Is individual 1 suggesting the government he’s in charge of is “a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world?” Well, as long as he’s in charge, I guess I would have to agree with him.

Today, as I was wandering through our local Costco, killing a bit of time before I had to go to an appointment, I checked out their collection of books to sell – I read everything I can which provides actual information about our government – past and present. It’s true I don’t buy and read books from those who are associated with Fox “news,” because when I’ve tried in the past I just find pages FULL of LIES, but today I saw a book written by Mark Levin titled “Unfreedom of the Press.” I decided, while I had a bit of time, to read as much of it as I could in order to see if it was worth 16 of my dollars. It wasn’t!

As usual, it brought up another OMG moment. This Levin person is educated, but – I guess LYING is a requirement of people on Fox – the book (and I only read maybe 20 pages) was FULL of LIES! As I said above, when I talk to someone who supports individual 1 almost EVERY time they are a Fox viewer. Many are sensitive to me suggesting that and they LIE about it, as if they know what’s being funneled into their brains – but, it only takes a few moments for them to “give up the ghost.” (For example, when someone refers to “Sean” in supporting their opinions it becomes crystal clear why they believe what they believe,)

In reading Levin’s book, in the section regarding the Mueller report, he was essentially regurgitating the LIES of William Barr. It’s no wonder the Fox viewers are so ignorant – they get a sophisticated barrage of calculated LYING as a “steady diet.” Levin’s book is premised on the accusation the “liberal media” is affiliated with a political party (democrats) and he spent MOST of the time, on the pages I was reading, lamenting on how dangerous that is to our “democracy” (actually, it’s a republic – the “checks and balances” of the constitution are designed to prevent America from becoming a true “democracy” – and, the “free press” is a key part of the “checks”) with nary a word about Fox. It really reminded me of the projection of individual 1 – where when he’s accusing democrats of something, you can be sure that’s exactly what he, himself, is doing. As I read through Levin’s book, I was thinking he needs to look in the mirror.

In fact, it was Levin’s main premise that caused me to decide to take a good look at his book to see if I could justify buying it – to get the perspective of “the other side.” (It grieves me to write that because in so many ways I consider myself a “conservative.” The present day “conservatives” likely make Edmond Burke “roll in his grave” on a daily basis.) I agree that when a major media outlet becomes totally affiliated with one political party it is a danger to our republic. What was missing was his analysis of Fox “news.” His focus, in the pages I read was the New York Times. Well, as I said, even the Fox viewers know they are receiving partisan propaganda that is the platform of the republican party. Sorry Mr. Levin, but I’m not buying your book!

I believe Fox will end up right next to individual 1 in the dregs of American history books when all is said, done, and written about this era of America and it has finally come to an end. Sadly, I don’t think that will be an excuse for all the “Christians” who are supporting a political party, which has been commandeered by individual 1 and doesn’t remotely resemble the fundamental values they claim to believe in. Most of these same people were the ones criticizing me for questioning their blind loyalty to Bush/Cheney as the STUPID invasion of Iraq was happening. Now, they (mostly) have come to understand the folly of that “war.” Time will cause them to realize the folly of their support for individual 1 although when you question it, at this point in time, they (the ones I know) start yelling.

I’m on my second time reading Mueller’s “report” and, as I read what was in Levin’s book I felt certain Levin has NOT read the report – he was simply regurgitating Barr’s LIES – evidently, because it’s what he wanted to hear, when Barr made them, and, maybe, he’s too lazy to do the reading. It says on the inside book cover that Levin has a law degree so if he had read Mueller’s report he wouldn’t be writing “no collusion” – for one thing – because Mueller was as clear as he could be that “collusion” was NOT what they investigated. If FACT, you can’t read that report without seeing a lot of “collusion.” What Mueller couldn’t do, partly because of the LYING by witnesses and the destruction of evidence, which caused “The Office” to determine charging anyone with “conspiracy” (which is what they investigated – NOT “collusion”) could not be proved “beyond a reasonable doubt,” was to charge people like individual 1 Jr. or Jared Kushner with conspiracy – Mueller even suggested the “Office” would not likely get a conviction because the boys didn’t know any better. Yikes! OK, not being able to prove “conspiracy,” even though it was a close call, was Mueller’s conclusion in Volume I.

