If the idea of America as a fascist state bothers you, you STILL have the right to VOTE!

I watched, yesterday – one day after the IMPEACHMENT “trial” ended – as individual 1 vented in a way which made him appear as a “poor man’s” Vladimir Putin. Yes, he’s encouraging reprisals against his perceived “enemies list” but I seriously doubt any of them will end up poisoned. Should one of our so-called president’s “enemies” end up attacked in some other kind of way, well, then, we really will be tilting toward “being like Russia.” While I want to believe that is far fetched, at this point in time nothing surprises me. What we do know is individual 1 is going to do whatever he can to get “re-elected” – and, that obviously includes CHEATING!

I used to rely on the phrase republicans believe “The end justifies the means” to describe their tactics during elections. Well, individual 1 has helped them (republicans) evolve to accepting outright CHEATING as a way to remain in power. Whatever it takes! If you haven’t read any of my previous posts, I’ll remind you – the worst part of all of this, to me, is individual 1’s base is comprised mainly of the “evangelical Christian” community. That being said, I’m an evangelical Christian and individual 1 makes my stomach churn. I struggle to understand how anyone who calls themselves a Christian could support him – in ANY way?!

For example, it’s not just in Christian theology that LYING is WRONG – virtually EVERYONE knows LYING is wrong. Well, it took individual 1 to become our so-called president for people to keep track of LYING because he is LYING almost every time he speaks – the last count I saw was over 16,000 – documented LIES – so far in his first term. (And, hopefully, his last) The count is increasing at an alarming rate and, sadly, there are MILLIONS of “Christians” in America who could care less. It’s as if they’ve made a pact with the devil to get what they want, which, apparently is judges who they hope will overturn Roe.

I’ve pointed out “The Big Lie Theory” has been part of the republican “strategy” for years. They somehow got minions stationed in all walks of our media world to be pushing the identical LIE with the identical “talking points” with the understanding “we the people” would fall for it. The theory goes – if you’re not familiar with it – “If you repeat a LIE often enough people will believe it’s true.” It’s the theory used by the Third Reich, supposedly the work of Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda for the Nazi’s back in the 1930’s.

Whether or not this is a “strategy” used by individual 1 is still a question to me. I believe he’s simply a pathological LIAR which puts him in line with republicans naturally, but I often wonder if his LIES are “on purpose” or just that LYING is embedded in his psyche. (ie pathological) I’ve pointed out now for a couple of years I see our so-called president as a “mafia boss” and, to me, that is becoming more apparent every single day. For example, just the other day, Alexander Vindman was unceremoniously “marched out of the White House” and fired from his job because, well, he told the TRUTH. He answered a lawfully written subpoena calling him to testify before Congress (and, “we the people”) and, by telling the TRUTH, he put himself in the “cross-hairs” of individual 1 and many of his supporters. (To individual 1 he’s a “rat”)

Telling the TRUTH got Colonel Vindman death threats via the internet, it got him accused of being a spy by many on Fox “news” – right on millions of American’s TV sets – Americans who, mostly have been conditioned to believe the right wing LIES of the republican party and now who vehemently oppose ANYONE who doesn’t bow to “dear leader.” It really is a quite sobering situation we have here now in America. Walking Colonel Vindman out in a way designed, apparently, to “shame’ him publicly, wasn’t enough for individual 1. So, he had Colonel Vindman’s brother, another 20+ year veteran of the Army who had nothing to do with his brother’s telling of the TRUTH also unceremoniously “walked out” of the “White House.” (I’m sure individual 1 realized Colonel Vindman’s brother was also likely to tell the TRUTH should he be asked so he had no place in the “White House.”)

