Getting caught in an act of EXTORTION has apparently put individual 1 in full throated “Roy Cohn” mode.

OK, if you’ve had your head in the sand for the past almost three years and you don’t understand how individual 1 “rolls,” this issue with his attempted EXTORTION of the leaders in Ukraine says it all. It apparently goes like this: A member of the intelligence community either overheard a phone conversation individual 1 had with the recently elected Ukrainian president or he saw an official readout of the call (likely the former) and our so-called president allegedly (likely) “made an inappropriate promise” to a foreign (Ukraine) leader. In this case it’s been reported by multiple outlets that individual 1 offered to release $250 MILLION in already appropriated military assistance to Ukraine provided Ukraine’s president investigate Joe Biden in regard to his son, Hunter, who was hired by a gas company in Ukraine in 2014.

Apparently, Biden’s actions individual 1 wants investigated occurred after whatever the issue with his son had already been resolved – but, that’s hardly the point. And, while I don’t believe Biden will be the democratic nominee – this is what whoever it is can expect. In my previous posting I pointed out I now believe individual 1’s attempted EXTORTION is a team affair – that is, a conspiracy in legal parlance, as clearly Mike Pompeo and others may be involved. In fact, one by one individual 1’s sycophants confirm my worst suspicions as they LIE about the truth – while they’re clumsily attempting to pull individual 1 out of another political “abyss.”

I even read today comments by John Cornyn, a republican running for reelection to the Senate from Texas, about how he doesn’t understand why people are focused on all – well, here’s his exact words, “I just frankly can’t imagine why people have lost their minds so much over these daily reports of one thing or another that seem to consume everybody’s attention in the news coverage,” Seriously, it would take a republican to say that. Let me respond: John, it’s because YOUR president is the MOST corrupt (so-called) president in this country’s history and he’s apparently trying to DROWN “we the people” in his scandals so they will seem normal. Well, in regard to this one, John, EXTORTION is, apparently, only normal in republican circles.

Here’s my main point. When a (true) BULLY gets caught with his “hand in the cookie jar” he not only says “my hand’s NOT in the cookie jar” (while you’re LOOKING at his “hand in the cookie jar” and then he goes on the attack. So, even though this pressure on Ukraine – mainly by Rudy Giuliani, who soils himself more every day for the short term “privilege” of being around the “White House” – has been ongoing for months apparently it took a poll suggesting Biden would beat individual 1 by almost 15 points to set him over the edge. I’m sure he’s thinking: “While I’m the (so-called) president (I inserted the “so-called” part in honor of his comments regarding judges of Hispanic or Mexican descent) ‘they’ (meaning honorable members of the Justice Department – meaning other than William Barr) can’t ‘touch me’ legally. (He made this call ONE day after the Mueller testimony)

Earth to individual 1: once you leave office in January of 2021 they CAN. And, oh by the way, William Barr will no longer be the Attorney General. Hold on to your britches! As usual, to a degree, I’ve digressed. Here’s how individual 1 “rolls.” He’s been caught “red-handed” committing a clearly IMPEACHABLE offense – one that Nancy Pelosi SHOULD be happy to FORCE the republican Senators to have to vote on whether or not to convict because even some republicans believe EXTORTION is wildly inappropriate. If they want they can run for re-election saying “EXTORTION” is OK. It is the work of mobsters and career criminals! (hint, hint) Speaking of “career criminals” individual 1 is going to be facing a bevy of criminal complaints once he’s no longer protected by that over 40 year old OLC memo which says a “sitting president may not be indicted.” (Nancy, it’s up to you)

And, while I’m thinking about all this – individual 1 has taken dead aim on Joe Biden’s son, his last remaining offspring (who individual 1’s sycophants are calling a “drug addict” publicly as I’m writing – this is where the republican “win at all costs mantra” has taken America) I’m thinking Biden will maybe become so angry that he overcomes the so-called “gaffes” – which, I have to tell him – AND our “liberal media” – pale next to individual 1’s. It’s just that our so-called president’s “gaffes” are more subtle and often times not picked up on by all those “liberals” in the media. Like for example when he says he didn’t bring up Biden’s name when talking to the president of Ukraine, “But, if I had there would be nothing wrong with it.” That means, “I did and you’re too stupid to figure it out.”