Of course, Levin also said “on obstruction.” Again, he’s got a law degree, so I have to conclude he DIDN’T read the report – because, I don’t see how ANYONE could read that report (Volume II) and come away saying “no obstruction.” I’ve heard several former US Attorneys say their conclusion was 10 or 11 PROVABLE cases of “Obstruction of Justice” charges could realistically be given to individual 1 based on the evidence in Volume II. I was a school teacher in my working life (the last part of it), so clearly I’m no lawyer (although I studied constitutional law in college back in the 60’s), but in my reading of Mueller’s report (the first time) I felt there were about FIVE obvious cases of “Obstruction of Justice” which individual 1 SHOULD be charged with. Mueller goes into great detail to explain the law, how the laws work, and why OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE is such a serious CRIME.

When you read the report, it becomes really clear that Mueller “has a point” when he explains how serious OBSTRUCTION is to the legal system. Essentially, OBSTRUCTION is what people who want to damage the legal system – essentially CRIMINALS – do on a routine basis. It’s a SERIOUS felony! We’re talking about things like encouraging witnesses in an investigation to LIE, intimidating witnesses to a crime, essentially doing anything that would OBSTRUCT (Impede) the government’s ability to investigate criminal activity. Trey Gowdy gave individual 1 the best advice I heard in the past 3 years when he said, “If you’re innocent, act like it.” Well, individual 1 SHOULD have taken that advice, but calling witnesses “rats” and threatening their families is NOT “acting like it,” firing those investigating you is NOT “acting like it,” asking associates to OBSTRUCT and then trying to get them to LIE about it is NOT “acting like it,” and I could go on – but, read the report! (My advice, also, to Mr. Levin – and countless members of Congress – especially republicans – who clearly have NOT taken the time to read the report is READ THE REPORT!)

The reality “we the people” are facing is that we have what amounts to an organized crime boss as our so-called president who’s an unabashedly racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic, and, to top it all off, is a pathological LIAR not to mention an admitted sexual predator. (If you’re not familiar with pathological LIARS, it means he believes his own LIES are truthful as they are continuously rolling off his tongue) And, he demonstrates all this on almost a daily basis – I think he can’t help himself. All through the Mueller report there’s evidence given by his surrogates about how they counseled him (individual 1) to just ignore the Russia investigation and do his job. As Gowdy advised, “act like you’re innocent.” He couldn’t force himself to do it. The morning “tweet storms” have become normal now in America. But, apparently, what individual 1 didn’t understand was EVERY one of those “tweets” was “evidence” in regard to the OBSTRUCTION investigation.

If you followed all this I’m sure you’re familiar with all the reporting where individual 1’s advisers along with his republican brethren were constantly counseling him to “stop tweeting,” to no avail. Well, all through Volume II of the Mueller report the notes at the bottom of the pages refer back to “tweet” after “tweet.” Here’s the deal, when you’re our (so-called) president (or, for that matter, any other citizen) the fact you’re using “Twitter” to OBSTRUCT an investigation you don’t like is just as if you were doing it in person. The fact MILLIONS of followers could see your “tweets” aimed at intimidating witnesses, harassing Justice Department employees, threatening the Special Counsel, etc. etc. does not exonerate you. In fact, it’s just a public display of STUPIDITY – especially when you find out about all the legal advisers telling individual 1 “don’t do this – it’s ‘OBSTRUCTIVE.'”