Next, individual 1 “went after” Gordon Sondland, an inexperienced republican donor who was clearly in over his head as the European Ambassador for the United States. He also chose to answer a lawfully drawn subpoena and testify before the House Intelligence Committee. And, much, I’m sure, to the chagrin of individual 1, Sondland also chose to tell the truth. Now, he had to get some “reminders” from the testimony of others, but ultimately, faced with the possibility of a perjury charge, Sondland “came clean.” And, of course, to individual 1 that made him also a “rat” who needed to be “fired” – no matter the $1.5 MILLION he donated to republicans with a “cool MILLION” going to individual 1’s inaugural committee – money which STILL hasn’t been properly accounted for. (Surprise, surprise) I’ll only be surprised if Sondland didn’t have to find his own way home from Brussels. (And, by the way, part of Sondland’s Hotel empire resides in my hometown)

That brings me to what’s next in individual 1’s vendetta against people he considers part of his “enemies list.” Does that remind you of anyone? (If you’re too young – it’s like Richard Nixon all over again – only worse) Well, people like Masha Yovanovich, Bill Taylor, Fiona Hill, and Vice President Pense’s aid Jennifer Williams have all left their jobs already so individual 1 will have to find a different way to ATTACK them than by firing them – they’re already gone. While none of this surprises me, it reminds me how important it is to vote this thug (individual 1) and as many of his minions (republican Senators) as possible out of office this November.

One thing we can count on is that individual 1 will give us more evidence he’s akin to a mafia boss virtually every day. For example, today the focus SHOULD be on the New Hampshire primary, but, of course, we just got another reason why republicans are living in FEAR of this so-called president. Today the four lead prosecutors in the Roger Stone case, which is at the sentencing phase, resigned because the Department of Justice intervened, apparently because of a “tweet” from dear leader, suggesting the prosecutors were “too mean” in there request for a 7 year sentence. Keep in mind, Stone was found guilty on ALL of the seven counts he was charged with, including (What else) LYING to Congress and investigators of the “Russia thing” and witness tampering – two characteristics of mobsters – and, of course, individual 1 sees nothing wrong with that.

So, our so-called president has intervened in an actual Justice Department prosecution now that, as Susan Collins so adroitly predicted, “he’s learned his lesson” – as he further attempts to stifle dissent via his subtle acts of vindictiveness. I believe his interference in the Stone case is just a precursor to what could be an avalanche of pardons between now and November. And, if he’s “deposed” by “we the people” (God help us if we don’t vote this thug out of office) I believe he will pardon HIMSELF. (Knowing what he’ll be facing in the courts once he leaves office) It should be interesting to see what happens in Stone’s case and whether we find out who “intervened” from the DOJ. (If you’re not thinking William Barr, you haven’t been paying attention.)

I’m reminded once again of Adam Schiff reminding Senators in the “trial” they were threatened with their “heads on a pike” if they voted against individual 1. Of course, they made a public scene suggesting “disgust” at such an idea – when, I believe it’s why they all acted so cowardly – with the exception of Mitt Romney. Now, I’m not one to regularly give props to Mr. Romney, but I believe he’s the ONE republican who will be holding his head high as this DISASTER continues to unfold. Of course, individual 1 was trying to put Romney’s “head on a pike” within minutes of Romney casting his historic vote.

And, people like Rand Paul – who has continually tried to expose the “whistle blower” – will have difficulty finding a rock large enough to “crawl” under. Of course, I have to wonder if Mr. Paul has any more of a conscience than the so-called president. Plus, Susan Collins said, “He’s learned his lesson” – I have to wonder how she’s feeling as the retribution intensifies? Then, there are senators like Lamar Alexander and Marko Rubio who, it seemed to me, were just too lazy to sit through a couple more weeks of this “trial” to listen to John Bolton and other first hand witnesses – they agreed individual 1 “did it” but EXTORTING a foreign government for political gain is not impeachable. Every time I allow my mind to get a picture of one of these Senators I’m overcome with a feeling of disgust!

