Trump has come closer to turning America into a fascist nation than Hitler ever did!

Today it was announced Trump has received a “target letter” from Jack Smith regarding the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 giving him four days to choose whether to go before the Grand Jury and defend himself – which EVERYONE knows he’ll NEVER do. What this means is it’s very likely Trump’s NEXT indictment will happen at some point next week. (The week of July 21st through July 26th.) It will be interesting to see how detailed Mr. Smith will be – by all accounts he’s purported to be very detailed and thorough – and, how many of Trump’s co-conspirators will get caught up in the indictment.

It could be in the HUNDREDS – although I’m not convinced Smith will go that far although the CONSPIRACY seemed to cover numerous states across this nation. (Just this day the Attorney General of Michigan has charged 16 FAKE electors for their participation in Trump’s scheme with a series of FELONIES.) It could/should include several members of the House of Representatives (and, maybe, Ted Cruz?) including Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mo Brooks, Louie Ghomert, and many others – including the crazy lawyers (Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, and others) Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, plus Ginni Thomas (read some of her texts which are public knowledge) all the FAKE electors and those who recruited them and, possibly, Jared Kushner (if Smith charges the frudulent campaign fundraising of about a quarter BILLION dollars which was never used for the purpose stated in the solicitations.)

I’m writing this prior to the anticipated indictment to remind myself to spend some time speculating on where Smith may be going with this (alleged) indictment. The way I see it, there could be more than one way to decide what is the best course of action. And, one of them, quite possibly, would be what they’ll face in the courtroom of Aileen Cannon in Florida during the lead up to the trial in Trump’s Classified Documents case. I don’t believe the government prosecutors trust Ms. Cannon to cause the trial to fall into the “Speedy Trial” which the constitution “requires.” Therefore, does Smith want to have ANOTHER case which could get pushed up against the 2024 election? Obviously, that will be Trump’s plan – assuming republicans are STUPID enough to nominate him once again for the presidency.

If the charges are limited I believe it will be due to the expediency Mr. Smith wants in regard to this investigation which is about ONE year past due – based on where it should have happened. I’ve been part of the resounding chorus of Americans who’ve questioned the bona fides of Merrick Garland and there seems to be evidence, as many worried, it took the January 6th Select Committee’s report to get the Justice Department off their collective asses – instead of keeping their focus on the sycophants who Trump DUPED into doing his dirty work on January 6th, 2021 – even Trump, at the time, said “remember this date forever.” I’m just trying to help him do just that!

Reports have emerged there will be THREE categories in the indictment. I won’t speculate other than to say it appears Smith doesn’t feel charging Trump with SEDITIOUS conspiracy – along with the “R’s in Congress” who he was scheming with – not to mention the lawyers and those pushing the “fake elector” scheme – make no mistake, Trump and his minions were attempting to OVERTHROW our government and truth be told, he’s continuing his plan to turn America into a FACIST state – despite his (projection) words suggesting Biden is the “facist.” Remember, these republicans – and Trump especially – operate in a fact free world. They feel not the slightest need to back up their outrageous comments with anything even resembling facts.

I’m hearing/reading warnings about what will happen should Trump somehow get re-elected – but, keep in mind, he’s “written” the “playbook” and, I believe any republican will attempt the same authoritarian takeover of our government should Trump not be the republican nominee. Trump is running out in self preservation mode because I can imagine he FEARS jail more than anything else – and, he believes he can avoid his legal troubles by getting re-elected – just as he avoided them during his 4 year reign on “we the people.” Question: Are the American people STUPID enough to want another four years of this thug? Lord help us!

Here’s the deal – many hard right “Christians” are totally OK with a facist dictatorship – I actually know some of them. They profess to be “conservatives” – BUT they support Trump and if you ask them “what is a conservative?” They get mad at you for being inquisitive. Some will simply say anyone who opposes abortion. Most progressives like me aren’t “pro abortion” – they’re pro letting a woman have autonomy over her own body. It’s appearing more and more as if “conservatives” want to turn back the clock to the days when “a woman’s place is in the home.”

