I have to wonder if individual 1’s “acquittal” will “unleash” Barr? Who, you might ask, is celebrating all of this? Yep, you’re correct, Vladimir Putin!

While Americans brace themselves for the likelihood the Russians and other foreign “actors” will be “intervening” in the 2020 election I, personally, believe the potential for “hacking” is every bit as likely coming from Americans referred to as “trolls.” I was just watching a segment on the internet referring to the debacle at the democratic caucuses and part of the problem was “internet trolls” (who apparently got the phone number on a site called 4 chan) jamming the phone line used by caucus chairs to report their results, causing the phones to be jammed for hours and creating chaos as the democratic leaders attempted to report the results.

The Russians left us wondering how much effect did they actually have on the final results of the 2016 election. Since then, individual 1 has initiated NOTHING intended to protect our election process from “bad actors” and, now, I’m feeling some of those bad actors could be his supporters here on the “homeland.” It’s now (as I’m writing this) one day since Mitt Romney voted to convict individual 1 on Article I of the IMPEACHMENT charges and, as predicted, the blow-back has already started. I keep thinking of Adam Schiff suggesting Senators were living in FEAR of having their “heads on a pike.” Prophetic!

That should tell “we the people” all we need to know about what individual 1 is attempting to do to this country – with the help of republicans who ONLY care about winning elections and keeping POWER while their party continues to shrink. I’ve said this many times – Americans simply wont vote for candidates who appear WEAK. Right now, with so many attempting to stay relevant in the nominating process something like this FIASCO in Iowa makes the entire party look bad. It seems obvious there are many operating surreptitiously willing to ATTACK our election process and the message at “4 chan” to flood the Iowa Caucus phone lines gives us a “peek” at what lies in store.

We KNOW the Russians are still feeding disinformation into our Social Media networks, most specifically on Facebook and Twitter, and they will be active when it comes time for the national election in November. Having individual 1 in the “White House” is working quite well for the Russians as Vladimir Putin continues his covert ATTACK across Western Europe virtually unimpeded by America. Putin is busy attempting to “Make Russia Great Again” and he couldn’t have a better “helper” in the “White House” than individual 1. If the American people fall for individual 1’s mountain of LIES going into November and vote him into office for another 4 years I believe NATO, for example, will likely not survive – much to the glee of Mr. Putin.

However, it’s becoming even more apparent to me individual 1’s supporters who are affiliated with the so-called “alt right” (ie Steve Bannon), similar to our so-called president, have no “bounds” and they could be more of a threat to our election process than the Russians. Just as the Russians are using our open society against us I believe there are many Americans who will be doing the very same thing. And, of course, during all this the democrats will be focused on “following the rules.” Additionally, you can take this to the bank, individual 1 will be lashing out at his perceived “enemies” from now until November and any republican who even makes a “whimper” of criticism will, as Mr. Schiff said, “find his/her head on a pike.”

We are living in an HISTORIC time – where the future of our nation is at stake in the upcoming election like it never has before. I can think of many elections where I felt I was voting for the better of two candidates neither of which I was excited about. Often times I was voting against a candidate, but NOTHING to the degree which I will be voting AGAINST individual 1 and likely ANY republican as long as I’m still able to vote. I’ve been saying since the day Dick Cheney took the oath of the Vice Presidency back in 2001 – “winning” due to a Supreme Court which was already stacked toward the “right” – this is a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation.

One of my MAJOR issues with President Obama was I never felt he understood the seriousness of this “war.” He started his first term with what I’ve always suggested was the WORST decision of his two terms in office – and that was “looking forward instead of back.” He blocked ALL the investigations into the ILLEGAL activity of the Bush/Cheney regime which included the investigations into the WAR CRIMES everyone knew were committed. I believe President Obama even succeeded in stopping the Spaniards from their own investigation which would have labeled GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and others as WAR CRIMINALS. At the time, I predicted this would enable future republicans to believe, as individual 1 has repeatedly claimed, “I can do anything I want.”

I do believe younger members of the electorate who support democrats do understand this is a WAR. They are the ones who will face the real consequences of four more years of, for example, climate science denial. They are the ones who have a more direct experience with the issue of the NRA turning America into a nation flooded with weapons capable of MURDERING mass groups of people. They are the ones who are facing the possibility of republicans destroying the Social Security system. They are the ones who will bear the brunt of republicans destroying the health care system more than they already have – the younger generation are well educated and know about American History – which indicts republicans as the problem stopping democrats from creating a national health care system since the days of Harry Truman. I believe these young Americans are going to VOTE en masse this November.

