter of fact, there’s a WAR going on in America for the heart and soul of this nation and the ENEMY is the “present day” republican party. This became OBVIOUS to me back when Barack Obama became the 44th president in our history and, first, people like Moscow Mitch were saying things like our “number one goal is President Obama will FAIL.” We heard that from the republicans in power and we heard it ad nauseum from the right wing “echo chamber” – ie Fox “news” and the proliferation of more entities forming on the internet which continue to get more radical. These places on the internet, which I don’t frequent, but constantly “hear” about, are either similar or the SAME entities which are used to radicalize STUPID people by ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Of course, there’s also the Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter which have been used right out in the open to radicalize people because they have virtually no limits on MISINFORMATION (OK, you’re correct, I should say LIES) being fomented on their platforms and, by the way, coming from foreign governments – like Russia, for example – inflaming America’s racists – ie, the republican base (OK, republicans aren’t the only racists in America). Facebook and Twitter FINALLY blocked individual 1’s NONSENSE and “apps” like Parlor have been blocked, but the extreme fringe of this INSURRECTION will simply find other places to congregate. As I just said, some of them are congregating with the propagandists of ISIS and Al Qaeda. And, when I talk to people I know who’ve been sucked in, it’s really hard because, in essence, much of what they say either makes no sense or is complete nonsense.

I have an acquaintance who believes (I’m guessing, I don’t remember exactly what he said) something like 30 states are going to attempt succession. I mean there have been people I’ve been aware of for some time in Texas (and other places) lobbying for succession. As I just recently said to him, they’ll get the same result they got last time. Here’s the reality which became apparent with Obama’s election back in 2008 – republicans just don’t like the idea of Black people being elected. In fact, they don’t even like the idea of Black people voting. It’s like they want to take us back to the days of “Jim Crow.” It’s unbelievable to me. I’ve lost my tolerance to endure the conversations with these people. Yes, the situation in this nation is serious, and I hope democrats – and, the republicans who haven’t lost their minds – realize this is a WAR. (I’m a strong supporter of the “Lincoln Project” for this very reason – they “get” it)

I believe the WAR will be won at the ballot box, which is tending to prove true after the 2018 and 2020 elections – although, we’re “living on the razor’s edge.” Democrats have a (bad) tendency to be absent during midterm elections, although individual 1 inspired them to show up in record numbers back in 2018. It remains to be seen if this INSURRECTION will catch the attention of enough people who vote for democrats to start PURGING our Congress of the TRAITORS in their midst come 2022? People like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, in the Senate, are not up for re-election until 2024 – unless the Senate manages to expel them. However, members of the House have to run for re-election every two years and there are a bunch of them whose re-elections – win or lose – will go a long way to determine how many Americans actually are willing to forgive the INSURRECTIONISTS and their instigators.

Make no mistake, those in the republican party are NOT going to stop using the “BIG LIE THEORY” because they’ve relied on it for the past 40 years. It’s just that individual 1 demonstrated how effective you can be if you’re a PATHALOGICAL liar when your “audience” is full of “uneducated voters” – as he famously said back in the 2016 campaign. When you listen to some of the people who were ATTACKING our nation’s Capitol Building it should be apparent – many of them would qualify for the saying, “The light’s on, but NO one’s home.” One of the people arrested, so far, (there will be HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS – the FBI has already identified over 300 INSURGENTS) was alternating between thanking Jesus (the MOST offensive part of all this to me) and reminding people back in Texas, “This is how I’ll sell your home.” ???

I’m not sure how her real estate business is doing, but there’s a whole bunch of INSURRECITONISTS who are now unemployed – along with facing charges which could carry 20 year jail terms (Sedition) – I’m guessing those sentences will be handed out to the worst of the instigators, but, in reality, anyone breaching the Capitol COULD be accused of being a seditionist. And, keep in mind, they KILLED on Cop and brutally assaulted many others with 14 still in the hospital the last time I checked. They were beating Cops with their American flags!

I’ve been saying for at least three years (you can check the archives if you don’t believe me) that individual 1’s place in the history books will be right next to Benedict Arnold – and, he’s getting a lot of company. Of course, there’s already William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Stephen Miller, and some others in the administration already there, but now it’s getting crowded – apparently there’ll be a second paragraph.

People like Cruz, Hawley, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy (not the “original” JFK) and, well, there’s too many to list – 147 members of Congress voted AGAINST the voters of Arizona and Pennsylvania. The ones who offend me every time I hear their voices are people like Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunez, Mo Brooks, and of course, the person considered the STUPIDEST member of Congress, Louie Gohmert. And, I have to add, if it’s not clear as a bell to you, the voters they oppose are the, well, surprise, surprise African Americans.

