Democrats, you are enabling disgusting policy because of your FEAR of independent voters while YOUR base KNOWS an IMPEACHMENT inquiry is LONG overdue!

OMG! Alan Dershowitz has caused my stomach to curl, often, as he’s been visibly attempting to defend the indefensible when it comes to individual 1 over the previous couple of years. I’m always reminded of the OJ trial and Dershowitz helping Simpson get away with a double murder, and now the Epstein case – we discover it was Dershowitz (and Ken Starr) meeting in a hotel working out the details so that a sex trafficker (of teenage girls) could avoid the prosecution most EXPERTS say he deserved. It’s almost daily that I’m reminded of the hypocrisy (well beyond that of MOST of us “normal” humans) which seems to be attached to our so-called president and the people he associates with.

Of course, Dershowitz will have little trouble rationalizing away his part in defending Jeffrey Epstein who was, allegedly, running a sophisticated “ring” of what amounts to child prostitution. Who all was involved? Well, hopefully “we the people” will find out. To me, the two most notable men attempting to distance themselves from Epstein are individual 1 and Bill Clinton. (OK, for those with their heads in the sand, “individual 1” is the name Donald Trump was given by the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York – yes, the very same prosecutors who are bringing the case against Epstein – for paying off a “porn star” so that she wouldn’t “spill the beans” of his affair – while his third wife was home taking care of his latest child, then a baby – the payoff coming right before the 2016 election. That payoff – and, the other one for another illicit affair which happened at the same time – was a FELONY and Trump became “individual 1” as an “unindicted co-conspirator” with Michael Cohen – who made the payments at the direction of “individual 1” and is now in JAIL partly because of those payments) Time will tell how involved those two men were with the “young girls” Epstein was using.

If you’ve read much history involving individual 1 you can understand why this is making him nervous and why his “Roy Cohn” – William Barr our so-called Attorney General – would “unrecuse” himself in regard to this case (one day after recusing) knowing his CLIENT may need some more “defense” as the Epstein case unfolds. I heard Barr’s reason for the recusal, but not for the “unrecusal.” Clinton, almost immediately, pointed out the number of times he had been on a plane – apparently Epstein’s – all for the “Clinton Foundation.” Epstein was noted as a philanthropist – one thing he doesn’t have in commen with individual 1. Individual 1 seemed, at first, to hardly remember Epstein – until even he realized how ridiculous that was going to “play.” Now it’s “We had a falling out- maybe – 15 years ago.” Well, my best guess is the “fallout” happened when Epstein faced the MINIMAL consequences for getting caught in his lurid “side business.” (Of course, the prosecutor was individual 1’s labor Secretary – remember, he only hangs with the “top people”) I wonder how many people BELIEVE individual 1 when he attempts to put distance from someone he once complemented on Epstein’s “love for beautiful women” including “younger girls.” (If not obvious, NOT me!)

Speaking of sex predators and young girls, if you’ve never read about individual 1’s history with the Miss Teen USA pageant or heard his interviews with Howard Stern regarding “owning” the pageant you probably aren’t aware of all the (young teenage) girls reporting individual 1 walking into their dressing room while some were nude “because I’m the owner.” His boasts about “stalking” (my inference) the teenage girls would leave one to wonder (certainly, I’m wondering) how much individual 1 was involved with Epstein’s “business.” His boasts about walking through the dressing room and “checking out the girls – because I’m the owner” was very similar, to me, with his boasting on the “Access Hollywood” tape. “I can do this because I’m famous, they’ll let you do it.” Individual 1 even boasted “I’d be dating Ivanka if she wasn’t my daughter” euwww!

If anyone believes individual 1 will be telling the truth in regard to Epstein, I can almost guarantee you they’re watching Fox “news.” I have no idea how much, if any, involvement he had with Epstein’s – what amounts to a – child prostitution ring, but I can tell you I don’t believe I’m the only American who is suspicious. My suspicion was escalated when I heard about Barr “unrecusing” in regard to the case. It’s been reported Barr is going to “supervise” the case. Why on earth would that be necessary? Is it because the reports of individual 1 and Epstein in parties with these young girls keep “popping” up?

