Republicans seem to be inferentially “beholden” to their donors similar to how individual 1 wanted the Ukrainians to feel if they wanted the desperately needed military aid. Yikes!!!

Today I listened to individual 1 bloviating in front of the newly elected president of Ukraine, who must be feeling very uneasy being thrust into the middle of America’s corrupt president and his country’s desperate need for U.S. aid in his fight against Vladimir Putin, with our so-called president regurgitating his attacks against the “Russian Investigation” and the “Clinton emails” (the ones he publicly asked the Russians to find) and the so-called “witch hunt.” As I listened to his disgusting remarks I couldn’t help but feel the democrats are likely to focus the present “impeachment inquiry” on the EXTORTION of Ukraine – which, don’t get me wrong, is EXTREMELY bad – and kind of let the multiple examples of OBSTRUCTION of Justice in the Mueller report “go” along with the “collusion” with the Russians, which is undeniable!

Individual 1 has been OBSTRUCTING Congress along with his other acts of OBSTRUCTION and I do not doubt he will continue to OBSTRUCT Congress as this IMPEACHMENT inquiry proceeds and he will FORCE the democrats to go to court in order to get EVERY person subpoenaed to show up to testify. And, if those who do show up act like Corey Lewandowski I would hope the democrats would charge them with CONTEMPT of Congress right on the spot!

In his comments today he was on the “Roy Cohn” attack in front of the United Nations. It was embarrassing to listen to this disgusting human being attempting to deflect the “incoming” accountability he’s now looking right in the eye. As he talks, if you’ve checked out some of his allegations, you realize he can’t help himself from LYING. He’s like a rat which has been cornered and he’s lashing back. I’ve tried to find any reliable evidence of his accusations and there’s NOTHING there! It reminds me of the so-called “Uranium 1 scandal” in the 2016 campaign. I have to believe individual 1 wakes up in the morning and listens to the absurd right wing conspiracy theorists online and starts throwing (“tweeting”) s@#t against the wall – hoping with their (republican’s) “uneducated voters” some of it will “stick.” And, up until now, it’s been working – with around 40% of Americans believing individual 1 is telling them the truth.

This “scandal” – it appears to me – has involvement of the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and a bunch of other ‘party over country’ sycophants. This is going to be a brutal “fight” and, as I’ve said, I don’t believe individual 1 will resign as Nixon, but he’ll go down in flames if he goes down. I simply hope the democrats force every republican in Congress to vote on whether or not they are OK with the president EXTORTING political favors from foreign nationals. The bottom line is that for “we the people” to have any chance for our government to produce a progressive agenda which deals with the issues of universal health care, climate change, education, gun reform, tax reform and the deficit among the many pressing issues it is NECESSARY democrats control the Senate. Moscow Mitch is one of the republicans who need to be retired and maybe being forced to give an “up or down” vote on whether or not they support EXTORTION by the (in this case so-called, but in any case) president of the United States. I believe there are many Americans, even in “red states” who find this ILLEGAL behavior difficult to stomach!

Remember, our representatives in government are setting precedents ALL the time and it will be a sad day in America if this behavior is not very PUBLICLY reprimanded. This impeachment “inquiry” is certainly appropriate – it took this abuse of POWER for Nancy Pelosi to relent on her lack of interest in this impeachment “talk” – despite all the evidence of “wrongdoing” in the Mueller report. As I’ve said in regard to all the impeachment “talk” and the likelihood republicans will find this behavior “normal” it’s up to the democrats to lay down a “marker” for future presidents – whether democrat or republican – that we really are a “nation of laws and not men.” The FACT coordinating with foreign governments is AGAINST the law is not a matter of discussion. It’s clear – as stated in the Mueller report among many I’ve heard point this out. If individual 1 is not removed for this egregiously arrogant breech of our laws then it’s up to “we the people” to do so – and, as I’ve stated many times, (and sometimes I add “sadly” to that thought) “we the people” are dependent on democrats to accomplish this!

Of course, it’s up to the democrats to nominate a candidate who has an appeal to more than the so-called “left.” That’s precisely why I believe many democrats are pushing for Joe Biden – although, to me, he’s too old. (I’m 72 and I just don’t feel like “we the people” need someone this old as our president) Personally, until he made the push for MANDATORY buyback of assault weapons (and, keep in mind, I’m TOTALLY opposed to assault weapons “on the street”) I was leaning toward Beto O’Rourke. I think that one impassioned plea makes him unelectable, practically, for too many Americans. I like Corey Booker, and I also like Tom Steyer. I’m finding Steyer to be a very interesting potential candidate. Regardless, the democrats have a great opportunity to retake the “White House” and to retake control of the Senate. Ideally, many republicans will be “retired” by the voters as a response to their un-democratic assault on the fundamentals of our republic over the previous few years.