Most people paying attention to all this have seen Giuliani the other night, I believe on CNN, in one breath deny talking about Biden to the Ukrainians and, almost in the next breath saying, “Of course I did” and then a few breaths later saying “I encouraged them to investigate Biden and I’m proud of doing it.” When I first heard that it was another “are you kidding” moment for me – and, then I reminded my brain these people simply believe “we the people” are incredibly STUPID. And, sadly, at this moment in time, Nancy Pelosi continues to make them seem correct. Apparently, earlier in the year when she ended a talk about IMPEACHMENT by saying you shouldn’t NOT impeach because of political reasons. Well, sadly, that’s exactly what she’s been doing. As usual Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has it right again when she said if the democrats DON’T impeach individual 1 it will be more “scandalous” than what individual 1 is doing.

It’s time for another of my “OMG’s.” Lord help us, I just forced myself to read the replies from a bunch of Fox “news” viewers regarding Fox’s reporting on AOC pointing out that if democrats don’t act to impeach individual 1 it will be “more scandalous” than individual 1’s actions themselves. Holy, well you know what the next word should be, these people (or should I say those people), one after another, are brainwashed ignoramuses. First off, I read multiple times “What law did individual 1 (they all used his real name, I can’t force myself to do so) break? This is during the same weekend where it’s become clear he EXTORTED the Ukrainians in order to get “dirt” on Joe Biden for the next election. (I’m sure he’s thinking Biden will be the democratic nominee) Apparently, they seemed to believe paying off the two women right before the election – also known as a “hush money scheme” is OK as long as a republican is doing so. And, I couldn’t help respond and I’m sure my suggestions about “collusion” and “obstruction of justice,” to them was simply more “deep state” conspiracy. The brainwashing has been effective!

And, if you don’t think these people are unable to think for themselves, well, the evidence would belie that notion. They, almost every post I was able to read (before my stomach got too upset), referred to AOC as a “socialist” or “commie” and Elizabeth Warren was commonly referred to as “Pocahontas.” However individual 1 characterizes something, well, that’s what you’ll hear from these people. The other thing I noticed – and, I believe this is because of the friend I often refer to who is an individual 1 supporter and I regularly have breakfast with, they – almost all of them – believe individual 1 will win in 2020 by a landslide – “unless the election is rigged.” Further evidence as to why individual 1 “loves uneducated voters.” Yikes!!!

Speaking of the 2020 election and that it could be “rigged,” the reality is that is true. But, at the work of an expert on projection, individual 1 has his CULT believing the ONLY way he can lose is if it’s “rigged.” Of course, just as he “rigged” the 2016 election he’s already busy planning on how to “rig” the 2020 election. The reality is “There’s more of us than there are of them” – meaning more progressives and progressive leaning independents (like myself) than there are republicans. I purposely didn’t say “conservatives” because many “true conservatives” have abandoned the party of individual 1 which is now, effectively, a CULT. So, in order to “win” again, individual 1 will need to “rig” the election. How will he do this?

For starters, he’s going to solicit help from foreign cyber warriors AGAIN! The Russians are already “at it” and there are reports of others as well, Additionally, he – and what’s left of the republican party – are busy enacting voter suppression tactics while the rest of us are sleeping at the switch. Many of these type of tactics aren’t noticed until it’s too late – and, obviously by now, he feels there’s nothing he can do which will arise to the level of IMPEACHMENT with the democrats “we the people” have in Congress. Honestly, between the republicans (if there are any with honor) and the democrats our Congress is full of legislators who put their own re-elections above their oath to the constitution. And, at this point in time with all the “evidence” I put democrats as much in this category as republicans.

Getting caught in an act of EXTORTION has apparently put individual 1 in full throated “Roy Cohn” mode. What do I mean? Well, when you’re caught doing something wrong or illegal you don’t “own up” but, instead, you deflect and ATTACK. That is exactly what we’re seeing right now from individual 1 and all his sycophants who seem to have a well planned out response to the whistle blower complaint which they all say they “haven’t seen.” Pompeo was almost comical in his “denial.” He suggested he was hearing about it for the first time in the interview I was watching and, like Giuliani’s “denial non denial” he almost as quickly kicked in the deflect – “it wouldn’t be wrong if he did” and then the attack “Biden should be the one being investigated.” Mnuchin wasn’t any different. “All the (so-called) president’s men” were out on the Sunday talk shows “deflecting and attacking.”

Why do they do this? Well, because it works with that shrinking base they believe will be enough to allow them to “win” in the next election. Depending on who the democrats nominate – and, I can tell you, this election will make the 2016 election – from what’s coming from individual 1 and his supporters – look like “child’s play” – He got away with what he did the last time and I hope you understand people as ruthless as him don’t voluntarily pull back their search for the legal boundaries. Until he’s in jail, he’ll keep PUSHING! And, I believe, that includes after he’s voted out of office in 2020. He’ll claim the election was “rigged” and he’ll encourage his CULT to create as much havoc as he can – because his allegiance is not to this country. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if he relocated to Russia before the “long arm of the law” gets a hold of him.

