There are too many CRITICAL issues facing “we the people” to put up with the republican REVENGE “tour” any longer. VOTE!!!

How could America have evolved to the point where today’s republicans, in both the House and the Senate (not to mention the presidential candidates), could possibly be so “effing” (to use a phrase from the January 6th Committee’s report) STUPID. And, yes, I’m talking about you, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee, Tommy Tuberville, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Louie Ghomert, Scott Perry, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and, sadly, a bunch more. And, then there’s the HUGE segment of republican COWARDS who know what their party is doing is WRONG, but don’t have the guts to SPEAK OUT! It really is shameful.

In this present Congress republicans are accomplishing NOTHING. They can’t even pass the 2023 Defense Appropriations bill without creating a public “stink.” And, of course, the Defense Department can’t promote ANY officers because Tommy Tuberville, who says “White Nationalists are simply Americans.” (Well, he’s somewhat correct – in that many of them are – plus they’re , by definition, RACISTS. Truth be told, there’s White Nationalists in many other countries around the world) Tuberville continues to broadcast he’s an “effing” IDIOT. (How do people like this get voted into Congress?)

So, the latest item republicans are wrapping their minds around in their 24/7 attempt to keep Joe Biden’s “poll numbers” down involves, naturally, more STUPID (and dangerous) “stuff.” Joe Biden put 3000 American reservists on notice they may be shipped off to Europe to give a break to troops already stationed there (about 100,000 are there as I write this). Oh my god, the republicans are seemingly pooping all over themselves. The aforementioned Cruz and Lee (along with assorted right wing “pundits”) are suggesting Biden is attempting to start WW III. Yikes! The absurdity never seems to end.

However, when you take a sober look at what Biden has been doing for the last 18 months, it’s exactly the opposite. I would like our “liberal media” to put the moniker “Neville Chamberlain” on these republican IDIOTS. For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention or hasn’t read anything about American and World History, Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister who took Adolf Hitler at his word in order to avoid a war – well, we all know how that turned out. (It’s more complicated than that – but, suffice it to say, Putin’s goal was NOT simply Ukraine) Biden has done a MASTERFUL job in unifying (and expanding) NATO in the face of Putin’s naked aggession and, now, the only issue is how is Putin/Russia going to “save face” as they are LOSING badly. (Their hope is to hang on long enough for Trump to retake the “White House” – that’s the ONLY way they succeed in Ukraine).

Honestly, it’s really tiring watching all the BS coming from the “right” in our country. The so-called “conservatives” want to “defund the DOJ and the FBI” – which, of course, would allow Trump to violate even MORE of our laws – in fact, when you think about it, the laws would only apply to “liberals” (like me, apparently) and “Black and Brown” people. Trump didn’t get much done in his four years of chaos, but he’d be able to be a full time “president” should he “win” once more – because he’s got a lot of REVENGE to conduct. And, how could he win you might ask with 60% (or more) of Americans viewing him unfavorably? Of course, by CHEATING!

And, CHEATING is now being “baked in” to the republican party beyond what even I could have imagined. I’ve been lamenting for over 15 years (here) that “we the people” MUST vote these THUGS into the History books – Trump’s place will be right next to Benedict Arnold and there are a plethora of republicans who apparently want to be in that same section of the book. Trump tried to overthrow our government. To me, that makes him a traitor! (Don’t believe me? I heard him with my own ears on national TV say: Mike Pense had the power to overthrow the election – you can read for yourself HERE) Not only a TRAITOR, but DELUSIONAL!

Here’s the main reason why republicans are going to be searching the “bottom of the barrel” for smears on Biden. The economy continues to “chug” along, spitting out jobs at an hisoric rate, inflation is coming down, infrastructure jobs are “happening” and ramping up all across the country, soon America will be producing her own Semi-conductor chips – manufacturing is up, and, actually, people’s attitudes about the economy are going “up” as well. We KNOW there’s about 35% of America who will never be satisfied – and, there’s a lot of democrats who want a younger candidate than Biden – but, when push comes to shove, I believe defeating TRUMP once more will be priority one in the 2024 election.

