We’ve now got several republican members of the Senate pushing that Russian scheme (Ukraine did it) in concert with Putin! Yikes!!! (And, SHAME on them!)

I believe the republican party is facing a real dilemma as the date approaches where Senators will have to vote on whether or not they consider individual 1’s MOB like behavior which seems to have him closely connected to Vladimir Putin impeachable. They’ll have to decide if they want to set a precedent saying a president EXTORTING a foreign nation for personal political purposes is acceptable. They’ll be voting on whether a president who LIES almost every time his lips are moving is acceptable. I believe almost everyone of them will soil themselves as they vote to enable individual 1.

When I listen to Senators like Senator Kennedy from Louisiana, Graham from South Carolina, Johnson from Wisconsin, Rubio from Florida, and a bunch of others I get the sense they didn’t take the time to read Mueller’s report and they are unlikely to read any details coming from the House Intelligence Committee recommending individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT. In other words, it doesn’t matter to them what our so-called president has done – whether he really is a MOB boss or just acts like one – even though it’s APPARENT he’s committed MULTIPLE crimes since he took the oath of office to defend our constitution – a document he clearly has no idea what is in it. And, things appear to me to be worse.

How could it be worse than having a so-called president who is regularly BREAKING the very laws he took an oath to enforce? Well, the evidence individual 1 is a Russian ASSET becomes more glaring every day. I pointed out quite some time back that world leaders were figuring out how to “play” individual 1 (what’s that old saying? “Flattery will get you everywhere”) and, led by Vladimir Putin, these leaders – mainly the world’s most dangerous autocrats (Putin, Erdogan, MBS, Kim Jong un) are attempting to undermine the United States from within – something they can’t do otherwise. (Plus, many of the leaders of our allies are laughing at our so-called president)

Putin and the Russians are experts at what has been referred to as “active measures” and, with individual 1 in the “White House,” “we the people” are not able to fully fight back. Our nation is under attack and it comes across to me as if our “commander in chief” very well may be on the “other side.” If it wasn’t so serious, the response of out so-called “liberal media” would come across as comical as they attempt to avoid looking “partisan.” At times, I mean, you have to get creative to give individual 1 even the “sniff” of a benefit of doubt in regard to his criminality. Sadly, there are so many Americans willing to BLINDLY support this person who is destroying this nation – or, at least, creating DAMAGE that will be extremely lasting and, hopefully not permanent. And, I can tell you, I know people who support individual 1 and don’t care if he’s a Russian asset! Yikes!!!

Almost everyone thinks there won’t be a single republican voting to “convict” when all the evidence coming out today, as the House Intelligence Committee report on individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT is published, makes our so-called president look even MORE like a CRIMINAL! I’m guessing they won’t read the report (Lindsey Graham has already said he won’t read it) they’ll simply watch Fox “news” to see whether or not they should support individual 1. And, of course, there’s a reason Fox is referred to by many as “Trump TV.” (I just had the thought, again, individual 1 claimed his concern in Ukraine was “corruption” – that is so absurd coming from someone competing with Putin to be the most CORRUPT president in the world)

All these people who are choosing to side with individual 1 are becoming what I believe would be referred to legally as “accessories after the fact.” That would mean they’re part of the conspiracy. From all I can tell the following are those who should be expecting, at some point (after William Barr is no longer our Attorney General) to need lawyers: Well, let’s start with Barr himself – he’s very sly, but he was mentioned multiple times in the phone call which started the IMPEACHMENT inquiry, then, of course, Rudy Giuliani – who, it appears, was breaking multiple laws as he masqueraded as individual 1’s lawyer, and, of course, Mike Pompeo was on the “call” and has LIED about at least two things I’ve seen while watching him being interviewed on TV – actually pretending as if he had no idea what all this was about – sad!