The bottom line here is if “we the people” – those of us who don’t want him in office another day – don’t vote in record numbers all across the nation – it will be a travesty. Our traditional allies will be watching this next election from the edges of their seats and if “we the people” don’t correct this abomination this country will no longer be recognizable. Of course, if you’re an overt racist, you’re thinking the opposite. If you’re one of the people responding to that Fox “news” segment I referenced above and who regularly referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” you’ll be part of the new resistance even while whoever is in office will be trying to make your life much better than individual 1 ever will. It’s really hard for me to get my brain around how many “uneducated voters” there are in America, but reality is reality. I honestly don’t know the best answer to dealing with that issue – except to say, after watching all the young people protesting the climate crisis yesterday, there’s hope.

It appears “generation z” is much better informed than those who came before them. This is likely out of, to a certain extent, self preservation, because their lives are on the line and they realize the climate deniers – mainly republicans – are threatening their futures. People like individual 1 and the surreptitious “money changers” who are supporting them as “OZ” behind his curtain – like Charles Koch and other extremely wealthy people in the fossil fuel business – are fast losing favor with those who are going to live well into the 21st century. I feel confident in saying those in that protest are very unlikely to vote for individual 1 – his plan is to keep them from voting at all.

In fact, if my wish for republicans to be voted into the history books comes true, it will be because of these young, well informed, people voting en masse. (By the way, that protest was world wide!) These young people want the guns off the streets, especially assault weapons and “weapons of war.” Logically, they have NO place on the “streets.” They want health care – at a fair price and they don’t want health care to be dependent on your “standing” in life, period! They want to be able to gain an education without mortgaging the rest of their lives. They want affordable housing where they can raise a family. And, they want their country to live up to the ideals the “greatest generation” fought (and many died) for in WW II. They don’t want a select few making MILLIONS and paying little to no taxes while MILLIONS of working class Americans are working more than one job to “make ends meet.” None of this is unreasonable – even if you watch Fox “news.” Unless you’re part of individual 1’s CULT! In that instance, God help you.

Final Thought: Ever since Paul Weyrich’s famous speech back in the Reagan era about how republicans win only when people DON’T vote, that reality is more significant now than ever. I believe the way he put it was something along the lines of “The fewer people vote the better are our chances.” That should let you know what’s behind the numbing array of ”scandals” which I mentioned above John Cornyn was wondering why do people keep getting worked up over them? Well, one reason may be to turn as many people off to politics as possible. They know those more likely to be “turned off” are people who would likely vote for democrats. I heard someone explain it well the other day when he said “democrats bring a squirt gun to a knife fight.” (He said something else beside “squirt gun” but I couldn’t remember) It really is time (well, actually WAY past time) for democrats to take the OFFENSIVE!

Republicans have long characterized democrats as “weak” and, I’m afraid, they may be correct. It really is time for the democrats to change that perspective. As an FYI – for anyone who happens on this site. Today I watched a video put out by Tom Steyer and, I have to say, I would enthusiastically support him should he somehow miraculously gain the democratic nomination. My hope is they won’t hold his wealth against him. I think he would be a very formidable candidate and a good president. Just sayin………………….

As I’m getting ready to post this I’m listening to individual 1 in an interview with the president of Ukraine who he’s meeting with at the United Nations and we’re getting a first class episode of individual 1 on the attack. He’s clearly facing impeachment and he’s throwing out baseless accusations against the Biden’s right in front of the president of Ukraine. Unlike Richard Nixon, I don’t see individual 1 resigning – even if republicans in the Senate decide they don’t like the president EXTORTING political help from the Ukrainians. Let’s hope the democrats don’t loose the little bit of a spine they’ve suddenly found themselves with. “Take it to the house!” Once the republicans have “acquitted” our so-called president it’s then up to “we the people” to vote these people out of office in 2020 – and, that includes the people in places like Kentucky, South Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, Georgia, Texas, and other places which are considered “red states.” If this country is to become “healthy” again, it will happen because “we the people” – ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ and all places in between make it happen at the polls. Once these republican sycophants are gone it will be time for a REAL era where “conservatives” and “liberals” work for the interest of this nation!

I’ll end with – I hope they investigate Rudy Giuliani, William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, and possibly Mike Pense in all this. Individual 1 has been attempting to hide his illegal behavior by accusing the Ukrainians of being “corrupt” and saying he was holding back the badly needed military assistance because of their “corruption.” Well, it’s debatable as to which country – “us or them” – is more corrupt!

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