Well, sure enough, what is individual 1 trying to do with Mitt Romney – along with his most loyal sycophants – as I said above, they’re trying to “put his head on a pike.” And, this would, sadly, include Romney’s niece who is the chair of the Republican National Committee. This is how individual 1 operates. He’s got a large segment of the republican party in a “stupor” and he’s got minions placed in strategic positions – like Moscow Mitch in charge of the Senate and Lindsey Graham now chairing the Senate Judiciary Committee. That guarantees the Senate will do whatever individual 1 wishes. Of course, even in their “red” states both McConnell and Graham seem vulnerable to the voters this November, but I suspect the republicans will find whatever amount of money necessary to keep them in office – I say that with one caveat.

And, what is that, you might ask? Well, I can answer in one word. Michael Bloomberg. (OK, two words) It’s actually Bloomberg who is proving what “money can buy” as he’s vaulting up the polling among democratic voters without one chance to participate in any of the debates so far. How is he doing this? Well, I saw him on the “Late Show” with Stephen Colbert and he said he’s spent over $200 MILLION so far – and, as everyone knows, he can spend whatever he wants. He’s in his mid 70’s and reportedly has between $50 and $100 BILLION in the bank (he confirmed with Colbert he’s got a large checking account) and he’s committed to seeing individual 1 out of office come next January. On the show, he pledged to spend his money whether he’s the candidate or not.

This caused my brain to do a bit of thinking. For example, I really like Elizabeth Warren – I, personally, believe she’s the SMARTEST candidate the democrats have (which is why so many are attacking her) and, I thought, “What would Senator Warren do if she got the nomination and Bloomberg wanted to financially support her?” She’s made such a “stink” about “billionaires” buying our government, would she have to turn him down? That’s really where I worry about the democrats as this scenario unfurls. Take Tom Steyer, as another example. I really like him, I like what he stands for, I like what he’s proposing, and it matters NOT one bit to me that he’s a BILLIONAIRE. (Apparently, he’s only got about $35 BILLION, but I digress) I’m OK with BILLIONAIRES. Had this been his “time,” FDR would undoubtedly have been a BILLIONAIRE – he was part of the privileged class in America when he initiated the “New Deal.”

Here’s what I care about – it’s what people believe in, what they would attempt to get accomplished once in office, and their courage to fight for what they believe in. I’m comfortable with EVERY candidate the democrats are putting on the stage (plus, I’m comfortable with Bloomberg). I suppose I’m the least comfortable with “Mayor Pete” since the day I heard him regurgitate the LIE that democrats were the cause of the huge deficits – which to me was almost disqualifying (he’s only, I think, in his late 30’s – but, just the same, he should know better). Honestly, when I think about it, defeating individual 1 is the overriding issue in my mind – the rest will take care of itself. Of course, democrats MUST retake control of the Senate for any chance that “we the people” will set a course on a progressive agenda which will strengthen our Middle Class.

And, more than ever I care about a person’s personal integrity. That was probably my favorite reason for supporting President Obama. He was/is a man of integrity. He’s an honorable father and husband. Of course, he’s also intellectually brilliant which we can’t say about individual 1. I had my issues with President Obama, which you can find in the archives, but generally I was happy with him as our president. Of course, for eight years you had Moscow Mitch and the rest of the republicans attempting to make sure Obama “failed.” (In fact, along with our so-called president, they’re still doing so – trying to undo as many Obama accomplishments as they can. These people are NOTHING if not VINDICTIVE)

One of the best movies I’ve seen in recent memory was the movie “42” about Jackie Robinson and what he had to go through after “breaking the color barrier” in professional sports. I often thought of that movie when I was feeling a bit of frustration with President Obama, and circumstances since he left office have further confirmed those thoughts. While I was thinking Obama was too pragmatic I’ve come to believe he was saddled with what he could do because of his place in history as our first president of African American descent. The racist backlash to his presidency was plenty without him being more overt in his challenge to the ruling elite of this country. (I always found it ironic when I heard people like Rush Limbaugh referring to Obama as an “elitist.” That pretty much said it all, at the time)

I listened, the other day, to a Black democratic campaign adviser (I think to Joe Biden) who was explaining about things President Obama couldn’t do because of the likelihood it would inspire more racist backlash – with accusations President Obama was an angry…………. (I’ll let you fill in the blank). Just as we have Fox “news” LYING on a regular basis in support of individual 1 they were, during Obama’s term, doing everything they could to turn Americans against our 44th president. And, most of it had nothing to do with policy differences, because, in reality, President Obama was a moderate democrat. Just like the “Tea Party” movement, several Fox “hosts” exposed their racist beliefs repeatedly during Obama’s time in office.

