For those Americans who need a “history lesson” they need to read about Germany in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. The parallels to individual 1 and his “Christian” base are startling!

My apologies to anyone who might happen here who supports individual 1, but our so-called president is an IDIOT when it comes to running our government. It almost feels as if the DAMAGE he’s doing to the traditional institutions which have served Americans well for generations are out of spite. It’s like he’s the oppositional BULLY in the sixth grade who says if you (the teacher) tell me not to do something, well, that’s like a “green light.” Today’s “scandal” is related to individual 1’s rogue behavior as he tries to envision himself as the “commander in chief” while putting the world on edge in regard to the situation in Iran.

Apparently, today, individual 1 proved himself to be totally dysfunctional as he keeps people wondering what kind of blunder is he really capable of. Apparently, there was a decision to “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” (in the words of the late John McCain) which he called off at the last moment – according to him because he was told 150 Iranians would die as a result of the American response to Iran shooting down an American drone – which the Iranians claim was in their air space and, of course, the Americans claim was over international waters. Individual 1, in an interview with one of my least favorite “reporters” (Chuck Todd), claimed the response wouldn’t be proportional. (I actually agree with him – it’s just that, like in every other instance, either he’s LYING or proving, once again, that he’s an IDIOT.

Why would I make such a harsh statement, you might ask? Well, can you imagine what it means that an airstrike was imminent and our so-called “commander in chief” – as final permission was being asked from the military leaders – wanted to know what the level of casualties would be. OK, if you’re still not “getting it” let me explain. It’s unreal that a military action could get to the point where the missiles were ready to “fly” and individual 1 is asking how many people will be killed? Isn’t that maybe one of the first questions which should be dealt with during the planning stage? I have to ask: “Was there a planning stage?” Was individual 1 even involved in the planning and to what degree? I have to tell you that although I’m very happy the air strike was canceled, I have even LESS confidence in individual 1 as the “commander in chief” than before this incident. (Which was already close to ZERO)

I’ve been saying since the start of his “term” it’s just a matter of time until this bumbling so-called president is going to be pushed into a crisis by someone who would love to see America further torn apart. I keep telling myself Osama bin Laden has totally succeeded in his goal to cause America to tear apart from the inside out when he planned the 9/11 attack. And, of course, Vladimir Putin is right there trying to stimulate that result. (Although, even Putin sees the folly – for the world – in the U.S. starting another WAR in the Middle East – in this case with Iran. Won’t it be interesting if, at some point, we learn individual 1 actually called off the attack via Putin’s orders????)

And, keep in mind, this is all the work of individual 1’s attempting to push Iran to the point where they come on their knees asking him to back off on the sanctions he cinched up after “tearing up” the “Iran Nuclear deal” – ostensibly because it was part of President Obama’s legacy. (If that’s not clear to you, tearing down Obama’s “legacy” is a key part of individual 1’s own “legacy” – and, I believe, history will not be kind to this obsession) I have to say if individual 1 actually believes the Iranians are going to come begging for “mercy” he’s as deluded as Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were when they claimed the Iraqi’s would treat Americans as hero’s for toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein. (Actually, some of those same deluded advisers – ie John Bolton – are part of this emerging fiasco)

As usual, I can’t keep up with the scandal a day administration of individual 1 and, I’m sure this is individual 1’s goal. (I started this post a couple weeks ago and just didn’t have the gumption to finish it until I saw the pictures of the immigrants in CAGES to the point where, in some instances, they can’t even lie down) I’m getting numb to all this and having to force myself to keep paying attention. I’m realistic enough to understand it is the younger generation of Americans who will be those who STOP this takeover of our republic by this BULLY who seems to have not only republicans shaking in their boots in fear of a nasty tweet but apparently democrats as well, because talk of IMPEACHMENT has subsided as democrats wait for the testimony of Robert Mueller – which will be followed by more excuses as to why IMPEACHMENT is “off the table.”

Actually, I’ve been wanting to write about my frustration with the democrats – a frustration I’ve been periodically pointing out since the 2007 Congress which failed to act against the TORTURE being authorized by GW Bush/Dick Cheney/Don Rumsfeld – authorizations which essentially made them WAR CRIMINALS. Not only did the democratic controlled House (under Nancy Pelosi’s first term as the Speaker) fail to act to hold Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld accountable – while the world watched in horror – but, then, in 2009, upon taking the oath of the office of President of the United States – an oath which requires the president to “faithfully defend the constitution and the laws of the land” (That’s my poor summary of the oath, but you get the idea) – Barack Obama said, in regard to the illegal acts of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, “We’re going to look forward instead of back.” I’ve written endlessly of the folly of that decision – one result being the lawless administration of individual 1 – who, I’m sure, is counting on the same “philosophy” after he’s voted out of office – hopefully, in 2020 if not IMPEACHED sooner!

Individual 1 continues to push the boundaries of what has been traditionally acceptable in this country and the democrats continue to allow him to do so. I’ve said many times that, sadly, “we the people” are depending on the democrats to stop what has been a slow republican assault on the American system of government – beginning with the administration of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Apparently, democrats have accepted that we just have to persevere until 2020 to have the opportunity to remove individual 1 from office. Ms. Pelosi seems to fear the independent voters to the point where she’s BLOCKING the IMPEACHMENT inquiry which SHOULD be well under way as I’m writing this. Individual 1 has a plan to continue dominating the news cycles with “stuff” that would be unacceptable at any other time in my life, most of it “IMPEACHABLE.”