There’s no doubt Washington D.C. (I have to add the “DC” because I live in the state) was corrupt to the core before individual 1 said he was going to “drain the swamp.” I agreed, the “swamp” needed to be “drained.” However, making the “swamp” “swampier” is no way to drain a “swamp.” Individual 1 has increased the CORRUPTION in our government exponentially. It’s as if he’s trying to be a Putin “wannabee.” I’ve always felt some of admiration of Putin comes not only from Putin’s ability to “take care of his opponents” (in whatever way he chooses) but also his wealth. It’s been reported by many that Putin is actually the wealthiest man in the world – it’s just that Russian wealth is tied up in the Russian Mafiya – which Putin runs. All those “oligarchs” you read about are beholden to Putin for EVERYTHING they own.

It’s also been reported ad nauseam about how individual 1 is using his office to add to his own personal wealth, I’m just a bit skeptical he’ll be able to keep up with his idol Putin. Of course, the emoluments cases in the courts are still “languishing” and they’ve been in the works for the past two years and, it wouldn’t surprise me if we find out it’s Dershowitz advising individual 1 on how to avoid losing those lawsuits. That’s one of the great ironies in all this to me. I’ve written endlessly about my grief in regard to the FACT it’s the so-called “Christian right” which makes up much of individual 1’s “base,” and when I talk to people I know who fall into that category I often hear them complaining about “lawyers.” Yet, “der leader,” seems to be affiliated with the sleaziest of those who practice law. Let me repeat, not only was Dershowitz key in getting Epstein “off” (with an incredibly light sentence regarding what can only be described as a “horrific” crime) but he was key in getting OJ Simpson “off.” And, now he’s working to get individual 1 “off.” (And, by the way, William Barr is well on his way to destroying our Justice Department – while, as usual in these days, republicans sit idly by.

Additionally, these right wing “Christians” seem to have an objection to the lawyers who are defending immigrants who are being abused en masse, pro bono. Speaking of the immigrant “crisis” – which individual 1 is trying to exacerbate, I’m expecting something even more brazen than what has been exposed in the last week or two in order to get the focus of “we the people” off of Epstein. That’s how this works, “we the people” are constantly being manipulated to the point where we can’t keep up with all the CORRUPTION, therefore, there is NO accountability for any of it.

And, of course, democrats play right into the hands of individual 1 and his “handlers” who have absolutely NO moral compass – plus republicans have a bunch of “Christians” who will NEVER believe anything negative about der leader – which is what allows their “strategy” to work. (Imagine where all these “Christians” would be had President Obama say – paid off a porn star to silence her in order to get elected, had worked with the Russians to get elected, had committed OBSTRUCTION of Justice multiple times (by some accounts 10), had sided with Putin over our intelligence community on the world stage (hell, had met with Putin for two hours with no one else present), had committed OVER 5000 provable LIES per year while in office, had claimed he could grab women by the pussy because he was famous, had exchanged “love letters” with Kim Jong un, had enabled MBS after he had a U.S. resident and journalist MURDERED (and dismembered with a BONE SAW!) because he was getting so much MONEY from the Saudi’s, had tripled the annual deficit in just two years, and the list goes on and on. I hope you get my point.) Democrats need to understand what is at stake here and that following traditional political “norms” to fight this is insufficient! I’ve said this many times now in regard to an IMPEACHMENT inquiry, “If not now, when?”

Well then, what is my point tonight? To me, there’s something “fishy” in regard to individual 1’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and, I believe both William Barr and Allen Dershowitz will be doing everything in their power to make sure “we the people” never find out about it. Individual 1’s own words from the early 2000’s in regard to Epstein have to make you wonder, don’t they? He not only commented on how they both (Epstein and himself) love beautiful women but he made a really curious remark about how Epstein loves “young women.” Here’s the exact quote, “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Individual 1 told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Doesn’t that make you curious? I guess my point is, “Democrats, you are enabling disgusting policy because of your FEAR of independent voters while YOUR base KNOWS an IMPEACHMENT inquiry is LONG overdue!”