I’ve read several articles of late warning “we the people” of the grave challenges of the 2024 election – which, to an extent, I would totally agree. But, what I’m not hearing/reading is the imperative people (democrats, independents, and disaffected republicans) show up in MASSIVE numbers and vote AGAINST republicans – not only in 2024, but for the foreseeable future as these republicans – who are the “offspring” of America’s “oligarch” society (and, of course, they call people like me an “elitist”) – have not/will not be deturred by political defeat. They just keep coming back like a “bad dream.” (Their access to money is unlimited and their desire for what Karl Rove refered to as a “permanent republican majority” requires serious CHEATING – the perfect scenario for Trump)

That’s one issue I have with progressives. They win an election and think all is well. That’s what republicans count on and what happened with Obama’s election leading to the reign of Trump. Hopefully, it won’t happen with Biden’s election – even if Biden wins a second term. These republicans (white nationaists, ie “deplorables”) will just attempt to raise even more hell. They include more “deplorable” people than just Trump.

Have you paid attention to Elon Musk lately? He has so much money he was able to buy a platform where he could spew his right wing HATE for $44 BILLION – and, in essence, run it into the ground while giving neo-Nazi’s a spigot for their HATE once again. And, the other major social media networks (Facebook and Youtube) have relaxed their “rules” allowing the right wing HATERS to have more avenues for spreading their “garbage.” Social media outlets have been the perfect sounding board for mis/disinformation.

It is the use of these social media networks that people integrated into the White Nationaist movement with the militia movements and other right wing “movements” using these platforms to “recruit” their radicalized minions (Just as foreign radicals like ISIS uses social media for recruiting). Trump’s intention is to bring right wing radicals “on board” to, once again, do his “dirty work” using social media. Consequently, the sheer number of Americans who are willing to throw our consitution to the wayside continues to grow as Trump, and other republicans, attack “we the people” using “culture wars” because that’s what energizes their base.

Hopefully, young people, women, African Americans, Latina’s, LGBTQ Americans, and old white “liberal” Americans like me are getting the message. I may not be around for the 2028 election, but I can guarantee you these white nationalists lining up behind Trump will be – whether Trump goes to jail or not. Trump has given them the “playbook,” they’ll find another “fuhrer” if that becomes necessary. The fact Trump’s base is largely composed of “conservative Christians” is eerily similar to Hitler’s base back in the 1930’s. Reminds me of the saying, “Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it.”

The way I see it, “we the people” MUST vote against republicans for at least a generation – or, until the “FREEDOM Caucus,” Keving McCarthy, Mitch McConnell and MOST of the rest of “present day republicans” (who have NO guts when it comes to challenging Trump) are voted into the HISTORY books. The courts are stacked against progressives – which is by design. State governments are passing voter suppression laws in alarming numbers (thanks to the Roberts SCOTUS) and, it’s imperative to fight (via the courts) against these laws. The SCOTUS is likely going to be made up of this “conservative” majority for a couple decades. Voting in another republican to the “White House” simply makes that reality much WORSE.

Here’s what republicans understand: There’s more of us (meaning progressives) than there are of them – so, to WIN they have to CHEAT. This didn’t start with Trump. Republicans CHEATED back in 2000 when the presidency was “stolen” from Al Gore via an earlier version of the Supreme Court. (A decision resulting in the Iraq (illegal) war – er, FIASCO. The history of the republican M.O. – “The end justifies the means” is what has led to their willingness to CHEAT – which they find creative ways to accomplish their goal – win at all cost!

And, beware, republicans have a history of supporting “third party” candidates in order to siphon off votes from the democratic candidate – a “sheme” which has not been well reported by our “liberal media.” When Reagan beat Carter republicans supported a “liberal republican” – John Anderson – who took votes from dsiaffected democrats – keeping them from voting for Carter. When GW Bush was granted the presidency by the Court, it wouildn’t have been even close save for Ralph Nader running on the “Green Party” ticket and, of course, Trump benefited from the impossible candidacy of Jill Stein – not only helped by republican money but Ms Stein was even a guest of Vladimir Putin prior to the election. I’ll let you put two plus two together. Go figure!