Like I said above, these republicans want to take us back to the days of Jim Crow. And, it’s no secret to anyone paying attention, some of the most extreme of those in the militia movement – which has been allowed to fester for years – for sure since Obama was elected – are attempting to start a race “civil war” in America. OMG – back to the days of ………….. You, I’m sure saw all the confederate flags in the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021 – there’s your answer. Plus, it’s also no secret out Police forces are full of these white nationalists who are going to have to decide who’s side they’re on “sooner rather than later.” It will be too late for many of them because they participated in the attempted coup d’etat!

I mentioned above the republican response to the election of President Obama and that was when the “Tea Party” was originally formed. And, while we’re giving “credit” here, you can thank the now infamous “Koch brothers” and their network of right wing racist organizations for that movement. Who knows, they may have helped finance the INSURRECTION. And, for anyone who doesn’t understand this, the FBI is looking for anyone who financed the January 6th attempt to overthrow our elected government, those who organized it as well as all those who participated in it. If you don’t understand this, that puts you in the crowd of those I’ve been referring to as STUPID lately!

And, the so-called “Tea Party” has taken over the republican party, at least in the House of Representatives. Their ability to gerrymander enough districts to make some of the WORST offenders almost “untouchable” makes it even more difficult for democrats to keep control of the House although, some my soon find themselves expelled. And, of course, democrats don’t help themselves with their inability to “message” in a way that draws in independent voters on a consistent basis. Although, I believe MOST independent voters (I’m one of them) don’t support the OVERTHROW of our government, democratic messaging MUST improve. That’s why we vote – if you don’t like what’s going on – like the people’s response to individual 1 – the way you change it is to VOTE. And, that’s what has happened in the last four years. Obviously, the right wing in America doesn’t like the idea of LOSING at the ballot box!

And, by the way, my representative is a republican, her name is Jaime Herrera Beutler and, I’ve never voted for her, because, well, she’s a republican and she votes in line with them virtually 99% of the time. In fact, a couple years ago, when she failed to vote with individual 1 on something – like ONE thing, I can’t remember what, the local republicans wanted to censure her. So, I’m sure you can guess how all those people who drive around with two flags on their trucks – one American and one “individual 1,” are thinking about her because she was one of the republicans who, thankfully, voted to IMPEACH individual 1 for the SECOND time. Well, I contact her regularly, usually out of frustration, but after her vote and listening to why she cast it, I called her office to assure her I would be voting for her in the next election. That’s likely a bad sign for her, but I’m now hoping she can hang on to her seat – unless she get’s primaried and there’s a democrat to take over (although, this district is clearly gerrymandered for republicans)

Like anyone else, I have no idea how the near future is going to play out. Will all these right wing nut jobs follow through on their threats to attack the state Capitals in all 50 states? Will the police, National Guard, and FBI treat them as the TRAITORS they are? While I believe Joe Biden is the right person for MOST of the challenges we face as a nation, I’m not sure the response to these thugs is one of them. As my old high school football coach preached, “nice guys finish last.” There’s another old saying “You’ve got to meet fire with fire” and, I believe that is absolutely what is called for right now. Will the National Guard troops in D.C. respond to a violent attack by the INSURRECTIONISTS as the TRAITORS have promised with force? We’ll have to wait to see. Remember, some of them are sympathetic! Stay tuned………………..

Final Thought: I have no doubt there were members of Congress who were complicit in the INSURRECTION. I also believe it will become clear in the next days or weeks. I also believe the more time passes from January 6th the better the chances individual 1 will become the FIRST president in our history who is CONVICTED of his “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Of course, that will require at least 17 republican votes in the Senate (remember, Joe Manchin is NOT a reliable democratic vote) for there to be a CONVICTION. I believe they’ll either get the 17 votes or only a few – because, by and large, the republicans in Congress are a bunch of COWARDS! What do they really believe it? Re-election! If inciting an attempted OVERTHROW of our government is NOT IMPEACHABLE conduct, then they might as well take IMPEACHMENT out of the constitution – because, otherwise it’s nothing more than a political “football” designed to embarrass the opponents of those who control the House.

I thought attempting to EXTORT the leader of a foreign nation to CHEAT in the election SHOULD have been worthy of a CONVICTION, but we all knew that would never happen with Moscow Mitch at the “helm” and, as I said, a bunch of COWERING republicans in the Senate. For heaven’s sake, their “trial” was NO “trial” at all. Maybe this time will be different because, well, attempting to OVERTHROW the government is worse, in my mind, than repeated CHEATING to win elections, but, you know, I’m just a retired 6th grade teacher. And, we ARE talking about republicans who’ve hitched their “wagon” to the racist elements of our nation here! Time will tell!

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