Who could have imagined “we the people” would have been the laughing stock of the Russians because our so-called president is such a “useful idiot.”

The issue with individual 1 as the IMPEACHMENT process moves forward is really a question of whether or not our constitution is going to withstand the challenge individual 1 and his sycophants are putting forth where they seem to believe he and those who have chosen to align themselves with him are above the law. For years we’ve all listened to republicans pointing out “we’re a nation of laws and not men” – but, apparently while in the throes of this so-called president, “all bets are off.” It really is remarkable – especially when you realize republicans are aligning themselves with Vladimir Putin in order to support individual 1.

I’ve been pointing out for over two years now that individual 1 and those closest to him are likely to end up in the American History books right next to Benedict Arnold. Personally, I consider individual 1 to be committing treasonous acts. You hear him using the word “treason” as he lashes out against the witnesses who have the “temerity” to go before Congress and tell the TRUTH – something he just simply doesn’t understand. Of course, as I’ve said many times, he’s the expert at political projection. That is, if he accuses you of something, it’s actually likely to be something he himself is guilty of. So Treason?……………………..

We know he’s been labeled as an unindicted co-conspirator in two FELONIES by the US Attorney in the Southern District of New York in regard to paying off two women he allegedly had affairs with while his THIRD (present) wife was carrying his son Barron and which put his former lawyer Michael Cohen in prison. Individual 1 will likely be “facing the music” on these two FELONIES once he’s no longer shielded by the odd OLC memo which says a sitting president can’t be indicted. We’ve watched during his three years in office one instance after another which appear to be the work of a mob boss. For example, he refers to those who testify “against” him (ie – telling the truth) as “rats.” Where have you heard that? He also suggested “flipping” should be illegal. That is, as the top “defender” of our legal system he’s encouraging people to REFUSE telling the TRUTH to investigators. This is remarkable! (And, incredibly DANGEROUS to our republic)

Shortly after individual 1 was inaugurated Kellyanne Conway, one of individual 1’s “advisers,” introduced “we the people” to the concept of “alternative facts.” (If you’re confused, “alternative facts” are LIES) So, we’ve now got one republican after another spewing remarkably unsubstantiated, and dangerous, propaganda – much of which comes directly from the Kremlin. For example, this idea that the Ukrainians were the ones who “interfered” in the 2016 election would be laughable – if there weren’t so many republicans spewing that NONSENSE.

I read the Mueller report twice and there can be NO DOUBT as to who was involved in the election interference which got individual 1 “elected.” (Despite having 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton) Just today I was driving around listening to news on the radio and who showed up claiming the Ukrainians “may have” been the culprits in 2016? Well, none other than Senator Kennedy from Louisiana – another republican without the “stones” to tell the TRUTH about the Russians and their ongoing ATTACK on our nation was, this past weekend, pushing the “it may have been Ukraine” LIE. This is Russian CYBER WARFARE and “we the people” are forced to just watch as the republicans ignore the reality of what they’re doing – which puts our nation in danger as long as these republicans have any power at all. Every day they keep this up Vladimir Putin gets further along on his push to undermine “we the people.”

I’ve read from multiple sources about how one of our allies (I believe it was the Danes) managed to actually hack into the Russian GRU and actually watch them hacking the DNC server and other accounts. Mueller was able to identify the actual computers and their IP addresses which did the intrusion into our national election. Republicans are still working on behalf of individual 1 with the Russians and to the detriment of “we the people” to convince the American public there’s a “server” in Ukraine with the missing emails. Senators like Senator Kennedy have actually been briefed, according to published reports, that the “Ukrainians did it” propaganda is directly from Vladimir Putin, yet they continue to spout it. The list of republican politicians who appear to be willing to sell out America in the name of individual 1 is long and disgusting. The TRUTH is the Ukrainians DIDN’T do it!

And, speaking of the idea of “alternative facts” – well, in reality, any thinking person knows there is no such thing, but, in the world of Fox “news” you have people like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson who willingly spew out NONSENSE which is easily proven to be FALSE. They will come up with a rationalization for illegal or illicit behavior “on a dime.” Rush Limbaugh has been doing this since the 1980’s, but I believe those doing it at Fox “news” (many call it Trump TV) are much more dangerous because, I believe, the audience is much larger. It’s like a cult following – the audience of Fox. This administration is, well, I can’t think of another way to say this, LAWLESS – and Fox is attempting to help them “get away with it.” However, this kind of rampant CORRUPTION seems to have a way to out itself. And, I’m thinking of Rudy Giuliani!

Giuliani seems to have almost as much access to Fox as our so-called president and, of late, there are reports that the Southern District of New York is “hot on his trail.” If you’ve been paying attention to all this Ukraine “stuff” you can’t help but think Rudy is in a “pickle.” For starters, the soliciting a “thing of value” for a political campaign from a foreign national or nation is CLEARLY illegal – and, well, if you watched the IMPEACHMENT hearings, you know Rudy has got a lot to worry about. What’s been the most interesting to me is when Rudy holds up his cell phone and says “I’ve got insurance” when anyone suggests he may be facing indictment – as if to say, “I’m not going down by myself.” To me, this is more classic MOB stuff.