Here’s the other frustration for progressive Americans. As certain as we are that individual 1 is going to commit another “High Crime and misdemeanor” almost on a daily basis – certainly actions warranting investigation – we’re almost as certain that Nancy Pelosi is going to BLOCK the IMPEACHMENT inquiry which is so clearly needed. She did this with Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld when it came to the offense (apparently, to her, minor) of authorizing TORTURE and she’s doing it now in regard to having a mafia boss as our so-called president. It remains to be seen as to which republican administration causes the MOST DAMAGE. Of course, the DAMAGE from the ill-conceived invasion of Iraq in 2003 is ongoing. Much of the DAMAGE being caused by individual 1 is “flying under the radar” and what he’s doing to this country will take a generation to “fix” if it’s fixable.

I’ve said this many times: It appears to me individual 1’s red hats with MAGA on them should really say MC/RGA – Make China and Russia great again! I believe China is just “licking its chops” at all the opportunities individual 1 has just handed over to them. The pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords signaled to the Chinese they have a free hand in leading the way in renewable energy technology and the pulling out of the TPP has given China a free hand at dominating the Southeast Asian economy – something President Obama was attempting to “short-circuit” – and, even many democrats couldn’t figure that one out. I believe when all is said and done in regard to the so-called “Tariff war” individual 1 will be exposed for further ignorance – if that’s possible.

There’s two entities making it possible for this nightmare to continue. First, and to me foremost, it’s Fox “news” and the right wing media outlets which have spawned off of them and secondly is a bunch of republican legislators totally lacking in guts (kind of like democrats of the past 30+ years). When legislators are more focused on getting re-elected than on fulfilling their oath of office they should no longer be in office. Sadly, that is the reality “we the people” are facing with MOST legislators in our nation’s capital. There are a few with guts, but I don’t see a long line in that category. (And, it’s only one republican – who I guess had to drop out of the republican party for having guts – and that’s Justin Amash – someone I admire although I disagree with much of what he believes)

This is why, at least so far, I haven’t heard one republican repudiate individual 1 for his disgusting RACIST attack on the group of freshmen (women) democrats in Congress – which I wrote about in my previous post. The following “tweet” was disgusting, but, as usual, individual 1′ is doubling down on his RACISM which is more disgusting and, to me even worse, is the “lockjaw” of republicans in Congress. Here again, is the “tweet:”

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

I wrote extensively about this previously, but as I was looking at it, there was one more thought I wanted to pass on. In my previous comments I forgot to mention three of the four women this “tweet” was aimed at were born in the United States. So when individual 1 says: “So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world” – he’s apparently talking about America isn’t he? Do you find that disgusting? Is he suggesting the government he’s in charge of is “a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world?” Well, as long as he’s in charge, I guess I would have to agree with him.

Final thought: “We the people” need to be thankful William Barr did not enter the “scene” until the final stages of the Mueller investigation. I have no doubt he would have terminated the investigation early had he been in office sooner and, had he been the original Attorney General for individual 1 there would have been NO investigation. He seems to be as willing to accept the help of the Russians as individual 1 (and his surrogates) as well. The cyber warfare that is ongoing could well be the undoing of the America as most of us has known it. Countries around the world have seen that individual 1’s narcissism has prevented “we the people” from an appropriate response to Russia’s “active measures” almost encouraging other bad actors to “join the fray.” William Barr has soiled his own reputation and is doing untold DAMAGE to the Justice Department – the institution which is the MOST important in America’s hierarchy of institutions to remain “a political” – Barr is attempting to turn the Justice Department into an “arm” of the president. It is critically important he fails. As with individual 1 I don’t understand why republicans don’t understand this could conceivably “boomerang” on them???

When Mueller “finished” his investigation there were 12 sealed investigations “farmed out” to various districts and, from what I’ve heard Barr has already terminated 7 of them. So far there’s been little to no reporting on this. Additionally, Mike Flynn apparently is no longer “cooperating” – whatever that means and the Roger Stone indictment is still pending a trial. It wouldn’t surprise me if everything Mueller had in the “pipeline” gets blocked by Barr. His allegiance is clearly to individual 1 and NOT to his oath to “faithfully defend the constitution and the laws of the land.” Yikes!

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