We can’t leave out Mike Pense who also is acting like he simply doesn’t understand what all the “hoopla” is about – like Pompeo acting as if he “heard no evil, saw no evil.” These guys are all LIARS! Add to these “co-conspirators” Rick Perry, Mick Mulvaney, Gordon Sondland, Lev Parnos and Igor Fruman, and possibly even Devin Nunes and who knows who else. John Bolton, apparently, couldn’t stomach all this and decided to resign (or, was he fired?), but doesn’t feel the obligation to our nation to step up and TESTIFY – who knows, maybe he’s involved. This is all really bad and it’s not only BAD for “we the people” but picture if you’re in Ukraine and trying to fend off the attack coming from the Russians.

One reason Congress has been less popular than virtually any other public entity is because they’ve been exposed as having no guts when it comes to doing anything of significance over the past 30+ years. Well, it’s time for Congress to step forward and make it clear, with some kind of bipartisan vote that “we the people” will support Ukraine against Russia – full stop! The Ukrainian president, understandably, is likely feeling very nervous going forward as he still doesn’t have the meeting he wanted in order for the United States to demonstrate their solidarity. They NEED “we the people” to be unequivocal in our support! Obviously, Ukraine can’t depend on individual 1!

Speaking of Devin Nunes, I still remember, during the Mueller investigation, wondering whether or not Nunes was complicit in the OBSTRUCTION of the investigation. He came across as someone who was attempting to intimidate Rod Rosenstein (which appeared to be successful based on Rosenstein’s deplorable behavior at the end of the investigation) and Andy McCabe – intimidation which also proved to be successful as McCabe was fired within hours of him being qualified to retire (Which, to me, was another unthinkable act ordered by individual 1). In my mind Nunes was OBSTRUCTING the investigation – and, of course, Nunes got caught trying to create false “evidence” to support individual 1’s LIES!

Now, it’s being reported Nunes was part of the conspiracy to EXTORT the Ukrainians to help individual 1 in the next election – plus, in our so-called president’s never ending attempt to make himself look “legit” by DEFLECTING the reality it was the RUSSIANS who got him elected via their “active measures” (which MOST Americans still have no idea what that means) and, instead, that it was the Ukrainians. I’m sure it’s true there were many in Ukraine who took notice of the change to the republican platform instigated by individual 1 during the republican convention which favored Russia and made it appear that individual 1 was in favor of the Russian annexation of Crimea. That, of course, could very well cause some in Ukraine to favor individual 1’s opponent in the previous election – but, let’s be CLEAR, it was the RUSSIANS who attacked – and are still attacking – our nation! Every republican who spouts the “Crowd Strike” nonsense is spewing Vladimir Putin’s talking points! The idea the Ukrainians were criminally supporting Hillary Clinton is laughable. However, even if it was true, it wouldn’t justify individual 1’s EXTORTION scheme!

If you watched the House Intelligence Committee’s IMPEACHMENT hearings you saw one example after another of Nunes demonstrating the classic definition of projection. This seems to be how republicans operate – which often comes across as simply a pile of LIES. Nunes was “projecting” the Crowd Strike propaganda at every opportunity and he was attacking Adam Schiff in ways that made it seem as if Nunes was looking in a mirror. He accused Nunes of “Lying,” of being part of a conspiracy with the whistleblower, and of blocking the republicans from finding the “truth.” Of course, we now are finding out Nunes very possibly was part of the conspiracy to EXTORT the Ukrainians to help individual 1 in 2020 and, very clearly, he was working to DEFLECT attention from the TRUTH at all opportunities during the IMPEACHMENT hearings. And LYING???? You be the judge! :o)

Sadly, we all know that because Fox “news” has a large audience and, along with other right wing media outlets who could care less about the constitution going forward, there is a significant segment of America’s population who will get information which is slanted so that they will be deciding how to react to this constitutional crisis with “alternative facts.” Many of individual 1’s supporters could care less about the facts – for sure – but, there are many who might possibly realize the degree they are being manipulated if they actually had the FACTS.