Make no mistake, individual 1 and the republicans will do whatever they can to block as many of these young Americans from voting along with as many African Americans and as many older Americans likely to vote for democrats. The voter suppression tactics of republicans have been red hot since the day the Supreme Court “gutted” section 5 of the Voting Rights Act – the section designed to prevent the very voter suppression tactics which sprouted almost the day after their decision. House democrats, in one of their first actions in this Congress, passed “HR 1” which is aimed at restoring the Voting Rights Act, among other important issues. The Bill sits at the foot of Moscow Mitch’s desk! Again, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation.

“We the people” have been brainwashed over the past 50+ years to believe we are part of the greatest nation on earth and to believe our constitution is the foundation of our nation. In fact, all politicians and public servants (ie military, FBI, intelligence, etc.) take an OATH to “protect and defend” the constitution when they take their oath of office. What we’re learning with individual 1 as our so-called president is how fragile that constitution actually is. This republican party has had their sights on undermining that document for years which is why individual 1 is the PERFECT leader of their party.

While republicans tell “we the people” how great we all are, they’ve been “laughing all the way to the bank” – pilfering the tax rolls via their repeated “tax cuts for the wealthy.” “Trickle down” economic policy which causes tax dollars to “trickle up” and deficits to explode. We’ve never seen anything close to the CORRUPTION coming out of this “White House” and you (well, at least me) have to wonder how so many Americans are supporting someone they know is CORRUPT to the bone. Every time I see or hear him I feel even stronger he’s, at a minimum, a pseudo organized crime boss. I certainly am one who is wondering what’s on his tax returns? We KNOW he has a history of laundering Russian money! Just sayin………….

Individual 1’s pathological LYING works to the ends republicans desire – they are making what amounts to an ASSAULT on the Judicial branch of government by appointing judges whose terms are for life – it’s more important, for example, to them that their appointees are young than qualified. Again, this SHOULD get the attention of Americans of all persuasions – of course, with the exception of those in individual 1’s cult. The right wing benefactors who’ve been funding this push to the “right” in America have been spending BILLIONS for exactly what we’re seeing – they call it the “permanent republican ‘majority'” – where they gain a stranglehold on all three branches of government.

The question will be “front and center” in the news for the next couple of months, at least, as to whether or not democrats are up for what will be, surely even they understand by now, a WAR. If you watched individual 1 today, one day after the end of the Senate “trial,” it SHOULD be clear to you that our so-called president is pursuing third world type revenge on what he considers his enemies. After all, William Barr was part of the scheme individual 1 was attempting to extort from Ukraine and many are concerned Mr. Barr is targeting some of these “enemies” with questionable legal retribution. I have to wonder if individual 1’s “acquittal” will “unleash” Barr? Who is celebrating all of this? Yep, you’re correct, Vladimir Putin! (I’ve been pointing out in my last few posts, ALL Americans SHOULD read “From Russia with Blood” by Heidi Blake. If that doesn’t get your attention, I don’t know what will!

Final Thought: As I was driving around today and thinking about the Americans who were attempting to disrupt the Iowa Caucus results on the democratic side I started getting some alarming thoughts. I’ve lived in the same state almost my entire life so I don’t know how the different primary systems work, but I started imagining supporters of individual 1 participating in democratic primaries in an attempt to disrupt the process by voting for candidates they feel can’t beat our so-called president in November. I have no idea if that’s something to actually worry about, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see an concerted effort on behalf of his supporters to intervene in the process. Stay tuned…………………..

Another day has passed since the above words were written and, last night, as I was pondering the FIASCO which happened in Iowa and my concern that republican operatives will attempt to manipulate the democrats nominating process, the name which kept coming to my mind was Michael Bloomberg. In fact, I even started another rant late last night with that thought in mind and today, after having breakfast with my friend I often write about who is an individual 1 supporter, I turned the radio on there was former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer endorsing Mr. Bloomberg for the 2020 election – obviously, supporting him for the democratic nomination.

My friend believes individual 1 will win in a landslide in this year’s election and, clearly, he’s thinking the democrats are going to nominate Bernie Sanders which he believes is akin to them nominating George McGovern “back in the day.” I told him, “I think they’re going to nominate Michael Bloomberg” and, after a pause, he said, “You might be right.” He believes individual 1 is wildly popular (he also believes he doesn’t LIE) and he believes our so-called president was “totally exonerated” by the Senate. I reminded him I predicted the exact outcome (less Romney’s vote – which, by the way, means my friend believes he should be kicked out of the republican party – I pointed out to him he’s part of a cult) before the “trial” began and, of course, it wasn’t really a trial.

