OK Rudy, get your “insurance policy” front and center!

Here we go again! Today it was reported in an interview between individual 1 and another alleged sexual predator Bill O’Reilly where our so-called president was asked about whether or not he was directing Rudy Giuliani in his ILLEGAL dealings in Ukraine and, as if he was talking about Michael Cohen, individual 1 responded, “Well, you’ll have to ask Rudy.” OMG! Then individual 1 added, “Rudy has other clients, I’m not his only client.” Question: “Did you ask Giuliani to go to Ukraine?” Answer: “No, but Rudy’s a warrior who fights against corruption.” Yikes!!! OK Rudy, get your “insurance policy” front and center! (Hint: Rudy was breaking the law)

I’ve personally seen at least two occasions where Giuliani has mentioned he has “insurance” – the first time I saw him do so he was holding up his cell phone. In that instance I was under the impression he was, essentially, threatening Mike Pompeo not to “throw him under the bus.” Apparently, Rudy’s got more to worry about than just Pompeo – as this second reference to his “insurance” was clearly aimed at individual 1. All of this reminds me AGAIN of my days as a sixth grade teacher (trust me, individual 1 OFTEN reminds me of the sixth grade BULLY) where there was a sign above the entrance to the principal’s office which read: “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember.” Well, individual 1 and those who surround him have a clear issue with telling the truth – and, it’s all starting to “pile up.”

People like Giuliani, Lev Parnos, and I’m sure others involved in the SHAKEDOWN of Ukraine really don’t like the idea of JAIL. And, there can be NO doubt our so-called president will “throw” every last one of them “under the bus” if it keeps him in office. Remember, once he’s no longer protected by the OLC memo which says a sitting president can’t be indicted, he’s facing a plethora of legal challenges – many of them of the CRIMINAL nature. Individual 1 has been acting as if the LAW can’t “touch” him for years – well before he became our so-called president. In fact, as much of this news broke tonight individual 1 was in Florida at another campaign rally thumbing his nose at the law and those who enforce it. And, those at his rally, as usual, willingly accept the reality THEIR president is constantly LYING to them!

As I listened to individual 1 in the Florida rally tonight I felt, for one thing, a sense of embarrassment that so many Americans fall for this bevy of LIES. Secondly, I had to think about reports of the Russians laughing at “we the people” that they could cause so much discord in our nation so easily. As I’ve said (and many others too) the Russians consider individual 1 as either a “useful idiot” or, quite possibly, simply an “idiot.” It really is embarrassing. Likewise, the FACT the republicans are “falling in line” and media outlets like Fox “news” are propagating every one of individual 1’s LIES – reporting as if they are actually journalists. As all the additional evidence comes out it’s hard to envision how Fox can continue to “toe the line.”

Individual 1 acts like a MOB boss and every indication is that he’s been doing this for the past 30 or so years. Sadly, his evangelical Christian base could care less – in fact, I keep hearing examples of people, who should know better, referring to individual 1 as the “chosen one.” That, to me as a (liberal) Christian is OUTRAGEOUS! I can’t even find the words to express my discouragement this is actually happening. I have a friend who I often refer to here who, is an individual 1 supporter, and he recently emailed me asking me to give a specific example of a law which was broken.

Of course, he seems to forget why I refer to our so-called president as “individual 1” – the name given him by the US Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York regarding his role in TWO felonies – which, by the way, the above mentioned Michael Cohen is spending 3 years in JAIL for his part in the conspiracy. (Well, partially for) (Oh yes, as mentioned above, when individual 1 was asked about the payoffs leading to those FELONIES he said, “You’ll have to ask Michael.” Question: “Do you know where he got the money?” Answer: “No, again, you’ll have to ask Michael.” – Of course, the money came from individual 1 himself) However, I pointed out the soliciting “a thing of value” from a foreign government (or national) to help in an American election is ILLEGAL. Plus, I added, I believed the suspension of the Ukrainian funds which had been appropriated by Congress was likely ILLEGAL.

Well, part of what was reported tonight referred to the suspension of that aid which had been appropriated by Congress and that the suspension of the aid which, as it was done, very likely violated the Foreign Assistance Act. Yes, the president has the power to suspend aid which has been appropriated, but he FIRST must notify both Houses of the Congress and get their approval for the suspension. Obviously, this did not happen in this instance. In fact, as more FACTS come out the case against our so-called president becomes more and more damning.

When are individual 1’s supporter going to figure out what is happening to them – and, by extension, to “we the people?” Individual 1 is operating via the Big Lie Theory of Joseph Goebbels of the Third Reich and he’s lied so much that, as I’ve pointed out he’s pathological, he actually (likely) believes the LIES as they roll off his tongue. This is really dangerous. The past few days, as I’ve learned more and more, I’m feeling the urgency that he would be removed from office “sooner rather than later.” Should that happen you KNOW he would not go quietly. He could care less about America – in fact, my guess is he’ll be in Russia pushing Trump Tower Moscow within a “blink of the eye” after he’s gone from the “White House.”