I have friends who are republicans and, at the time, were opposed to President Obama for reasons which made no sense to me – and, I ALWAYS pointed that out to them. I pointed out they were acting like racists. I still remember one of them, a man I care about who is now a pastor in a small Church in Northwest Washington, sending an email to me saying “If someone believes “this, this, this, and this” (of course, he laid out personal beliefs) would you consider that person a racist. I replied to his email with a one word answer, “Yes.” I knew he was referencing his own beliefs and he, thereafter, wanted to change the subject. People I know who considered themselves part of the “Tea Party” movement – in EVERY instance – claimed it was not a racist motivated movement. I have to wonder, “how many Americans are in a state of denial” when it comes to issues like racism, etc.?

Well, if one of them tried to turn my thinking around and suggest, “You can’t stand individual 1 (of course, they’d say his surname, I just cant’s seem to do it) and there’s NOTHING he can do to make you support him. Well, I would have to agree. I don’t know if there was anything he could have done from the start – I recognized his pathological LYING right from the start – well before he was even nominated – I was turned off to his lack of commitment to any values, and the Access Hollywood tape pretty much “sealed the deal” for my disdain of this man. Then, when almost 20 women came forward with supporting evidence to what was on that tape (in his own words) and he accused EVERY one of them as being LIARS – well, yuck! I can’t imagine how “The party of family values” – as they like to portray themselves (or should I say “liked”) – could vote this thug into office.

Since he took the oath of office (which means NOTHING to him), I’ve learned much more about individual 1’s history and it makes me want him out of office even more. I do believe he’s involved with organized crime in some kind of way which we’ll all “discover” at some point in time (I’m guessing some investigative reporter is attempting to “connect the dots” as I’m writing this) down the road. His connection to the Russians goes back well over 30 years, as they were the ones bailing him out of his financial disasters back in the 80’s and early 90’s, One book I read pointed out how he was “laundering” Russian money through his Casino’s in Atlantic City New Jersey for which he paid a substantial fine. Additionally, his history of “selling” real estate to Russians as a way to launder their ill gotten gains is also well documented.

Most Americans are not aware of all this because they don’t have the time or the inclination to read the amount of books I’ve chosen to read – not only about individual 1 and his connections to Russia, but also about Vladimir Putin, who is (and has been) the most dangerous person in the world from my perspective. Individual 1 comes across to me as a Vladimir Putin “wannabee.” Of course, he’s limited by how he can go after his “enemies” by the very constitution he’s attempting to render meaningless – I often think of how he must wish to have the same type of POWER as Putin. That would solve the “free press” issue beyond just referring to the press as the “enemy of the people.” Without the “free” press we would know literally nothing about what he’s really doing as he “deconstructs the administrative state” in line with the wishes of none other than Steve Bannon.

All these people, individual 1 and his most loyal sycophants, are DANGEROUS people who come across in a startling parallel to the Third Reich. In America, it’s taboo to even mention the name Adolf Hitler when speaking about our politics, but the sad reality is “we the people” have allowed a (at a minimum pseudo) fascist into our “White House.” Stephen Miller also fits the bill, of course Moscow Mitch – maybe he’ll do whatever it takes to keep himself relevant, I don’t really know, and of course, Mr. Bannon himself – likely still working for “dear leader” on the outside – and others who come across as people with fascist tendencies. (ie Mr. Paul)

I remember when republicans were accusing President Obama of being a fascist – which simply further exposed their IGNORANCE. i’m guessing MOST of those who made that accusation couldn’t explain what a fascist really is. And, when I looked it up, there were multiple meanings to the term, but here’s what, I believe, would be how most people who understand politics would express fascism, “a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy” – do you see the parallels? Maybe, for example, ask Colonel Vindman, or Senator Romney, or maybe Representative Adam Schiff. The list could go on, I hope you get my “drift.” If the idea of America as a fascist state bothers you, you STILL have the right to VOTE!