In my heart I agree with Elizabeth Warren that we should NOT act in fear when deciding who we want as our leaders and we shouldn’t FEAR policy proposals which benefit “we the people” but are likely to face Millions of dollars in smear tactics from those who are what I call the republican “puppet masters” – ie the NRA, the “Koch Brother” network, and wealthy “donors” like Sheldon Adelson who quickly “repaid” republicans for their “tax scam” with a “gift” of around $10 MILLION. Republicans will defend their “turf” aggressively because well, they depend on all the “dark money.” In fact, they seem to be inferentially “beholden” to their donors similarly to how individual 1 wanted the Ukrainians to feel if they wanted the desperately needed military aid. Yikes!!!

Today the so-called “whistle blower” complaint was de-classified and I had (and you have) the opportunity to actually read it. There can be no doubt our so-called president was – in the lingo of the organized criminal world he apparently came from – “shaking down” the Ukrainians for “oppo research” on his imagined opponent in the 2020 re-election campaign. At the same time, it appeared to me he was also trying to re-litigate the 2016 election and he was pushing to find out that conspiracy theories (from somewhere, I personally don’t know) claiming the “server” with the “missing emails” is somewhere in Ukraine are true. He mentioned the word “Crowd Strike” and, it appeared to me the apparent silence which followed would suggest individual 1 knew about previous contacts where the identical subject had been “broached.” All of this just reinforce what I’ve been claiming for over two years: our so-called president is either a “mob boss” or he’s acting like one!

Of course, Vladimir Putin is, by most accounts, operating an international organized crime syndicate and, as we all know Putin seems to be one of individual 1’s idols. It has always come across to me that individual 1 is envious of Putin’s ability to deal with those who are dissidents in a variety of ways which include people mysteriously “jumping out of fourth floor windows” to being poisoned. The “consequences” in Russia to those who oppose Putin seem to always be extreme enough to send a clear message to others. This morning it was reported by the LA Times that individual 1, in a meeting of diplomats, accused this “whistleblower” of being a “spy,” and was suggesting consequences for this person coming forward and reporting this egregious misconduct similar to how “we used to deal with spies.” He apparently was suggesting how, maybe, the Rosenberg’s were executed. Again, every day he comes across more and more as if he’s a “mob boss.”

Individual 1 is actually characterizing both the “whistleblower” and those in the “White House” who shared this information with him/her (the “whistleblower” complaint was “Second hand”) as “treasonous.” He wants to find out who these people are – and, you can only imagine what he wants to do if/when he finds out who “told on him.” I listened this morning to individual 1 lashing out at the democrats (saying, “here we go again”), the witnesses to his EXTORTION (implied) demand, and the Biden’s. Incredibly he keeps suggesting the Biden’s pulled “millions and millions of dollars” out of both Ukraine and China. Personally, despite the reality these accusations are of no relativity to the so-called president’s EXTORTION of the Ukrainians, I’ve tried to find out if his claims are true. So far, I’ve found NOTHING which would even suggest individual 1’s accusations are credible.

In fact, what I’ve found would suggest the opposite. While Biden was representing the United States, along with a bevy of international allies who were all committed to supporting Ukraine in their fight against the Russians, all of them supporting the removal of the chief prosecutor in Ukraine – because he WASN’T prosecuting “corruption.” And, incredibly to me (evidently not to individual 1) this would include the company of which Hunter Biden had been on the board. It appears to me the suggestion – which individual 1, true to the “Big Lie Theory” of which he operates, continues to bloviate – that the Biden’s pulled “millions and millions of dollars from Ukraine and China” is spurious and reckless. Sadly, millions of Americans will/do believe what he says is true and our so-called “liberal media” continues to broadcast his LIES with no immediate “correction” – using the facts. I can picture the words of my friend who supports individual 1 as I’m writing this.

Final Thought: If you saw the look on the face of Ukraine’s president as, while he was sitting next to individual 1, our so-called president was suggesting he and Vladimir Putin sit down and work out their differences. The reality is Putin has taken Crimea from Ukraine and has NO plans to relinquish it (Read “Putin’s World” by Angela Stent) and Ukraine’s president very well knows this. Additionally, there are Russian troops, surreptitiously, in a couple of Ukraine’s eastern regions as this is all going on. Ukraine is depending on the support of the United States AND the members of the European Union, who, despite individual 1’s claims to the contrary, are providing MORE support than the U.S. (Individual 1 just can’t seem to stop the LYING)

One more thing: One reason Ukraine not only is depending on our support, but that we are OBLIGATED to support them goes back to the breakup of the Soviet Union. While the Soviet Union was still “viable” there was a large quantity of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. When the Soviet Union disbanded (I’m not sure if that’s the correct word) Ukraine agreed to give up those nuclear weapons in return for the United States agreeing to support their defense against Russia or any other entity attacking them. So, this idea individual 1 would suspend close to $400 MILLION in military hardware – which had been approved by congress – in order to leverage the (likely) illegal EXTORTION attempts of Rudy Giuliani and, ultimately, individual 1 joining the EXTORTION plan – in a way that caused me to remember the words of Michael Cohen about how individual 1 “rolls.” Individual 1 has implied the “whistleblower” committed “treason” when if anyone has committed “treason” it’s individual 1 himself!

Again, my apologies for publishing this without rereading it. I would never have approved that with my sixth graders! :o)

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