Young people, women, African Americans, Latinos, and supposed “liberals” like me – actually, old people who care about preserving our nation’s heritage (wart’s and all) for our Children and grandchildren will need to VOTE in record numbers to overcome the potential for CHEATING republicans have “baked in” to several of the state legislatures around the country. The most blatant example, to me, came in Texas, where the state legislature gave itself the authority to intervene in “Harris County” – because, you know, voter fraud! (Which doesn’t exist except for peoplle voting twice for Trump) What does exist in Harris County is a bunch of “liberals” who vote for democrats. This kind of BS is happening because of decisions by the Supreme Court which gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – suggesting “voter suppression is no longer an issue in today’s America.” (Apparently, you can graduate from Harvard Law School and still be STUPID)

It is the Court, in fact, which gives “liberals” and especially WOMEN the motivation to VOTE in record numbers. And, I’m not just talking about voting Biden into a second term, but give him a Senate majority large enough to overcome the “Blue Dog” democrats (and, turncoat Kyrsten Sinema) – plus, of course, get these wacked out republicans out of control of the House. If you haven’t been paying attention, the only thing the House republicans have accomplished is – well, NOTHING! We will soon be experiencing the latest in the (getting) long line of republican led government SHUTDOWNS – and, trust me, the right wing republicans (the freedom [?] caucus) in the House will be slobbering all over themselves as if they’ve finally accomplished something. Of course, they’ll blame Biden, and MILLIONS of their sycophants will believe them!

They (the House republicans) are attempting to cut off all aid to Ukraine – apparently, to stop the embarrassment Vladimir Putin (and them?) are feeling about the Russian failure to do a “blitzkrieg” right into Kyiv back in Feb. 2022. Honestly, listening to Marjorie Taylor Greene makes my stomach curdle but she’s been put into a position of POWER in the House so I have to listen. Do the people of Georgia understand what they’ve stent to Congress? Or, does she actually represent the mental capacity of the people of her district? Gives you a good idea why republicans want to ban books in public school libraries – and, why they don’t want our children being allowed to feel “uncomfortable” in school (unless they are Black, Latina, LGBTQ, or ????) by hearing/reading of the TRUTH about our nation.

I used to have breakfast with a “conservative” who eventually got sucked into the Trump CULT to a point I was unable to comprehend. At first, I started noticing some of the things coming from his mouth which were outright “conspiracy theories” that made no sense. This man raised three African American children whom he adopted (and, who called him “Dad”) which was one of the main reasons I felt comforable having a dialogue with him – though we came from polar opposite political viewpoints. What really got to me (as he was making antagonistic comments via email during the pandemic) was when I put two and two together with some of his words which were – simply, no other way to look at it – racist. I was a bit shocked. I won’t go into detail anymore than to say he said he didn’t belive in “democracy” and certainly didn’t feel inner city Black people should have the right to vote. (including his children) He said other stuff, but that pretty much left our conversations with no place to go. (He was also predicting the “Civil War” you hear when you’re tuned into far right wack job websites – as if he was a “believer” AND, of course, he believed the “election was stolen” – why? Because Trump said so!)

Like so many other “conservatives” my friend claimed to be a “conservative Christian.” I continue to struggle with how any “Christian” could “square” the actions and words coming from Trump with the “teachings of Jesus.” I have to force myself to believe they must be indulging in the “Old Testament” in ways to justify the ILLEGAL conduct carried on by MANY of their republican “leaders” – not to mention the “organized CRIME” level of conduct coming from Trump on a regular basis. Yes, we are ALL flawed humans, but somehow I have to force myself to continue my belief in Jesus while “Christians” all across America are acting as if the Bible doesn’t exist – even knowing “twisting” the meaning of scripture is difficult to avoid – using my own case as an example – I can’t avoid my preconceived notions each time I read/listen to it.

