November of 2020 very likely is going to be an historically memorable time in American history, one way or the other.

In any other time during my lifetime of watching politics in America had FOUR prosecutors resigned due to a president interfering in the process of sentencing a CRIMINAL who had violated aspects of the law which go to the foundation of our “nation of laws” time would have nearly stood still. In the world with individual 1 as our so-called president this seems to be “just another day.” Of course, outlets like MSNBC will be reporting on this, but the individual 1 CULT will either be unaware of what is going on or won’t care. As I have predicted, William Barr has morphed into the second most DANGEROUS person in America and his actions should motivate more progressive thinking Americans (especially, the younger generation) to VOTE!

Here’s my latest thought, how many times can a president be IMPEACHED. I was just talking to a young person I know about second chances and, I believe, the COWARDLY republicans in the US Senate, maybe, are going to get a second chance to reconsider their “CS” vote in the IMPEACHMENT “trial.” We’ll see how the House responds to what is likely to be an accelerating attack on our fundamental republic by individual 1 who now believes there are NO “guardrails.” Personally, and I’ve actually read the constitution, I believe any president can be IMPEACHED as many times as the House votes to IMPEACH him/her. (Of course, the Attorney General also can be IMPEACHED – Just sayin……….)

It’s fast becoming apparent individual 1’s call with President Zelensky will ultimately be a minor abrogation of his obligation to “defend and protect the constitution.” What our so-called president is now doing in his “revenge tour” is likely to make asking a foreign government for help in the upcoming election as simply a “blip” in the area of presidential misconduct. I’ve been saying this for years, with added intensity, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America. When you think “how low will he go?” Well, he’s now suggesting further “punishment” for war hero Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman – who served in Iraq, getting wounded (no “bone spurs” for Colonel Vindman) and – for telling the TRUTH about what individual 1 said on his “perfect” phone call – That’s REALLY low. (If you believe that call was “perfect” I’ve got a bridge …………………)

So, what we now are facing is a (so-called) president who wants the Justice Department to prosecute all of his (perceived) enemies, from Colonel Vindman to Barack Obama (and, a bunch of people in between) while at the same time orchestrating a Justice Department which is undermining the prosecutions of, most recently, Roger Stone, and, a few weeks ago, Michael Flynn. I mentioned above how four prosecutors resigned after the Department responded to a presidential “tweet” and pulled their sentencing recommendation for a man committing organized crime like offenses. The same thing happened with Flynn, only, as far as I know, none of the prosecutors resigned, so it didn’t receive much public disclosure. What Flynn was doing (Illegally) was far worse than his “plea deal” indicated – at the time, I believed, he “pled” to the one “count” to protect his son, who was in on the alleged ILLEGAL behavior right along side “dear old dad.” (Like working for the government of Turkey without disclosing it, and receiving money from Mr. Putin himself – for something?) Think about what having a (so-called) president “weaponizing” the Justice department means? It IS kind of Russian-lite!

In case you haven’t been paying attention (which is likely) to what is going on in the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York, it appears Mr. Barr is sticking his “nose” in there, as well, in regard to the reason individual 1 earned that name during the Michael Cohen pleading AND regarding the investigation of Rudy Giuliani along with his two friends Lev Parnos and Igor Fruman. Of course, Lev and Igor are still facing “justice,” but do you really believe the “investigation” of Giuliani will bear “fruit?” NOT likely! Mr. Barr has turned the Justice Department into a “weapon” of our so-called president which is one of the sure paths to turning America into a “banana republic.” My hope? The 2020 election and the statute of limitations. Not only can individual 1 be prosecuted for his crimes, but also Mr. Barr. (Remember, Barr was mentioned FIVE times in the “perfect” call, AND he clearly has been part of the smear campaign against Joe Biden. Naughty, naughty!