Final Thought: I really am getting a bit numb about all the SCANDAL individual 1 feels emboldened to portray on “we the people” simply because the republican party is afraid of him, for whatever reason. (As he said in the Access Hollywood video he was grabbing women by the pussy be cause “They’ll let you do it.” Well, he’s turning America toward fascism because republicans “will let him do it”) I still believe many members of what can only be described as the individual 1 cult will be denying they were part of it within a year or two of his ouster from office – hopefully this next fall. I’ve thought about what might happen if, somehow, he CHEATS his way into another “four years” and I keep asking myself “can a president be impeached more than once?”

Well, the answer to that question, I believe is YES! When I read the constitution I found nothing suggesting any limit on the number of times a president can be impeached. Who knows, maybe republicans will realize their COWARDICE and decide enough is enough at some point. Clearly, individual 1, in his “revenge tour,” is undermining those republicans who believed “He’s learned his lesson.” Of course, we all knew that was foolish thinking, but maybe it will set in on some of them before it’s too late. To me, too late will be EVERY day after November 3rd should he manage to CHEAT his way back in office again.

My friend who is an individual 1 supporter is predicting riots if individual 1 wins again. Well, I guess at this point, I’m inclined to agree with him. In fact, riots wouldn’t surprise me no matter the results of the election – because you can bet he’s going to be exacerbating the differences in this country – both in his rallies AND in his misinformation (Russian like) campaign going on as I’m writing this on Social media. He’s ginning up his supporters and likewise, with his scandalous behavior (LIES), which also is ginning up the opposition – the so-called resistance. My hope is, either way, we have an election “we the people” can believe was “fair.” If the Russians or any other outside “agency” is exposed as being involved, well I don’t think people will believe it’s fair and, things could get ugly.

One last thing: With William Barr as Attorney General I believe the ONLY way “we the people” will know if the Russians or anyone else attempts to interfere in the election will be if individual 1 loses and the next administration exposes it. The second most dangerous person in this country, to me, even more dangerous than Moscow Mitch, is William Barr. Once “we the people” believe the Justice Department is simply a tool of our so-called president (actually, ANY president), well this democratic republic is headed for demise.

2 thoughts on “If the idea of America as a fascist state bothers you, you STILL have the right to VOTE!

  1. Otto VonWolfGang

    Well sweetie I think you might be wrong about the upcoming election. This is going to be a cake walk for the Republicans because…. The Left isn’t what the people want. Mark my word about who is going to riot when Trump wins in 2020: Democrats and their affiliates.

    1. dfpiper Post author

      Well, “Otto,” – what’s the saying, “the name says it all?” I have a friend who thinks just like you – you could be his twin. I mention him regularly in the blog. He also spends too much time allowing himself to get BRAINWASHED by Fox “news.” Of course, he won’t admit he watches Fox and then, in a futile attempt to defend the indefensible, he’ll send me an article which comes from where? You guessed it, Fox “news” (ie individual 1 TV) I’ll add a quick thought, something like 55% of America’s voting public are planning to vote AGAINST individual 1. so it will be interesting to see if Putin can pull off another “miracle” upset. (I suppose that might anger some people – you know “winning” with a few MILLION less votes than the opponent, the true “republican way”) I can see why you right wingers are so “captured” by individual 1 (captured as in CULT) – he’s the best LIAR I’ve ever seen. Of course, I wasn’t alive in the 1930’s! All I can say is God Bless you “Otto.” (I’ll pray for you, just as I pray for my friend, every day!)

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