It’s time for “we the people” to say NO to Vladimir Putin and his sycophant individual 1!

Today, while I was listening to CNN (as opposed to the usual MSNBC) they played a snipit of Will Hurd a Congressperson from Texas suggesting he “sees no evidence of BRIBERY or EXTORTION” in the IMPEACHMENT hearing aimed at our so-called president who clearly was EXTORTING political favors from Ukraine’s newly elected president Zelensky in return for the release of military aid which had been appropriated by Congress and ILLEGALLY suspended by our so-called president. Suggesting he “sees no evidence of BRIBERY or EXTORTION” after sitting through the previous 10 days of testimony – right in front of him – tells me Mr. Hurd, who is “retiring” from the House, still FEARS individual 1 and is willing to put his political future ahead of his oath to “protect and defend the constitution.”

I have to tell you I thought I couldn’t get more disgusted with the republican party but after listening to the members of the House Intelligence Committee who are important to the national security of this nation I’m realizing more and more how much Vladimir Putin accomplished, from the standpoint of his interests in re-creating the “former Soviet Union” since the inception of their (the Russians) so-called “active measures” campaign – attacking “we the people” via cyber warriors.

The Russians very well understand how the American system works and they are using our openness against us. I’m dumbfounded that after all we KNOW over the past 3+ years there is STILL no reliable defense against what we know is an ongoing attack coming from Russia against our republic – and, by the way, against our allies in the NATO alliance as well. As I’ve said many times before, who would have guessed the reliable “helpers” for the Russians would be America’s republican party? Who would have guessed it would be the republicans threatening the foundation of our very republic in what I hope is a futile attempt to protect the MOST CORRUPT (so-called) president in America’s history?

Yesterday one of the foremost EXPERTS in America on how Russia is acting around the world, Dr. Fiona Hill, actually “dressed down” the republicans on the Intelligence committee who have been publicly spouting the “Ukraine did it” propaganda scheme of none other than Vladimir Putin, but they continued to do so. We’re talking about, mainly, Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, and their new star Elise Stefanik, who seem to have no “bottom” on what they’ll do to protect individual 1 – and, presumably in their minds, themselves. The FEAR seems to be the nasty “tweet” coming from individual 1. It just boggles my mind it’s the republicans enabling Putin! Full Stop!!!

Here’s another troubling aspect of this fiasco which is undermining our republic – if we had an actual Attorney General there would be a bunch of sycophants of our so-called president who would be facing serious legal jeopardy. For example, Rudy Giuliani is obviously vulnerable (likely in ways we have no idea at this time), Mike Pompeo seems vulnerable, Rick Perry was a part of all this, Mike Pense seems to be trying to act like “I see no evil I know no evil,” and William Barr himself was mentioned in the “Shakedown” several times. That’s exactly why we can’t expect our Justice Department to even investigate this clear ILLEGAL behavior! William Barr is fulfilling his role as individual 1’s “Roy Cohn.” (And, if you’re not familiar with Mr. Cohn he was a famous MOB lawyer when he was representing individual 1)

The bottom line in all this is that there are issues which this impeachment “stuff” seem insignificant in the “long term” – except that it’s the republicans standing in the way of the things we need to desperately address – like, for example CLIMATE change, or universal HEALTH care, or rebuilding our infrastructure – and, pretty much anything beside tax cuts for the wealthy. What am I suggesting? Well, if it’s not obvious, it’s time for the republican party to “go!” It needs to be cleansed of the people like Moscow Mitch, Nunez, Jordan, Stefanik, Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz, and virtually every republican Senator up for re-election in 2020. Keep in mind, it was Moscow Mitch who single handily (well, his caucus clearly supported him) filibustered President Obama’s agenda over 700 times during Obama’s two terms in office. That was MORE filibusters than had occurred in the previous history of this country. Now, that’s OBSTRUCTION!

The republican response to individual 1’s behavior has been to “dissemble” (LIE) and to “muddy the waters” so they can CONFUSE as many Americans as possible. While as I just said Moscow Mitch has been OBSTRUCTING since the first day of the Obama administration, it’s possible no one comes out of this IMPEACHMENT scenario in worse shape than Mike Pompeo. Pompeo graduated 1st in his class at West Point so you would expect someone who has a keen interest in the value of telling the TRUTH. However, I’ve watched with my own eyes and listened with my own ears (that means, to republicans, not “hearsay”) Pompeo LYING about his role in this ILLEGAL scheme to alter the 2020 American election. He has undermined his own standing with the career professionals of the State Department – who, sadly are thinning out because they have too much honor to follow his or individual 1’s directives – DAMAGE to this country which will continue long after individual 1 is gone. LYING coming from the Secretary of State is unbelievable to me.