As usual, it seems to take me days to put together what I feel is a collection of my thoughts worth publishing (I’m sure in the eyes of many NONE of my thoughts are worth publishing) – even though, when I started, I never imagined anyone ever finding my “diary” – the home of my venting which started after GW Bush LIED “we the people” into Iraq – maybe, up to this point in time, the WORST decision by any American president EVER. However, individual 1 and his supporters are motivating me to write even more frequently. I HATE the idea his “base” is made up mostly by “evangelical Christians.” I just can’t understand how they can support him, PERIOD! The abortion issue, in my mind, is not worth the DAMAGE being done to our nation by the most CORRUPT (so-called) president EVER! (Mulligans are for the golf course, period!)

When I make this next comment it won’t be the first time: I fully believe democrats are the experts at pulling “defeat from the jaws of victory.” I want to finish this post by elaborating on that comment in addition to my prediction individual 1 would find an ugly way to get the attention off of Epstein.

Well, this past week we saw a squabble amongst democrats make it out of their caucus as the so-called “squad” – the four freshmen (women) democrats of color, “AOC” – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, seemingly the leader, along with Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Ilhan Omar – who aren’t afraid to speak their minds and are only going to take so much of Nancy Pelosi’s “pragmatism,” and their frustration “boiled” over. They clearly are targets of the right wingers and they don’t back down from the attacks. From my stand point, “ya gotta love it!” So a little friction in the democratic caucus “spilled onto the street,” and, of course, der leader couldn’t resist.

Well, before I comment on individual 1’s “new low” (and, in my mind, strategically so) let me just say I hope the democrats can pull together understanding the issue is DEFEATING individual 1 over their policy agenda. All the “ideas” in the world they want to throw around are meaningless unless they can defeat our so-called president ALONG with Mitch McConnell. Almost as critical as getting individual 1 out of the “White House” and into the courtroom would be defeating McConnell and gaining control of the Senate. Back to my “final point.”

So, like a shark who senses blood in the water, (I know, a per “Stormy Daniels” individual 1 fears sharks, but hang with me) individual 1 saw this “squabble” and, sure enough, he pictured a way to get “we the people’s” minds off of Jeffrey Epstein and all the stories beginning to surface of them doing the “young girls” scene together. Individual 1 knows exactly how the “liberal media” will respond to his darkest tendencies and he knows his base could care less, so here’s the “tweet” designed to cause us all to forget Epstein:

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world,” Individual 1 wrote on Twitter, “now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.” Individual 1 added: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”

I could go on and on about what a RACIST, NATIVIST, XENOPHOBIC AND DISGUSTING “tweet” that was – one of the WORST – but, that’s individual 1’s intention. In fact, I don’t do “Twitter” but when I was trying to find the “Tweet” I noticed he already had over !69,000 “retweets” with hearts next to them. I’m guessing that’s from his White Nationalist followers. He accomplishes two goals in one tweet – the MOST important is to get people’s minds off his behavior with Epstein AND the “young girls.” (I’ve seen it reported he allegedly raped a 13 year old girl at one of Epstein’s parties – although, I haven’t seen any details supporting the accusation, but…….) and secondly, to assure his “deplorable” supporters he’s still got their backs. The comment was just further confirmation he’s a racist and I’m sure he finds it amusing watching all the “liberal” commentators discussing whether this is the worst comment ever. They’ve almost forgotten Mr. Epstein. We’ll see how it all plays out.

The “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” are coming faster than “we the people” can keep up. And, it’s like the schoolyard bully DARING anyone to stop him. Of course, if it was up to the “squad” we’d be well into the process of IMPEACHMENT – despite the FACT Pelosi is correct that the Senate won’t convict. But, the “squad” is CORRECT that the House shouldn’t make decisions of what’s “right or wrong” based on the Senate. They should make those decisions, well, based on “right and wrong.” End of story! For as long as I can remember Democrats have been considered by MANY Americans (myself included) as “spineless.” Their pandering over IMPEACHMENT isn’t helping that image!

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