I can guarantee you individual 1 will be urging his supporters who Hillary Clinton referred to as the “deplorables” to hit the streets and create a “noisy” response – of some, as yet, unknown amount of intensity. Remember, many of these people are heavily armed. Individual 1 will encourage them – and, likely, not in a “good” way. My individual 1 supporter friend I refer to has predicted a “civil war.” I have no idea what lies ahead except to say that I personally believe our constitutionally democratic republic is worth fighting for.

In 1968, shortly after my basketball career ended (I was an average player), I was a junior in College and I enlisted in the Marine PLC (Platoon Leader Corp) because I had been convinced our nation’s security was threatened by the “spread of communism” in Southeast Asia. – My first realization of the propaganda which can come from the “White House” – (Thankfully) Upon my reporting for Boot Camp (upon finishing that year of college) I was given a much more thorough physical and was given an honorable medical discharge due to a severe knee injury I suffered in high school playing football. That discharge may well be the reason I’m still here today, but my point is I was raised thinking this country is worth fighting for – and, I have seen nothing in my lifetime which compares with the threat individual 1 poses to this nation. Whatever it takes – hopefully, it will be peaceful to end this nightmare but, he needs to be removed from office.

The thought of Mike Pense as our so-called president makes my stomach curl almost as much as individual 1. While I certainly don’t believe the republicans in the Senate have the guts to vote to convict individual 1 once he’s been impeached it could be because the alternative is Mike Pense. I suppose even republicans would have a problem with Mike Pense who has come across as a true “lap dog” to our so-called president. (Although, before he became individual 1’s “lap dog” Pense was considered an actual “Christian” by the “base.”)

Final Thought: When I watch individual 1 at his rallies and I look at the people usually stationed directly behind him I feel a sense of embarrassment because I know people around the world are witnessing this. As a retired educator I keep asking myself how you could gather so many people together who seem to be smiling while they’re being LIED to. I’m sorry, but it comes across to me as a bunch of “lemmings.” I don’t doubt many in the audience are “very fine people” – I just can’t understand how they can absorb all the LYING which is intended to keep them in “line” – and they do so with no apparent thought.

I do live in the state of Washington which is often referred to as being on the “left coast” – but, what I’m talking about here are critical thinking skills – which is something I taught and emphasized to the sixth graders in my classrooms over the years. They would have been able to see right through the phony “garbage” individual 1 is spewing to these people. In the “rally” last night in Florida the audience, at one point, was chanting “No Quid Pro Quo” similar to the chants of “Lock her Up” during the 2016 campaign. This really does look bad when you think of our allies who are wondering how “we the people” could elect this thug as our so-called president.

Just like “Lock her Up” chants seem like a shameless irony because the number of his associates getting locked up continues to mount. (Maybe soon the list will include Rudy, Lev, Igor, and who knows who else) Chanting “No Quid Pro Quo” is just as absurd because, if you watched the hearings or if you’ve read the evidence, there’s NO QUESTION there was a “Quid Pro Quo.” Maybe those in the audience didn’t even know what that is – so, in case maybe one of them might find this site – what it is is BRIBERY. Your president (I’m speaking to those in the audience of the rally) committed EXTORTION as he was leveraging hundreds of millions in desperately needed military aid (aid which had been appropriated by Congress and was ILLEGALLY suspended by your so-called president) in return for the Ukrainians announcing they were “investigating Joe Biden.” Earth to individual 1 supporters: That’s a Quid Pro Quo!

And, speaking of irony and the chants of “Lock her Up” – I believe the main motivation individual 1 has regarding the upcoming election is trying to stay out of JAIL. It’s very possible he’s facing potential chants of “Lock him up” once he’s no longer protected by the OLC memo from facing the “music” on his criminal activity. (Activity which his evangelical Christian base curiously seems to “care less” about – a terrible “witness” for those of us how believe in spreading the Gospel message) I can picture people outside any courthouse individual 1 may ultimately have to “visit” once he’s out of office giving him the “Lock him Up” chant as he’s entering the building – kind of like what happened to Michael Flynn when he was going to court early in this fiasco.

OOPS! I finished this post several days ago – I’ve just gotten worn out trying to keep up with the OVERWHELMING case against individual 1 AND Giuliani AND many others. I hope all of these members of individual 1’s administration who are refusing to answer to subpoenas – whether for documents or testimony – ultimately face charges for contempt of Congress. If our laws are going to be publicly ignored our democratic republic is in more DANGER than we already understand!

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