I’ve heard some of “we the people” claim they would be in favor of impeachment if individual 1 could be proven to have broken a law. Well, to that I would remind them why I’m calling him individual 1. Of course, for his ardent supporters, that’s not enough – but, the TRUTH is even requesting “something of value” from a foreign national or nation is ILLEGAL and I’m constantly puzzled as to why the “reporters” don’t “clue in” the people they’re interviewing in real time. Just the attempt to get the Ukrainians to provide “a thing of value” for a political election is CLEARLY as illegal in regard to the Ukrainians as it WAS with the Russians. As soon as individual 1 clearly understood he had “gotten away with it” in regard to soliciting “help” in a campaign from a foreign government (Russia) he began doing the same thing via Ukraine.

If you know anything about BULLIES you would know it’s imperative to put a STOP to this RIGHT NOW or individual 1 will keep doing it. The realization Russia has “commandeered” our republican party SHOULD get the attention of “we the people.” If the public doesn’t figure out the seriousness of having a Russian “stooge” in the “White House” we deserve what we get. I have to tell myself “we the people” are going to vote in record numbers in order to end this nightmare. However, it’s apparent the republican misinformation machine is already in “high gear.” I can see members of the so-called “liberal media” who seem clueless as to how individual 1 continues to manipulate them.

It’s true Fox “news” (Trump TV) could care less as to the damage what is CLEARLY them supporting a party which has become “useful idiots” to the Russians. In fact, if you pay attention to Russian media outlets (which I do only superficially) you would know the Russians are having a good laugh about the disruption they’ve caused to our republic. Putin is using our open society against us largely because we have a huge segment of the population susceptible to the Russian “active measures” campaign on social media. I don’t do Facebook, but I consider Mark Zuckerberg as a less than useful “idiot” – when it comes to the DAMAGE he’s causing to our nation – he, like many very wealthy people, cares more about the MONEY than this nation – and, his platform is the home of misinformation – not only coming from the Russians, but also individual 1 is hard at work creating ACTUAL “fake news” on Facebook. Yikes!!!

As I’m writing this you have the Russians getting involved (surreptitiously) in the democratic nominating process for 2020 by pushing Tulsi Gabbard and likely being part of the public push to suggest the “liberal” democratic candidates are not capable of defeating individual 1 – hence we now have Michael Bloomberg “jumping in” – apparently because he’s thinking “we the people” are afraid of a “liberal” like Bernie or Elizabeth Warren running for president. This fear of their own fundamental beliefs has been predominant in democratic “circles” since the days of Ronald Reagan. The result have been a surge in BILLIONAIRES along with a surge in people living in poverty.

That’s a bad combination and it leads to people who are unwilling to read and discover WHY their living standards are diminishing as opposed to depending on outlets like Fox “informing” them. This push for an incredible amount of income inequality began with Ronald Reagan and his “tax cuts for the wealthy” – with Reagan convincing working class Americans this FLOOD of money going to the top 1% would “trickle down” to workers. Well, that has NEVER happened – individual 1’s tax scam is the third rendition of this tax scam. The Russians are exploiting the polarization which has evolved from this economic “reverse Robin Hood” and, sadly, the republicans have joined forces with Mr. Putin. That is the part in all this which makes it so serious. It’s time for “we the people” to say NO to Vladimir Putin and his sycophant individual 1!

Final Thought: I’ll end this by saying it’s high time for our so-called “liberal media” to get over their fear of the so-called “right.” This “both sides” look at the news has got to end. It’s time for the media to make sure “we the people” KNOW who are blocking so many IMPORTANT issues from being addressed. For example, many of the republicans are spouting the propaganda put forth by Vladimir Putin and the GRU. That’s NOT “bipartisan” – it’s an issue with republicans being complicit with Russia over our own intelligence community. I almost threw up listening to Devin Nunez, almost every time he spoke, refer to the Russian investigation as a “hoax” and suggesting the “Ukraine did it” propaganda of Putin is true. He SHOULD be shamed in the media as he deserves.

And, the media needs to report on the number of bills the democrats have passed which are languishing in the Senate via Moscow Mitch’s new version of filibusters – simply refusing to allow votes on EVERY issue – including CLIMATE CRISIS legislation, infrastructure, gun safety,and a whole lot more. The media needs to make sure the public understands how much money republican members of Congress have taken from Russia. The future of our nation is in the hands of the voters in 2020. There SHOULD be a mountain of votes removing republicans from even a scent of leadership based on their traitorous actions following individual 1 over a right wing “cliff.” As of now, the media is FAILING!

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