My feeling is Lamar Alexander is a disgusting example of what a Senator SHOULD be! (There’s 53 of them)

Anyone paying attention KNOWS individual 1 is GUILTY of the charges brought against him by the House of Representatives AND we all know the republicans in the Senate could care less. This “trial,” in my view, is less about our so-called president than it is about the basic tenets of our Constitution and the brilliant plan of “separation of powers” where each branch was granted powers to CHECK the other, a plan which has worked for well over 200 years, and a plan which is really what is on “trial” as we get closer to the day when the republicans in the Senate do what we ALL knew they were going to do before this all started. In fact, the knowledge they would acquit individual 1, no matter what, almost caused the House to turn a “blind eye” to our so-called president’s corrupt, corrosive, and ILLEGAL behavior. (Spoiler Alert: There was a surprise – see “Final Thought” below)

I clearly remember, back in 2007, after Nancy Pelosi was elected the Speaker of the House the first time, and when we had a president and vice president who were authorizing TORTURE and were repeatedly violating the FISA laws, there was NO move toward impeachment because the Senate would not convict. Well, individual 1 pushed the bar FARTHER than even Bush/Cheney to the point where his illegal, corrupt activity FINALLY got the attention of Ms. Pelosi where members of the House said, essentially, “If this behavior is NOT impeachable, then what would be?” There seemed to be new “High Crimes” every week, leading up to the Ukraine Extortion scheme.

Well, the result, from my perspective, has been “we the people” are witnessing a group of “House managers” who are EXTREMELY impressive. As I listen to the closing remarks coming from, one by one, the House managers – ending with Adam Schiff, who has been remarkable – we’ve seen House members who make, at least for me, the idea “we the people” can be excited about removing individual 1 AND as many of these republican sycophants in the Senate as we possibly can come November 2020. The members of the Senate like to crow they are the “world’s most deliberative body.” Well, this IMPEACHMENT “trial” is putting the LIE to that arrogant self aggrandizement. (For his excellent work, by the way, Mr. Schiff is ALREADY receiving “death threats”)

Thankfully, “we the people” put a large group of honorable, progressive members into the House of Representatives in 2018. I called that election the most important election of my lifetime – and, I started voting in the 1960’s – and, now I’m saying if “we the people” don’t continue our MASSIVE move to the polls in November and complete this IMPEACHMENT, pushing it beyond the “hands” of the Senate, for these republican Senators who know individual 1 is TOTALLY guilty will ALL likely vote for acquittal, then what happened in 2018 becomes extremely mitigated. Because, we KNOW if individual 1 is “re-elected” and Moscow Mitch continues to lead the Senate this nation will be unrecognizable for a generation. (I started this post prior to the Senate vote, so again, “Spoiler Alert” – there was ONE surprise)

To voters, 2022 will be too late to figure this all out. Adam Schiff put it well when he reminded us all about Abraham Lincoln pointing out the only way we lose this republic will be from “within.” My father and MILLIONS of other Americans put it all on the line in the 1940’s to stop Adolf Hitler and now “we the people” are facing another assault on the fundamentals of our republic (From a source which dangerously parallels that of the Third Reich) and this next year will make a powerful statement as to the future of this nation. The republicans in the Senate have, essentially, treated this IMPEACHMENT as an annoyance – where they couldn’t even sit in their places in the Senate chamber and listen to all of the arguments – as legally required – because, as we all know and I’ve stated many times, the outcome was never in doubt – Moscow Mitch made that clear prior to the “trial” on a Fox “news” segment.

I have to wonder whether the republicans in the Senate have any idea of how they’re going to be portrayed in the history books? Take Lamar Alexander, for example. He stated the House managers had proved their point so there was no need to hear from anyone else – as he voted against calling witnesses and subpoenaing documents – evidence which would further PROVE individual 1 is GUILTY of IMPEACHABLE behavior. Does this simply mean he’s just not willing to sit there for another few weeks making this an actual trial? My feeling is Lamar Alexander is a disgusting example of what a Senator SHOULD be! For example, even if he’s convinced of individual 1’s guilt (which he says he is) there are MILLIONS of Americans who deserve to hear ALL the evidence! Shame!!!

Of course, there’s 53 Senators sitting on the republican “side of the isle.” As I’ve said, my reading (I read a lot of books) has suggested Moscow Mitch, Lindsey Graham, and Marko Rubio, at least, have taken large amounts of money from Russian sources. Of course, Lev Parnos wanted to testify and, it was reported, one of the charges against him was funneling MILLIONS into republican “Super PACS” with money coming from (somewhere in) Russia. Who knows how many of the republican Senators have taken some of this “dirty” money? Just as the evidence of individual 1’s ILLEGAL and corrupt behavior will continue to come out after his “trial,” so will the evidence of who is getting the Russian money. And, if you can’t make the connection as to what that means, well, I don’t know what to say.

I mean, Mr. Parnos and his buddy Igor Fruman were working right out in the open with Rudy Giuliani and co-mingling with individual 1 at multiple venues while they were doing a LOT of questionable business – not, the least of which was bringing this Russian money into our election process. Should Justice Samuel Alito read this post – I will always remember you shaking your head as if President Obama didn’t know what he was talking about when he predicted this very problem after the Supreme Court’s DISASTROUS “Citizens United” decision. And, of course, Justice Roberts, I believe, wrote that opinion – so, I can imagine he would have been a bit uncomfortable sitting there while Mr. Parnos was testifying. Just sayin…………….

