This extortion of Ukraine by individual 1 is now a conspiracy. Secretary of State Pompeo confirmed that this morning on ABC!

OMG! (again) The other day I started a post which was focused on how individual 1’s incompetence has brought the Middle East to the brink of ANOTHER (stupid) war instigated by the United States. To me, a MAJOR scandal (meaning the process which got us to this point – aka pulling America out of the Iran nuclear deal), but, as usual, before I could finish the post (it’s taking me a couple days now each time I write) that “scandal” has been superseded by a far more egregious “scandal.” That’s apparently how individual 1 tries to get “we the people” chasing our tails as he continues to wreck havoc on the government of the United States of America.

I’m going to focus these thoughts on individual 1 and how BAD this last foo-pah is, but I have to say, at first, come on democrats. Step up, stop acting like this is a passive issue! Quit worrying about how the voters will react to this. You’re making it WORSE for yourselves by acting like your worried about your “moderates.” This isn’t a question of liberal v moderate v conservative. This is a question of a president who is BRAZENLY violating America’s LAWS “right and left” and in plain sight, whether you like it or not, it’s up to you to put a stop to this. You’re not only enabling individual 1 but also his republican sycophants like Jordan of Ohio, Gaetz of Florida, Nunez of California, etc. who are going to defend anything individual 1 does because their loyalty is to their party and NOT to their country!

It doesn’t take a legal scholar to understand that EXTORTION is not becoming of a U.S. president. (Probably normal in Russia) IN FACT, extortion is what gets many mob bosses a lengthy sentence in the “pen.” Extortion is the work of people like “Don Corleone” and, when you have someone who believes that it’s “appropriate,” as individual 1 has claimed – well, you can’t be “passive” in dealing with it. While I respect much of what I’ve heard from Nancy Pelosi, this fear of impeachment seems to be “baked” into her DNA. I’ve shared how this showed up previously following Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld authorizing TORTURE during the Iraq “war.”

The friend I’ve referenced on this site many times who is an individual 1 supporter (and who I meet with regularly) claimed that “everyone tortures” in war. I won’t go into the details of my response to him other than to say I simply pointed out it violates American and international laws, it makes Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld (and, others – who did the TORTURING) War Criminals, and it SHOULD have been impeachable – except that Nancy Pelosi chose against impeachment then just as she’s doing now. (Of course, as I’ve said, President Obama failed to allow the subsequent “investigations” into WAR CRIMES as well) Back then I thought: “If not now, when?” Well, with individual 1 I keep telling myself “it can’t get any worse than this.”

But, the reality is that it could, it can, and it IS! If the democrats refuse to act AGAIN, then it would stand to reason it’s just a matter of time until some other person gains the “White House” who decides to push the “bar” even further. The list of individual 1’s “offenses” is so long that my head, along with who knows how many others, is simply “spinning.” It’s hard to keep up – it appears to me the idea is to create a numbness which results in people throwing up their arms and staying home in November 2020. (Of course, Pelosi isn’t helping fight that perception by putting a roadblock in front of impeachment)

That brazenous, and “getting away with it,” has led to this alleged EXTORTION right out in the open. I can remember reading about this at least a couple weeks ago – the extortion part – Giuliani going to Ukraine for “oppo research” as individual 1 calls it, has been public knowledge for months (again, with democratic complicity) – but, apparently, this “whistle-blower” has gained the attention of those who don’t follow “The Daily Kos.” Another word for what extortion is, if you’re not familiar, is “quid pro quo” which means “you give me something and I’ll give you something in return.” In this instance what individual 1 was offering to “give” to Ukraine is the MILLIONS in desperately needed military aid which had long ago been authorized by Congress to help Ukraine fight against, you guessed it, Vladimir Putin. (Are you getting the picture? Individual 1 had blocked the release of the aid) In other words, “You (Ukraine) give me (individual 1) “dirt” on Joe Biden and I’ll OK the military hardware ALREADY appropriated for you.” Otherwise………… Yikes!

This action of individual 1, by itself, SHOULD get him impeached FORTH WITH and SHOULD add to the legal obstacles to his “freedom” once he leaves office. (Whether via impeachment – unlikely – or via “we the people” “impeaching” him in November of 2020) No matter how long he, Giuliani, and his republican sycophants can retain POWER (and, make no mistake, that’s what this is all about), I can guarantee you he’ll pile on as much of what I’ve referred to simply as “DAMAGE” to our nation as he can. At some point he will be simply acting vindictively toward ANYONE he perceives as someone who’s “disloyal” because “that’s the way he rolls.” I also have to wonder how much does he really “owe” to Putin and the Russians? Do they really have the “video” referred to in the Steele Dossier?

Yesterday there was an impressive PROTEST against the climate deniers like individual 1 where MILLIONS of (mostly) young people around the world were demanding action and they showed publicly the reality that MILLIONS of young Americans are registering to vote AGAINST individual 1. This is another “step” in the process which is making him, apparently, more desperate. The sad reality is, his being our so-called president is preventing him from facing the legal charges which are mounting as each day passes – including this alleged EXTORTION of the Ukrainians. The actions individual 1 took with the Russians during the 2016 campaign which got him elected (and, I’ve read recently the Saudi’s and the Israelis were on the same “page” with the Russians) in my view were TREASONOUS. That’s why I’ve repeatedly stated his place in the history books will be right next to Benedict Arnold. (And, I picture Fox “news” and people like William Barr, Stephen Miller, and other sycophants finding a spot right next to him.)