But try to remember how these republicans think – as they’ve been consumed by individual 1. If you remember, when President Obama was in office, the employment numbers which come out every month were a bunch of LIES (according to our so-called president). Obama led a recovery from the “Great Recession” which was in its 7th year when individual 1 (and the Russians and James Comey) pulled off the upset “win” in 2016 (with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton – who, by the way, my friend believes should still be investigated – for what I wasn’t sure). Within days of taking the oath (meaningless for him) of office – where he promised to defend and protect the constitution – the new jobs numbers came out and he claimed credit. He’s been claiming credit ever since for the economy he INHERITED from Obama.

I suppose we should all be happy that he hasn’t screwed up this INHERITANCE (yet), which is unusual for him – although, the tax scam has more than DOUBLED the annual deficit with TRILLION dollar annual deficits for as far as the eye can see – and, should the economy “tank” (which is likely at some point – maybe in the near future despite all the Wall Street glee of late) that deficit will get even more severe. Of course, the republicans wont complain until there’s another democrat in the “White House.”

You can see this “trait” coming from individual 1 over and over. He takes credit for the accomplishments of others and he’s the classic projectionist – putting his transgressions on others before “we the people” knows what has hit them – in this regard, I’m talking about the “liberal media.” They can’t keep up. In the face of all this a majority of Americans understand there’s ONE major goal for the next election. It’s NOT the battle against Climate Change (although it should be), it’s NOT the battle to make health care a “right” in America (although it should be), it’s NOT about Education, women’s rights, restoring the Voting Rights Act, reversing the “Citizens United” decision by the Roberts Court, it’s NOT the crumbling infrastructure, it’s NOT our “crumbling relationships with our traditional allies,” it’s NOT protecting our “homeland” from the cyber attacks coming from inside and outside out borders, although in EVERY one of those instances it SHOULD be – the MAJOR goal of a majority of Americans is getting RID of individual 1 as our so-called president.

And, my hope is he will be able to experience a REAL trial once he’s out of office – you know, a trial where there are witnesses and documentary evidence and where the jurors actually are impartial and vote to convict or acquit based on the preponderance of that evidence. He’s got two trials sitting in wait in the Southern District of New York for the CRIMES he allegedly directed Michael Cohen to commit – CRIMES largely responsible for Cohen sitting in prison as I’m writing this. My individual 1 supporter friend believes individual 1 was totally exonerated, he believes William Barr that individual 1 didn’t commit 10 acts of OBSTRUCTION of Justice in the Russian investigation – an investigation which, according to Robert Mueller, “memorialized” the evidence in case, once individual 1 is out of office, someone may want to re-visit the potential charges. And, the list of his alleged lawbreaking goes on and on – and, by the way, this list includes his immediate family members as well.

I’m not one who has revered Robert Mueller as a national hero – as he was portrayed when chosen as “Special Counsel” – yes, he’s an honorable American who has served with distinction in multiple capacities over the years, but he has to understand the gravity of what this nation if facing – he saw it first hand. I’ve been wondering when those who’ve been discarded by the individual 1 administration would be doing their civic DUTY? Spencer is the first. It’s unusual for someone in the military (even former) to openly challenge the “Commander in Chief” as Spencer has done explaining his support for Bloomberg. I’m waiting for the others. There’s Jim Mattis, there’s Rex Tillerson, there’s Don McGahn, there’s HR McMaster, and, of course, there’s John Bolton. These people, reportedly, have referred to our so-called president as variations of a “F-ing” (fill in the blank – and the missing noun is NOT complimentary). It’s time for them to step forward and be heard – right now, especially, John Bolton.

I will end this with a “spoiler alert” for Mr. Bolton. At breakfast, this morning, my friend was mentioning Bolton at the top of the perceived “enemies list” – so, for his sake, I would recommend AGAINST waiting for your book to give your testimony. Based on what my friend said, Bolton is ALREADY persona non grata in individual 1’s “republican party” (ie cult). Apparently, he’s no longer welcome on Fox “news” (although I have no idea if that’s true, I can’t bear to tune that channel in) And, I have to guess, at this point in time, Bloomberg appeals to Bolton more than does individual 1!

More and more people are going to see Bloomberg as the person who can defeat individual 1 and I hope the democrats, like – for example, Elizabeth Warren – don’t blow it if that’s what the voters decide. (Being a BILLIONAIRE shouldn’t disqualify you – personally, I would support Steyer as well) Of course, I’m only speculating, but Bloomberg was the thought that permeated my brain last night and when I heard Spencer speaking this morning it motivated me to write. No matter who democrats choose, it’s imperative ALL the factions of the party unite in the common goal to GET RID of individual 1. And, while they’re at it, vote the republican majority out of the Senate so that some actual progressive legislation can be enacted. This will be a “tightrope” act for Bloomberg, but it appears to me he’s smart enough to pull it off!

Sorry, I know this is way too many words!

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