The bottom line here is “we the people” MUST be participants in the upcoming elections (for the next 20 – 30 years) with the goal of voting AGAINST republicans. The future for our children and grandchildren (if you’re old like me) depends on it. If this summer hasn’t convinced you the Climate Crisis is real – well, brace yourself for this fall when the HURRICANE season hits full force. (And, the wildfire crisis is already upon us) And, it’s hard for me to understand why any woman would vote for a republican because their goal is to make abortion illegal with no exceptions – nationwide.

Remembering when my (first) wife was having a miscarriage I couldn’t help but think had we lived in today’s Texas her life would have been in danger (without seeking medical help outside the state – but, the situation was an emergency which would have threatened her life had doctor’s been reluctant to, in essence, perform an abortion allowing her to bear children at a later date. What that means is there are now states in America where a woman getting pregnant potentially puts her life in danger. Yikes!!!

The gun crisis, the education crisis – and, I could go on and on – there are so many issues where the “will” of “we the people” is not addressed because of a one word answer: republicans! I spent the last 23 years of my working life teaching 6th graders in Middle School. To this day I remember when GW Bush instituted the “No Child left behind” legislation shortly after taking office in 2001. It was cleat to me, at the time, republicans were turning up the “heat” on their desire to undermine public education. Well, it’s now at the “boiling” point. And, progressives need to “fight back” at the ballot box in order to save/strengthen our public education system.

These are just some of the reasons why it’s IMPERATIVE for America’s voters to reject republicans at the polls for the next couple of decades – or, until these radicals who’ve taken over the republican party are voted, as I’ve often said here, into the History books – books that should NOT be removed from the shelves in the libraries. Along with the importance of VOTING for “we the people” it’s also IMPERATIVE the Justice Department prove that “no one is above the law” by prosecuting those who CONSPIRED with Trump to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The sooner Trump is in a Court of Law being forced to defend his actions the better.

Prosecuting Trump and voting out republicans will be an important first step in preserving our Constitutional democratic republic which has endured over 240 years with lots of “hiccups” (OK, bad stuff) but has proven the Constitution is a “living document” which is why “we the people” continue to push our nation toward the “ideal” that “all men (and women) are created equal.” Striving for MORE inclusion instead of attempting to “turn back the clock” reversing hard fought gains in Civil (and human) Rights over the past 60 years. I’ll end this by saying, once again, Trump has come closer to turning America into a fascist nation than Hitler ever did! It’s up to “we the people” (and the Justice Department) to ensure he NEVER accomplishes his goal!

Final Thought: I mentioned above Elon Musk and his takeover of “Twitter.” He has shown his true self since that point in time – at least to me (a non social media user). I WAS a strong supporter of Tesla because it’s obvious to me “we the people” MUST find an alternative to fossil fuels “sooner rather than later.” To me, that means Musk deserves credit for supercharging the push for electric cars (although Chevrolet was farther along regarding electic vehicles than most people understand – but, Musk was the “instigator” of the EV “revolution” in my mind.)

That being said, at this point, there is little to NO chance I would ever purchase a Tesla. I see Musk as one of the “American Oligarchs” who are willing to use their money to, in essence, “burn the house down” – with the “house” being America’s “democracy.” He’s in the “good ole boys club” of Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, and others who are pouring their money into politics behind some really “Trumpian” candidates. Naturally, there’s a whole lot more “Oligarchs” in America who have, in essence, bought many (if not MOST) of America’s political “leaders.” Musk is just “advertising” his right wing “bona fides” on his new toy, Twitter – and it just almost makes me sick to my stomach. Reminds me of the proverb (once again) that “money is the root of all evil.” Stay tuned……

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