Back to my main thought. If the reports are true (and, likely they are) that the “whistle blower” complaint is based on individual 1 “connecting” the Ukrainians agreeing to “investigate” Joe Biden’s work in Ukraine while he was Vice President and his son, Hunter, was on the board of an energy company there with individual 1 releasing the aforementioned $250 MILLION in military aid which the Ukrainians desperately need if they are to fend off the attack coming from the Russians. Vladimir Putin doesn’t like Ukraine’s cooperation with the “West” and, apparently, individual 1 could “care less” either way. This is another action by individual 1 which is worthy of the descriptive term EGREGIOUS and will lead to the democrats getting another well deserved descriptive term as COWARDICE! If they fail to act QUICKLY!

Early in the days of this “blog” (actually my cyber venting) I pointed out on several occasions that Osama bin Laden got exactly what he wanted when he sent the suicide bombers to fly those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. His goal was to cause the internal imploding of the United States by creating FEAR to rule the day. Of course, Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld was the perfect set of “leaders” for bin Laden to pull that off because they promoted FEAR as a policy. And, of course, FEAR continues to be the main strategy of republicans to this day. Now, I’ve been saying Vladimir Putin is “laughing all the way to the bank” in regard to the Russian interference in our 2016 election. He’s gained more than, I’m sure, even he imagined was possible – in his wildest dreams. (I actually believe Putin wanted to create a weakened Hillary Clinton administration who republicans had succeeded in causing to many of “we the people” to FEAR. Now they’re on to causing people to FEAR Biden)

Before I share this next thought I have to say I hope Joe Biden is NOT the candidate of the Democratic party, simply because I want someone YOUNGER. I’m 72 and I’m a bit younger than Biden and it’s apparent to me he’s too old. In fact, individual 1 is too old – he’s a disgusting human being but it’s also apparent he’s “losing it” based on observable behavior. But one of the worst parts of this latest individual 1 scandal is it shows how the republicans respond to illicit behavior among their own and how this so-called “liberal media” is the “tool” individual 1 knows how to manipulate and they (the “media”) either have no idea how they’re being used or they, themselves, are complicit – because they’re making money covering all the scandals. The question is, will our “liberal media” continue to allow individual 1 to get away with this – we know republicans only care about continuing the charade as long as they can. “We the people” have no where to turn except to democrats!

This story about Biden in the Ukraine was supposedly DEBUNKED long ago, but, so far, I haven’t heard one media outlet pointing this out. In fact, the other day, I heard a reporter for the NY Times suggesting there’s more to the story – without saying what it is giving individual 1 just what he wants. The bottom line is individual 1 is succeeding in SMEARING Biden in the eyes of many independent voters. He’s attempting to make Biden, in the eyes of voters, just as corrupt as he is, therefore, rendering that weakness void. Today, I actually heard Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in an interview on (I believe) ABC saying something like, “We can’t be having our elections interfered with by foreign powers and if there’s something to these Biden allegations in Ukraine they should be investigated” – without the proper “blow-back” from the interviewer. Again, OMG!

So, this episode of extortion is much deeper than just individual 1. Giuliani even said his meetings with whoever it was he met with in Ukraine was set up via the State Department (ie Pompeo) and he reported back to the State Department (ie Pompeo). And, then, we got the comments from Pompeo mentioned above. All I can think of is individual 1’s statement in the 2016 campaign, “I love uneducated voters.” If you support him, maybe it’s time to take a look in the mirror. Are you uneducated or just STUPID? From my standpoint, this extortion of Ukraine by individual 1 is now a conspiracy. Secretary of State Pompeo confirmed that this morning on ABC! I’ve come to the conclusion there’s no LOW which is too LOW for them and, based on my friend who supports individual 1, sadly, I have to say the same for his supporters. This is a sad time in America and I hope to live long enough to see individual 1 face the legal consequences for his “mob boss” behavior.

Final Thought: As long as I’m pointing out things I’ve said (written) many times, I’ll end with once again saying individual 1 is the PERFECT (so-called) president for the forces that actually run the republican party surreptitiously. He clearly has no grasp on the government, on American history, and the laws which he’s supposed to be defending and, I could go on. What he offers the “moneyed elites” behind this republican assault on our republic is he’ll do what is expected of him. When gun legislation is proposed, he gets a call from the NRA and it’s over. The reality of the climate crisis is IMPOSSIBLE to miss, but individual 1 continues to be the champion of the fossil fuel industry. He has NO moral compass, but he continues to say (like “two Corinthians”) whatever it takes to make Evangelicals who support him actions designed to make “Christians” look the other way on ALL the things which would make Jesus “cringe.” (Like right wing judges)

I believe all Americans should read “Sons of Wichita” to help them understand what the “Koch Brothers” – now the “Koch Brother” because one of them died – have been “up to.” The Koch family may have overseen more scandals than even individual 1. Our “Justice Department” is being exposed, during this perilous time, as being afraid to confront the very rich in our society. Both of the “Koch Brothers” are/were worth over $50 BILLION and they were committed to spending MILLIONS in order to subvert America’s government toward their fossil fuel interests. Disgusting! It are the wealthy families who’ve been manipulating the republican party with piles of MONEY which is what makes individual 1 as our so-called president possible. Again, if this is going to be stopped “we the people” have no option but to vote for democrats – and, then, let them know it’s time to get this mountain of DARK money OUT of politics.

Most people I know have no idea who the Koch brothers are. Most republicans I know only think of George Soros when talk of money in politics comes up – or they don’t even understand the problem. For sure, most can’t tell you what “Citizens United” is. To me, this is on our “liberal media!” If you haven’t been around here much and you don’t think critically I, for one, don’t believe our “media” is “liberal.”

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