The House Intelligence Committee report coming out of the IMPEACHMENT hearings is 300 pages and, like the Mueller report which preceded it, will likely be read by a significantly SMALL percentage of the American electorate. I read the Mueller report (twice – it’s a detailed and focused report) and discovered I was finally in the “1%” – it’s just that it’s the BOTTOM 1% – meaning that’s how many Americans read the report. In fact, I’m sure many in Congress – including many democrats – didn’t read it. So, how many will read this report? Probably not that many – so too many Americans will decide what they think based on whatever cable TV “news” outlet they watch/listen to. And, as I mentioned above, those who watch Fox “news” (ie Trump TV) will be brainwashed to the degree which you can’t even have a conversation with them.

Fox and other right wing bloviators (like Rush Limbaugh and the other right wing talkers right down to the locals – like Lars Larson who’s the local bloviator where I live – these are people who will spew the “party line” for money) will be busy brainwashing their audiences to believe this republican allegiance with Vladimir Putin is nothing to worry about. These people have been attacking “liberals” as the “enemy of the people” since the days of Ronald Reagan – which is largely responsible for the divided nation we now live in. Republicans hate “liberals” and they believe POWER is all that matters – which is why individual 1 appeals to them – he’s willing to LIE under any circumstances and NEVER gives an inch in the battle for POWER, even when he’s been caught with his “hand in the cookie jar.”

This is why, during the IMPEACHMENT hearings in the Intelligence Committee, there was NOT one republican who argued the FACTS in the allegations against individual 1 – at any point – during the hearings. Their “argument” was strictly either about the process or attacks on those who had the “temerity” to show up and testify – against the wishes of our so-called president. Republicans seem to live in fear of individual 1 which, to me, is really hard to understand. Apparently, in the republican “circles” anyone who has the nerve to “rock the boat” is in for a rough road ahead. I’ve yet to hear a single republican defend the EXTORTION of the Ukrainians.

It appears that the republican “strategy” is to continue pushing the “Ukrainians did it” nonsense which is the Russian propaganda or the “so what” strategy – as if none of this misbehavior is concerning. As I’ve stated, it should be no surprise to anyone that there were Ukrainians who would have preferred Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election – based on the republican platform change I mentioned above – However, the idea they were the ones who attacked America and stole the DNC emails, etc. is almost beyond absurd. But, we’ve now got several republican members of the Senate pushing that Russian scheme in concert with Putin! Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I watched a bit of the House Judiciary hearing today which is a prelude to them drawing up Articles of Impeachment for the entire House to vote on and, as usual, it was almost embarrassing watching the republicans. I was thinking back to how embarrassing they were once they got Hillary Clinton in front of the Benghazi committee but they are now “outdoing” themselves. And, they had called Georgetown law professor Jonathan Turley as their constitutional “expert” and Mr. Turley has seemed to change his view in the years since Bill Clinton was impeached.

“Back in the day” (meaning the Clinton impeachment) Mr. Turley argued that the FACT President Clinton “lied in a court of law” he, essentially, had lost his right to lead this nation. (Those, of course, are my words) When you listen to his indictment of Mr. Clinton (who he claimed to have voted for) it was very curious to listen to him suggesting this impeachment process is going too fast. He seemed to be suggesting that the FACT individual 1 has BLOCKED virtually EVERYONE and EVERYTHING (meaning subpoenaed documents) from Congress is not obstruction unless the democrats go to court and get the courts to order the cooperation coming from the “White House.” Apparently, he was suggesting, if they would then continue to STONEWALL he’d either have to support impeachment at that point or come up with another enabling rationale.

Of course, beginning with the Mueller investigation, it has been apparent individual 1’s “strategy” has been OBSTRUCTION from day one. Their plan was to slow walk all of the requests for testimony or documents through the court process which would likely include appeals pushing virtually every issue up to or beyond the 2020 election. That’s the election individual 1 has made clear he’s planning to CHEAT in order to win – of course, a “plan” that would appeal, apparently, to the republican party which, as I’ve written many times, believes the “end justifies the means.” If individual 1 is allowed to get away with this ILLEGAL and deplorable behavior which has generated this IMPEACHMENT process our republic will be in grave danger. (Actually, I believe it already is) It’s really up to “we the people” to vote against ALL of these republicans come 2020 – with the reality our nation’s future is “on the line.”

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