I’ve said this before many times here, Trump is violationg laws with IMPUNITY to the point where people have become numb to what he’s doing – forcing themselves to accept that it’s OK. But, if a democrat were doing what Trump has done? OMG!! When Trump was in office hardly a day went by when Trump didn’t push the boundaries of what is acceptable in America. One institution after another was challenged as he proved again and again he had little to no idea what is actually in our constitution. Steve Bannon was purged from his administration in the first two years but he laid out the goal of Trump’s administration in one succinct phrase: “Deconstruct the administrative state.” That will be the “new” plan on “steroids” should “we the people” be STUPID enough to grant his wish to obliterate our democratic republic. Trump is actually “saying the quiet part out loud” in this respect as his “campaign” is heating up. It will be all about REVENGE – with House republicans are attempting to initiate his REVENGE during the remaining two years of their “rule” in the House.

House republicans have attempted to IMPEACH Joe Biden with “trumped up” (pun intended) conspiracy theories they, like their CULT leader, are unable to support with actual evidence. They spout they want to IMPEACH Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, and, anyone else who they believe is acting in the best interests of this nation. The bottom line for these republicans is that POWER is more important than our constitutional democratic republic. They are unwilling to attempt to cause a majority of American voters to actually vote for them based on the issues. I recently read a book by Kurt Andersen titled “Fantasyland” and he documents the willfulness of Americans to fall/have fallen for “BS” (my characterization) from the earliest days of our republic right up to what is happening now. Based on Andersen’s “thesis” it should be no surprise a CON artist like Trump could DUPE a large section of our public.

Final Thought: It was reported today that Trump has received a “Target Letter” from Jack Smith regarding his attempt to overthrow our 2020 election. Apparently he was given four days to report to the Grand Jury in order to give his “side” of the issue. Do you believe Trump will show up to testify on his own behalf? Of course not – he can’t complete three sentences without spewing at least one outright LIE. This will be the THIRD indictment of Trump – he’s already facing 74 FELONY counts – and, for me, this is the most important investigation. (Although, what he was doing with all the CLASSIFIED documents could be almost as dangerous to this nation – we’ll probably never know the full extent of who he shared that material with or whether he managed to monetize the documents???)

I pointed out soon after the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION and following the U.S. Senate refusing to CONVICT Trump of what they ALL knew he was guilty that “the TRUTH will come out” drip, drip, drip. I also questioned Merrick Garland’s “stomach” for indicting a former president – which likely wouldn’t have happened except for the January 6th Select Committee’s report and had Garland not FINALLY decided to turn the investigation over to Jack Smith. It has taken MUCH too long to get to this point, but, if the DOJ had decided against holding Trump (and, hopefully the “R’s” he mentioned when attempting to get the head of the Justice Department to “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R’s.”) accountable that would have entrenched there is no “rule of law” in America if you’re rich and powerful.

I believe the main reason Trump is running for a second term is because he’s trying to head off these prosecutions which actually threaten his liberty. (So far, not working too well) His “base” is sticking with him because the rest of our political system is/has been fighting to help this nation evolve from her – what I called above – warts (specifically racism) – what Ron DeSantis refers to as “wokeism.” I’m not the only person suggesting when you see the republicans using the term “woke” (which they likely don’t understand what it actually means according to the “slang” where it originated) you can substitute the word “Black.” It’s imperative the young people of America vote in HUGE numbers.

I realize young and more progressive voters are frustrated we have an 80 year old president, but I would suggest to them he’s accomplished MORE than ANY president since, likely, LBJ. And, there’s more he can accomplish if VOTERS give him MORE democrats in the Senate and democratic control of the House – instead of these wackjobs who are “running” things there as I’m writing this. And, the issues are PARAMOUNT: Climate Crisis, Guns, Voting Rights, Women’s rights, the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, Education (including forgiving student loan debt and making university education affordable), and, of course, the preservation of our “democracy.” The stakes couldn’t be higher and my hope is voters finally listen to me – vote AGAINST republicans. Once we PURGE these right wing despots out of office it will be time to get back to debating the differences between progressive and conservative policy. (If you want an example of an ACTUAL conservative – check out Liz Cheney – who I have little in common with except that I RESPECT her courage and honesty)

There are too many CRITICAL issues facing “we the people” to put up with the republican REVENGE “tour” any longer. VOTE!!!

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