I’m certainly not the only American who saw the authoritarian in individual 1 even before he “won” the 2016 election. What I didn’t see was the level of CHEATING he would “fall” to, and, you have to give him credit, he’s really good at CHEATING! (I’ve mentioned here before, anyone who CHEATS at golf, well, look out everywhere else) And, even though he didn’t totally get away with CHEATING in reference to the Ukraine fiasco leading to his (first) IMPEACHMENT, I do believe he succeeded in destroying the candidacy of Joe Biden. (Another thing I didn’t understand prior to individual 1’s election was his connection to organized crime – including the Russian mafiya)

Now, I wasn’t someone who felt Biden would be the democratic nominee anyway, but, I believe, it’s certain he won’t now. The more people around the country understand what a THREAT individual 1 is to this country, the more you will see democrats focusing on who is MOST likely to BEAT him in November. The reason this is going to be such an interesting election is because the democrats have to try staying one step ahead of individual 1’s misinformation campaign. In a recent post I brought up the name Michael Bloomberg, at the beginning of his MASSIVE campaign of throwing money at our TV screens, thinking he may end up being the safest “bet” for the democrats – most who believe BEATING individual 1 is the number one issue this November. And, we’re already seeing indications individual 1 is surreptitiously going after Bloomberg – just as he was doing with Biden early on. (I’m sure our so-called president believes he should be able to choose the democratic nominee – trust me, he’ll be trying, for sure!)

The other day I read a post on the Daily Kos, a liberal Blog, where most people consider individual 1 in the same light as myself. The post was highlighting comments Bloomberg made back in the days of “Stop and Frisk” (including a video of him defending the plan which has racist overtones) which, apparently, is the “weight” those who don’t want another BILLIONAIRE running for president will be trying to “hang around his neck.” Of course, the “stop and frisk” issue is the first thing he apologized for when he declared his candidacy and, of course, there will be speculation about where this video came from (Bloomberg himself? Individual 1?), but, to me, the reality is Bloomberg is gaining steam as the person who many believe can defeat individual 1. I have to admit, I could care less if it’s a BILLIONAIRE or a pauper – as long as individual 1 gets to defend himself in the Southern District of New York for directing Michael Cohen to commit at least 2 FELONIES on January 21, 2021. (Those FELONIES earned our so-called president the moniker “individual 1”)

I like to watch Nicole Wallace on MSNBC, apparently because she’s a disaffected republican, and, today, I was reminded when we watch ANYTHING on TV we need to have our “thinking caps” on. For example, today Steve Schmidt (also a disaffected republican) was a guest on Ms. Wallace’s show and, when commenting about Bernie Sanders, he called Sanders a candidate who wants to take “health insurance away from 150 MILLION Americans.” Now, that’s about as ABSURD a comment as I can imagine (Something you’d see on Fox), but, sadly, it went uncontested. Actually, what Sanders wants to do is to make sure EVERY American has health insurance – simply in the form of Medicare. (Full disclosure, I’m on Medicare and it’s really, really good. Keep in mind, if EVERYONE is on Medicare, all doctors will (have to) accept Medicare patients and hospitals will be required to follow Medicare rules – which, from my experience, are very good.

I was really disappointed there was no blow-back on Schmidt’s MISINFORMATION – as I said above, that’s what I would expect to see on Fox “news,” although this happened toward the end of the show so maybe there just wasn’t time. I believe Schmidt was removed from the “guest list” at MSNBC when he attempted to lead Howard Schultz into this election as a third party candidate. Obviously, the idea of an actual “liberal” doesn’t appeal to Mr. Schmidt. And, despite what Bernie claims, he’s essentially a “liberal.” America has been a “Socialist democracy” since the days of FDR. Yes, since those days republicans have been committed to defrocking the “New Deal,” but Bernie’s simply part of a MAJORITY of Americans who believe health care is a “right,” who believe higher education SHOULD also be a right (albeit, one which must be earned in the lower grades – at least from my viewpoint), and believes the wealthy owe their fair share to our nations “coffers” – as they benefit the most from America’s wealth.

I simply have to wonder where Mr. Schmidt is actually coming from. I, today, got the feeling (just a feeling, no real evidence) , he’s going to be one of those pushing for Bloomberg as the democratic nominee. I, personally, am perfectly fine with Bloomberg as the nominee, but only if he is willing to push a progressive agenda and only if he legitimately gets voted in as the nominee with no shenanigans. I do believe the democrats have the opportunity to nominate a different BILLIONAIRE – one who has gone through the “process” from the start and one who’s been supporting a progressive agenda for YEARS, and that’s Tom Steyer. It’s true he doesn’t have as many BILLIONS as Bloomberg, but how many do you need? Despite all of Elizabeth Warren’s protestations against “BILLIONAIRES” buying elections, I’m hoping both Bloomberg and Steyer are “all in” no matter who wins the nomination. They have the money to offset the republican Super PAC’s which seem to have unlimited funding.