This democratic plan – which comes across to many – most importantly republicans – as WEAK, just seems like “more of the same.” It’s like democrats are coming to a duel with a Frisbee. While Ms. Pelosi is worried about turning off independent voters via an IMPEACHMENT inquiry, the real problem, as I see it, is democrats turning off their progressive base – which will cause many to fail, AGAIN, to vote come November of 2020. Individual 1 continues to push the boundaries of acceptable behavior and democrats continue to be almost invisible. Not only are democrats failing to act aggressively to STOP individual 1 but they are also almost naively losing the MESSAGING battle – while we all know individual 1 is pummeling Facebook with real “Fake news” – AND, likely, with the help of Vladimir Putin and the Russians. Putin is likely laughing at democrats as much as anyone because he really didn’t like how Barack Obama was attempting to block his push to undermine NATO and break up the traditional Western alliances.

So, while individual 1 causes one “scandal” after another – to the point where I’m not the only American becoming numb to the reality he keeps “getting away with lawless behavior” – the democrats are demonstrating they are in “over their heads.” I started pointing out, years ago, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America and those of us who believe in bottom up government and the ideals of the New Deal have no choice but to depend on democrats to return this nation to sanity. That is a frustrating situation for someone like me. I believe well over 50% of Americans want nothing to do with individual 1, but the democrats MUST figure out how to get them to the polls. And, individual 1 has no limits on what he’ll “stoop” to in order to remain in office past 2020.

For example, the potential fiasco which originally caused me to start writing this post was the potential for a WAR in Iran. Trust me, if individual 1 would believe WAR in Iran was the way to get re-elected, well, you “get” where I’m going with this. Keep in mind, his “advisors” (If anyone can advise him about anything) are Mike Pompeo and John Bolton – two “classic” Iran WAR hawks. And, there are people in the Senate like Lindsey Graham who would be right there encouraging individual 1 (likely on the golf course) not to take any “crap” from the Iranians – who the administration is attempting to push into a corner – with the possibility that someone does something to create an unnecessary (and stupid) “crisis.” Of course, in the last few weeks we’ve heard nothing of the Iran situation and now the “news” is focused on the OUTRAGE at our Southern border – people packed into holding CELLS like “sardines.” (a quick aside: Yesterday I saw a “clip” of Lindsey Graham standing next to Bill Barr as Barr was pointing out individual 1 – with Barr’s help – will find a way to get around the Supreme Court in regard to the “citizenship” question on the census – likely dictatorship 101 – and Graham just looked pathetic. He’s become the iconic image of the pathetic “lapdog.” Sad!)

America has a history of “stains” which began with slavery nearly 400 years ago. It includes the genocide of Native American cultures and, in WW II the herding of Japanese Americans into holding CELLS similar to what is happening on our Southern border right now. We’ve allowed our CIA, over the years, to remove democratically elected leaders from office in countries where our corporate “leaders” were intent on plundering the natural resources of those nations. (In fact, that is how the “issue” with Iran originated – with the overthrow of their leader Mosaddegh, leading to the brutal regime of the “Shah of Iran”) And, of course, the invasion of Iraq in 2003 is another “stain of epic proportions.” Individual 1 is piling more “stain” on what will soon be the next chapter in American history. What is happening at our Southern border will not be soon forgotten around the world – even if the republicans succeed in getting “we the people” to choose to “look the other way.”

Progressives feel as if there is no way we can make a difference, there’s no way we can stop something which seems to be as disgusting as anything in recent memory – watching the pictures of these people who are simply seeking refuge being packed into CELLS inhumanely – pictures which will NEVER go away. Honestly, it breaks my heart to be writing this and, as someone who votes in EVERY election, the feeling of hopelessness is deflating. And, to me as a Christian, the WORST part of this latest “stain” is that individual 1’s “base” is dominated by the so-called “evangelic Christians.” Along with individual 1 we see the leaders of the so-called “Religious Right” encouraging this inhumane policy – actually cheering it on. For those Americans who need a “history lesson” they need to read about Germany in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. The parallels to individual 1 and his “Christian” base are startling!

Final Thought: If you don’t understand my final point, read the biography of Diedrich Bonhoeffer.

One More Thing: This post has been sitting here for a couple weeks (at least) as I try to force myself to ignore individual 1. While paying attention doesn’t feel good, neither does ignoring – in fact, that feels much worse – because I KNOW what is at stake. Yesterday my brother-in-law sent me an article which you can read by clicking HERE. It expresses my frustration with individual 1’s “base” much better than I could ever hope to do. I feel it’s the “Christians” who scoff at Jesus when he says “What you do to the least of these you do TO ME” who, ultimately, are responsible for individual 1 and his brazen lawlessness. They’re encouraging it!

Stop and think, just for a moment, about people who’ve enjoyed “White privilege” for their entire lives referring to those in the African American and Latino communities along with progressive thinking Americans (like myself) as “liberal elites.” We’re talking about people like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Ralph Reed. What’s the saying? “Come on man!” Enough said. If you’ve gotten this far – read the article which is linked above!

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