It appears to me Rudy was busy in Ukraine trying to get a “piece” of the lucrative oil and gas industry which has fostered much of the CORRUPTION which has been a part of their (Ukraine’s) history – while he was looking for that mysterious “server.” And, I wouldn’t be surprised if Rick Perry was in jeopardy and maybe Mike Pompeo as well – and, who knows who else. Maybe the idea of actually becoming an “oligarch” was just too much for them to withstand. And, of course, when Rudy is “broached” with the idea he could be “thrown under the bus” he brings up, each time, that “I’ve got insurance.” Is that a threat to individual 1 to make sure he’s not indicted? Is that a threat to William Barr – because, remember, Barr’s name is mentioned multiple times in the now infamous phone call which led to the IMPEACHMENT inquiry.

Do you trust William Barr? Well, I can tell you I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him – I’ll let you figure out how far that might be. What’s interesting is that Barr failed to stop the arrests of Lev Parnos and Igor Fruman, two Russian/Ukrainian thugs who’ve been, apparently, showing Rudy and the others around Ukraine in their futile attempt to cause “we the people” to fall for the scheme to blame Ukraine for the 2016 election interference. Apparently, the big mistake here was when individual 1 said, of Mr. Parnos, “I barely know him.” That appeared to really cause Lev to lose it and now he’s cooperating with the IMPEACHMENT inquiry. It’s been reported that Lev has provided evidence against Rudy, individual 1, and, surprise, surprise – even Devin Nunez. Nunez may be another right wing thug in “hot water.”

It appears that Lev introduced Nunez to the Ukrainian prosecutor who Joe Biden was responsible for getting fired – the really CORRUPT one – as he (Nunez) was seeking to confirm “it was the Ukrainians.” If you watched the IMPEACHMENT hearing testimony you saw Nunez, over and over again, refer to the Mueller report as the “Russian hoax” and suggesting the conspiracy theories about Ukraine were actually true – despite Fiona Hill essentially admonishing him (along with Jim Jordan and Elise Stefanik, among others) in real time for spewing the propaganda of the Kremlin. This (siding with the Russians) really is serious for the future of our nation. We need to get rid of these (to me) traitors sooner rather than later.

Vladimir Putin is pushing his “active measures” campaign around the world every day and the longer the United States is ABSENT in fighting back the worse the ultimate DAMAGE will be – not only to “we the people” – but, this is going on almost unabated around the globe and doing serious damage across Western Europe – for example. I’ve been pointing out for three years that the Brexit vote in Britain was similarly affected by Putin AND, coincidentally (or not), by Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica. Of course, individual 1 was also lobbying for the Brexit vote – which is another “gift” to Putin as he’s attempting to undermine NATO. This is all really BAD and, as long as individual 1 is our so-called president, “we the people” will not be fighting back.

I guess I’m an optimist so I find the entrance of Michael Bloomberg somewhat suspicious as he claims he believes he’s the one to defeat individual 1 so, it would follow, that the others running for the nomination can’t. Personally, I’m going to vote for whoever gets nominated by the Democrats – it could be my local dog catcher – but, I really don’t want a 77 year old white guy – and, I’m not sure what makes Mr. Bloomberg think “he’s the one.” That kind of supports the argument that democrats biggest obstacle is (and has been) the fear of their own fundamental beliefs – fear that going all in is non electable. I’d love to see much of what Elizabeth Warren is proposing put into law – and, it will take an overwhelming vote of “we the people” to make that happen – but, I have to admit, just the other day I sent $10 (plus a tip for Act Blue) to Cory Booker.

I, personally, want someone younger than all these 70 somethings. I’m a (white) 70 something, and, as far as I’m concerned, my generation has done enough damage to this country. It’s time for “new blood” but, not CORRUPTION like what apparently the republican party stands for these days. Issues like Climate Change and health care are at the top of most people’s “wish list” along with good paying (union) jobs and we need younger people at the helm of the “ship of state” as these issues are addressed. And, while I would HATE to see Mike Pense as our so-called president – because, I believe he’s at least “waist deep” in all this Ukraine CORRUPTION, individual 1 needs to be GONE tomorrow, if possible. Every day is another day which helps Putin and the Russians – I really don’t understand why republicans are having such a problem with this.

I, again, today heard individual 1 referred to as “the chosen one” by a republican lawmaker, which just blows me away (as a Christian) every time I hear it. What is wrong with these people? Do they not recognize what a thug they’re talking about? That just confirms to me there are a bunch of people in America who care about nothing but getting right wing judges on as many “benches” as possible – be damned about anything else. When we closer resemble Russia than traditional America I’ll be curiously watching to see what these people are saying. Honestly, it’s hard for me to believe all of this is happening, but I couldn’t believe individual 1 could “win” the 2016 election. Of course, at the time of the election, “we the people” did not know the Russians were involved to the level they were manipulating the process. Ironically, the people shouting “lock her up” voted for an overtly LAWLESS candidate who appears to be either a witting or unwitting dupe of the Russians. Yikes!

Final Thought: I’m not the only person who believes getting individual 1 out of office is the most important challenge for “we the people” since the end of WW II. The McCarthy era was bad and we survived in tact. This challenge is more significant because individual 1 managed to gain the “levers of power” – which makes it all the more challenging to get him out of there (office). Who could have imagined “we the people” would have been the laughing stock of the Russians because our so-called president is such a “useful idiot.”

One last thought: (Sorry, I know that makes the “Final Thought” not final ;o) We’re soon to find out if individual 1’s “judges” will allow him to disregard the “laws of the land.” More on that later – but, if it’s decided that any (so-called) president can successfully block anyone from testifying before Congress our republic is in serious danger. I can’t emphasize this enough. If you want America to remain a democratic republic under the auspices of our constitution you need to VOTE and VOTE against republicans – every chance you get!

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