I’m certainly not one who believes someone should be persona non grata in the democratic party because they’re a “Billionaire.” In fact, I think it’s great people are able to succeed mightily in this nation, I just also believe if you get rich in America you have more responsibility to “give back.” And, for people who want to hoard BILLIONS, that would be in the form of higher taxes. When I was young (back in the 1950’s and 1960’s) Americans who earned in excess of (in today’s dollars) a MILLION dollars per year paid something like 90% on those earnings past that “cool MILLION.” That percentage was pared down a bit until Reagan took office and he chopped it almost in half. Since Eisenhower’s time republicans have had a war on income taxes for the wealthy and, I believe, it’s an undeniable reason why working class Americans have been “treading water” economically (or worse) since the 1980’s.

The issues we’re all facing in today’s America, in my view, require us all to cherish the “big tent” which has always been the democratic party’s mantra (I’ve been an independent because of what I’ve seen as democrats’ failure to defend their own fundamental beliefs – ie, the “New Deal” – they didn’t even defend “Obamacare” until it became popular!) without attacking each other. To me, whoever the democrats nominate for president in 2020 will get my vote. When you think about it, unless you’re a “lemming” there is not one candidate who stands for EVERYTHING you do. The issue in 2020 is do you want America to be RULED by a mafia like autocrat. Do you want America, really, to be like Russia?

As a former 6th grade teacher I always wondered about the young people I was teaching and how some of them seemed oblivious to the reality our society was formed by people who were willing to FIGHT for it. I wondered, “How many of these students will be willing to FIGHT for this country if the need arises?” Of course, I was thinking in regard to an attack from OUTSIDE, but the reality is we’re facing an attack from WITHIN! “We the people” are dependent on a MASSIVE response to individual 1 at the polls come November. If that happens, I believe there is no chance individual 1 remains in “POWER” past January 19, 2021. The willingness to FIGHT for this great country requires people simply to make sure they CAN vote – and then VOTE!

No matter how this all plays out, I believe it’s going to be uncomfortable and nasty. Most people don’t understand what it will be like to come after a mafia like “boss.” A person who, when his lips are moving is LYING, and a person who has a CULT-LIKE following, which seems willing to accept anything coming out of those “lips.” November of 2020 very likely is going to be an historically memorable time in American history, one way or the other. This issue with individual 1 interfering in the sentencing of Roger Stone and his “Roy Cohn” (William Barr) make it clear, the importance of this election – a clear example of how a “democracy” turns into a dictatorship. If he loses, individual 1 will claim the election was “rigged.” (And, just like 2016, if he “wins” the election will have been “rigged”)

But, of course, there’s a lot more. There’s the FACT individual 1 is a climate change denier, he’s a lackey of the NRA, he’s trying to take health care away from MILLIONS, he’s destroying our “administrative state” (like the State Department, the Agriculture Department, the Defense Department, the Intelligence Community, of course, the Justice Department, and he’s going after the “free press”), and he’s destroying our place in the world in relation to our traditional allies. That doesn’t even bring up what he’s doing to our “Dreamers” and what he’s done at the border – much of it qualifying for the SHAMEFUL section of U.S. History. The list is much longer than that! However, as I’ve said before, I continue to choose to be an optimist.

I believe young people are going to vote in record numbers, I believe democrats are going to vote in record numbers, and, I believe the democratic party is going to campaign EVERYWHERE in 2020. And, they may need the help of “Billionaires to do so.” To me, there are democratic leaning Americans in Georgia, Alabama, and other Southern states. The rust belt, SHOULD be voting for whoever the democrat candidate ends up being – I “get” a significant part of the CULT falls in those parts of the nation, but we have to FIGHT to save these people from the BRAINWASHING they’ve absorbed. What was learned, I hope, in 2016 is the importance of the Electoral College. Stay tuned…………………..

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