If you watched these House managers you have to be encouraged about the future of the House – keep in mind they’ve put around 400 bills at the “foot” of Moscow Mitch’s desk and around 300 of them are languishing with no chance of even any debate. And, these are bills which represent issues which are extremely important to most of “we the people.” (Lowering drug costs, gun control legislation, minimum wage legislation, climate legislation, health care legislation, infrastructure, and on and on – 400 BILLS) These are bills supported by large majorities of “we the people” – but, there they sit – at the foot of Moscow Mitch’s desk. And, democrats can do nothing about it. In fact McConnell brags that he’s the “grim reaper” in regard to legislation the people desperately want our Congress to address.

We saw in individual 1’s “trial” another example of republicans ignoring what “we the people” want. For example, 75% of Americans wanted “witnesses and documents” to be subpoenaed and there weren’t even 4 republicans willing to honor the “will of the people.” So we’ve got one House of Congress which is working and another which you have to wonder what they’re doing – beside confirming right wing judges and blocking “the will of the people.” I’ve heard reports they show up to work on Tuesdays and head for home on Thursdays. No wonder they didn’t want to drag this IMPEACHMENT “trial” out for a few more weeks – they were FORCED to “work” 6 days a week.

Personally, I did that for almost 50 years – even in my final 23 years of working as a 6th grade teacher, it was a rare weekend when I was not in my room prepping for the upcoming week’s lessons on Saturdays – and sometimes, also, Sundays – not to mention the work at home. Again, SHAME on Senator Alexander and the rest of the republicans (less the one with a conscience – mentioned below) for not EVEN being willing to listen to the FACT witnesses who had FIRST HAND knowledge of what transpired in this shakedown of Ukraine’s President Zelensky and subpoenaing the relative documents – forcing individual 1 to cooperate by providing the “evidence” of voting to convict on Article II.

Final Thought: I started this post prior to the (sham of a) vote where republicans chose to ignore the overwhelming evidence suggesting individual 1 is even MORE of a criminal than what is already publicly known, Felonies which gave him the “individual 1” moniker, but, before we saw the FIRST (so-called) president in American history have a member of his own party vote for him to be REMOVED from office via impeachment as Mitt Romney voted GUILTY on the first Article of IMPEACHMENT. Certainly, caught me by surprise.

So, do you remember Adam Schiff using the term “putting your head on a pike” as he suggested republicans live in FEAR of individual 1 as they make one (non-republican) decision after another. I believe Schiff’s words will ring prophetic as we watch the blow-back Romney is destined to endure after his historic vote. And, make no mistake, the votes of EVERY republican in this “trial” will be historic and the ONE vote on the correct side of the “ledger” will be Romney’s.

There are over 50 republicans who further soiled themselves today as they continue to live in FEAR of one of individual 1’s NASTY “tweets.” I keep asking myself, “What the hell has happened to this nation?” Well, if you want somewhat of an answer to that question, read “From Russia with Blood” by Heidi Blake. Individual 1 continues, it appears, trying to “be like Vlad.” Yikes!!! My hope is the VOTERS will provide the proper consequence for individual 1 and as many of these COWARDLY republicans as “we the people” can mobilize to get rid of.

Here’s a list which comes off the top of my head: Susan Collins, Martha McSally, Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst, Moscow Mitch, John Cornyn, and Lindsey Graham – and, hopefully more. These people have sided with the (so-called president) who chose to believe Putin instead of our (17) Intelligence Agencies. The president who openly is seeking help from Putin, the Ukrainians, the Chinese, or any other foreign government or entity who might help him slime his opponent is a MORE dangerous THREAT to the foundation of our republic (the constitution) with every passing norm he abuses or law he breaks.

As you watch the reaction to Romney’s vote to CONVICT individual 1 of Article I it will become clear what is happening in this nation I so dearly love. The assault Romney is about to endure – likely it’s already well under way – is, I believe, aimed more at the other republicans than it is to Romney. Romney is from Utah and, I believe, politically he’s in no danger and, for that matter, he doesn’t care. His vote to convict was a matter of conscience and what he’s now facing is a message to the rest of the republican party that “leave your conscience at the door.” If you want to stay in power you’ll act like the sheep you’re expected to be! Honestly, this episode should send a chill down the spine of every American – who has one.

I used to complain about democrats as being spineless – AFRAID to defend their own fundamental beliefs. Well, these republicans have made the democrats look like Ninja Warriors. And, I say with a sense of hope, the democrats “we the people” sent to the House in 2018 are, many of them, very impressive. It appears they’ve caused Nancy Pelosi to throw some of her “caution” – which has caused much frustration for people like me – somewhat “to the wind.” I believe her tearing up of individual 1’s prepared remarks after his bloviating “State of the Union” LYING was a sure sign these young democrats are having a positive effect! Yeah!!!

Evidently, I SHOULD have said “Final Thoughts“! :o)

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